1. #34026
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    we've known for quite awhile that vaccines don't provide sterilizing immunity -- very few vaccines do, tbh. fortunately, vaccinated folks don't end up in the hospital as often as the unvaxxed, who are jamming up hospitals all over the USA and causing medical care to be rationed.

    it's understandable that a vaxxed antivaxxer would want to shift the blame.

    same old low information hater
    So its a pandemic of the vaxed

  2. #34027
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    Pffffizer ceo just angry now

    "We dont know until we tell you"

  3. #34028
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    Pffffizer garbage only lasts 3 months

    Booster every 3 months

  4. #34029
    Believe. Dirks_Finale's Avatar
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    Pffffizer garbage only lasts 3 months

    Booster every 3 months

    This sh1t is getting ridiculous, tbqh.

    They are going to be teling people to wear masks and get booster shots 5 years from now. People are tired of this already, so I don't see it going over well, long term, even with hard left democrats, tbh.

  5. #34030
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Slowly accepting reality tbh
    They're closing down again, since the obvious result of all that was record infections, hospitalizations and deaths

  6. #34031
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    There's no reason for indemnity past the 2nd shot, IMO...

  7. #34032
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    This sh1t is getting ridiculous, tbqh.

    They are going to be teling people to wear masks and get booster shots 5 years from now. People are tired of this already, so I don't see it going over well, long term, even with hard left democrats, tbh.
    I know, it's like they'd rather be dead than tired.

  8. #34033
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    This sh1t is getting ridiculous, tbqh.

    They are going to be teling people to wear masks and get booster shots 5 years from now. People are tired of this already, so I don't see it going over well, long term, even with hard left democrats, tbh.
    Why do you take such offense to getting booster shots? What is so difficult about getting a shot in your arm? You barely even feel the shot going in, at least the Pfizer-BioNTech one. I don't get this right wing act like you're three year-olds or something.

  9. #34034
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Why do you take such offense to getting booster shots? What is so difficult about getting a shot in your arm? You barely even feel the shot going in, at least the Pfizer-BioNTech one. I don't get this right wing act like you're three year-olds or something.
    Need to do one of these with the boosters on the right, tbh...

  10. #34035
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    They're closing down again, since the obvious result of all that was record infections, hospitalizations and deaths
    Yet it worked for Florida, but then they cheat. They had more than 1 death on any day since like for 3 months ago.

    MF Biden tried that on Independence Day and it's been a bloodbath ever since.

    Just shows ta go ya.

  11. #34036
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Why do you take such offense to getting booster shots? What is so difficult about getting a shot in your arm? You barely even feel the shot going in, at least the Pfizer-BioNTech one. I don't get this right wing act like you're three year-olds or something.
    A third 30 minute appointment at Walgreens surpasses my limit, brother; now I must turn my face toward death.

  12. #34037
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    A third 30 minute appointment at Walgreen's is my limit, brother; now I must turn my face toward death.
    ...don't let the door hit ya in the ass, Winester.

  13. #34038
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    seems a bunch of you forgot how immunization works

    https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedul...ent-s .html

  14. #34039
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    They're closing down again, since the obvious result of all that was record infections, hospitalizations and deaths
    And they cant even blame the unvaccinated anymore

    They gonna have to start blaming the non boosted now

  15. #34040
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    Why do you take such offense to getting booster shots? What is so difficult about getting a shot in your arm? You barely even feel the shot going in, at least the Pfizer-BioNTech one. I don't get this right wing act like you're three year-olds or something.
    Why do you take so much offense on ppl not wanting one?

  16. #34041
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Why do you take so much offense on ppl not wanting one?
    because they're jamming up hospitals and preventing others from receiving medical care for acute conditions.

  17. #34042
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    sounds reasonable

  18. #34043
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    because they're jamming up hospitals and preventing others from receiving medical care for acute conditions.
    Like COVID?

  19. #34044
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    sounds reasonable
    Well that should keep hospital beds available.

  20. #34045
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    like, literally anything else

  21. #34046
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Well that should keep hospital beds available.
    Why should Kroger offer sick days to employees too irresponsible to get a free vaccine protect themselves from an airborne disease?

  22. #34047
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    sounds reasonable
    yep, make 'em pay. bankrupt them if hospitalized
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-14-2021 at 10:46 PM.

  23. #34048
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    like, literally anything else
    Like COVID

  24. #34049
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    yep, make 'em pay. bankrupt them is hospitalized
    You ing .

  25. #34050
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    Why should Kroger offer sick days to employees too irresponsible to get a free vaccine protect themselves from an airborne disease?
    Why should you care if they do? How does it help the hospital situation?

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