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  1. #351
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    goddman, yet another ing Catholic Repugs asshole

    Bill Barr slammed for his ‘incredibly disturbing’ — and false — attack on secularism

    During a speech at Notre Dame’s law school this Friday, US Attorney General William Barr

    disparaged the rising tide of secularism in America, saying that a lack of religion is tied to societal ills like violence and drug abuse.

    “Basically every measure of this social pathology continues to gain ground,” Barr said, adding that problems in society are the result of “moral upheaval.” Tom Hagen worries about "morality"

    “Along with the wreckage of the family,

    we are seeing record levels of depression and mental illness,

    dispirited young people,

    soaring suicide rates,

    increasing numbers of angry and alienated young males,

    an increase in senseless violence and a deadly drug epidemic,”

    sounds like Trash's inaugural speech "carnage"

    of course, it's all meant to be a strategi deflection from the real cause of the carnage of the non-oligarchy:

    the "deep state" of the oligarchy

  2. #352
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    God Is Now Trump’s Co-Conspirator

    Bigotry, both racial and religious, is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

    ( ing Catholic) William Barr, the attorney general, gave last week at the University of Notre Dame Law School

    If Barr’s speech is any indication, their strategy is to make God their boss’s co-conspirator.

    Barr gave a fiery speech denouncing the threat to America posed by “militant secularists,”

    whom he accused of conspiring to destroy the “traditional moral order,” blaming them for rising mental illness, drug dependency and violence.

    Consider for a moment how inappropriate it is for Barr, of all people, to have given such a speech.

    The Cons ution guarantees freedom of religion;

    the nation’s chief law enforcement officer has no business denouncing those who exercise that freedom by choosing not to endorse any religion.

    around a fifth of Americans say that they don’t consider themselves affiliated with any religion,

    roughly the same number who consider themselves Catholic

    he didn’t just declare that secularism is bad;

    he declared that the damage it does is

    “This is not decay. It is organized destruction.”

    If that kind of talk doesn’t scare you, it should;

    it’s the language of witch hunts and pogroms.

    that secularism is responsible for violence happens to be empirically verifiable nonsense.

    with a large rise in the number of religiously unaffiliated and growing social liberalism on issues like same-sex marriage;

    it has also seen a dramatic
    decline in violent crime.

    European nations are
    far less religious than we are;

    they also have much lower
    homicide rates, and

    rarely experience the mass shootings that have become almost routine here.

    Barr ... is sounding remarkably like America’s most unhinged religious zealots,

    the kind of people who insist that we keep experiencing mass murder because schools teach the
    theory of evolution.

    Guns don’t kill people — Darwin kills people!

    this outburst of God-talk is surely a response to the way the walls are closing in on Trump,

    the high likelihood that he will be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors.

    Trump’s response to his predicament has been to ramp up the ugliness in an effort to rally his base.

    who makes up Trump’s base?

    It’s reallyevangelical working-class whites who are staying with Trump

    despite growing evidence of his malfeasance and unsuitability for high office.

    his truly enthusiastic support comes from religious leaders like Jerry Falwell Jr., who have their own ethical issues,

    but have called on their followers to “
    render to God and Trump.

    Trump is instead taking shelter behind bigotry — racial, of course, but now religious as well.

  3. #353
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    William Barr’s Wild Misreading of the First Amendment

    William P. Barr just gave the worst speech by an Attorney General of the United States in modern history.

    Speaking at the University of Notre Dame last Friday,

    Barr took “religious liberty” as his subject, and

    he portrayed his fellow-believers as a beleaguered and oppressed minority.

    He was addressing, he said,

    “the force, fervor, and comprehensiveness of the assault on religion we are experiencing today.

    This is not decay; this is organized destruction.”

    Historically illiterate,

    morally obtuse, and

    willfully misleading, the speech

    portrays religious people in the United States as beset by a hostile band of “secularists.”

    the real harm of Barr’s speech is not what it means for historical debates but what it portends for contemporary government policy.

