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    ‘Crazy’ Trump struggles to put two thoughts together –

    but the GOP is powerless to stop him: Michael Wolff


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    Gen. Milley's other 'nightmare scenario' revealed:

    Trump pushed Iran strike in desperate bid to retain power


    Milley..."No ing way. We have the guns."

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    White evangelicals are beginning to ‘move on’ from Trump

    Family Leadership Summit, a gathering of largely white evangelicals.

    interviewed fifteen people

    "I agree with pretty much everything Trump did on policy as president, but I don't think it would be good for him or good for the country if he ran again,"

    "I am interested in who comes next,"

    we all need to move on to the next election,"



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    Trump Makes A Stunning Confession

    Donald Trump said Thursday that

    instead of hiring only "the best people," as he promised voters,

    he hired "garbage."

    He also complained Thursday that these former appointees didn't follow his version of omerta


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    So much for trump’s shower issues.

    Trump showerhead rule on more water flow goes down the drain.

    The Biden administration is reversing a Trump-era rule approved after the former president complained he wasn’t getting wet enough because of limits on water flow from showerheads.

    Now, with a new president in office, the Energy Department is going back to a standard adopted in 2013, saying it provides plenty of water for a good soak and a thorough clean.

    The rule change will have little practical effect, since nearly all commercially made showerheads comply with the 2013 rule — the pet peeve of the former president notwithstanding.


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    Donald Trump 'Won in a Freakin Landslide,' Claims Ex-White House Trade Advisor


    one of the first Trump administration staffers to publicly support the former president's baseless voter fraud claims, continued to insist that

    the 2020 election was stolen

    from his former boss in an interview on Steve Bannon's

    War Room podcast.

    "In a freaking landslide, full stop," he said. "Trump not only won, he won in a freakin landslide."


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    Donald Trump 'Won in a Freakin Landslide,' Claims Ex-White House Trade Advisor


    one of the first Trump administration staffers to publicly support the former president's baseless voter fraud claims, continued to insist that

    the 2020 election was stolen

    from his former boss in an interview on Steve Bannon's

    War Room podcast.

    "In a freaking landslide, full stop," he said. "Trump not only won, he won in a freakin landslide."


    and as usual no fact to support their claim, Goebbels would be happy with the state of the republican party

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    An outburst by the young Trump on election night suggests he has no idea…how counting works.

    intelligence is not a dominant gene in the Trump family.

    Obviously, patriarch
    Donald Trump is not smart at all, a small smattering of evidence being

    his suggestion that Americans
    inject household cleaner into their veins;

    his bright idea to stop hurricanes by
    dropping nuclear bombs on them;

    his decision to look
    directly at a solar eclipse multiple times without protective eyewear;

    and his claim that one can get cancer
    from the sound of windmills.

    Eric Trump apparently had no idea how vote counting works, in that he doesn’t understand that election officials don’t just stop counting votes when the candidate he wants to win is ahead.

    “Why are they still counting votes?” Trump asked. “The election’s closed. Are they counting ballots that came in afterward? What the is going on?” Trump, through a spokesman, denied saying this.

    The president told [Kellyanne] Conway that he thought something nefarious was at play. “They’re stealing this from us,” Trump said. “We have this thing won. I won in a landslide and they’re taking it back.”

    Of course, nobody was taking anything. Election officials were simply doing their duty, counting ballots.

    But Trump didn’t see it that way.

    He seemed to truly believe he had been winning.

    Eric Trump, who the night before had predicted to friends that his father would win with 322 electoral college votes,

    flipped out in the Map Room.

    “The election is being stolen,” the president’s 36-year-old son said.

    “Where are these votes coming from? How is this legit?”
    The votes, of course, were coming from…the voters. Nevertheless, Eric persisted:

    He yelled at the campaign’s data analysts, as if it were their fault that his father’s early leads over [Joe] Biden were shrinking.

    ”We pay you to do this,” he said. “How can this be happening?”

    Eric Trump, through a spokesperson, insisted that he did not berate campaign staff, as described by witnesses. Donald Trump Jr. said,

    “There’s no way we lose to this guy,” referring to Biden.


