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  1. #251
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    Scott Pruitt’s faith guided his time in office and shielded him

    He argued that God gave mankind “dominion” over the environment.

    taken against Pruitt’s wider willingness to allow very particular evangelical strains of theology to define his approach to the environment,

    as well as an administration where the performance of Christian nationalism is all but mandatory,

    his words take on a more troubling character.

    The assertion that God made Donald Trump president,

    and that Trump is thus directly favored by God,

    is well-established in the Trump administration.

    Major figures in Trump’s unofficial evangelical advisory cabinet, such as

    pastors Robert Jeffress and Paula White,

    have frequently, publicly leaned into this idea. Jeffress has frequently thrown pro-Trump rallies as part of his megachurch services, including making “Make America Great Again”
    into a hymn.

    Other figures in Trump’s orbit have likewise leaned into the notion that

    he’s a modern-day King Cyrus (the Persian king chosen by God to deliver the Jewish people from exile in Babylon).

    The idea that the

    Trump presidency is rendered legitimate by God’s providence is a sustained part of Trump’s wider political strategy.

    Pruitt has long allowed particular strains of evangelical theology to define his approach to his office.

    He launched his
    early career as a lawyer arguing religious freedom cases.

    Faith-based issues —

    including federal funding of faith-based programs and legislation of abortion restrictions —

    defined his time in the Oklahoma State Senate.

    As chief of the EPA, however, Pruitt embraced a particular school of evangelical thought that sees

    human beings as having the God-given, inalienable right to do whatever they want to the planet.

    The way he was able to

    cast deregulation as, in part, an evangelical faith issue,

    allowed him to successfully maintain a solid base of evangelical support for mass rollbacks in environmental protections.

    Pruitt has frequently invoked a Bible verse often used by proponents of this school of thought to legitimize loosening environmental restrictions:

    Genesis 1:28, in which God tells his new human creations,

    “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and

    have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”

    Pruitt told the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, “The biblical world view with respect to these issues is that we have a responsibility to manage and cultivate,

    harvest the natural resources that we’ve been blessed with to truly bless our fellow mankind.

    Pruitt’s evangelical credentials have made him highly useful to Trump, and Pruitt, Kaufman says,

    “has played an outsize role in courting leaders on the evangelical right.”

    Pruitt’s evangelical bona fides and ability to engage with the

    evangelical leaders who are, increasingly, shoring up Trump’s base may have better allowed him to weather some of his early scandals and last as long as he has. ies/2018/7/6/17540474/scott-pruitts-faith-epa-resignation-evangelicalism

    How many evangelicals will sicken and/or die from their boy Pruitt's ing up the environment?

    Pruitt was only interested in "harvesting the natural CARBON resources",

    and not any of the natural wind or sun resources.

    Evangelical cult is a pretty sick bunch of Bible humpers.

  2. #252
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    Draining the swamp

  3. #253
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    Anti-LGBTQ hate group asks the Supreme Court to formally foreclose protections for LGBTQ workers

    the Sixth Circuit’s decision in favor of a transgender plaintiff discriminated against by the funeral home she worked for,

    siding with the Obama-era Equal Employment Opportunity Commission—a proponent of protections for LGBTQ workers.

    “Discrimination on the basis of transgender and transitioning status is necessarily discrimination on the basis of sex,” wrote the Sixth Circuit panel.

    That ruling was all the more remarkable because that

    appeals court is usually fairly conservative; it’s the court that hears appeals from Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.

    Now in July it’s time to review the very predictable pe ion for certiorari—a.k.a. plea for the Supreme Court to hear an appeal—filed by the

    Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-LGBTQ hate group

    focused on eroding LGBTQ rights in law and promoting a perverted concept of “religious liberty,”

    The case is EEOC v. Harris Funeral Homes, and ADF is

    urging SCOTUS to overrule the
    six federal appellate courts that have held that

    the “sex” of “sex discrimination” in le VII of the Civil Rights Act, meant to ban workplace discrimination,

    also protects employees from being discriminated against on the basis of gender iden y.

