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  1. #676
    Believe. jeebus's Avatar
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    jeebus man, how about that reveal of the reveal for the Switch 2 today? Ugh if it only launches with a new Mario Kart though. Given TOTK is a year and a half old and Wonder came out last year no 3D Zelda nor 2D Mario likely at launch, so it looks like it'll be 3D Mario or bust for whether I should consider getting this at launch.
    I'll be getting it but it won't be a day one purchase. I've gotten to where I don't play any video games....except Zelda lol. I get bored/a headache with any other console games for whatever reason. In any case, I expect Mario Kart and Metroid Prime 4 to be the big launch games. Trailers probably for the next 3D Mario and a teaser for Zelda; I doubt they'll release 2 big Mario games at launch but you never know, they might come out with guns blazing. I don't expect the next 3D Zelda game to come out until late next year/early 2027.

  2. #677
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    I'll be getting it but it won't be a day one purchase. I've gotten to where I don't play any video games....except Zelda lol. I get bored/a headache with any other console games for whatever reason. In any case, I expect Mario Kart and Metroid Prime 4 to be the big launch games. Trailers probably for the next 3D Mario and a teaser for Zelda; I doubt they'll release 2 big Mario games at launch but you never know, they might come out with guns blazing. I don't expect the next 3D Zelda game to come out until late next year/early 2027.
    Launch lineup is rumored to be Mario Kart 9, Metroid Prime 4, Breath of the Wild 60 fps Remaster, Tekken 8, and Elden Ring. So I have no real interest in this system until the next 3D Mario.

  3. #678
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    Launch lineup is rumored to be Mario Kart 9, Metroid Prime 4, Breath of the Wild 60 fps Remaster, Tekken 8, and Elden Ring. So I have no real interest in this system until the next 3D Mario.
    Ditto. I mean, I'd like to ditch my Switch, which is a day one version, but it can wait another year or two. Unless something else comes out that looks insane. Doubtful.

  4. #679
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