    The real giveaway of Barr’s agenda came near the end of his speech when he said, with curious vagueness,

    “Militant secularists today do not have a live-and-let-live spirit—

    they are not content to leave religious people alone to practice their faith.

    Instead, they seem to take a delight in compelling people to violate their conscience.”

    What’s he really talking about here?

    Barr and the Trump Administration want religious people who operate businesses to be allowed to discriminate against L.G.B.T.Q. people.

    Barr’s idea of leaving “religious people alone to practice their faith.”

    The real beleaguered minorities here are gay people

    who are simply trying to be treated like everyone else, but

    Barr twists this story into one about oppression of believers.

    The heart of Barr’s speech is devoted to a supposed war on religion in education.

    “Ground zero for these attacks on religion are the schools.

    To me, this is the most serious challenge to religious liberty,

    in recent years, a key tenet of the evangelical movement (and its supporters, like Barr) is an effort to get access to taxpayer dollars.

    This effort is also a major priority of

    Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, who is pushing for the increased availability of taxpayer vouchers to pay for religious schools.

    the necessary corollary to providing government subsidies to religious schools is

    starving the public schools, which are open to all children, of funds.

    Perhaps the most galling part of Barr’s speech, under current cir stances, is its hymn to the pious life.

    He denounces “moral chaos” and “irresponsible personal conduct” as well as “licentiousness—

    the unbridled pursuit of personal appe es at the expense of the common good.”

    By contrast, “religion helps teach, train, and habituate people to want what is good.” Throughout this lecture,

    one can only wonder if William Barr has ever actually met Donald Trump.

  4. #354
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    Report Exposes Right-Wing Effort to Ban Criticism of Israel in US Schools

    "Fanatical Zionists are pushing U.S. state legislatures to pass sweeping new restrictions on free speech."

    pro-Israel and right-wing lobbyists are encouraging Republican state lawmakers to pass legislation that

    could outlaw discussions about the Israeli government's human rights abuses and occupation of Palestinian territory

    at all levels of the U.S. public education system

    under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism.

    Among the activities that would be prohibited by the new laws are human rights investigations focusing specifically on Israel.

    Also banned would be any speech "demonizing Israel by ... blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions" or "delegitimizing Israel by ... questioning Israel's right to exist."

    "Today in 'all evil leads to ALEC.'"

    Republican state lawmakers from Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and South Carolina met with representatives from pro-Israel lobbyist groups at ALEC's August conference in Austin, Texas.

    "Some of its provisions confuse anti-Semitism with criticism of Israel.

    That has profound cons utional problems, as

    the bill is plainly meant to be enforced throughout Florida's public schools, colleges, and universities."

    "It's extremely cynical to masquerade as fighting anti-Semitism when you are, in fact, shutting down criticism of Israel."

    cynical and totally dishonest, but that's all the rightwingnutjob run with, slander, lies, fantasies, conspiracy

  5. #355
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    Report Exposes Right-Wing Effort to Ban Criticism of Israel in US Schools

    "Fanatical Zionists are pushing U.S. state legislatures to pass sweeping new restrictions on free speech."

    Human rights and free speech advocates responded with alarm Thursday to a Guardian report revealing that

    pro-Israel and right-wing lobbyists are encouraging Republican state lawmakers to pass legislation

    that could

    outlaw discussions about the Israeli government's human rights abuses and

    occupation of Palestinian territory

    at all levels of the U.S. public education system under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism.

    Concerns about the legislation relate to its wide definition of anti-Semitism that goes beyond protecting Jewish people from hate speech. According to The Guardian:

    Among the activities that would be prohibited by the new laws are human rights investigations focusing specifically on Israel.

    Also banned would be any speech

    "demonizing Israel by ... blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions" or "delegitimizing Israel by ... questioning Israel's right to exist."

    The push began at a conference in August held by the American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC, a conservative network which has a long history of propagating right-wing policies at state level through model bills.

