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  2. #30627
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    You can go to VAERS and tell them the vaccine killed you.
    Are you saying you don't trust the Vaers' data? Then you don't trust the government 'cause they're the ones who set it up. I agree, they could have done a lot better job at this. It is accepted that the VAERS data is just a small fraction of the "true" cases, since it is voluntary, and a high percentage of doctors don't even use it.

    And if you don't trust the VAERS data and you don't trust the government, then why do you trust the clot shots?

  3. #30628
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    Literally 24/7. I can post at 3:27am on Sunday morning and 1 second later there's an ignored response right below my post from that got

  4. #30629
    Believe. Sam da Sham's Avatar
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    This Doctor Spread False Information About COVID. She Still Kept Her Medical License

    Last month, Dr. Simone Gold stood before a crowd at a conservative church in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and delivered a talk riddled with misinformation.
    She told people to avoid vaccination against the coronavirus. As an alternative, she pushed drugs that have not been proven effective at treating COVID-19 —

    she has what might be considered a professional clean bill of health with no complaints, disciplinary actions or malpractice lawsuits on her record.
    So, you got a problem with a doctor who is trying to get medicine to people that can save their lives if they get sick?

  5. #30630
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Are you saying you don't trust the Vaers' data? Then you don't trust the government 'cause they're the ones who set it up. I agree, they could have done a lot better job at this. It is accepted that the VAERS data is just a small fraction of the "true" cases, since it is voluntary, and a high percentage of doctors don't even use it.

    And if you don't trust the VAERS data and you don't trust the government, then why do you trust the clot shots?
    I trust data for what it is.

    VAERS, especially now, is largely garbage data.

    I took two "clot shots" and I'm still here. Even your garbage data supported my decision.

  6. #30631
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    DMC's language fails

  7. #30632
    Believe. Sam da Sham's Avatar
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    rando Missouri hospital whistleblower... gatewaypundit... how about the rest of the world? Everybody is lying? rofl
    What happened to all those refrigerated trucks that were going to have to store all the dead bodies?

    There's nothing 'mad scientist' about it. That's why we have trials on animals first, then on humans. These vaccines underwent those trials as well.
    So, you think there is nothing 'mad scientist" about Dr. Faucistein and his pals cooking up a chimera 'monster' and letting it loose on the world?

    The successful use of mRNA dates back to 1990 (https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243). This is a field that has been in research for over 30 years. Only recently we had the tech to refine and mass produce them.
    It takes 10 to 20 years to test a vaccine and get it to market - and still it is just a 1 in 50 shot to be successful. Good luck with this one.

    No I'm not. mRNA is a molecule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messenger_RNA), there's nothing digital about it. The genetic sequence is contained in nucleotides (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleotide). It's entirely a chemical process.
    Yes, mRNA is a molecule - but it is a molecule put together by a CODE - and that CODE is stored digitally. This technology would not even be possible without modern super computers.

  8. #30633
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    What happened to all those refrigerated trucks that were going to have to store all the dead bodies?
    They've been storing dead bodies all over the US.

  9. #30634
    Believe. Sam da Sham's Avatar
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    I trust data for what it is.

    VAERS, especially now, is largely garbage data.

    I took two "clot shots" and I'm still here. Even your garbage data supported my decision.
    The best man at my wedding took two and he's not. Good luck!

    My garbage data? No, you mean the government's garbage data.

  10. #30635
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    The best man at my wedding took two and he's not. Good luck!
    I'm doing great.

    What happened to him?

    My garbage data? No, you mean the government's garbage data.
    Sure. Why do you trust the government's garbage data and not the good data from nongovernment sources?

  11. #30636
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    FDA sayis healthy ones dont need it
    Not what they said, they said they need more data. Why lie about this? It's been widely reported...

  12. #30637
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    VAERS, especially now, is largely garbage data.
    doesnt know what Vaers is for

  13. #30638
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    doesnt know what Vaers is for
    Tell us all, in your own words, what VAERS is for.

  14. #30639
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    Not what they said, they said they need more data. Why lie about this? It's been widely reported...
    Correct. Which means they do not recommend it NOW. According to FDA healthy adults dont need booster right NOW.

    Follow the science

  15. #30640
    Believe. Sam da Sham's Avatar
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    I'm doing great.

    What happened to him?
    Last time I talked to him he told me that the 2nd Moderna shot made him really sick. A month ago he wasn't feeling well so wife took him to the hospital to get checked out, didn't even think it was a big deal. One thing led to another and he ended up dead. Wife mentioned possible blood clot but who knows without autopsy. He was a great guy and we had many great times together. Going to miss him.

    Sure. Why do you trust the government's garbage data and not the good data from nongovernment sources?
    I don't trust any data without doing a lot of research as to its authenticity. And honestly Chump, I understand that this is one of those situations that you can't win at. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I hope the supposed vaccine works, but if it doesn't you better have something else in your medicine cabinet.

