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  1. #126
    coffee's for closers FrostKing's Avatar
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    Winner in a losers circle 140's Avatar
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  3. #128
    Manu Mania lefty20's Avatar
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    Best of 3 ain't best of 5. It's a near certainty that he wins US Open, tbh.

  4. #129
    TRU 'cross mah stomach LaMarcus Bryant's Avatar
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    guy looks like a total imo

  5. #130
    Каждый человек замечал за собой, что тяжело сразу же заснуть после напряженного рабочего дня. Приходится долго лежать и смотреть в потолок, так как человеческий мозг не может быстро"разгрузиться". Гаджет для засыпания под названием Tranquil Moments Advanced Sleep Sounds поможет Вам в решении этой проблемы. Благодаря подобранным сочетаниям громкости и скорости мелодий, осуществляется успокаивающий эффект на альфа-, дельта- и тета-волны мозга, что приводит к глубокому и спокойному сну. Можно использовать гаджет в качестве терапевтического успокаивающего средства. Стоимость устройства составляет 170 долларов. Можно сказать, что это что-то среднее между магнитофоном и радио, по форме и внешнему виду устройство напоминает настольные часы. Устройство имеет простой и понятный интерфейс, небольшой корпус, который сочетает в себе функции часов-будильника. Возможно, что в скором времени это устройство будут рекомендовать терапевты своим пациентам, ведь это устройство, как показали исследования, достойная замена снотворным и седативным препаратам. А если у вас есть автомобиль, чтобы не мучила бессонница от волнения, мы рекомендуем купить шины Континенталь. Тогда уж точно вы будете видеть красивые и сладкие сны. Больше интересных новостей

  6. #131
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    The topic le holds true more than ever

  7. #132
    Manu Mania lefty20's Avatar
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    That should put Djoker in the Finals. No way a mental midget like Zverev can come back from a break down in the 5th against him.

  8. #133
    Manu Mania lefty20's Avatar
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    And broken again... GG!

  9. #134
    Manu Mania lefty20's Avatar
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    Well this is awkward....

    Still the GOAT doe, tbh.

  10. #135
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    Well this is awkward....

    Still the GOAT doe, tbh.

  11. #136
    Winner in a losers circle 140's Avatar
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    The topic le holds true more than ever
    Don't you ever get tired of looking like a re ?

  12. #137
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    Don't you ever get tired of looking like a re ?
    Don’t be a ing idiot, everyone and their mother knows Djokovic is the GOAT you moron

  13. #138
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    I still think prime Fed beats prime Djoke. But then again, prime Nadal beats prime Federer, and prime djokovic beats prime Rafa.

  14. #139
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Even though I think Nadal is the weakest of the three discussed as a pure tennis player , Nadal never thinks he is beaten unless he is injured. Joker knew he was finished. He knew on this day against this kid, I will lose. Definitely not an inspiring match.

  15. #140
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    Even though I think Nadal is the weakest of the three discussed as a pure tennis player , Nadal never thinks he is beaten unless he is injured. Joker knew he was finished. He knew on this day against this kid, I will lose. Definitely not an inspiring match.
    I still say Djokovic has the best mentality by far of the big 3 with fed having three worst. But Djokovic was lacklustre in the us open final

  16. #141
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    I still think prime Fed beats prime Djoke. But then again, prime Nadal beats prime Federer, and prime djokovic beats prime Rafa.
    Djokovic 2011 and 2015 surpasses both primes of Federer and nadal

  17. #142
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Djokovic 2011 and 2015 surpasses both primes of Federer and nadal
    Nothing surpasses 2006 Federer. Nothing.

  18. #143
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    Nothing surpasses 2006 Federer. Nothing.
    2006 had significantly weaker compe ion than djokovic in 2011 and 2015, Fed had the easiest era between 2004-2007 and then Nadal and Djokovic overtook him onward.

  19. #144
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    2006 had significantly weaker compe ion than djokovic in 2011 and 2015, Fed had the easiest era between 2004-2007 and then Nadal and Djokovic overtook him onward.
    Federer, Nadal, Murray and Djokovic (granted, these two not what they became later, but already quite good), Hewitt, Safin, Rod , Nalbandian, Wawrinka, Ferrer, Ferrero, Davydenko, Blake.

    That was quite the competion, tbh. Certainly much better than what we have now.

  20. #145
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    Federer, Nadal, Murray and Djokovic (granted, these two not what they became later, but already quite good), Hewitt, Safin, Rod , Nalbandian, Wawrinka, Ferrer, Ferrero, Davydenko, Blake.

    That was quite the competion, tbh. Certainly much better than what we have now.
    Better than 2021, no arguments there but not as good as 2011 where Djokovic was pretty much unplayable and 2015 was absolutely absurd as well.

    2006 Federer was obviously incredible in his own right.

  21. #146
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    I still say Djokovic has the best mentality by far of the big 3 with fed having three worst. But Djokovic was lacklustre in the us open final
    He quit because he knew he was convinced he could not win.
    The Russian gave him and in and showed the choke for him and Joker did not jump on it.
    Definitely NOT as mentally tough as Nadal. No one is. But definitely more talented.

    Nadal's strokes are the most inefficient of the 3 thus the injuries.

  22. #147
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    He quit because he knew he was convinced he could not win.
    The Russian gave him and in and showed the choke for him and Joker did not jump on it.
    Definitely NOT as mentally tough as Nadal. No one is. But definitely more talented.

    Nadal's strokes are the most inefficient of the 3 thus the injuries.
    1000% more mentally tough than Nadal. Even nadal knows it, Djokovic owns him and even came back from a 5-0 first set deficit to crush Nadal. Statistically no one has had more comebacks than Djokovic. Nadal has never even been in a position for a calendar slam.

