1. #27926
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    SARS-CoV-2 Lambda variant exhibits higher infectivity and immune resistance

    "What can we do?" Biden to the scientists.
    "Nothing, sir, cept brazen it &&& herd it out."
    "But, but, but that's what Trump said 2 years ago come January."
    Dead silence.

  2. #27927
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    amazing that CDC hasn't thought this through all the way yet

  3. #27928
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    not in my zip code

    (covers eyes)

  4. #27929
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    outcomes like this are far more common than death

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    Last edited by boutons_deux; 08-13-2021 at 11:53 AM.

  6. #27931
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    Feds look for info about Jan. 6 ground operations during raid of Georgia militia couple's home

    Dozens of federal agents raided the Georgia home of members of the III% Security Force on Wednesday, militia leader Chris Hill claimed in a video posted on the social media app Clapper.

    The militia indicated that federal agents seized the couple's property during the raid on Wednesday.

    "I have a red alert that I need to put on blast,"

    "The roundup has begun. The police state has begun."

    "Red Alert.

    The Patriot Act is in effect.

    Honey Badger and Liberty or Death were raided for being in DC on Jan. 6

    Property taken.

    The sealed indictments are for us all.

    Nobody can hire an attorney to fight no fly lists and a bull domestic terrorist charge together.

    The patriot roundup has begun.

    This is a police state, over."

    III% Security Force as "one of the most threat-heavy militia groups

    so named based on the false historical claim that only 3 percent of American colonists resisted British subjugation — III% Security Force is regarded as

    particularly extreme, with many rival groups distancing themselves.

    Alex Michael Ramos, who at one time appeared in a group photo with the III% Security Force members, was sentenced to six years in prison for his role in beating a Black man in a parking garage

    three men from a breakaway faction of the Kansas Security Force, which in turn reported to Hill, were sentenced to 26 to 30 years for plotting to blow up an apartment building that housed Somali refugees.

    An "About" section on the III% Security Force website spells out the anti-government group's

    pseudo-legal basis for violence that uses militaristic jargon:

    "Defensive posture shall be taken up in the optimal tactical position

    in relation to the people or property in need of such defense….

    All laws in violation of the US and subject States Cons ution are hereby considered null and void,

    the enforcement of which most likely represents the need for such defense as herein outlined.

    "As the nature of the quick reaction force is understood,

    a defensive posture will be taken up in the shortest amount of time possible

    for the allocation of the necessary defensive resources to the location determined," the missive continues.

    "Minimum force size will be determined by the leadership of the coalition."

    Yet they medaled that cop who shot that unarmed woman to death 1-6.

    Let us proceed...

  7. #27932
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    GOP’s Lauren Boebert schooled in ‘Cons ution 101’ after publishing Fox News op-ed

    an op-ed on the Fox News website arguing that

    vaccinations were a personal choice that should be free of government involvement,

    saying that precautionary measures such as business closures and masking mandates were "anti-American bullcrap."

    the government has previously required vaccines for other illnesses and

    the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly found those orders to be cons utional --

    including as recently as Thursday, when Justice Amy Coney Barrett
    denied a request to block Indiana University's mandate.


  8. #27933
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Imagine if we did all this bs in the past for the flu... You know the flu that still kills around 65-80k annually. The powers that be say even 1 death is too much when it comes to the China Virus but I never remember them saying that about all those deaths attributed to the flu for decades and decades now.

  9. #27934
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Did all what?

    We're doing nothing about it now but watching people die.

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  11. #27936
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  12. #27937
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Yet they medaled that cop who shot that unarmed woman to death 1-6.

    Let us proceed...
    Ashli Babbit dindu nuffin

  13. #27938
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    Total failure by Biden. Gifted effective vaccines and treatments he decided to celebrate his victory at halftime and lost the game. Sad!

  14. #27939
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  15. #27940
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    Total failure by Biden. Gifted effective vaccines and treatments he decided to celebrate his victory at halftime and lost the game. Sad!
    He should have forced everyone to get a vaccine

  16. #27941
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    the right can't meme

  17. #27942
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  18. #27943
    R.C. Drunkford TimDunkem's Avatar
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    ^Can't see people happy about wanting to put that in their body either. They'll about that too.

  19. #27944
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    ^Can't see people happy about wanting to put that in their body either. They'll about that too.
    Someone that cant breathe would probably take anything

    But I see ur point.

  20. #27945
    R.C. Drunkford TimDunkem's Avatar
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    Someone that cant breathe would probably take anything

    But I see ur point.
    If they can't breath then they should go to the hospital. Hopefully they can find a bed.

    If not, hopefully they saved their stimmy because Regeneron is over a grand a pop.

  21. #27946
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    It's not really a new approach. Desantis and Abbott have been trying to get the word out for a while. Biden is silent on it unfortunately. He could save a lot of lives but he would be promoting Trump's miracle treatment I guess.

    Someone that cant breathe would probably take anything
    If you've waited that long monoclonals won't help and are not recommended

    If they can't breath then they should go to the hospital. Hopefully they can find a bed.

    If not, hopefully they saved their stimmy because Regeneron is over a grand a pop.
    Trump promised to make monoclonal therapy free for everyone after it saved his fat ass but he lost the election (allegedly).

  22. #27947
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    Trump promised to make monoclonal therapy free for everyone after it saved his fat ass but he lost the election (allegedly).
    Lol "Trump promised"

  23. #27948
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    Abbutt has so ed up TX he ua asking for 2500 nurses in immigrate temporarily to TX.

    Any coming from south of the border?

  24. #27949
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    Abbutt has so ed up TX he ua asking for 2500 nurses in immigrate temporarily to TX.

    Any coming from south of the border?

    Hopefully not. Those folks like 40% positive.

  25. #27950
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    It's not really a new approach. Desantis and Abbott have been trying to get the word out for a while. Biden is silent on it unfortunately. He could save a lot of lives but he would be promoting Trump's miracle treatment I guess.

    If you've waited that long monoclonals won't help and are not recommended

    Trump promised to make monoclonal therapy free for everyone after it saved his fat ass but he lost the election (allegedly).
    Trump promised universal healthcare that would cover more and be way cheaper than the ACA too. LOL Trump's promises.

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