1. #25251
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    Its a secondary benefit, but not why we vaccinate.
    It is a second reason. It's right there in the CDC post I spent worthless time posting for you, dip .

    Wtf is wrong with you, dip ? This isn't hard reading to do

  2. #25252
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    Why are you such an angry little turd?
    I'm not angry, dip . Are you drunk again?

  3. #25253
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    I'm not angry, dip . Are you drunk again?
    No, but you're obviously still angry.

  4. #25254
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Its a secondary benefit, but not why we vaccinate.
    Its the primary benefit of day care. If you don’t want to vaccinate your kid, fine. But you are not getting their care. Goodbye, and don’t come in.

  5. #25255
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    Its the primary benefit of day care. If you don’t want to vaccinate your kid, fine. But you are not getting their care. Goodbye, and don’t come in.
    My kids have had all vaccinations. To protect THEM.

  6. #25256
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Imagine if we closed schools to protect adults. Oh wait. We already did that.
    You kicked teens out of your house to protect yourself, Darrin.

  7. #25257
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    My kids have had all vaccinations. To protect THEM.
    Doesn't matter if you did it for selfish reasons. The utilitarian value that they're likely won't be spreading vectors is still there.

  8. #25258
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    Doesn't matter if you did it for selfish reasons. The utilitarian value that they're likely won't be spreading vectors is still there.
    No evidence of your 2nd sentence yet

  9. #25259
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    You're an idiot spouting the same drunken here day in day out
    Technically, gullible idiot, that was an insult.

    Any given thing isn't untrue simply because you are a gullible idiot.

    Serious question:

    Do you think you are a good critical thinker?

  10. #25260
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    The utilitarian value that they're likely won't be spreading vectors is still there.
    No evidence of your 2nd sentence yet
    hater demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic health. hurr dee durr, "I don't understand immune response"

  11. #25261
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    hater demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic health. hurr dee durr, "I don't understand immune response"
    Lol "likely"

    Post the scientific evidence that vaxed infected dont spread the virus

  12. #25262
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Lol "likely"

    Post the scientific evidence that vaxed infected dont spread the virus

    And so many people have been vaccinated that if you choose people at random people that have been vaccinated and test for the active virus you wont find any.

    You are just completely out of your league here, just stop posting.

    You think the huge decrease in old people catching covid and going to the hospital was just a "poof" moment?
    Whats your theory on the decrease?

  13. #25263
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    My kids have had all vaccinations. To protect THEM.

    So you dont think of the secondary value at all?

    And from the daycare point of view, they dont give a if your kid does not have the primary vaccines for young ones. THEY show you the door. When there are a room full of kids and YOU own a daycare, how are YOU going to think about vaccines? YOUR responsibility is to the group. Hey, light bulb goes on? You mean like the GOVERNMENT? Attentive to the needs of the whole while respecting the rights of the individual. Wow... amazing stuff.

    The inability of the red team to put themselves in another's place is astounding. I thought this is what made people different from other animals. Apparently not.

  14. #25264
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  15. #25265
    Veteran InRareForm's Avatar
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  16. #25266
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    We basically are giving the virus a chance to evolve into nastier strains by maintaining a very large group of unvaccinated people. That little piece of RNA from the original strain thanks us for allowing it to be handed down in alternate forms.

    If there was some evil little lab in CHYNA trying to reek havoc upon the world they would be so pleased at how we are reacting.

  17. #25267
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    the doctors aren't saying what I want to hear tho.

  18. #25268
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    No evidence of your 2nd sentence yet
    Children and adolescents can also transmit SARS-CoV-2 infection to others. Early during the COVID-19 pandemic, children were not commonly identified as index cases in household or other clusters9, 10 largely because schools and extracurricular activities around the world were closed or no longer held in-person. However, outbreaks among adolescents attending camps, sports events, and schools have demonstrated that adolescents can transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others.11, 14, 30 Furthermore, transmission studies that have examined secondary infection risk from children and adolescents to household contacts who are rapidly, frequently, and systematically tested demonstrate that transmission does occur.29, 31


  19. #25269
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    'Very sick' Trump supporter refused COVID-19 test because

    he feared it would make president look bad


    gawdamn you people are ing stupid

  20. #25270
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    The actual reason why homicidal Republicans and their media are discouraging people from getting vaccinated

    Put simply, I believe these Republicans are trying topromote outbreaks of Covid in America

    to soften or damage Joe Biden's red-hot economy

    on the assumption that

    if the economy tanks then people will vote out Democrats and vote in Republicans in 2022 and 2024.

    They're not just

    willing to let tens or hundreds of thousands of Americans die just to win the next two elections,

    they're actively encouraging that outcome.

    is their electoral strategy.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 07-15-2021 at 02:23 PM.

  21. #25271
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    The actual reason why homicidal Republicans and their media are discouraging people from getting vaccinated

    Put simply, I believe these Republicans are trying topromote outbreaks of Covid in America

    to soften or damage Joe Biden's red-hot economy

    on the assumption that

    if the economy tanks then people will vote out Democrats and vote in Republicans in 2022 and 2024.

    They're not just willing to let tens or hundreds of thousands of Americans die just to win the next two elections, they're actively encouraging that outcome.

    is their electoral strategy.

    You got the Vaccine(s) boot? Please say yes!

  22. #25272
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    If there was some evil little lab in CHYNA trying to reek havoc upon the world they would be so pleased at how we are reacting.
    Excuses made by closeted communists.

  23. #25273
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    Excuses made by closeted communists.
    communism is when you dont approve of the US response to covid

  24. #25274
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    communism is when you dont approve of the US response to covid
    Actually here in the USA I am granted the right not to have to approve of any party line, gov't, etc... God Bless the USA and our Cons ution!

    I thought of all people a lawyer as yourself would at least know that tidbit of info.

  25. #25275
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    Actually here in the USA I am granted the right not to have to approve of any party line, gov't, etc... God Bless the USA and our Cons ution!

    I thought of all people a lawyer as yourself would at least know that tidbit of info.
    pgardn's post was being critical of how the US handled covid and you called that closet communism

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