Sunshine is not a terrible game overall or anything, just by Mario standards it's noticeably bad compared to the rest for whatever reason. Still fun to play for the first time, I just don't have a desire to ever replay it and if I did I'd just skip those few shrines from he11 and save the frustration. Same thing when I replayed Banjo Tooie a few times, I skipped that one jiggy where you had to race against that bird going a million miles per hour and you physically had to slide your thumb back and forth on the control pad because you couldn't 'tap A' fast enough. I remember a friend of mine beating that stupid thing and literally getting a blister on his thumb, and I just said f*ck that I'll just finish at 99.9%
Haven't played Bowser's Fury, the next one I need to get too is Mario Galaxy. Gonna order the All Stars pack one I finish Odyssey and then work my way back from there. Who knows though, BOTW 2 might be out by that point IMO