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    Trump money man has already talked to grand jury --

    and he’s blabbed to investigators in the past

    A high-ranking Trump Organization executive has testified before a special grand jury that returned an indictment against the former president's company.

    Jeff McConney, a longtime accountant for the family-owned business, previously testified during a 2017 civil lawsuit and

    showed a willingness to admit errors that might help prosecutors build case,

    "We made a mistake."

    That error was related to Donald Trump

    using a donor-funded charity to settle a lawsuit with Palm Beach, Florida,

    McConney also admitted mistakes related to the

    then-president's $25,000 gift to Florida attorney general Pam Bondi's re-election campaign

    after she dropped an investigation into his fraudulent Trump University.

    "We found out we made the contribution to…

    a political organization as opposed to a charitable organization," McConney said.

    "Anything and everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, with this one request."


    Last edited by boutons_deux; 07-19-2021 at 07:32 AM.

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    Trump's kind of supporters. kill anybody not on your side

    Trump supporter who left 'terrifying' death threat for Black judge sentenced to 18 months in jail

    52-year-old New York resident Frank Caporusso is set to spend the next year-and-a-half in jail after he left a voicemail for Judge Emmet Sullivan over his handling of Flynn's criminal trial.

    Although Sullivan received many threatening messages while overseeing the Flynn case,

    he told the court that he was "terrified" of Caporusso's threat because it sounded so credible.

    "We are trained military people," Caporusso told Sullivan.

    "We will be on rooftops. You will not be safe.

    A hot piece of lead will cut through your skull...

    Back out of this bullsh*t before it's too late, or

    we'll start cutting down your staff.

    This is not a threat. This is a promise."

    the attorney representing Caporusso said that he deserved leniency because he was struggling with addiction at the time he made the threat.


    Federal crime and jail for threatening Federal judge? He's ed for life.

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    Trash is roadkill, a bag living in a bubble of sycophants applauding his bull every night


    Majority of Republican Voters Say

    ‘Fresh Face’ Would Be Stronger Than Trump in 2024 —

    A 33-pt. Swing Since April


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    10Ms cult mob believe this .

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    After literal decades of avoiding any and all consequences for a life of corruption that has included

    everything from inciting
    an attack on the U.S. Capitol

    to attempting to
    extort Ukraine,

    to allegedly
    directing his lawyer to violate campaign finance laws,

    lying to the public about COVID-19,

    to allegedly
    stiffing hundreds of contractors,

    Donald Trump actually going to be held accountable for running

    a company accused of,
    among other things,

    grand larceny, and
    multiple counts of tax fraud and
    falsifying records?

    Weisselberg‘s ex-daughter-in-law, who’s been extremelyhelpful to Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office thus far, provided the Manhattan D.A.’s office with

    explosive information concerning Donald Trump’s involvement in the crimes his company and longtime employee have been accused of committing.

    told investigators that she was in Trump’s office at Trump Tower during a January 2012 meeting in which the real estate developer discussed compensation with Allen and Barry, explaining that while the latter would not be getting a raise, his children’s private school tuition, which clocked in at more than $50,000 a year per child, would be paid for.

    prosecutors have claimed that

    Allen Weisselberg was
    numerous fringe benefits over the years—like a free apartment, cars, and, yes, private school tuition

    —for the express purpose of avoiding paying taxes.

    Which, according to the indictment against him, he did, to the tune of $900,000.

    Jennifer Weisselberg’s claims would directly tie Trump to what a New York criminal indictment described as

    a corporate scheme to pay executives “in a matter that was ‘off the books.’”

    “The scheme allowed the Trump Organization to evade the payment of payroll taxes that [it] was required to pay,”

    it also alleges that executives avoided having to pay income taxes on a huge chunk of their pay

    The indictment, filed the very next week on June 30, does not criminally charge Trump as an individual,

    but it does describe how he signed checks that paid for the Weisselberg children to attend an expensive private school in Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

    Prosecutors have already used do ents in Jennifer Weisselberg’s divorce case to explore how

    Trump paid more than $50,000 a year, starting in 2012, for the kids to attend the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School.

