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  1. #1
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    That's all. If you want to share a comment about the best player in the world please do it here.

  2. #2
    CDs Nuts. resistanze's Avatar
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    He took a dump on Zaragoza and was kind enough to give Ibra a free goal. Just another day at the office.

  3. #3
    Ain't over 'till its over MaNuMaNiAc's Avatar
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    Cabe alguna duda que la razon por la cual no rinde en la seleccion es Maradona??

  4. #4
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Cabe alguna duda que la razon por la cual no rinde en la seleccion es Maradona??
    That's awesome! Can you find the play he made that ended in the penalty?

  5. #5
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Not the best definition but it's all I can find for now.

  6. #6
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    the problem is weak ass defenders not willing to take him down...fkn scared pussies

  7. #7
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    the problem is weak ass defenders not willing to take him down...fkn scared pussies
    They are the same weak ass defenders that defend your boy CR9, why can't he do the same?

  8. #8
    Porque hablemos en Ingles, si a nadie del foro de San Antonio le interesa un comino Messi y el Futbol o como ellos dicen Soccer.

    Messi si gana el mundial con una buena actuacion, como los ultimos 3 partidos contra Valencia, Sttuggart y Zaragoza sera mas grande que Maradona y Pele juntos.


  9. #9
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Porque hablemos en Ingles, si a nadie del foro de San Antonio le interesa un comino Messi y el Futbol o como ellos dicen Soccer.

    Messi si gana el mundial con una buena actuacion, como los ultimos 3 partidos contra Valencia, Sttuggart y Zaragoza sera mas grande que Maradona y Pele juntos.

    No es cierto, resistanze y TDMVPDPOY les gusta discutir sobre futbol y no hablan Español, y doy esos ejemplos no mas por que son los que postearon en este thread, pero hay muchisimos otros miembros que les gusta el futbol y no saben español, los europeos y muchos estadounidenses tambien. Para hablar en español esta el foro internacional.

  10. #10
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Better quality plus English commentators, although, it doesn't have Messi's play before Barca's penalty.

  11. #11
    Veteran velik_m's Avatar
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  12. #12
    --- SAtown's Avatar
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    si a nadie del foro de San Antonio le interesa un comino Messi y el Futbol o como ellos dicen Soccer.
    Como sabes? Si hay algunos mexicanos ke "postean" aki tambien wey. Tal vez no tantos como los pinches Argies que han llegado desde el 2003+ pero si hay...

  13. #13
    --- SAtown's Avatar
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    Better quality plus English commentators, although, it doesn't have Messi's play before Barca's penalty.
    Ya la verdad, ke pedo con tu avatar? Te gustan las perras o ke pedo? Que asco wey

  14. #14
    DAF86 lo siento no quise ofender a nadie. Excelente el 2do gol de Messi, espero juegue asi el mundial.

    Satown te refieres a mi?


  15. #15
    TheDrewShow is salty lefty's Avatar
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    Messi is the best player in the world right now

    \No ing contest.

    Plus, he is a class act.

    But he is still a piece of compared to Pele, Maradona and Zidane

  16. #16
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    Messi doesn´t belong in the same sentence with those you named until he wins something with his NT (being its best player).
    But he is not a piece of . LOL.

    Unfortunately, he has ty teammates (not all of them) and coach in our NT.

    He is playing at a high level right now. Above everybody else in the world TODAY.

  17. #17
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Ya la verdad, ke pedo con tu avatar? Te gustan las perras o ke pedo? Que asco wey
    Y que onda con tu avatar? Te gustan los jugadores de futbol mediocres y virgenes? Que pinche gay.

  18. #18
    CDs Nuts. resistanze's Avatar
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  19. #19
    DAF86 no entiendo el Español de Mexico, por ahi esas expresiones no se entiende, pero la muñeca que aparece en mi firma se llama Mariana Davalos. Es una modelo Colombiana, tiene una hermana gemela que tambien es modelo, se llama Camila.


  20. #20
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    DAF86 no entiendo el Español de Mexico, por ahi esas expresiones no se entiende, pero la muñeca que aparece en mi firma se llama Mariana Davalos. Es una modelo Colombiana, tiene una hermana gemela que tambien es modelo, se llama Camila.

    Eh??? El comentario anterior mio fue dirigido a SAtown, ya se que la chica de tu firma se llama Mariana Davalos (ya la anduve chequeando en google ), muy bueno tu aporte je je.

  21. #21
    Chunky Brazil's Avatar
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    Porque hablemos en Ingles, si a nadie del foro de San Antonio le interesa un comino Messi y el Futbol o como ellos dicen Soccer.

    Messi si gana el mundial con una buena actuacion, como los ultimos 3 partidos contra Valencia, Sttuggart y Zaragoza sera mas grande que Maradona y Pele juntos.

    keep it easy ! we will compare him to Maradona or Pele or Zidane ... when the guy will be a star during several WCs untill that he is "just" a of a player. To enter in the legend you have to show that regularly in the biggest compe ions.

  22. #22
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    keep it easy ! we will compare him to Maradona or Pele or Zidane ... when the guy will be a star during several WCs untill that he is "just" a of a player. To enter in the legend you have to show that regularly in the biggest compe ions.
    IDK, if he wins just one WC and playing like he's doing right now I think we can already place him alongside the trully greats of this sport.

  23. #23
    keep it easy ! we will compare him to Maradona or Pele or Zidane ... when the guy will be a star during several WCs untill that he is "just" a of a player. To enter in the legend you have to show that regularly in the biggest compe ions.
    If he wins South Africa 2010 with 2 or 3 fantastics goals equal to that made against Getafe in 2007, will be considered at the level of Maradona. It has only 22 years. I repeat, only if he wins a WC.

  24. #24
    Ford is the Best in Texas scottspurs's Avatar
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    Messi is the Man, no argument here. He could end up being the greatest soccer/futbol player ever.

  25. #25
    Chunky Brazil's Avatar
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    If he wins South Africa 2010 with 2 or 3 fantastics goals equal to that made against Getafe in 2007, will be considered at the level of Maradona. It has only 22 years. I repeat, only if he wins a WC.
    I disagree even with that he wouldn't be Maradona, I think you forgot how great Maradona was. Maradona just won almost by himself two Italian championships !

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