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  1. #201
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    that would confuse the ignorant s here that already can't follow me, or even understand what's going on.

    Mang, you have an undeserved sense of superiority for a mentally deficient, narrow-viewed Fascist.

    I'd say you're Fuzzy in the sense you're nowhere near as intelligent as you want to think you are, but the general consensus, even amongst your fellow Fascists is that you're a ing whack job that sleeps on a pee-stained mattress in Mom's garage.

  2. #202
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    Along with Christian supremacist, Pence is equally scary for Christian bull .

    Mike Pence assures evangelicals Trump is their "unwavering ally"

    The vice president donated an ultrasound in his own name to a crisis pregnancy center at a Focus on the Family event. And that's just the beginning.

    Vice President Mike Pence popped into the 40th anniversary celebration of the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family to remind members he’s a devout Christian politician who has his back. And, he says, so is President Donald Trump.

    He repeatedly referred to the president himself as both an “unwavering ally" of Christian evangelicals and a believer himself — calling him “a leader, a believer, a timeless defender of the values that will make America great again.” He described Trump as someone who “advocated in the public square for values our public needs to hear, now more than ever.”

    Pence’s comments are hardly surprising: after all, his evangelical faith and religiously-motivated stances on abortion and LGBTQ rights are well-known. But the intensity in expressing them on Friday was striking. Pence announced that he would donate an ultrasound machine in his own name to a faith-based crisis pregnancy center

    Pence’s remarks seemed to subtly reassure evangelicals of his influence in the White House to bolster religiously-motivated policy.

    Pence as unelected Pres would be as ty as Trash.

  3. #203
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    Goodbye, Establishment Clause

    The Supreme Court’s ruling in Trinity Lutheran v. Comer threatens to obliterate the divide between church and state.

    The facts of the case are simple. Trinity Lutheran Church owns a

    “Learning Center” that is used
    “to teach the Gospel to children.

    The learning center’s facilities include a playground that is, in the church’s words, part of “an education program structured to allow a child to grow spiritually, physically, socially, and cognitively.”

    To limit his holding, Roberts drew a distinction between religious status and religious use:

    Missouri, he explained, had discriminated against Trinity Lutheran “simply because of what it is—a church,” not because it feared the grant money would fund religious exercise itself.

    He also noted in a footnote that the case “involves express discrimination based on religious iden y with respect to playground resurfacing.

    We do not address religious uses of funding or other forms of discrimination.”

    This stipulation is meant to strike a tone of compromise.

    But it doesn’t change the fact that,

    at a minimum, Trinity Lutheran opens the public funding floodgates for houses of worship and religious schools.

    Gorsuch explained: “The general principles here do not permit discrimination against religious exercise—whether on the playground or anywhere else.”

    Put simply, Gorsuch and Thomas see Trinity Lutheran as an opportunity

    to expand the place of religion in public life by creating a one-way ratchet that allows churches ever-increasing access to public funds while giving religious exercise primacy over laws of general applicability.

    “Properly understood,” Sotomayor wrote,

    “this is a case about whether Missouri can decline to fund improvements to the facilities the Church uses to practice and spread its religious views.”

    In fact, Sotomayor explained, Missouri must decline to fund these improvements under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which forbids states from using public funds to underwrite religious exercise.

    Gorsuch is rapidly proving to the extreme right-asshole the oligarchy hired him to be.

  4. #204
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    "Following years of heated debate,*a monument inscribed with the Ten Commandments*was installed Tuesday morning*on the grounds of the Arkansas state capitol building.

    The American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas and other opponents have vowed to sue over the controversial display. They believe the privately funded monument is an uncons utional endorsement of religion.

    "If they put it up, they're going to signal to people who don't*subscribe to that particular version of the commandments and non-believers they are second-class citizens and we will file suit," Holly son, the ACLU's legal director, told*U.S. News and World Report*when the monument was approved in May.

    Supporters of the monument, like Republican state Senator Jason Rapert, say the display honors the roll the Ten Commandments have played in the history of the nation’s law.

    Last edited by Blake; 06-28-2017 at 12:00 AM.

  5. #205
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    Stupid hillbillies

  6. #206
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    why cant you just keep religion to your home? why the incessant need to brand everything?

  7. #207
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    "the roll the Ten Commandments have played in the history of the nation’s law."

    which is of course bull lie, which is all Christian supremacists and conservatives have.

  8. #208
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    Will These Studies Finally Make Betsy DeVos Admit School Vouchers Are a Total Scam?

    "This latest study of vouchers should be yet another red flag to DeVos that she is going down the wrong path and it will hurt all students in the end."

