1. #31726
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Has anyone here actually been subject to a COVID vaccine mandate?

  2. #31727
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    of course natural immunity helps. vaccines help too. and the effects stack

    this is like saying you dont need airbags because seat belts help

    im saying you should have both
    No need to stack a leaky shot to a great natural immunity. Qctually its a waste of time and money. Give that shot to someone who is sick or old overseas.

    Follow da science thang

  3. #31728
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    Recognizing natural immunity is a thing does not make you anti-vax.
    Also accepting the fact that natural immunity >>>>> vax immunity tbqh

    Follow da science thang

  4. #31729
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    No need to stack a leaky shot to a great natural immunity. Qctually its a waste of time and money. Give that shot to someone who is sick or old overseas.

    Follow da science thang
    Your claim is CC shouldn't have gotten vaccinated.

    I think he followed the science.
    Last edited by ChumpDumper; 10-18-2021 at 12:56 PM.

  5. #31730
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    No need to stack a leaky shot to a great natural immunity. Qctually its a waste of time and money. Give that shot to someone who is sick or old overseas.

    Follow da science thang
    its free

    and if you follow the science, you'd know that vaccines on top of natural immunity provides even more protection.

  6. #31731
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    Your claim is CC shouldn't have gotten vaccinated.

    I think he followed the science.
    Whats CC? Im talking about Joe Rogan or anyone on their same situation, Nancy

  7. #31732
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    its free

    and if you follow the science, you'd know that vaccines on top of natural immunity provides even more protection.
    Im sure the vax companies will have a good laugh when they read.that you think.their.vaxes are free

  8. #31733
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    Im sure the vax companies will have a good laugh when they read.that you think.their.vaxes are free
    free at the point of service for all americans

  9. #31734
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  10. #31735
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    Whats CC? Im talking about Joe Rogan or anyone on their same situation, Nancy
    I'm talking about CosmicCowboy, who was in the same situation.

    You seriously claim he should not have been vaccinated.

    You are not following the science.

    You are posting from pure edgelord emotion.

  11. #31736
    Believe. Dirks_Finale's Avatar
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    The first one minute is patently false.
    Jimmy Dore again. Picking one study and running with it.
    Dore was vaxxed like 6 months ago. Still having side effects to this day.

    So, he is still ultra liberal but supports personal choice on the vaccine.

    You know, the liberals used to be the rage against the machine types. Now most of them are screaming for more nanny state governing.

  12. #31737
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    Dore was vaxxed like 6 months ago. Still having side effects to this day.

    So, he is still ultra liberal but supports personal choice on the vaccine.

    You know, the liberals used to be the rage against the machine types. Now most of them are screaming for more nanny state governing.
    What are Dore's ultra liberal policy stances?

    And what are his side effects six months on?

  13. #31738
    Believe. Dirks_Finale's Avatar
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    Joint pain and stiff neck was mentioned. His doctor told him there are thousands of people in similar situations. But, it's not kosher to complain about it because it goes against the running narrative. So you won't hear about it.

    You already know his political stances.

  14. #31739
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    Joint pain and stiff neck was mentioned. His doctor told him there are thousands of people in similar situations. But, it's not kosher to complain about it because it goes against the running narrative. So you won't hear about it.
    Meh, that could easily be made up to push a narrative.

    You already know his political stances.
    I do not. What are they?

  15. #31740
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    free at the point of service for all americans
    Goalpost duly moved. Covid vaxes are NOT free

  16. #31741
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    I'm talking about CosmicCowboy, who was in the same situation.

    You seriously claim he should not have been vaccinated.

    You are not following the science.

    You are posting from pure edgelord emotion.
    It should be up to the individual tbqh

    He had no need to be vaxed unless hes over 60 or with comorbities.

    If he had natural immunity and is healthy. What did the shot do for him? Absolutely nothing.

    Follow da science thang

  17. #31742
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    same narrative over and over again. nowhere in that interview did gupta claim naturally immunity did not give greater protection than vaccinations.

    his claim was that getting vaccinated on top of it would provide even greater immunity
    It's a bad argument even if it's true. If the Dr thinks people need more protection, why does he think vaccinated people are ok? If vaccinated people are ok, why are they ok if not the level of protection? If natural immunity folks have a higher level of protection than just vaccinated folks, why does the Dr care if they get vaccinated or not? They aren't causing any issues.

  18. #31743
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    It should be up to the individual tbqh

    He had no need to be vaxed unless hes over 60 or with comorbities.

    If he had natural immunity and is healthy. What did the shot do for him? Absolutely nothing.

    Follow da science thang
    goalposts moved


  19. #31744
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    Joint pain and stiff neck was mentioned. His doctor told him there are thousands of people in similar situations. But, it's not kosher to complain about it because it goes against the running narrative. So you won't hear about it.

    You already know his political stances.
    Yeah, no 56 year old man has ever had joint pain or neck stiffness, must have been the vaccine!

  20. #31745
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    It's a bad argument even if it's true. If the Dr thinks people need more protection, why does he think vaccinated people are ok? If vaccinated people are ok, why are they ok if not the level of protection? If natural immunity folks have a higher level of protection than just vaccinated folks, why does the Dr care if they get vaccinated or not? They aren't causing any issues.
    because when it comes to acquiring natural immunity, there is a risk there. catching covid. which even if it doesnt kill you, a) can have lasting effects, to which we dont even understand the full extent, and b) can cause you to spread it to theres, compromising them the exact same way

    as opposed to the relative risk of getting vaccinated, which outside of some specific subsets of people, is negligible

    its like telling people to go catch polio so that if they get better they will have a strong natural immunity to it going forward.

  21. #31746
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    Colin Powell had cancer at the time of his death. Covid was the final blow. RIP Warrior!

  22. #31747
    adolis is altuve’s father monosylab1k's Avatar
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    Will Hunting does Fergie have any last words for Colin Powell?

  23. #31748
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  24. #31749
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  25. #31750
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Are you vaccinated?

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