    Another two appeals courts have ruled that sex discrimination also covers sexual orientation, by the way.

  4. #254
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    Draining the swamp
    Triggered cuck.

  5. #255
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    Jeff Sessions vows to protect people of faith with new 'religious liberty task force'

    the force will be tasked with implementing the "
    religious liberty guidance" that the Trump administration issued last year, which underlined the Cons ution's protection of religious freedom.

    Sessions told the audience at the DOJ's Religious Liberty Summit that the

    U.S. has become less welcoming to people of faith.

    (make that CHRISTIAN faith only )

    Sessions argued that

    "a dangerous movement, undetected by many,

    is now challenging and eroding our great tradition of religious freedom."


    this must be an example of what racist JeBo is talking about

    FFRF, parents, score appeals court victory against praying Calif. school board

  6. #256
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    This another rightwing mentally ill mother ing grifting so-called asshole

    Jim Bakker: ‘They’re Going To Begin To Kill The Christian Leaders In This Country’


    Televangelist Jim Bakker Forgives Everyone For Being Mad He Stole Money From Them

    Jim Bakker models True Christian™ mercy by forgiving those who got upset and had him thrown in prison.

    Bakker forgives the 116,000 “Praise The Lord” cable show followers he defrauded out of $158 million,

    those who charged him with the eight counts of mail fraud,

    15 counts of wire fraud and

    one count of conspiracy, and

    the judge who sentenced him to 45 years in prison.

    Miraculously, he was offered a new sentence hearing three years later, and

    it was determined by Judge Potter, himself a Christian, that Christians are
    unfairly persecuted,

    lampooned as “saps from money-grubbing preachers or priests,”

    and so his sentence was reduced to eight years.

    He was released after five.


    he lost his reputation,

    his tv show, his mistress, and

    some $500,000.

    He now sells buckets of freeze-dried food

    to help people feel less afraid in face of the impending doom he is convincing people to expect.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 08-03-2018 at 03:36 PM.

  7. #257
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  8. #258
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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  9. #259
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    Triggered druggy ^

  10. #260
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Triggered druggy ^

    upgrade that old couch of yours already cuck. not a good look when your boyfriend comes over and has to see your tear soaked cushions from that time you pretended to be straight but were still too much of a pussy to be a man and handle your correct!

  11. #261
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    Triggered druggy ^

  12. #262
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    Trump’s Labor Department Is Expanding Its Imposition of Religious Fundamentalism

    The new appointee to the Department of Labor's Wages and Hours Division potentially has influence over its policies regarding family and maternity leave for private employers and government contractors.

    The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) moved

    to further cement the imposition of fundamentalist Christian religious beliefs on economic and employment policies

    last week through a new directive and an appointment to the federal agency.

    So-called religious freedom and natural law advocate Steven Begakis

    was on Monday
    appointed policy adviser to the agency’sWages and Hours Division (WHD), which oversees enforcement of rules regarding family leave, wage theft, and employment discrimination.

    The news came just after

    Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) on Friday announced a directive instructing its staff to “in all their activities … take into account recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and White House executive orders that protect religious freedom,”

    The DOL directive imposing religious beliefs sets out new guidelines

    for the OFCCP to follow “in anticipation of an addition to the Department’s regulatory agenda followed by rule-making informed by public comment.”

    it does task OFCCP auditors with granting companies—including those with no formal religious affiliation—a religious exemption from LGBT discrimination charges, if certain requirements are met.”

    “This is an attempt to encourage businesses to take taxpayer dollars and then fire people for being transgender,”

    “Religious organizations have ample protections under federal law, but they are not allowed to use federal money to discriminate against people.

    The language of this directive is so broad and so vague because it is

    part of a long line of attempts by this administration to sow confusion and encourage any employer to act on their worst prejudices.

