1. #30676
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    delta moved the goalposts

    Achieving 80 pc 'too low for Delta'
    Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious diseases expert from Singapore's Rophi Clinic, said the Delta strain had moved the goalposts, in terms of what level of community vaccination was necessary.

    They set a target of 80 per cent, which is too low … it would have worked fine for the Alpha strain but this is Delta, a variant with easily two to three times more transmissibility," Dr Leong said.

    "They now need at least 90 per cent vaccination, which is technically not possible due to hardened anti-vaxxers or refusers

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    Joeseph Goebbels wetdream tbqh

  5. #30680
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    hater still hasn't discovered Simpson's paradox when it's been spoon fed to him twice.

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    vaxxed antivaxx hater's twitter meltdown continues

  8. #30683
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    delta moved the goalposts

    Achieving 80 pc 'too low for Delta'
    Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious diseases expert from Singapore's Rophi Clinic, said the Delta strain had moved the goalposts, in terms of what level of community vaccination was necessary.

    They set a target of 80 per cent, which is too low … it would have worked fine for the Alpha strain but this is Delta, a variant with easily two to three times more transmissibility," Dr Leong said.

    "They now need at least 90 per cent vaccination, which is technically not possible due to hardened anti-vaxxers or refusers
    If they get 90% they'll just have to move the goalpost again. No such thing as herd immunity in the real world.

    What I was saying is that herd immunity probably doesn't exist with or without a vaccine. The concept is based on a closed system.
    Called it

  9. #30684
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    Teenage boys 6x more at risk from vaccines than Covid:


  10. #30685
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    If Fauci is "the science", then FDA did not "follow the science".

    I hate that phrase "follow the science ".

  11. #30686
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    US COVID-19 Death Toll Surpasses That of 1918 Pandemic

    The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has surpassed that of the 1918 flu pandemic, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University. The Hill reports: The U.S. has passed 675,000 deaths, the estimated toll from the 1918 pandemic, which for a century had been the worst pandemic to hit the country. "The number of reported deaths from Covid in the US will surpass the toll of the 1918 flu pandemic this month," Tom Frieden, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tweeted earlier this month. "We cannot become hardened to the continuing, and largely preventable, tragedy."

    Deaths from COVID-19 are also far from over. The U.S. is averaging about 2,000 more deaths from the virus every day, according to a New York Times tracker. Those deaths are overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated, though, highlighting that the continuing toll of COVID-19 is now largely preventable now that vaccines are widely available in the U.S. In 1918, there was no vaccine to help stop the flu pandemic. Still, the U.S. population was far smaller a century ago, meaning that the death rate from the 1918 pandemic is still higher than for COVID-19. E. Thomas Ewing, a Virginia Tech history professor, wrote in Health Affairs earlier this year that the death rate from the 1918 pandemic was about six in every 1,000 people, given the U.S. population at the time of around 100 million. The death rate from COVID-19 in the U.S. is about two in every 1,000 people. A disproportionate share of COVID-19 deaths are also in the United States. Worldwide, the 1918 flu killed far more people than COVID-19 has so far, at about 50 million compared to about 5 million.


    lol @ "just the sniffles"

  12. #30687
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    US COVID-19 Death Toll Surpasses That of 1918 Pandemic

    The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has surpassed that of the 1918 flu pandemic, according to a tracker from Johns Hopkins University. The Hill reports: The U.S. has passed 675,000 deaths, the estimated toll from the 1918 pandemic, which for a century had been the worst pandemic to hit the country. "The number of reported deaths from Covid in the US will surpass the toll of the 1918 flu pandemic this month," Tom Frieden, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tweeted earlier this month. "We cannot become hardened to the continuing, and largely preventable, tragedy."

    Deaths from COVID-19 are also far from over. The U.S. is averaging about 2,000 more deaths from the virus every day, according to a New York Times tracker. Those deaths are overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated, though, highlighting that the continuing toll of COVID-19 is now largely preventable now that vaccines are widely available in the U.S. In 1918, there was no vaccine to help stop the flu pandemic. Still, the U.S. population was far smaller a century ago, meaning that the death rate from the 1918 pandemic is still higher than for COVID-19. E. Thomas Ewing, a Virginia Tech history professor, wrote in Health Affairs earlier this year that the death rate from the 1918 pandemic was about six in every 1,000 people, given the U.S. population at the time of around 100 million. The death rate from COVID-19 in the U.S. is about two in every 1,000 people. A disproportionate share of COVID-19 deaths are also in the United States. Worldwide, the 1918 flu killed far more people than COVID-19 has so far, at about 50 million compared to about 5 million.


    lol @ "just the sniffles"
    More than the sniffles but not at all comparable to 1918 adjusting for population

  13. #30688
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    Collins, Fauci endorse and explain FDA’s recommendation for limited use of boosters

    U.S. health officials supported the recommendation from the FDA advisory panel that booster vaccines be limited to those 65 years and older and individuals at high risk for severe disease despite the expectation that the additional shots would be suggested for everyone who received the initial vaccination.

    National Ins utes of Health Director Francis Collins said Sunday that the guidance issued Friday by the Food and Drug Administration is in line with what the Biden administration planned for a booster rollout, though not identical.

