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  1. #51
    like I said in a post earlier in this thread..........I have too much going on in my life to worry about that. My wife, daughter, our health, motgage, bills, etc... I'm not gonna stop my life becuase theres knucklheads in another country that wanna hurt us. THeres alot of poeple here that can do the same. I'm not saying I'm oblivious to it all, BUT someone gave me some real good advice once. Don't live in the past because you can't change it, and don't live in the future becuase you cant predict it. Sorry buddy, thats' my take you vote?

    you do know we theoretically vote to elect people to represent us don't you?

  2. #52
    Blood Dong
    listen, calling me stupid, what did that do for ya? And just because I don't agree with you in part or whole, does that mean I'm uninformed? NO!! You asked all theses questions, WHy this? Why that? WHy WHy WHy!! Well, I don't know, I'm more concerned with problems here where we live. And I've got a freakin laundry list of questions why things are the way they are here. And Yes I do vote, I even worked on a campaign for a state rep in Arlington, TX I'm sorry if you took the "chill out" comment the wrong way. Just seems a little excessive to me, when there is so much more going on here. Call me selfish, but I live here, not there.

  3. #53
    I didn't see anyone call you stupid...just apathetic.

    and Whottt was the one asking all the questions.


    If you aren't interested in the subject then don't open the thread.

  4. #54
    So far I am going to have to call this debate a draw. The Palestinians have a right to be pissed off, but collectively they behave like idiots as well.

  5. #55
    Blood Dong
    If you aren't interested in the subject then don't open the thread

    So now just cast me a side like a Palestinian?
    Just kidding.....agree to disagree..............good game

  6. #56
    adonis those were very nice answers.

    I'm going to reply to some of these posts but I need to wait until I get a little bit of freetime.

  7. #57
    Basically the Palestinians are paying the price for failed attempts to invade Israel on the part of Egypt and Jordan.

    In fact the PLO originally wanted to overthrow the Israel goverment and unite Jordan with all the occupied territory as the country of Paletstine. So it was in fact a Jordanian movement. It was backed by the Arab league and the Soviet Union who wanted to be rid of pro west Israel.

    The occupied territories also just happen to be stratgegic points that severely hamper Israel's ability to defend itself from attacks by Jordan and Syria. The occupied territories were launch points for past attacks on Israel.

    Jordan expelled the entire membership of the PLO from Jordan and they were also driven out of Lebanon.

    So no, it's not just a case of a bunch of homeless's a bunch of insane os that even the Arab countries don't want in their countries...and you guys want the people they have sworn to destroy to welcome them with open arms.

    Israel might have been more willing to let go of the occupied territories if the Palestinians didn't keep electing people that have sworn to eradicate Israel, as their leaders.

    You guys basically want Israel to sit there and get punched in the face without doing anything to defend itself...

    When I see you guys go and allow 5-7 men to gang up on you, throw punches at your face, and see you make no attempt to defend yourself and see you smile and give them a hug after they have done so......then I will agree with the point you are making.

    But as it stands...the Palestinian's are a bunch of crazy s lead by a bunch of even crazier s...Is Irael excessivly brutal towards civilians in defending itself or retaliating against suicide bombers? Perhaps...

    At worst, they are no worse than the Palestinian terrorists who also target civillians and unlike the Israelis hide amongst their own civiliians. I'll take the side of the sane people in this conflict...not the group that was too insane for even a despotic Arab country. It's not about's about opression, babarianism and cruelty VS social advancement.

    Advancement will always does..regardless of the right or wrong of it.

    If only Arafat had been accepted to UT the PLO might never have taken the direction it took...but it did and they now speak for the Palestinians, more or less...until that situation changes I side with Israel...

    By the solution to this problem...let it be known that anyone found plotting terrorist activities will be forced to marry a female water polo player...gurantee you that the mideast will enter a period of unparallelled peace. Some things are worse than death.

  8. #58
    Dang... I think I would go for the nucleur option before that last suggestion, Whott... some things are worse than death!

  9. #59

    I hadn't paid attention to US womens water polo till Whottt mentioned his monkey spanking material...

    Obviously the US olympic committee realized they had an esthetic problem with these girls. They took their team photo in....


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