Infections down 10% from the peak
Declining/levelling off in big states
Sounds easy, but universal masking, broad based rapid testing and vaccination are still big asks in the USA.
Why? You're not going to get any more shots or change anything else you're doing.
Infections down 10% from the peak
Declining/levelling off in big states
Sounds easy, but universal masking, broad based rapid testing and vaccination are still big asks in the USA.
That tool is not following the science tho
Healthy Under 15 yr old are not supposed to get vaxed.
Had a load of super spreader events Saturday & yesterday.
sucker Biden should have 28 stacks of High Society by end of business tomorrow night.
Let us proceed...
Desantis had his bureaucracy lying last year about covid cases and deaths (remember he fired the lady with accurate numbers), so I have no faith in any FL numbers.
I'm mighty pissed off at him as well, bouts.
according to one advisory panel in the UK.
that's not "the science"
there's no such thing, tbh.
Bend over, I'll ing show you a super spreader event.
tee hee
so now theres no such thing as "the science"
BTW the JCVI. Is the closest thing to "the science" possible. Stop spreading disinfo
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation is an independent expert advisory committee that advises United Kingdom health departments on immunisation, making recommendations concerning vaccination schedules and vaccine safety.
Funeral worker details devastating toll of COVID on 'unrecognizable' bodies
the devastating toll of COVID on the bodies of victims,
including swelling and infections that make them "unrecognizable"
We get bodies out of ICU regularly,
but not in the condition that these COVID bodies are in."
the bodies of COVID victims are "tremendously swollen" with "huge lesions" on their cheeks that have "gone gangrene" and
blood clots "the size of pancakes."
Despite specializing in post-mortem reconstruction of trauma victims,
Huey says there's little he can do in these cases.
"So the body comes out in an almost unrecognizable condition,
and then you have to explain to their family that their loved one doesn't look anything like what they should. ...
And for a lot of these families, it's just a tremendous shock."
he's noticed more victims in their 30s, 40s and 50s because most seniors are vaccinated.
The victims are also dying faster and spending less time in the ICU,
which is actually a "benefit" to embalmers because their bodies are in better condition.
Despite precautions, many embalmers have died from COVID, and
some recent mortuary school graduates have quit because they couldn't handle it after getting slammed with coronavirus victims,
Just the flu
going to zero in April's warmth
Last edited by boutons_deux; 09-13-2021 at 12:37 PM.
yes, there never has been any such thing as "the science."
there are research programmes, designed and discussed by scientists. the expert opinion of one UK expert panel does not represent -- nor could it -- "science" as such.
it's just one interpretation of research.
It's on sucker Biden's tab.
"we" were the ones advocating for tighter restrictions (and against pushing fake miracle cures) to prevent many of the deaths we ultimately saw
one scientific opinion among others, none of them is "the science"
you're stumped.
love to see it.
masking, social distancing and vaccination work, El Paso is living proof“We do have a surge of patients but not to the extent that other parts of Texas are having,” she said.
Helgesen and others say much of the credit can be attributed to the area’s high vaccination rate, widespread compliance with masking and social distancing, and a strong partnership among local community and health care leaders.
“It is amazing,” Helgesen said. “It is absolutely a credit to our community. I really think it was an all-out effort.”
The share of COVID-19 tests in El Paso that come back positive is hovering around 6%, while the statewide positivity rate is three times that at 18%.
The contrary. You are..
I pointed you to the proof the JCVI is one of the closest thing to "the science".there are. And they DO NOT recommend healthy under 15 to get vaxed.
Now you point me to anything close to this that recommend vaxing under 15 yer old. BTW th WHO also dont recomment it.
Deathsantis looking fatter and fatter every day
based on scientific research and advice, Canada, the EU, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Philppines and the US have all vaccinated people younger than 15 years old.
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