    As usual, Repugs have NOTHING but propaganda, disinformation, and outright LIES, all paid for, of course.

  6. #356
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    Barr and Pompeo Speeches Show Why Evangelical Warriors Won’t Abandon the President

    Barr’s war on secularism and

    Pompeo’s end-times infused diplomacy

    are windows into why Trump’s evangelical supporters will not turn on him because of his foreign policy in Turkey, much less his phone call with Ukraine.

    he was directing $50 million in funding to aid minority groups in Syria, a clear message to his evangelical base that he had not forgotten his promise to protect persecuted Christians across the globe.

    Trump’s speech was steeped in combative language.

    He described how Democratic leaders “hate this country,”

    how they want to destroy American values, and

    that they are waging war on values voters.

    It played well with his audience.

    “Trump gave one of his characteristic, 100-minute addresses with the customary mix of


    boasting, and


    And he was received with the same enthusiasm as 2017
    with multiple standing ovations.”

    a nod to religious liberty and a sentence or two about bringing the troops home

    was enough to satisfy Trump’s evangelical flock.

    Trump has been so “successful” as president precisely because

    he is a barbarian, one who rolls over norms, policies, ins utions, and borders in order to accomplish his goals.

    For evangelicals, Trump’s barbarism is a feature, not a bug,

    Evangelicals follow a
    ( ing simplistic for simpletons) fundamentalist worldview that reduces the world to good/evil, us/them, here/there.

    Trump is viewed as the barbarian-king who is willing to fight this war without concern for civility or etiquette.

    people I spoke to at the Summit continue to see Trump as divinely appointed, and

    this allows them to forgive or explain away any existing and foreseeable flaws.

    They continue to demonize all liberal opinion and

    cast the negative stories about Trump as false, treasonous, and badly motivated.”

    Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, and Rick Wiles all stated that impeachment could lead to civil war.

    “This is not decay,” Barr said in his remarks at Notre Dame Law School.

    “This is organized destruction.

    Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in

    an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.”

    His remarks are drawn straight from dominionist theology,

    The goal of a dominionist is not diversity, or dialogue, or healthy debate. It is a will-to-power ideology based on vanquishing God’s enemies.

    “The imperative of protecting religious freedom was not just a nod in the direction of piety,” Barr said.

    “It reflects the framers’ belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government.”

    “Our rights come from our Creator.” total bull

    Pompeo is an outspoken evangelical who has said in the past that world conflicts, especially in the Middle East, will continue until the Rapture.

    The Rapture is, according to many evangelicals,

    an apocalyptic event when Christians will suddenly disappear from earth

    as God ushers in the end of all things.

    These ideologies allow for the Kurds to be collateral damage in the larger cosmic war being fought by President Trump and his administration.

    Trump is the barbarian-king leading white evangelicals in their war against all those they deem God’s enemies.

    For evangelicals,

    his authoritarian rhetoric is an asset;

    his cruelty is a mark of determination;

    his unwillingness to compromise is a welcome change from “softer” evangelical politicians.

    Evangelicals are a fundamental cause of America being ed and un able.

    Of course, the Kurds aren't Christian so letting Turks slaughter them in ethnic cleansing is pleasing to God.

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  8. #358
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    How many more centuries will we have evolution deniers

  9. #359
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    pandering the so-called Christian Bible humping haters and Man Man redneck haters, or just reversing Obama? probably both

    The Trump Administration’s Latest Proposed Rule Rolls Back Nondiscrimination Protections for LGBTQ People

    The proposed rule

    removes nondiscrimination protections put in place by the Obama

    administration meant to ensure that LGBTQ people be treated equally

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will allow recipients of its grants to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

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    Pandering to the hating/paranoid/grifting evangelicals

    Donald Trump Gives Prosperity Gospel Church Lady Paula White Cushy White House Job

    Donald Trump has chosen his longtime "spiritual adviser" Paula White for a very important job in the White House,

    doing something Jesus-related that will help make America Great.