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gear up to dump hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into vouchers and other private education initiatives denounced by critics as ineffective and immoral, two new studies released on Monday reveal that, in many cases, voucher programs result in significantly worse academic performance than public schools.

    Both analyses produced similar findings:

    Students who participated in voucher programs performed significantly worse in their first two years attending a private school

    , only to see their results return to baseline by the third and fourth years. Overall, as the Washington Postreported, the studies

    "do not show that vouchers led to significantly stronger math and reading performance"—a fact that appears to undermine the crucial argument in favor of further privatizing American education.

    "[T]he experience in Louisiana has to give pause to anyone pushing broad federal or statewide programs,"

    "voucher students fell statistically significantly behind their public school peers" in various subjects before rebounding after several years,

    the improvements in performance students begin to see after several years in the voucher program amount to

    simply "making up ground that they initially lost."

    "It's like they're getting back to where they started,"

    DeVos has come under constant fire for

    her long-time commitment to a right-wing education agenda that has so consistently produced "dismal" results.

    the Trump administration, which has proposed
    a new $20 billion voucher program. Secretary DeVos's enthusiasm for vouchers, which have been the primary focus of her philanthropic spending and advocacy, appears to be undiminished."

    DeVos is more concerned with gutting public education—and rewarding private interests—than with promoting "school choice."

    "Indiana diverted millions of dollars for years from public schools to private school vouchers, resulting in negative or negligible results for student outcomes,"

    Weingarten said.

    "That funding could have been invested in public education programs that actually are helping students improve and succeed."


    Devos is yet another billionaire Christian supremacist warrior for her perverted idea of God

    Betsy DeVos and God’s Plan for Schools

    At a 2001 gathering of conservative Christian philanthropists, she singled out

    education reform as a way to “advance God’s kingdom.”

    In an interview, she and her husband, Richard DeVos Jr., said that

    school choice would lead to “greater kingdom gain.”

  9. #209
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    No, DeVos is all in on school vouchers. She'll disregard the facts like her big boss does

  10. #210
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    CNN)The newly unveiled Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Arkansas state Capitol was knocked over early Wednesday, less than 24 hours after it was erected, a state government official told CNN.

    Michael Tate Reed, 32, was arrested after Capitol police saw him drive onto the Capitol grounds in Little Rock and intentionally ram his car into the monument, according to Chris Powell, a spokesman for the Arkansas secretary of state.


  11. #211
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    Vouchers are a work-around to the establishment clause and gets federal tax dollars into private religious schools. You can bet your ass devos will abuse it.

  12. #212
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    CNN)The newly unveiled Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Arkansas state Capitol was knocked over early Wednesday, less than 24 hours after it was erected, a state government official told CNN.

    Michael Tate Reed, 32, was arrested after Capitol police saw him drive onto the Capitol grounds in Little Rock and intentionally ram his car into the monument, according to Chris Powell, a spokesman for the Arkansas secretary of state.

    Terrorist tbh

  13. #213
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    Muslim hillbilly

  14. #214
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    Keeping KY ty Again

    Kentucky’s evangelical Gov. Matt Bevin signs bill allowing public schools to teach from the Bible

    The so-called Bible literacy law is set to go into effect on Friday

    Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed into law a bill that will allow courses on the Bible to be taught in public schools beginning on Friday. Overwhelmingly passed by Kentucky’s Republican-controlled state legislature, HB 128 gives Kentucky school boards the option to add elective courses on Bible literacy to their social studies curriculum.

    “The idea that we would not want this to be an option for people in school, that would be crazy. I don’t know why every state would not embrace this, why we as a nation would not embrace this,” Bevin said during a public bill signing ceremony.

    According to the bill, the courses must discuss all aspects of the Bible — such as characters, poetry, and narratives — because they are “prerequisites to understanding contemporary society and culture.”

    In June, Bevin announced his solution to devastating gun violence: prayer-groups. His proposal involved the groups patrolling areas of the West End of Kentucky to “pray away” the violence as part of his anti-violence initiative.

    “You don’t need permission from me how to do it,” Bevin said during a meeting at Western Middle School.

    “You know, you walk to a corner, pray for the people, talk to people along the way.”

    KY has the highest percentage of USA states of people without their teeth.

    Any reports of Bevin walking through black, low-income neighborhoods and praying?

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 06-29-2017 at 04:27 AM.

  15. #215
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    That's completely fair for Muslim, Jewish and atheist kids

  16. #216
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    Teaching "about" the Bible and religious history has also been a classic work-around the establishment clause. Conservatives were throwing a fit when some school districts had a class about Islam in the same way.

    I actually agree with the outrage, but for both instances, not just the one.

