1. #30451
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    Per reality, trump told them to commit suicide. Most of unvaccinated are republicans.

    They, like you, are #stillwithhim unto death.
    Anyone that paints Republicans that openly support the vaccine as being against the vaccine really doesn't care about people getting a vaccine.

  2. #30452
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    if by ripped you simply mean uncontrolled community transmission, we've had that for a year and a half.

    what do you mean?

  3. #30453
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    That is another one for sure. ers are masking 2 year olds smh.
    So many lies.

    If they told the truth from getgo peobably wed have lots more vaxed tbqh

  4. #30454
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    Per reality, trump told them to commit suicide. Most of unvaccinated are republicans.

    They, like you, are #stillwithhim unto death.
    Fake news


    49% of unvaxed are Repugs

    dumb ass

  5. #30455
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    Are the networks still showing the death counts on the side of the screen?
    of course not.

    Biden president. Not Trump.

  6. #30456
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    They don't care about the details. If you are president then you are responsible. That's the standard.

    That sucker Biden is responsible, that mother er.

  7. #30457
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    Are the networks still showing the death counts on the side of the screen?
    No, not since the early days of mother er Biden's insurrection, that sucker.

  8. #30458
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    not in California, some reason, Fresno notwithstanding

    California leads the country in COVID deaths...68,000 & counting, son.

  9. #30459
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    California leads the country in COVID deaths...68,000 & counting, son.
    Not as a percentage of their population, son

  10. #30460
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    Biden-bashing restaurant owner blames government for his business closing --

    even though he took $460K in COVID relief


  11. #30461

  12. #30462
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    A Boy Went to a COVID-Swamped ER. He Waited for Hours. Then His Appendix Burst.

    Non-COVID patients are paying a price as the delta variant and low-vaccination rates overwhelm hospitals across the country.

    “Wait times can now be measured in days,”

    Osborn said his wife asked why it was taking so long to be seen. A nurse rolled her eyes and muttered, “COVID.”

    But by the time the doctor operated in the early morning hours, Seth’s appendix had burst — a potentially fatal complication.

    As the nation’s hospitals fill and emergency rooms overflow with critically ill COVID-19 patients, it is the non-COVID-19 patients, like Seth, who have become collateral damage.

    Some health officials now worry about looming ethical decisions.

    Last week, Idaho
    activated a “crisis standard of care,” which one official described as a “last resort.”

    It allows overwhelmed hospitals to ration care, including “in rare cases, ventilator (breathing machines) or intensive care unit (ICU) beds may need to be used for those who are most likely to survive,

    while patients who are not likely to survive may not be able to receive one,”


    Thanks Capitalists, Repugs, rightwing hate media

  13. #30463
    Yam Tits's Bonespur Xray Ef-man's Avatar
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    Anyone that paints Republicans that openly support the vaccine as being against the vaccine really doesn't care about people getting a vaccine.
    Republicans are biggest unvaccinated group in US and party leadership is responsible.

    MAGA s are more likely to not be vaccinated than blacks!

    Republicans are still a bigger obstacle to vaccination than Black Americans

    Consider new polling from the Pew Research Center. It tracked vaccine uptake over the course of the year, finding that Democrats and Asian Americans are the groups most likely to say they have received a dose of the vaccine. Black Americans are the racial group least likely to say so, though that figure is about equal to the percentage of Whites who say they’ve received a dose. It is also higher than three groups that are largely Republican: Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, rural Americans and White evangelical Protestants.

    Over the course of the vaccine rollout, we’ve seen that polling on vaccinations tracks with actual vaccination numbers, but it is the case that someone saying they are vaccinated is different from their actually being vaccinated. So we can look, once again, at the most obvious overlap of vaccination and politics: how counties voted in 2020 and how heavily vaccinated they are.

    The Kaiser Family Foundation has been tracking this over time, finding on Tuesday that about 53 percent of people in counties that voted for Joe Biden in 2020 are fully vaccinated, compared with 40 percent of people in counties that voted for Donald Trump. In May, the gap between the two was only seven percentage points. Now it’s nearly twice as big.

    Again looking only at the counties for which we have vaccination data, a slightly higher percentage of Black Americans than Trump voters live in the half of counties with the highest vaccination rates. But 1.9 times as many Trump voters overall live in the less vaccinated half of counties. There are about 7.4 million more Trump voters than Black residents in those least-vaccinated counties. There are a lot more Trump voters in the more heavily vaccinated counties, too, of course, but the ratio is narrower: 1.8 times as many.

    None of this is a defense of those who aren’t vaccinated, whatever their race or politics. It is, instead, an effort to contextualize the continued effort by many on the right to point fingers at Black Americans as deserving of particular criticism on vaccination rates.


  14. #30464
    Yam Tits's Bonespur Xray Ef-man's Avatar
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    Thanks for proving my point that Republicans are more likely unvaccinated than blacks.

    Get your facts straight as you keep proving you are #stillwithhim!

    MAGA s are more likely to not be vaccinated than blacks!

    Republicans are still a bigger obstacle to vaccination than Black Americans

    Consider new polling from the Pew Research Center. It tracked vaccine uptake over the course of the year, finding that Democrats and Asian Americans are the groups most likely to say they have received a dose of the vaccine. Black Americans are the racial group least likely to say so, though that figure is about equal to the percentage of Whites who say they’ve received a dose. It is also higher than three groups that are largely Republican: Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, rural Americans and White evangelical Protestants.

