Results 1 to 13 of 13
  1. #1

    Jim, you're an Observer!

    This means you're one of the more kind-hearted people around. You are unusually intuitive, and you probably understand yourself, as well as others. That also means you're a good mediator — though you may prefer to spend more time on your own than most.

    You are better equipped than many to steer your life in the right direction. Understanding more about the components of your personality will reveal unique information that even people like you might not realize. And the better you know yourself, the more confident you'll be making decisions that affect your life.

    And that's just scratching the surface!

  2. #2
    me, too

    Christy, you're an Observer!

    That means you're one of the more kind-hearted people around. You are unusually intuitive, and you probably understand yourself, as well as others. That also means you're a good mediator — though you may prefer to spend more quiet time on your own than most.

    Because of the self-knowledge you already possess, you are better equipped than many to steer your life in the right direction. Understanding more about the components of your personality will reveal unique information that even people like you might not realize. And the better you know yourself, the more confident you'll be making decisions that affect your life.

  3. #3
    Dr Jim- you're an Observer!...

    Yea....And I am Albert Einstein....

    You are more compe ive than Butkus!...You would turn a friendly ping pong game into some sort of death match with a 1000 dollars going to the winner...

  4. #4
    Camper, so you have watched me play ping pong?

    That compe ive part of me is to the extreme, but it is my mom's fault, as she was the same way.

  5. #5
    Another observer.

    Is life passing me by????

  6. #6
    Is life passing me by????
    Yes it is S y, you need to have a wild sexual encounter with a stud from another city, a city to the northeast of San need to excitement in your life and I got just what you need.

  7. #7
    hmmm.....feet people for teeth people. The possibilities...

  8. #8
    hmmm.....feet people for teeth people. The possibilities...
    hehehe...may I suggest someone who is known for what is more or less halfway between the feet and teeth?...:eyebrow

  9. #9
    I'm not going near that site... first thing you know everybody will want to do their own test, and I'll be stuck there for 36 hours straight and that shoots my med ratios to heck and then there will be major couch time as everybody wants to amend, correct or revile their assessments.

    I'm getting a headache already... :wacko

  10. #10
    Kori, you're a Movie Star!

    Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Movie Star which means you are a Golden / Success Your primary sub-type is defined by "Golden" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Success" characteristics.

    That means you're a bright ray of sunshine who secretly wonders why you're not famous yet. Chances are you don't get annoyed with people very easily, and you can handle stressful situations with grace. As if all that weren't enough, you're friendly, charming, and great with people.

    How do we know all this? How do we know that you like making your work environment cozy and hospitable? Or that you spend a lot of time on your appearance? How could we have divined that you never shy away from asserting your ideas and opinions, and encourage others to do the same?

    Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions — questions that measured confidence, apprehension, willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance — the primary traits that determine your personality. Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Movie Star.

  11. #11
    mike, you're an Observer!

    That means you're one of the more kind-hearted people around. You are unusually intuitive, and you probably understand yourself, as well as others. That also means you're a good mediator — though you may prefer to spend more quiet time on your own than most.

    Because of the self-knowledge you already possess, you are better equipped than many to steer your life in the right direction. Understanding more about the components of your personality will reveal unique information that even people like you might not realize. And the better you know yourself, the more confident you'll be making decisions that affect your life.

    How do we know this about you? Because while taking the test, you answered questions that measure the basic traits that make up your personality. We scored your answers on different personality characteristics and discovered not only that you're an Observer, but where you stand on those proven scientific scales.

  12. #12
    That means you're a bright ray of sunshine who secretly wonders why you're not famous yet.



    You are pretty famous in the SA sports scene as it is.

  13. #13
    T Park Num 9
    Screw SA.

    We want Kori to get her due props.

    The props she deserved from the days of the tilted head avatar, to the KORIDUNCAN handle.

    The days of on the sideline commmentating instead of color commentating.

    Due props for The "Princess" will be

    NATIONWIDE recognition.


    Kori, why didnt you do what your husband said and kick Stephen A Smith:Q

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