    “I think there's less difference between where we were in the middle of August and what the advisory committee said this past Friday,” Collins said on “Fox News Sunday.“

    The administration announced in August that a rollout plan was being put in place for booster shots that would be initiated Sept. 20, but also specified that the plan itself was pending recommendations from the FDA. The people eligible for a booster would be those who received their second dose eight months earlier. The latest guidance from the FDA has led to some confusion over whether a booster shot is necessary for everyone.

    “It would surprise me if it does not become clear over the next few weeks that the administration of boosters may need to be enlarged based upon the data that we've already seen both in the U.S. and in Israel,” Collins said.

    Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Ins ute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also argued that the plan initially announced by the White House is in line with the advisory panel’s recommendation. Ultimately, he thinks the “proper regimen” will include the original two shots plus a booster for everyone, though it may not be necessary right now.

    “You want to do that according to what the data tells you, including the risk-benefit ratio, particularly for the younger people who do not generally get as much severe disease as the elderly and others,” Fauci said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.“ “So, I believe that there's a good chance that as we get into the coming months, into the next year, that you will see the data pointing to the benefit of having a much broader blanket of people.”



    The good doctors following the science

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    Fox News Poll Finds Strong Majority Supports Masks, Vaccination

    For months, Fox News hosts have been trying to convince Americans not to take basic steps to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

    But the network's own polling shows that its disinformation has not swayed most voters.

    On Sunday, the network released a poll of registered voters that showed

    strong support for both mask usage and COVID-19 vaccination. By a 69 percent - 28 percent margin

    by a 65 percent - 29 percent margin they agreed that the vaccines are "safe and effective."

    By a 56 percent - 41 percent margin they also back President Joe Biden's requirement that businesses with 100 workers or more conduct weekly coronavirus testing for any unvaccinated employee.

    Last week, prime-time host Tucker Carlson called for "mass resistance" against vaccine requirements

    Fox hosts have also ridiculed mask usage and urged viewers to call out those who wear them.


  17. #30692
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    Fox News Poll Finds Strong Majority Supports Masks, Vaccination

    For months, Fox News hosts have been trying to convince Americans not to take basic steps to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

    But the network's own polling shows that its disinformation has not swayed most voters.

    On Sunday, the network released a poll of registered voters that showed

    strong support for both mask usage and COVID-19 vaccination. By a 69 percent - 28 percent margin

    by a 65 percent - 29 percent margin they agreed that the vaccines are "safe and effective."

    By a 56 percent - 41 percent margin they also back President Joe Biden's requirement that businesses with 100 workers or more conduct weekly coronavirus testing for any unvaccinated employee.

    Last week, prime-time host Tucker Carlson called for "mass resistance" against vaccine requirements

    Fox hosts have also ridiculed mask usage and urged viewers to call out those who wear them.


    30 stacks High Society comin', bouts. Comin' end of this week, son---&---still counting, kids.

  18. #30693
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    Most private insurers are no longer waiving cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatment

    we once again review how many private insurers are continuing to waive patient cost sharing for COVID-19 treatment.

    We find that 72% of the two largest insurers in each state and DC (102 health plans) are no longer waiving these costs, and

    another 10% of plans are phasing out waivers by the end of October.


  19. #30694
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    Most private insurers are no longer waiving cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatment

    we once again review how many private insurers are continuing to waive patient cost sharing for COVID-19 treatment.

    We find that 72% of the two largest insurers in each state and DC (102 health plans) are no longer waiving these costs, and

    another 10% of plans are phasing out waivers by the end of October.

    "by the end of October" that mother er squattin' in the White House will have attained another stack of High Society, bouts, and counting, son.

    Let us proceed...

  20. #30695
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    Most private insurers are no longer waiving cost-sharing for COVID-19 treatment

    we once again review how many private insurers are continuing to waive patient cost sharing for COVID-19 treatment.

    We find that 72% of the two largest insurers in each state and DC (102 health plans) are no longer waiving these costs, and

    another 10% of plans are phasing out waivers by the end of October.

    good, it'll also bankrupt maga supporters

  21. #30696
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    good, it'll also bankrupt maga supporters
    Only way less than 5% of them tho. As only 5% infected require hospitalizations

  22. #30697
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    Only way less than 5% of them tho. As only 5% infected require hospitalizations
    you keep using your 1%, 5% here and there but at the end when you're dealing with dozens of millions of people, so 1%; 5%... of that accounts for a lot of people. All these republicans need to pay for their beloved capitalism.

  23. #30698
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    you keep using your 1%, 5% here and there but at the end when you're dealing with dozens of millions of people, so 1%; 5%... of that accounts for a lot of people. All these republicans need to pay for their beloved capitalism.
    Not really.

    You said Maga s. There are about 30 million Maga s in US. 5% of that is is about 1.5 million only and thats assuming everyone gets infected NOW. Which is not realistic. So only about 1.5 million would face financial issues. Then deaths are only 1% so we are talking about 300k maga s dead. Keep in mind this winter Covid will kill much more non maga s than that.

    All in all there will still be 29 million maga s alive and well by next year

  24. #30699
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    owning the libs, Repug politics more important than human life

    Republican states Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and Georgia have dozens of dead teachers and staff


  25. #30700
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    This Old Penn And Teller Clip Illustrating How Effective Vaccines Are Hits Differently In 2021

    This slightly profane 2010 Penn And Teller clip really made them ahead of the curve

    when it came to calling out the inanity of anti-vaxxer arguments.


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