    Over the course of the vaccine rollout, we’ve seen that polling on vaccinations tracks with actual vaccination numbers, but it is the case that someone saying they are vaccinated is different from their actually being vaccinated. So we can look, once again, at the most obvious overlap of vaccination and politics: how counties voted in 2020 and how heavily vaccinated they are.

    The Kaiser Family Foundation has been tracking this over time, finding on Tuesday that about 53 percent of people in counties that voted for Joe Biden in 2020 are fully vaccinated, compared with 40 percent of people in counties that voted for Donald Trump. In May, the gap between the two was only seven percentage points. Now it’s nearly twice as big.

    Again looking only at the counties for which we have vaccination data, a slightly higher percentage of Black Americans than Trump voters live in the half of counties with the highest vaccination rates. But 1.9 times as many Trump voters overall live in the less vaccinated half of counties. There are about 7.4 million more Trump voters than Black residents in those least-vaccinated counties. There are a lot more Trump voters in the more heavily vaccinated counties, too, of course, but the ratio is narrower: 1.8 times as many.

    None of this is a defense of those who aren’t vaccinated, whatever their race or politics. It is, instead, an effort to contextualize the continued effort by many on the right to point fingers at Black Americans as deserving of particular criticism on vaccination rates.

    Last edited by Ef-man; 09-17-2021 at 09:43 AM.

  15. #30465
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    Not as a percentage of their population, son
    California leads the country in COVID deaths...68,000 & counting, son.

  16. #30466
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    A Boy Went to a COVID-Swamped ER. He Waited for Hours. Then His Appendix Burst.

    Non-COVID patients are paying a price as the delta variant and low-vaccination rates overwhelm hospitals across the country.

    “Wait times can now be measured in days,”

    Osborn said his wife asked why it was taking so long to be seen. A nurse rolled her eyes and muttered, “COVID.”

    But by the time the doctor operated in the early morning hours, Seth’s appendix had burst — a potentially fatal complication.

    As the nation’s hospitals fill and emergency rooms overflow with critically ill COVID-19 patients, it is the non-COVID-19 patients, like Seth, who have become collateral damage.

    Some health officials now worry about looming ethical decisions.

    Last week, Idaho
    activated a “crisis standard of care,” which one official described as a “last resort.”

    It allows overwhelmed hospitals to ration care, including “in rare cases, ventilator (breathing machines) or intensive care unit (ICU) beds may need to be used for those who are most likely to survive,

    while patients who are not likely to survive may not be able to receive one,”


    Thanks Capitalists, Repugs, rightwing hate media
    Take that hospital ship outta mothballs AGAIN there in NY harbor, send it south, then west then north, then get her turned about send it south, east, then north, then get her turned around on & on. 2 people showed up last time: one with an ingrown toenail and me, with a case of poison ivy. But, launch her nonetheless. Chop/chop.

    Get those MASH units set up, bouts; you know the ones that your side badgered President Trump into erecting. Nobody will come, but set 'em anyway. Chop/chop.

  17. #30467
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  18. #30468
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    Thanks for proving my point that Republicans are more likely unvaccinated than blacks.

    Get your facts straight as you keep proving you are #stillwithhim!

    MAGA s are more likely to not be vaccinated than blacks!

    Republicans are still a bigger obstacle to vaccination than Black Americans

    Consider new polling from the Pew Research Center. It tracked vaccine uptake over the course of the year, finding that Democrats and Asian Americans are the groups most likely to say they have received a dose of the vaccine. Black Americans are the racial group least likely to say so, though that figure is about equal to the percentage of Whites who say they’ve received a dose. It is also higher than three groups that are largely Republican: Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, rural Americans and White evangelical Protestants.

    Over the course of the vaccine rollout, we’ve seen that polling on vaccinations tracks with actual vaccination numbers, but it is the case that someone saying they are vaccinated is different from their actually being vaccinated. So we can look, once again, at the most obvious overlap of vaccination and politics: how counties voted in 2020 and how heavily vaccinated they are.

    The Kaiser Family Foundation has been tracking this over time, finding on Tuesday that about 53 percent of people in counties that voted for Joe Biden in 2020 are fully vaccinated, compared with 40 percent of people in counties that voted for Donald Trump. In May, the gap between the two was only seven percentage points. Now it’s nearly twice as big.

    Again looking only at the counties for which we have vaccination data, a slightly higher percentage of Black Americans than Trump voters live in the half of counties with the highest vaccination rates. But 1.9 times as many Trump voters overall live in the less vaccinated half of counties. There are about 7.4 million more Trump voters than Black residents in those least-vaccinated counties. There are a lot more Trump voters in the more heavily vaccinated counties, too, of course, but the ratio is narrower: 1.8 times as many.

    None of this is a defense of those who aren’t vaccinated, whatever their race or politics. It is, instead, an effort to contextualize the continued effort by many on the right to point fingers at Black Americans as deserving of particular criticism on vaccination rates.


  19. #30469
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  20. #30470
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  25. #30475
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    USA! USA! USA!

    Glad they been reading my thread.

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