You said the other countries didn't follow the science and chose to wear masks. If that's not saying the opposite is true for the CDC, then WTF are you even talking about (or do you even know?). So you have a 7th - 12th grade science background. Good to know.
That reads like it's going to be followed by some acoustic guitar playing and a song about habitats and ecosystems.
Science doesn't make mistakes. Stop equating the CDC with science. You say it's political below. Is it political science? If the CDC was following the science, they'd have come to the same conclusion for the general public as they did for healthcare workers. When the mouthpiece for scientific discovery is a puppet for an administration, you can basically wipe your ass with their findings. The reason people trust science (for the most part) is because it has no agenda other than finding facts. Once organizations sully that with political agendas, once they lie to the public "for their own good", then they are worse than useless. Having no instructions is better than having dishonest/wrong instructions.
But the left wanted to trust this political ins ution with the gun control narrative, to do their unbiased research for reasons of enacting policy.
Oh if we could just put all of our eggs in that publicly funded basket and let the government shield us from the uncomfortable facts and keep us safe in our pastures..