  16. #30641
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    "supposed vaccine"

    the stampeding herd of skeptical libertarian freethinkers

  17. #30642
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    Tell us all, in your own words, what VAERS is for.
    "In your own words"

    Idiot just go to the site and you will see right there a.description what its for.

    .doesnt know what Vaers is for

  18. #30643
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Last time I talked to him he told me that the 2nd Moderna shot made him really sick. A month ago he wasn't feeling well so wife took him to the hospital to get checked out, didn't even think it was a big deal. One thing led to another and he ended up dead. Wife mentioned possible blood clot but who knows without autopsy. He was a great guy and we had many great times together. Going to miss him.
    How was there not an autopsy if he was hospitalized?

    I don't trust any data without doing a lot of research as to its authenticity.
    You've expressed your trust in the VAERS data. Why?

    And honestly Chump, I understand that this is one of those situations that you can't win at. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I hope the supposed vaccine works, but if it doesn't you better have something else in your medicine cabinet.
    The vaccines work; that's been thoroughly proved since their distribution.

    And if you get symptomatic, get the monoclonal antibody treatment which I assume you trust because Trump and Joe Rogan immediately got them.

  19. #30644
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    "In your own words"

    Idiot just go to the site and you will see right there a.description what its for.

    .doesnt know what Vaers is for
    hater's quickest and biggest fold yet!

    Just tell us in your own words, hater. Drop det knokwledge.

  20. #30645
    Yam Tits's Bonespur Xray Ef-man's Avatar
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    Guess Hater forgot to read the fine print in VAERS:

    Any adverse event that occurs after the administration of a vaccine licensed in the United States, whether it is or is not clear that a vaccine caused the adverse event.

    VAERS accepts reports from anyone. Patients, parents, caregivers and healthcare providers (HCP) are encouraged to report adverse events after vaccination to VAERS even if it is not clear that the vaccine caused the adverse event. In addition, HCP are required to report certain adverse events after vaccination.

  21. #30646
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    What happened to all those refrigerated trucks that were going to have to store all the dead bodies?
    They've been storing dead bodies all over the US.
    So, you think there is nothing 'mad scientist" about Dr. Faucistein and his pals cooking up a chimera 'monster' and letting it loose on the world?
    Moar conspiracies. And we're talking mRNA, nice dodge attempt.

    It takes 10 to 20 years to test a vaccine and get it to market - and still it is just a 1 in 50 shot to be successful. Good luck with this one.
    Nothing lucky about it, and what you're saying is that it used to take 10 to 20 years.

    It also used to take years to sequence DNA. It used to take years to develop tests. It used to take decades to build up infrastructure to create those tests and vaccines en masse. We can go on and on.

    Because you're slow, stupid and stuck in the 1950's doesn't mean the rest of of the world is. This virus was fully sequenced two months after showing up.

    Having that DNA sequence enabled the start of vaccine and tests development. Three months in we had the first tests, which then went to be produced en masse within the year.

    All the vaccines that were developed underwent the same human trials like every vaccine does. Only after that they can even request emergency authorization.

    And all this didn't start from zero. Besides the 30+ years of mRNA research, companies like AstraZeneca have been working on adenovirus vector vaccines for decades as well, thus why they had a quick turnaround.

    Wasn't their fist vaccine development either, they were already being tested for Malaria and H1V.

    Yes, mRNA is a molecule - but it is a molecule put together by a CODE - and that CODE is stored digitally. This technology would not even be possible without modern super computers.
    Why keep doubling down on stupid? I already posted what that 'code' looks like, and we already established this is entirely a chemical process.

    And no, you don't need 'modern super computers', you need things like a Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer which reads in molecular chains and spit them out as that 'code' you know nothing about.

    Enough with the free lessons. Looks like you're another derp/Cosmore , so off you go into the void with them.

  22. #30647
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Correct. Which means they do not recommend it NOW. According to FDA healthy adults dont need booster right NOW.

    Follow the science
    Nope. If they didn't recommend it, they'll say they don't recommend it and they'll have the data to back up that denial. That's not what they said.

    There's no point in lying about this, the statements are public

  23. #30648
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    I will agree with you that the determination is on pause pending more data though. That's certainly what happened. And maybe they won't approve it after all either.

    We'll see what the science says.

  24. #30649
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    Nope. If they didn't recommend it, they'll say they don't recommend it and they'll have the data to back up that denial. That's not what they said.

    There's no point in lying about this, the statements are public
    They did not say "we recommend boosters for healthy adults." Therefore they did not recommend it.

    Follow the science

  25. #30650
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    They did not say "we recommend boosters for healthy adults." Therefore they did not recommend it.

    Follow the science
    FDA good now.

    You'll change your tune when they recommend.

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