  17. #217
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    Gorsuch is already pushing the Supreme Court right on religion, guns and gay rights

    But in just his first few weeks on the high court, Justice Gorsuch has shown himself to be a confident conservative activist, arguing for moving the law to the right on religion, gun rights, gay rights and campaign funding.

    Most new justices are cautious upon arrival, but Gorsuch wasted no time in staking out a strong position to the right of his colleagues, including Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.and his former boss and mentor, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy.

    He dissented along with Justice Clarence Thomas when the court rejected a gun-rights challenge to California’s law that strictly regulates who may carry a concealed weapon. “The 2nd Amendment’s core purpose,” they said, shows “the right to bear arms extends to public carry.”

    He filed his own dissent on Monday when the court ruled for two lesbian couples and said they had a right to have both of their names on their child's birth certificate. Without hearing arguments, the justices struck down part of an Arkansas law that gave this right to opposite-sex couples, but not same-sex couples.

    Gorsuch said he did not see “any cons utional problem with a biology based birth registration system.”

    The justices, including Kennedy, said they had clearly ruled in 2015 that married same-sex couples deserve fully equal rights. Thomas and Justice Samuel A. Alito, both of whom dissented two years ago, joined Gorsuch's dissent.

    But until recently, most conservative justices have been inclined to uphold the laws on the books and stick with the court’s precedents.

    Gorsuch, however, has shown himself eager to change the laws, particularly in the area of religious liberty and church-state separation.

    Throughout American history, the U.S. Cons ution and most state cons utions have prohibited the government from giving tax money to churches. But in this week’s ruling involving a church-run preschool center in Missouri, the justices described those traditional funding restrictions as an uncons utional “discrimination” against the “free exercise” of religion.

    Gorsuch wrote a short separate opinion to disavow the footnote and to argue for a much broader view of what is protected by the 1st Amendment’s ban on laws “prohibiting the free exercise” of religion.

    “That clause guarantees the free exercise of religion, not just the right to inward belief,” he wrote. “The general principles here do not permit religious discrimination — whether on the playground or anywhere else.”

    the Supreme Court’s “order sends a strong signal” that states and localities may not “exclude religious options from school choice programs.”

    On campaign financing, Gorsuch last month dissented with Thomas when the court affirmed earlier rulings that upheld federal limits on big-money gifts to political parties.

  18. #218
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    ing TX, Christian hater supremacists their elected judges for hire

    Top Texas court sides against same-sex couple marriage benefits

    The Texas Supreme Court ruled on Friday that same-sex couples are not necessarily en led to government-dispensed spousal benefits, dealing a blow to backers of marriage equality, who have vowed to fight the decision.

    The Republican-dominated court said the landmark 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same-sex marriage legal nationwide, did not resolve issues such as payments of municipal employees' spousal benefits.

    "The Supreme Court held in Obergefell that the Cons ution requires states to license and recognize same-sex marriages to the same extent that they license and recognize opposite-sex marriages," the Texas court wrote, "but it did not hold that states must provide the same publicly funded benefits to all married persons."

    The Texas Supreme Court sent the case back to a lower court, adding that it could not reach a decision on whether to grant the plaintiff's request to claw back previously paid benefits.

    Texas Values, an activist group for social conservatives, and Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton, who supported the challenge on the benefits, applauded the decision.

    and Paxton will probably run and win for governor

  19. #219
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    That's completely fair for Muslim, Jewish and atheist kids
    If they don liek it they ken git out!

  20. #220
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    there's House bill to allow churches to make political contributions, overtirning the LBJ rule

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    SOME MEMBERS OF CONGRESS are trying to criminalize support for the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel for its occupation of Palestinian territories.

    The U.S.’s new premiere left-wing organization, however, is moving the other way, undaunted by the threat of legislation against the BDS movement, as it is known.

    support for BDS in the U.S. is growing rapidly, particularly on college campuses and among faith organizations.

    U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel

    THE CRIMINALIZATION OF political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the West.

    In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel.

    The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism.

    In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal.

    On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace that the Center for Cons utional Rights refers to it as “the Palestine Exception” to free speech.

    But now, a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — wants to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel,

    "Money is protected speech" but the "speech" of boycotting Israel will be Federal felony.

    So many Congress people are S for AIPAC

  23. #223

  24. #224
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    It's all hunky dory until a Muslim judge says that

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    CIA Director Mike Pompeo Cancels Speech at Harvard After They Hired ‘Traitor’ Chelsea Manning

    “Ms. Manning betrayed her country and was found guilty of 17 serious crimes for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks,” Pompeo wrote.

    “Leaders from both political parties denounced Ms. Manning’s actions as traitorous and many intelligence and military officials believe those leaks put the lives of the patriotic men and women at the CIA in danger.”

    Pompeo is an extreme Christian Taliban

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