  23. #148
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    1000% more mentally tough than Nadal. Even nadal knows it, Djokovic owns him and even came back from a 5-0 first set deficit to crush Nadal. Statistically no one has had more comebacks than Djokovic. Nadal has never even been in a position for a calendar slam.
    No fn way.
    Nadal is NOT the Nadal of old. You cant see this? He has the desire, he does not have the ability. Either does Federer. Djokovic is a fantastic tennis player but the wins now are definitely EASIER because 2 of the big 3 are in free fall. Nadal will never win Wimbledon again, never. He still has a chance in the French if things go right. Federer will never win the French open again or the US open again (possibly no major again, his court coverage is gone). Even if Joker is NOT in these tournaments. They are in decline. Its called age. ANd for Nadal, horrible strokes to last a lifetime. Joker still has mental issues and it showed up in his inability in the Olympics and the US open. He is clearly better at controlling himself, but STRAIGHT SETS? Thats a joke. With the German choking the last set and Djokovic flat out had no response as he had already given up. This was absolutely obvious. Im not arguing about his place in history. Im arguing about his will. Its better, but its still not Nadal level. And this is getting closer to the end of Prime Time for Djokovic. Another bad injury and... he goes away better, but not unlike Sampras. Sampras finished on top. Others will come.

  24. #149
    Realistic Spurs Fan Amuseddaysleeper's Avatar
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    No fn way.
    Nadal is NOT the Nadal of old. You cant see this? He has the desire, he does not have the ability. Either does Federer. Djokovic is a fantastic tennis player but the wins now are definitely EASIER because 2 of the big 3 are in free fall. Nadal will never win Wimbledon again, never. He still has a chance in the French if things go right. Federer will never win the French open again or the US open again (possibly no major again, his court coverage is gone). Even if Joker is NOT in these tournaments. They are in decline. Its called age. ANd for Nadal, horrible strokes to last a lifetime. Joker still has mental issues and it showed up in his inability in the Olympics and the US open. He is clearly better at controlling himself, but STRAIGHT SETS? Thats a joke. With the German choking the last set and Djokovic flat out had no response as he had already given up. This was absolutely obvious. Im not arguing about his place in history. Im arguing about his will. Its better, but its still not Nadal level. And this is getting closer to the end of Prime Time for Djokovic. Another bad injury and... he goes away better, but not unlike Sampras. Sampras finished on top. Others will come.

    Djokovic was down 2 sets constantly, and still fought back everytime. This is a guy who fend of double championship point to Federer as well as multiple match points in 2010 and 2011 to an in prime federer. No tennis player in history has the mental for ude that djokovic had. Because he lost to zverev and Medvedev doesnt mean he is all of a sudden mentally weak. He just came back to beat zverev a few months after the Olympics being two sets down.

    Its absolute bs to say nadal is trying despite being injured when Djokovic completely turned the tables on nadal on nadals best service. Historically Djokovic is the mentally toughest player in tennis history. Has had far more match turnaround than nadal. Id put nadal second all time for mental toughness and just because he didnt make all time history this calendar year doesnt change that.

    And Djokovic has annihilated nadal in straight sets like the Austrian open. Nadal also blew a 5-0 lead and momentum to Djokovic just this year. To keep crying about straight sets as though Djokovic didnt play 6 more hours of tennis than Medvedev is insane. Djokovic is getting older too but takes care of himself better than nadal. Hes far hungrier than nadal too. Nadal even said as much when saying getting the all time slam count means more to Djokovic than it does to nadal.

    Mentally its Djokovic all day. Medvedev is number two on the world and played phenomenally well. But its weak to use excuses everytime for nadal but when its Djokovic its down to being mentally weak. Everyone and their mother knows Djokovic is the mentally toughest tennis player in history

  25. #150
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Djokovic was down 2 sets constantly, and still fought back everytime. This is a guy who fend of double championship point to Federer as well as multiple match points in 2010 and 2011 to an in prime federer. No tennis player in history has the mental for ude that djokovic had. Because he lost to zverev and Medvedev doesn’t mean he is all of a sudden mentally weak. He just came back to beat zverev a few months after the Olympics being two sets down.

    It’s absolute bs to say “nadal is trying despite being injured” when Djokovic completely turned the tables on nadal on nadals best service. Historically Djokovic is the mentally toughest player in tennis history. Has had far more match turnaround than nadal. I’d put nadal second all time for mental toughness and just because he didn’t make all time history this calendar year doesn’t change that.

    And Djokovic has annihilated nadal in straight sets like the Austrian open. Nadal also blew a 5-0 lead and momentum to Djokovic just this year. To keep crying about straight sets as though Djokovic didn’t play 6 more hours of tennis than Medvedev is insane. Djokovic is getting older too but takes care of himself better than nadal. He’s far hungrier than nadal too. Nadal even said as much when saying getting the all time slam count means more to Djokovic than it does to nadal.

    Mentally it’s Djokovic all day. Medvedev is number two on the world and played phenomenally well. But it’s weak to use excuses everytime for nadal but when it’s Djokovic it’s down to being mentally weak. Everyone and their mother knows Djokovic is the mentally toughest tennis player in history
    He is better. But no way can you discount his temper tantrums and early meltdowns that cost one of the most gifted athletes ever in the sport.
    Of course the slam means more to Djokovic. Because he and he alone has the physical ability to get it NOW. Nadal does not. So that statement is totally irrelevant.

    I will take Nadal every day of the week in a mental matchup with any player in history. And I dont really even like the guy... constantly picking at his butt.
    You are madly off. You watched the guy die in the Olympics and in Straight sets at the US open when going for the biggest slam ever. Sorry Djokovic had to play more tennis and could not finish off opponents in the US open. Tough playing could have solved this problem.

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