    We have to admit, the job sounds a bit loosely defined, as the New York Times describes it. She'll be working in the Office of Public Liaison, and

    Her role will be to advise the administration's Faith and Opportunity Initiative,

    which Mr. Trump established last year by executive order and which aims to

    give religious groups more of a voice in government programs

    devoted to issues like defending religious liberty


    fighting poverty.

    Trash's "long-time spiritual advisor"? Trash follows "spiritual" advice?

  11. #361
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    Yet another FAILURE in court for Trash and his mafiya

    New York judge blocks Trump's 'conscience rule' to deny medical care for religious or moral reasons

    U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer struck down the

    Trump administration's “conscience rule” that

    would have protected healthcare providers, as well as health plans,

    if they refused to participate in or perform abortions on religious or moral grounds.

    In addition to abortion, the rule encompasses other safe, legal medical care that providers might
    disagree with on moral or religious standings, such as birth control, gender-affirming surgeries, and even vaccinations.


    The rule

    favors the comfort of physicians and other medical staff, like nurses,

    over the rights and health needs of the patient.

    It’s also part of the Trump administration’s overall march toward religious freedom at the expense of people’s reproductive health.

  12. #362
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    Christian Taliban dictating their Sharia to a secular President

    how Donald won over evangelical leaders

    with a September meeting in 2016, six weeks before the election,

    where an audio recording of the meeting revealed how evangelical leaders handed Trump a mandate that he promised to fulfill.

    “He would end the contraception mandate of Obamacare; …

    he would select only anti-choice judges; …

    he would do away with the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits tax-exempt en ies from endorsing politicians; …

    he would support prayer in school; …

    he would oppose any bill that pulled funding from Christian schools that were charged with discrimination; …

    he would keep transgender people from using the ‘wrong’ bathrooms and locker rooms; … and

    he would protect Israel, following the biblical pronouncement that nations that do so would be blessed

    (‘[Obama’s] been the worst thing that’s happened to Israel …”

  13. #363
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    Appointees claim Gov. Greg Abbott ousted them from board

    for voting to sanction judge who refused to perform gay marriages

  14. #364
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    New Jerry Falwell Jr. group targets Christian ‘liberal’ John Kasich

    The Falkirk Center will operate as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Liberty University.

    Falkirk’s mission will be to ‘equip courageous champions to proclaim the Truth of Jesus Christ, to advance His Kingdom, and renew American ideals.'”

    establishment Republicans are just as bad as liberal Democrats when it comes to taking our country in the wrong direction, so

    I’ve got no sympathy for the establishment Republicans at all,”


    use the Gospel for socialistic programs, it’s just to show that he has a basic misunderstanding of the Gospel.”

    quoting of Jesus’ admonition for Christians to care for “the least of these” to justify such policies as Medicaid expansion has angered some in the Religious Right.

    Capitalism and filthy lucre, Christ's ideals

  15. #365
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    Neil Gorsuch says no-one can sue to stop government establishing religion

    Trump’s theocratic Justice Neil Gorsuch proffered a truly radical position regarding the uncons utionality of the government establishing religion, as if

    he was a hired lawyer and spokesman for the theocratic Dominionist movement.

    Although not going so far as asserting the First Amendment’s “Establishment Clause is uncons utional” like former Attorney General J. Beauregard Sessions, he may as well have.

    Gorsuch did, in fact, claim that

    any plaintiffs who challenge government establishment and endorsement of one specific religion

    should be banned from suing the government to force it to uphold the Cons ution’s Establishment Clause.

    According to Gorsuch,

    there is no situation that allows any American to have “legal standing to challenge” a Christian religious display on government property;

    something that is in fact establishing religion.

    He claims that because

    their only injury is that they take offense” at the religious display on taxpayer’s land,

    in his theocratic mind being offended is not enough to demand the government abide by the law of the land -

    any more than expecting Christian conservative justices to support, uphold, and decide cases based on the Cons ution.

