The only thing you hit is your cabeza moving the goalpost so much at every Falsuchi flip flop, primo![]()
Have some self respect![]()
Looks like I hit a nerve… don’t you have a World War CCCXXV thread to start?![]()
The only thing you hit is your cabeza moving the goalpost so much at every Falsuchi flip flop, primo![]()
Have some self respect![]()
^^^ more irony
You should really start a NotFauci Twitter account and post your advice from RodrigoG or whatever rando you post here, that sounds like really top shelf, educated advice, tbh, no phun, etc…![]()
Sorry this is happening to you
I mean, if you really want to talk flip-flopper we can dig out some predictions from the Trump-Shillary election…
But hey, you do get credit for bringing the unintentional goods, tbh![]()
El Nono back in total meltdown mode
It ain't easy being Tammy Wynette when Ol Joe is your man
Poor Fella
What meltdown, I must’ve missed it.
Yeah, stop virtue signalling your vaccine status. It's not a thing.
You virtue signal your infection more than anyone has ever virtue signaled being vaccinated.
You virtue signal constantly about how unafraid you are and how you stopped wearing masks before anyone else
nuh uh you do
a podcast (This Week in Virology) hosted by several virologists offered a great analogy way back that i think would be useful for those who either refuse or lack the capacity to grasp the purpose of a vaccine. a vaccine is akin to a fire extinguisher in that the latter does not stop a fire, it puts it out.
Pretty rich for you to twit other posters for pointing out hypocrisy, in this case accurately.
Tu quoque is about 40% of your schtick here.
​ very bad day at the CDC
Eric Topol 16 hr ago
One of my favorite books this year was Michael Lewis’s The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, a page-turner in which he traced the problematic issues of the CDC long before and intra-Covid-19 and gave it a different acronym: CDOR, the Center for Disease Observation and Reports. I did an in-depth interview with him about what he learned.
In the first year of the pandemic, the CDC was subverted by the Trump Administration even to the point of interference and censorship of its MMWR reports, stripping its control of data, and frank undermining of public health. That’s why we warmly embraced the new Administration’s proclamation that it would stick to the science. There were clearly issues with that regarding the lack of need for masks among vaccinated people, unwillingness to recognize SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission, and mass confusion over boosters. But in the last 24 hours things have gotten much worse.
Yesterday, the CDC issued a shortened isolation period guideline of 5 days instead of 10 days for people with Covid infections. That came less than a week after they issued the guideline of 7 days for health care workers.
There were serious problems about the new 5-day isolation period. First, there are no data or evidence to back it up. Yes, we’re facing an Omicron onslaught of cases and it would be useful to come up with a strategy to avoid a mass loss of functionality among our workforce and the on-the-go public, no less in the midst of the holiday season. But that doesn’t justify issuing a vacuous guideline. Second, there was no mention of using a test, to confirm that the isolated individual is now OK to circulate, that there is no indication of infectiousness. That could be done via a rapid antigen test, which denotes infectiousness, carries some reduced sensitivity with Omicron, or via a PCR. The cycle threshold value of a PCR test is also indicative of infectiousness; the lower it is, the more likely potential for spread. Either of these tests would be far better than no test to justify a reduced isolation time in any individual.
Third, there are no data for Omicron’s clearance time. We know the characteristics of shedding and average time it takes for clearance of the virus for Delta and preceding variants, but to date we have not seen any such data for Omicron kinetics. With the Hong Kong report of 70-fold copies of the virus in the upper airway for Omicron versus Delta and prior variants, there is no certainty yet that Omicron’s clearance is fast.
Fourth, the guidance did not mention a word about vaccinated or unvaccinated status of people. We know from past studies there is a more rapid clearance among vaccinees than people who were not vaccinated, but the recommendation does not take this knowledge into account. Fifth, it assumes that all people handle the virus similarly when, it fact, there is considerable variability. Look at the data last week published at NEJM
also, we suck at genomic sequencing
But the bad day wasn’t just about isolation in isolation. There was also the major gaffe about genomic sequencing surveillance. Here are the data from last week, and the corrected data this week, announced today by CDC. The point estimate for Omicron changed for the week ending December 18th from 73% to 22.5%, which is remarkable. We were led to believe that the country was well in the midst of the Omicron wave when, in fact, we were and are still experiencing a large number of Delta infections. As of December 25th, the point estimate is 59% with 95% confidence intervals lower 42%, upper 74%, indicating there is a lot of wobble, a relatively limited number of sequencing samples to draw upon, no less a reduction in confidence for the CDC itself.
interesting. it's possible that both these variants will prove to be "fit" although ultimately there will be a dominant strain once the virus reaches "maximum transmission". if i had to place a bet, i'd still place my bet on omicron or a variant more similar to omicron than delta because it's of its enhanced transmissibility and lessened lethality (not that delta really violates the golden rule of viruses: don't kill off the host).
sent straight back to the cuckshed
mortuary mobile freezer season
Didn't you just do that?![]()
22% test positivity in Texas, an all time high
I did. It's one of your main rhetorical crutches.
Overuse lessens its effectiveness, IMHO.
See, we both did it. It's about 60% of the responses on this forum.
But thanks for admitting you're no daisy.
It's more petty than persuasive, more self-soothing than justifying, but hey, you should definitely stick with what works best for you.![]()
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