    No employer should be allowed to use taxpayer dollars to fire someone because of who they are.”

    "religious freedom" is actually Christian Sharia extremism to persecute people for "un Biblical" behaviour.

  13. #263
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    The Health Department’s Christian Crusade

    The religious right has infiltrated the office of Health and Human Services, and reproductive rights are the first target

    the risks any patient would face if she didn’t take the rest of her pills: deadly infection; serious, prolonged bleeding; and the possibility of birth defects if the pregnancy progressed.

    Meyerstein was a civil servant who had worked for ORR’s unaccompanied-minor program since the Obama administration,

    but depositions and internal do ents show

    he was acting on orders from a tight group of pro-life crusaders recently installed in the top ranks of ORR’s parent agency,

    the Department of Health and Human Services:

    Maggie Wynne, counselor to the secretary of HHS;

    Matt Bowman, a lawyer in their Office of the General Counsel; and

    Scott Lloyd, the man recently tapped to helm ORR.Staff members at her shelter had been told to withhold her second set of pills, but no one mentioned that

    her pregnancy — and, with it, the contours of the rest of her life — was being debated by a handful of bureaucrats based in a beige, Brutalist office building 1,600 miles away.

    During the Obama administration, no area of the federal government was more reviled by the religious right than HHS. Viewed by religious Republicans as the primary staging ground for the administration’s assaults on “faith” and “freedom,”

    It was a coup, then, when Trump installed pious orthopedic surgeon Tom Price as secretary, who, with the help of the office of Vice President Mike Pence, began

    stocking the department with an army of culture-war veterans plucked from the country’s most radical religious organizations

    — the archconservative Family Research Council,

    the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List,

    Americans United for Life, and

    the National Abstinence Education Association among them.

    By the time Price was forced to step down over a spending scandal last September,

    HHS had already been transformed into what the Family Research Council called “a virtual promise-keeping factory” for Christian conservatives.

    The “team” has found ways to codify its agenda in corners as disparate as the annual budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

    where the words “fetus” and “transgender” were banned,

    to the Administration for Community Living, which

    eliminated questions about sexual orientation from a survey of seniors and people living with disabilities.

    Royce herself was particularly proud of wedging into

    HHS’ strategic plan a sentence that redefines life as starting at the moment of conception.

    Many of the changes are small enough to go unnoticed in a ream of government paperwork but are nevertheless far-reaching:

    Strike a few words from a single grant, for instance, and

    suddenly government-funded shelters are no longer required to provide information about emergency contraception or abortion to victims of sexual assault and sex trafficking.

    Or tinker with eligibility requirements for le X — a program that provides family-planning services to 4 million Americans — and

    not just access to abortion, but birth control and routine medical care for low-income women across the country is suddenly in jeopardy.

    HHS touted more boldly, in January, the

    creation of a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division inside its Office of Civil Rights to defend doctors who refuse to serve gay and transgender individuals.

    “It’s perverse —

    it takes a department that was supposed to protect against discrimination and turns it on its head,”

    HHS is taking steps

    to officially declare gender as unchangeable, and determined by one’s genitals at birth.

    We weren’t expecting religion seeping into the Office of Refugee Resettlement.”

    It’s not unusual for girls to arrive at an ORR shelter already pregnant, many as a result of their journey. According to a 2010 Amnesty International estimate,

    six in 10 female migrants are sexually assaulted at some point during their crossing.

    legalized abortion was by some measures worse than the Holocaust:

    “The Jews who died in the Holocaust had a chance to laugh, play, sing, dance, learn and love each other,” Lloyd wrote.

    “The victims of abortion do not.”

    Trash's bull and crimes are only a tiny tip of the huge damage dong by oligarchy's Repug s and Christian Taliban

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-21-2018 at 10:00 AM.