    Jennifer’s claims during the Zoom call are seemingly backed up by testimony Barry gave during a 2018 divorce deposition

    Prosecutors have yet to file charges against others allegedly involved in the scheme,

    but judging by the indictment, more charges could be on the way.

    For instance, the indictment identifies an “unindicted co-conspirator #1,” who remains unnamed but is described as the company’s “agent” and

    is accused of underreporting the CFO’s taxable income in 2009.


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    Garland is turning out to be a wimp, and/or another Boy Scout playing by soft-ball rules, a de able appeaser, not prosecuting Repug criminals, signaling to the Repugs that they can do it all again and push further next time.

    When America desecends into Capitalists/Christian fascism, the Dems will be as guilty as the Repugs, and then they will never hold power again.

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    Trump official slashed salary of newly hired virologist

    because he was jealous he was making more money

    Trump's COVID-19 Task Force was overwhelmed with petty squabbles.

    Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was preoccupied with the salaries of the people on the task force.

    Redfield, a virologist who served as the director of the Center for Disease Control, for example, triggered Sec. Azar by making a particularly large salary.

    Redfield gave up a medical professorship to serve in the government. He was making $700,000 a year and agreed to take the position under a program called le 42, which gives high-earning private-sector scientists with unique skills higher-than-normal salaries to work in the government.

    So, Redfield was paid $375,000 -- and Azar was furious.

    more than Azar's pay of $199,000, Azar confronted Redfield,"

    "If I had known that you were going to have to be paid this much, I would have probably asked to look for somebody else," Azar snapped,

    Redfield said. "I came in to do this job for the mission, not the money, so if you feel a need to change my salary, change my salary."

    That's what Azar did, cutting Dr. Redfield's pay to $185,000, under his own salary.

    after Azar had left office, Politico reported that other

    health experts from the COVID battle built a kind of "club"

    to counter the false claims Azar had been spouting in wake of the administration.


    The Best People (c) Trash says were "garbage", for once telling the truth.

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    Tom Brady's White House appearance left a 'wounding effect' on Trump

    "In Trump's mind, the two men were parallels to each other: both Winners, and natural companions on the basis of their mastery of their respective fields," Chait writes.

    "'He's a friend of mine, he's a great guy, and he's a great athlete obviously, but he's a winner,' Trump told TMZ in 2016.

    'I think Tom is totally innocent. I think Tom is — first of all, I know him, he's such an honorable guy, and I'm with him all the way.'

    Trump has repeatedly expressed his regret that he 'could have had Tom Brady' as his son-in-law, rather than the nerdy Jared Kushner."

    Chait then argues that Brady's visit to the White House and his jokes about the election likely had the effect of "inverting the whole hierarchy" in Trump's mind.


    Will TB still be popular in Repug, Trash-fellating Florida?

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    Michael Cohen thinks that Jared Kushner has already flipped on Trump

    he tweeted that he thinks that Jared Kushner has already flipped on his father-in-law in conversations with prosecutors.

    "Interesting how Jared Kushner (#SecretaryOfEverything) name appears to be absent from all the controversy, indictments and arrests.

    Is he next to fall or a cooperating witness?

    Knowing what a snake he is, I bet the latter!" tweeted Cohen.

    Kushher, ... continue to pat himself for his diplomatic efforts in the Middle East -- including

    some initiatives that benefited the government of the United Arab Emirates,

    which Barrack is accused of illegally lobbying for.


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    'On the hunt':

    Legal experts explain how prosecutors are

    zeroing on Trump in tax fraud scheme

    The Trump Organization isn't a complicated setup, and

    investigators seem to have its leader targeted for prosecution.

    "The Trump Organization is an avatar for Donald Trump, in every way imaginable: financially, emotionally and psychologically,"

    "The core company is a mom-and-pop shop on Fifth Avenue."

    to indict the ex-president they must show that he knew the employee fringe benefits were illegal but approved them anyway.

    all roads in the Trump Organization come back to its namesake.

    "This is basically a corner grocery with a guy behind the counter munching on a hamburger," O'Brien said,"and he's the owner of the store."

    Michael Cohen, who served a prison term for crimes committed on behalf of his former boss, said there's no way Trump didn't know about the tax fraud scheme.


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