We can make entirely new vaccines.
But this vaccine works in most cases extraordinarily well as it does STILL recognize the virus.
The most credible current theory is that the delta variant is coming with huge dosage to people who already have weakened immune systems. They cant keep up, but they do recognize the viral protein shape. Boosters make perfect sense for them. If tetanus came in large doses we would have to increase the number of tetanus boosters as well. A boost, is not a completely different vaccine. We have not come to that point.
This virus is most likely special because of the sheer number of viral particles it can cause some bodies to produce and the rapidity of its cellular takeover, its not the novelty of calling it delta. And again, by far the largest problems occur in UNVACCINATED people. Mask and get vaccinated. Do BOTH. But people like you were hesitant to do either, and now poor hater has given up hope, dashed against the rocks because his Trumpistas wont do either. And they also led the spread. Sorry you cant face up to it.
So Stop your whining ya damn Sandinistan fruit cake.
btw, look on a map. Chile is a very longitudinally oriented country. And ALL of it is SOUTH of the equator. unless they own some little island i am not familiar with...