  14. #264
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    Montana Public Schools Block Pro-LGBTQ Websites

    Public high school students in Billings, Montana tell CounterPunch that as of Monday, January 14,

    they have been denied access to numerous sites,

    including those associated with pro-LGBTQ

    issues, as part of a new web filtering program initiated by the school administration.

    Anti-gay sites, however, appear to be accessible.

    So no support for the Broke Back Mountain cowboys?

  15. #265
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    Mike Pence‏Verified account @mike_pence

    We’ll let the critics roll off our back.

    But the criticism of Christian education in America must stop.

    7:00 PM - 17 Jan 2019


    But criticism of Jewish and Muslim education is approved?

    May this Christian asshole from hole racist KKK Indiana NEVER succeed Trash, nor run for national office.

  16. #266
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    WATCH: Texas pastor urges followers to stone a ‘rebellious’ student to death as example to other troublemakers

    Pastor Jonathan S ey of Pure Words Baptist Church in Houston,

    rails against teens who refuse to listen before turning to the Bible for advice on how to bring about order.

    You’ve got to squash out the rebellion in your child.”

    Take the rebellious one out and stone him.

    I bet they’d shape up pretty quick. I bet they’d figure out, ‘Maybe I should hearken under the authorities in my life.’

    we see, unfortunately, our society is continually destroying itself,

    because [all of these] rebellious, arrogant, prideful teenage jerks

    that just don’t want to hearken to their parents, you know, and

    God said they should be put to death.”

    And who's gonna argue with God?

    Incitement to murder is a crime under Caesar, if not God.

    Will TX LE go after this Biblical asshole so that he "hearkens" under criminal law?

  17. #267
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    Spare the rock spoil the child

  18. #268
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    Spare the rock spoil the child
    Spare the rock, spoil the adulteress. Amirite?

  19. #269
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    Spare the rock, spoil the adulteress. Amirite?
    Are you?

  20. #270
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    Joke went over your head.

  21. #271
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    Joke went over your head.
    You're implying that a husband should beat his cheating wife.

    Derp Chapelle bringing the house down with that one

  22. #272
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    You're implying that a husband should beat his cheating wife.

    Derp Chapelle bringing the house down with that one
    Cuck doesn't even understand Sharia Law

  23. #273
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    You're re ed.

  24. #274
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    Texas Woman Opposes Divorce Citing ‘Blood Covenant’; Will Anti-Sharia Law Get in the Way?

    The conflict between Shawn’s request for state enforcement of her Christian understanding of marriage and anti-sharia legislation raises

    larger questions about whose religious beliefs are, or should be, respected under the law.

    In an unusual pe ion to the U.S. Supreme Court this month, Shawn Lecuona argues that her fundamental liberty interests,

    including her right to marry and to “worship God according to the dictates of her own conscience,”

    prevent the state of Texas from applying its no-fault divorce law to her marriage.

    In other words, she’s claiming that

    her right to religious liberty should prevent the government from granting her husband a divorce.

  25. #275
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    Leaked Air Force Legal Opinion Approves Religious Expression

    According to a retired attorney for the DOD,

    "When you proselytize as a necessarily send doubts to the subordinates that you oversee about your impartiality and

    thus degrade good order and discipline, and

    in turn degrade combat capability."

    In apparent defiance of its own regulations and the First Amendment,

    the judge advocate general (JAG) of the Air Force has issued an opinion

    approving religious expression during an official change of command ceremony.

    The opinion, which was leaked to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (and a copy of which was shared with this reporter),

    allows even more expansive expression during a purportedly “private” promotion ceremony, conducted after a mere ten-minute break.

    Going beyond
    lax enforcement of recent cases, MRFF President Mikey Weinstein called it

    “a direct and defiant nuclear attack against the First Amendment’s separation of church and state.”

    Not the first the Air Force (academy) has been found weaponizing Christianity in the ranks.

    But AF academy has big problem with those good Christian flyboys assaulting the flygirls.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 02-22-2019 at 02:48 PM.

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