    It is noteworthy that in
    Gorsuch’s Catholic mind

    there in no law, no part of the Cons ution, or no civil rights protections

    that an evangelical extremist’s religious freedom cannot abridge.

    In fact, any time he has been involved with cases regarding basic civil rights, especially women’s and gays’ human rights,

    Gorsuch plays the religious liberty card

    it is what his Catholic religious
    leaders taught evangelicals a few decades ago

    as an electoral tool to engender unwavering religious support for Republican candidates in the

  16. #366
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    Interior Department Cut ‘Sexual Orientation’ From Anti-Discrimination Guideline

    Its explanation shows that the administration is talking out of both sides of its mouth when it comes to LGBTQ rights.

    President Donald Trump’s Interior Department removed “sexual orientation” from a statement in the agency’s ethics guide regarding workplace discrimination.

    “You shall adhere to all laws and regulations that provide equal opportunities for all Americans regardless of

    race, color, religion, sex, age, or handicap,

    reads one of 14 principles of ethical behavior in the agency’s
    2017 guidelines.

    The 2009
    version President Barack Obama’s Interior Department issued included the categories

    “race, color, religion, gender,
    sexual orientation, age, or disability.”

    Christian HATE knows no limits.

    also notice the old, disdainful, discriminatory "handicap" replaces the humane, empathetic "disability".

    Nasty mofos these hate-saturated Christians.

  17. #367
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    GOP Lawmaker Plotted Insurrections to Establish Christian State

    Last year, the chair of the Republican caucus in Washington’s state legislature acknowledged that

    he had
    written a manifesto on the “Biblical Basis for War.”

    In that do ent, the lawmaker argued that – as far as Jesus Christ was concerned –

    American Christians have the right to “kill all males” who support abortion, same-sex marriage or communism

    Shea insisted that his writings were merely “a summary of church sermons on Old Testament war that could help place current events in historical context.”

    And so, the Washington GOP did not call for Shea to resign or expel him from its House caucus. of course not.

    Shea discussed targetting anti-fascist activists for surveillance, harassment, and violence.

    One of Shea’s interlocutors, online radio personality Jack Robertson, offered this prescription for

    the treatment of a female antifa protester:

    “Fist full of hair,

    and face slam,

    to a Jersey barrier.

    Treat em like communist revolutionaries.

    Then shave her bald with a K-Bar USMC field knife.”

    The Republican lawmaker replied, “Ok. What BG [background] checks need to be done. Give me the list.”

    did not feel that Shea’s actions required his expulsion from government.


    “as a leader in the Patriot Movement,

    planned, engaged in and promoted a total of three armed conflicts

    of political violence against the United States Government

    in three states outside the state of Washington over a three-year period.”

    WA's 4th district contains the redneck, misogynist, Christian assholes who elected Shea

    but Repug bag Shea is approved to remain in the Repug Congress

  18. #368
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    CDC gets list of forbidden words


    "en lement,"




    "evidence-based" and


  19. #369
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    White House says Trump will issue new rules to expand

    ‘cons utional prayer’

    in public schools

    The details of Trump’s guidance were not immediately available but the president is on record suggesting that he wants to expand prayer in public schools under the guise of First Amendment rights.

    On Saturday, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow ( a Jew for Jesus) condemned schools for practicing “Buddhist Meditation,”

    which he said was different than “Christian meditation.” WTF is that?

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    Orwellian Newspeak. George was amazingly prescient.

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    Trump favorite for Supreme Court argues that juries should consult God on verdicts

    A deeply conservative judge who’s on President Donald Trump’s short list of potential Supreme Court nominees holds highly unusual views on religion’s role in the courts.

    Judge William Pryor of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals wrote a lengthy dissent last week in a Florida case that

    so alarmed another conservative judge on the panel

    that she then wrote a less radical concurrence to his message that God can instruct juries

    Pryor, however, argued that Juror 13 was the victim of discrimination by the judge, and he insisted that the juror’s removal would embolden attorneys to “target and eliminate certain demographics from jury service.”

