Good's my response..
Commercials are based on who pays them...duh.
Undertaker vs. Cena best match? The are you smoking?
Ryback is going heel..they need another big heel. Maybe they'll resign Batista. He and Ryback would make a great match.
Yes..Jericho is going on tour...Fandumbo will get a push, even though he looked like a lost puppy at WrestleMania
REIGNS could be really good...I agree...I think Ambrose could be better, however, because he has mic skills. Reigns just has size...Seth Rollins will only go as far as Justin Gabriel...maybe Evan Bourne, if he's lucky.
Crowd wasn't dead..just wasn't as insane and ignorant as the crowd in NY for Raw.
Explain how you make Cena a heel. He makes WAY too much money for the WWE as a face. A heel turn wouldn't hurt television, but it would DESTROY business. All the kids who want Cena gear at the events wouldn't want Cena gear anymore. Unfortunately, they can't go the way of The Rock (Face, then heel until the crowd LOVES your heel persona, then back to face as your heel persona) because John is making them too much money with concessions, and they have to stay PG.
LOL at this statement, as I see them fighting at next year's WM.
Backlund is a badass, and a legend...