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  1. #1
    Sweet 15 Parties In trinidadByA coming of age ceremony for boys and girls in their teens is very common internationally. In countries with a Spanish record, The girl's coming of age ceremony is termed a quinceanera or Sweet 15. The occasion marks her transition from child to young woman, just like the Sweet 16 parties of the US and Canada and the Japanese seijin shiki tradition. the dominican republic quinceanera is quite different from the Mexican version, And really of any simple Latin nation.A Dominican quinceanera typically begins with full Mass at a Catholic Church, With a party to click on. No doubt you have received a formal invitation to the event; The start times for all this will be on it. Stay true to usual Dominican time customs, Arrive around an hour after what is indicated on the invitation. dating a spanish girl You could be left a slave to by yourself if you do otherwise. Take the invitation on hand to the party or reception. Very often all of these events are held at a public place, Thus stationery are needed to prevent 'gate crashers'.Bring something, Card and be sure it's all wrapped nicely. Silver picture frames are very popularly used, But use good sense and when in doubt ask a few local women what they recommend for a quinceanera gift. Most Sweet 15 parties are attended by the entire extended family of the guest of honor, Almost the entire school she attends and associated with other guests. Make sure you have formal dress before getting ready to go. guys, expect you'll wear your best suit. Ladies should have their hair nicely styled or have a manicure for the event. In taking your dress, be extremely careful not to out do the quinceanera's dress. Find out ahead of time what her dress color is and choose something different.At the initial Mass, 14 couples will accompany the quinceanera and her partner to the altar for your service. When everyone arrives at the reception, A great deal of dancing can be expected. The beautiful spanish women young woman under consideration will waltz with her partner, Her dad, And soon after a few uncles. Then it is customary for all 15 male escorts to carry out a series of choreographed dances. The music may vary from merengue to salsa to pop and back to classical.The reception will add a large buffet and an open bar. customarily, teenage boys from 13 years will be served alcohol, But the ladies under 18 will abstain. Eventually, Party favors are given to all guests and people asked to sign an album.

  2. #2
    Independent DMX7's Avatar
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    That's great but this is the college sports forum, not the club.

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