    “African American and evangelical Christians are more likely than others to believe that God speaks to them,”

    Pryor wrote in his 55-page dissent, “and the majority’s decision now requires that

    these eligible jurors be stricken for cause if a discriminating lawyer elicits during (jury selection) that God communicates with them.”

    Pryor argued that the juror’s claim of divine commandment might have been true, and

    he argued that perhaps more juries might consult “the Holy Ghost” when deciding cases.

    His colleague Judge Anne Conway,

    a George W. Bush appointee,

    tried to clean up Pryor’s unusual dissent by explaining what it did not mean.

    “This is not a case which turns on a juror’s religious beliefs or religious freedom to engage in prayer or seek guidance during deliberations when applying the law to the evidence in the case,” Conway wrote.

    “Rather, it is a straightforward case about whether the district court —

    having concluded based on direct questioning that a juror was not following the court’s instructions —

    abused its discretion in dismissing that juror.”

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 01-16-2020 at 05:08 PM.

  23. #373
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    A TEENAGER has been expelled from a Christian school for having a rainbow-colored birthday cake which looked similar to the design of the gay pride flag.

    The high school freshman’s family claims when they took the photo of the teen smiling beside her birthday cake, they had no idea it would prove to be controversial.

    Whitefield Academy told the teen's parents that she was booted out for repeated “lifestyle violations.”

    Her mother Kimberly Alford, who took the picture, insists that the cake or the sweater were not associated with gay pride.

    She told WAVE3: “She was happy, she looked beautiful. You know, of course as a mom, I took her picture of her blowing out her candles and I posted that on my Facebook page.”

    A few days after Kimberly posted the image on social media, the family were contacted on January 6 by Dr. Bruce Jacobson, the head of Whitefield Academy.

    The mum said: “It was an email expelling Kayla from Whitefield immediately due to a post on social media.”

    Kayla was expelled “'immediately” because the picture “demonstrates a posture of morality and cultural acceptance contrary to that of Whitefield Academy's beliefs.”

    Mum Kimberly claims her daughter was not representing the colors of the LGBTQ pride movement and there was no hidden agenda in the picture.

    She said: “[Kayla] loves to laugh and dance and that's just her.

    “There was nothing intended by that and even when I went back and got the receipt from the bakery, it didn't say anything about representation, it just said assorted colors.”

    In its code of conduct, the school addresses sexual orientation and says that if off-campus behavior is not in line with the academy’s beliefs then students can be disciplined.

    In response to Kayla’s expulsion, the school bosses claimed the picture was the latest in two years’ worth of “lifestyle violations.”

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    some people found their consciences

    25 interfaith organizations release letter calling for Stephen Miller's resignation from White House

    A coalition of interfaith groups this week released a joint letter

    calling for the resignation of White House aide Stephen Miller,

    call him a “white supremacist” and

    writing that

    We believe that all people deserve to be treated with dignity, regardless of their immigration status.

    Our varied faith traditions mandate us to welcome the stranger, love each other, and protect the most vulnerable among us.”

    Will Trash "you're fired" sadistic neoNazi Miller?

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    Trump releases 'religious freedom' plans to remind evangelicals why they support a profane adulterer

    Yes, it’s “religious freedom” time again at the White House,

    where “religious freedom” applies overwhelmingly to those poor oppressed Christians.

    The Trump administration is issuing

    a guidance requiring—

    as a condition of federal funding—

    public schools to affirm, every year, that their policies don’t prevent prayer.

    State departments of education would then be

    required to report to the federal government on both

    what local schools said about their policies and

    on any complaints that a school had prevented someone from cons utionally protected prayer.

    The Education Department will then presumably throw out any complaints by Muslims kept from praying while launching major, highly publicized investigations of any complaints by Christians.

    proposed rule would put “
    religious student groups on equal footing with secular student groups at public ins utions of higher education.”

    Other proposals would apply to nine other federal agencies, including the departments of Agriculture, Justice, Labor, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, Education, and Housing and Urban Development.

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