When a study is easily discredited by Twitter randos you should immediately question it. The fact you’re sticking by it because of “trusted sources” is strange, especially considering CDC released another study later that day contradicting it.
“Twitter rando” lol
Martin Kulldorff is an internationally well-known biostatistician and epidemiologist. During his career, he has developed new statistical and epidemiological methods for disease surveillance, including the early detection and monitoring of infectious disease outbreaks and the post-market drug and vaccine safety monitoring. His methods are widely used by public health agencies around the world, as are his free disease surveillance software: SaTScan, TreeScan and RSequential. He has served on scientific advisory committees to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control.
Dr. Makary is a surgical oncologist and chief of the Johns Hopkins Islet Transplant Center. He is a clinical lead for the Johns Hopkins Sibley Innovation Hub and serves as Executive Director of Improving Wisely, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation project to lower health care costs in the U.S. by creating measures of appropriateness in health care.
Dr. Makary’s research focuses on the creation and evaluation of new health care innovations. He is the creator of the Surgery Checklist, publishing its first description and later served on the W.H.O. Safe Surgery Saves Lives committee. He led the W.H.O. workgroup to create global measures of surgical quality. Dr. Makary has published over 200 scientific articles, including the first description of “frailty” impacting surgical outcomes, the original studies on safety culturemeasurement in hospitals, and an evaluation of the Orphan Drug Act.
When a study is easily discredited by Twitter randos you should immediately question it. The fact you’re sticking by it because of “trusted sources” is strange, especially considering CDC released another study later that day contradicting it.
You dropped in and clearly showed you didn’t even know what I was discussing. Stick to the sidelines.
No shame at all, it’s honorable.
He's also this guy:
Kulldorff is one of the three authors, along with Sunetra Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya, of the 2020 Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated letting COVID-19 spread in lower-risk groups to promote herd immunity while advocating "focused protection" of older, high-risk groups. The World Health Organization (WHO) and many other academic and public-health bodies said the declaration's strategy lacked a sound scientific basis, and warned that it could cause many unnecessary deaths and could result in recurrent epidemics.
So yeah, they're basically rando opinions on twitter. If they're academic, more reason to go via the proper channels to challenge the study.
How can I 'stick by it' if I never endorsed it to begin with? If it's "easily discredited" it will be, but it won't be by Twitter.
The fact that I won't take rando opinions about it doesn't mean I tacitly endorse it. It means I'll let the typical, credible channels science has has to adjudicate these matters run through before jumping to conclusions.
As far as trusted sources, the CDC is as good as it gets when it comes to health information. I don't know what other study you're talking about but hopefully it's sourced from somebody that's not another twitter rando.
doest make them less of twitter randos
anybody can voice their opinions, even if they are qualified professionals. we always like to see things published/peer reviewed. some guy saying "i think this study is bad and here's why" is just giving their opinion. they might be correct on the merits, but its not like any of us have a way of truly vetting it. if there are indeed serious issues with the paper, we typically would see retractions or revisions
Salvadorian man destroys his own point that comparing airbags to vaccines is spot on by stating car crashes are not airborne diseases
why? coz bolivarian man says so?
No. Salvadorian man wrote both contradicting statements on same post.
There's no contradiction, car crashes are substantially less widespread than covid infections. Bolivarian man just dodging.
Salvadorian man forgets he posted this:
car crashes are not a airborne transmissible disease
Man destroyed his own point that it was a spot on comparison
Lol ok, I'll stay on the sideline just lolin at you getting on with these crazy Q posts
where has herd immunity "worked". UK and Sweden both abandoned it
USA 2000+ covid deaths/million
effective "herd immunity" Confederate states?
TX 2500
FL 2800
AL 3400
LA 3100
These ING herd immunity academics are inhumane assholes who aren't volunteering THEIR and their families/friends' lives. For them, Other Peoples' Lives will be sacrificed.
some countries have very high, 6000!, covid deaths/million and still don't have herd immuity
Lol sweden did not abandon herd immunity. They have some of the lightest regulations and lockdowns in the world.
Dark winter ahead in Europe
Wilm we see another wave here in US? Last week seems trending up
The CDC contradicted the 5X more protection CDC study you posted later that day.
MF Biden has killed over a 100k Americans since opening us up 4 July 2021.
There are not PLENTY of studies either way dumb . This is still ONGOING.
If you think one small study from Israel proves that getting infected is the way to go over the vaccine you are on crack.
There are huge of numbers from hospitals that cant be relied on because people have a tendency NOT to tell the truth about lack of vaccination.
And they show the opposite of what you have been claiming. Even with people lying saying they have been vaccinated and have no record. This cant go on record because it cant verified. This is part of why it is very difficult. So you rely on one small study from one tiny crowded country that did keep track.
And THIS IS ULTIMATELY what you are after. Vaccines and the sham. Dont pretend to be high and mighty with your posts and some sort of unbiased judge of anything.
You have made a name for yourself TSA. Which is why you probably go with Cuck now.
And you do not know have any idea why we should theoretically be very skeptical of this study.
Because you have no idea how natural immunity v. vaccination work on the level of the immune system.
And you know you dont or you would have already responded to my reasoning as to why the vaccine went after just ONE antigen. Why did we choose this way?
If you are claiming this has been cleared up you are dead wrong. And you are.
Never once claimed that getting infected is the way to go over the vaccine. You get all worked up arguing over you make up in your head![]()
Of course you dont claim it.
You are pizza guy, you have been wounded.
But its clear what you WANT.
I never claimed it and the Israel study never claimed it. I'm vaccinated you stupid . You make up and then argue against it.
I WANT the CDC to be honest with their studies because they are seen as a trusted source.
Last Friday they released a study saying vaccine immunity gave 5X more protection than previously infected immunity. Later that same day they released a study saying vaccine immunity and previously infected immunity provided the same protection.
How is the public supposed to react to the conflicting information being put out by the CDC?
what is Cuck sucker's objective? anti-vax? anti-mask? pro-herd-immunity? anti-science? anti-govt?
Why is no one congratulating us for reaching the low point of our waves before they go back up again?
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