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  1. #76
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Joey be small is your penis? What exactly is considered small on a 140 pound boy? One my size for instance would be as thick as your scrawny little leg, cmon calf tats people are curious?
    way to finally come out... !

  2. #77
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    lol calf tats
    lol dead wife crying
    lol banned! hahahahahahahaha!

  3. #78
    Believe. Eric Dampier's Avatar
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    Can you please calm down with your use of sexual insults?

  4. #79
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Can you please calm down with your use of sexual insults?
    stop being a bunch of s and i'll stop calling it as i see it. it is what it is. own it !

  5. #80
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    so you're scared to answer the question. cmon how small is it?

    whatup eric dampier!? weak ass trolls!

  6. #81
    TD since 97 ezau's Avatar
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    Why is Goran Dragic banned?

  7. #82
    Long, Dark Blues redzero's Avatar
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    Why is Goran Dragic banned?
    He threw around the "n word."

  8. #83
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    if you were really a badass you'd get ball tats
    ok that does deserve a lol. thanks for the laugh!

  9. #84
    Veteran jack sommerset's Avatar
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    You should take a picture of yourself riding a donkey focusing on those bad boy spurs tats your sporting. It would look really cool. Maybe do a hi ho silver pic, you know with the donkey on it's two hind legs and those tats appearing as if they are keeping you balanced on the stud or just a shot of you pretending to kick the ass to get the beast to gallop.

    Long live spurs calf tats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #85
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    You should take a picture of yourself riding a donkey focusing on those bad boy spurs tats your sporting. It would look really cool. Maybe do a hi ho silver pic, you know with the donkey on it's two hind legs and those tats appearing as if they are keeping you balanced on the stud or just a shot of you pretending to kick the ass to get the beast to gallop.

    Long live spurs calf tats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that's it? for real? i want entertainment and this definitely isn't entertaining. vulva get in here you squinty eye !

  11. #86
    Veteran jack sommerset's Avatar
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    Your selling yourself short now a days. Your calf tats are super cool and need to be displayed as such. Forget the photo, you need a painting of those images I presented to you. I would be proud to hang that above my fireplace for all my friends and family to enjoy.

  12. #87
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Your selling yourself short now a days. Your calf tats are super cool and need to be displayed as such. Forget the photo, you need a painting of those images I presented to you. I would be proud to hang that above my fireplace for all my friends and family to enjoy.
    still... not... entertained... boo!

  13. #88
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    damn what a wasted sunday this is... oh well.

  14. #89
    Believe. G0D's Avatar
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    Not as wasted as the last 10 years of your life

    lol male secretary

  15. #90
    Veteran jack sommerset's Avatar
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    I can tell you are not taking this serious. Sleep on it.

  16. #91
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Not as wasted as the last 10 years of your life

    lol male secretary
    badda bing! god, you never cease to amaze me!

  17. #92
    My Team
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    badda bing! god, you never cease to amaze me!
    lol irony

  18. #93
    Do it. Sigz's Avatar
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    haha calf tats

  19. #94
    I suck.
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    The newest addition to the calf tat collection:

  20. #95
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  21. #96
    My Team
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    A little worn out and tired gots. come up with new material

  22. #97
    My Team
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    A little worn out and tired gots. come up with new material

  23. #98
    My Team
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    Please i beg u stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My feelings cant take it anymoreeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  24. #99
    My Team
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    Please i beg u stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My feelings cant take it anymoreeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  25. #100
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