Pro rasslin' really is a lot like a soap opera. The angles. mic skills, fueds, the silliness of it all is a big part of the attraction. And as you know those in that biz are some pretty interesting characters. A lot more to this than actual..wrestling...ability. The politics involved, the behind the scenes going ons.
Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, are gigantic in the biz, yet neither one of them could "wrestle" a lick. The Roadwarriors?
I get the...WOW~~~...that we see in New Japan but.....without a story to tell, an angle to sell it's just a cheap thrill, nothing sustains.
Right now The Shield have reunited and the whole roster is down on them, so what now? Where is Triple H vs The Undertaker going, ....Shawn Michaels? Orton vs Jeff somebody going to really get hurt, they are pushing it.
I have seen a dozen or so (three in waiting) New Japan shows, think I've seen the roster. Yes the action is amazing, so many.......never seen that before. But, they come up short selling.........can't wait to see where this goes.
Yes, Kenny Omega is fantastic.