1. #35201
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    Typical dmc, he bloviated to say , period.
    Typical nowhere man, sniffing my backside again. That's become your sole purpose in life

    Careful, Th'Pusher might get jealous if you steal some of his fart aroma.

  2. #35202
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    risk of ending up in the hospital is two-thirds lower with Omicron, according to new UK research

    The UK Health Security Agency has said that the Omicron variant of Covid-19 is much less likely to cause hospitalization than the Delta variant. The latest data suggests the risk is one-third of that for Delta

  3. #35203
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    Got the mild symptoms today nigs.

    Ce la vi

  4. #35204
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    I took six years each of science and math at a STEM intensive high-school, admittedly it wasn't my metier, but I placed out of most of the biology and chemistry I might have been capable of completing in college, 15 credit hours or so.

    I don't recall saying the CDC followed the science, what I was trying to say -- I think it was fairly clear -- is that the CDC got it wrong. That East Asia's hunches were better than the putative science of our go to public health ins ution.
    You said the other countries didn't follow the science and chose to wear masks. If that's not saying the opposite is true for the CDC, then WTF are you even talking about (or do you even know?). So you have a 7th - 12th grade science background. Good to know.

    A good hunch at times not only beats science, sometimes it turns out to be the science. Subjective qualities like intuition and comparative evaluation of emergent phenomena are part of the process, for better and for worse.
    That reads like it's going to be followed by some acoustic guitar playing and a song about habitats and ecosystems.
    Science isn't discredited by the mistakes if it owns the mistakes and continues to struggle toward truth. The way to truth is through error, how could it be otherwise with biased and flawed participants?
    Science doesn't make mistakes. Stop equating the CDC with science. You say it's political below. Is it political science? If the CDC was following the science, they'd have come to the same conclusion for the general public as they did for healthcare workers. When the mouthpiece for scientific discovery is a puppet for an administration, you can basically wipe your ass with their findings. The reason people trust science (for the most part) is because it has no agenda other than finding facts. Once organizations sully that with political agendas, once they lie to the public "for their own good", then they are worse than useless. Having no instructions is better than having dishonest/wrong instructions.
    But I gather that the CDC not following the science or getting it wrong is actually a side issue for DMC. His main gripe -- a valid one, imho -- is that the CDC covered up the shortage of PPE with a lie to protect the guild from the public. This was a heinous and momentous mistake, one of many. Telling vaccinated folks to throw their masks away last spring was another. Not ramping up testing and contact tracing and genomic sequencing were others. So was not waiving IP rights on vaccines, and so was failing to emphasize practical solutions to airborne transmission. The back to normal narrative under Biden is in some ways even stronger than the same under Trump -- this time there's no safety net for individuals and businesses.

    For better and for worse, public health ins utions are political. Carrying political narratives is an occupational hazard that's hazardous to the public, and the hazard didn't cease with the alternation of office. That doesn't mean that the ins utions are worthless, if they were, their misuse wouldn't be a scandal. The point is to hold them accountable and change them, not to throw them away because they screwed up. Relying on individual choice to solve systematic problems is more or less cynical resignation to the same.
    But the left wanted to trust this political ins ution with the gun control narrative, to do their unbiased research for reasons of enacting policy.

    Oh if we could just put all of our eggs in that publicly funded basket and let the government shield us from the uncomfortable facts and keep us safe in our pastures..

  5. #35205
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    Got the mild symptoms today nigs.

    Ce la vi
    Was good to know you, say hi to those 70 virgins for me.

  6. #35206
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    Science doesn't make mistakes. Stop equating the CDC with science. You say it's political below. Is it political science? If the CDC was following the science, they'd have come to the same conclusion for the general public as they did for healthcare workers. When the mouthpiece for scientific discovery is a puppet for an administration, you can basically wipe your ass with their findings. The reason people trust science (for the most part) is because it has no agenda other than finding facts. Once organizations sully that with political agendas, once they lie to the public "for their own good", then they are worse than useless. Having no instructions is better than having dishonest/wrong instructions.
    DMC sticks it priceless. It's his finest hour of the old year.

    D M C

  7. #35207
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    They said masks do not protect you against COVID yet they wanted to preserve masks for HC providers. or get off the pot.
    "using masks offers no health benefits against COVID and we recommend against it" -CDC
    That’s still doesn’t say what you claimed the CDC said. Nothing about masks being useless or needing to be medical grade. If you misspoke, that’s ok.

  8. #35208
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Got the mild symptoms today nigs.

    Ce la vi
    Get well soon. Hopefully all those years of sniffing glue don’t come back to haunt you, tbh

  9. #35209
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    You said the other countries didn't follow the science and chose to wear masks. If that's not saying the opposite is true for the CDC, then WTF are you even talking about (or do you even know?). So you have a 7th - 12th grade science background. Good to know.

    That reads like it's going to be followed by some acoustic guitar playing and a song about habitats and ecosystems.

    Science doesn't make mistakes. Stop equating the CDC with science. You say it's political below. Is it political science? If the CDC was following the science, they'd have come to the same conclusion for the general public as they did for healthcare workers. When the mouthpiece for scientific discovery is a puppet for an administration, you can basically wipe your ass with their findings. The reason people trust science (for the most part) is because it has no agenda other than finding facts. Once organizations sully that with political agendas, once they lie to the public "for their own good", then they are worse than useless. Having no instructions is better than having dishonest/wrong instructions.

    But the left wanted to trust this political ins ution with the gun control narrative, to do their unbiased research for reasons of enacting policy.

    Oh if we could just put all of our eggs in that publicly funded basket and let the government shield us from the uncomfortable facts and keep us safe in our pastures..

    This post has most of your major tropes: Voice-throwing, semantic parsing, bald assertion, personal psychologizing and fist shaking at the left.

    Great work, I'm a big fan!

  10. #35210
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    Was good to know you, say hi to those 70 virgins for me.

  11. #35211
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    Get well soon. Hopefully all those years of sniffing glue don’t come back to haunt you, tbh

  12. #35212
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    This post has most of your major tropes: Voice-throwing, semantic parsing, bald assertion, personal psychologizing and fist shaking at the left.

    Great work, I'm a big fan!
    He cleaned your in' clock you little , you.

  13. #35213
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    He just told you he trolled you and you still want to discuss it?
    I don't speak that language. Thanks for translating

  14. #35214
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    That COVID is airborne wasn't known to a scientific certainty then. It is now.

    Surely you're aware that time is linear and that science is a process, right?

    That said, countries that dealt more intensively with MERS -- South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore -- followed the precautionary principle instead of science on a hunch that turned out to be good.

  15. #35215
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    Last edited by Adam Lambert; 12-31-2021 at 11:55 AM.

  16. #35216
    Believe. Adam Lambert's Avatar
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    lol cases
    lol raw numbers instead of infection %
    lol "I was told masks prevent infection!"

  17. #35217
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    He probably missed CNN when South Korea relaxed most all their controls (we discussed that here a few weeks ago), which is strange because cuckservatives seem to be the #1 viewers of CNN, tbh

  18. #35218
    TRU 'cross mah stomach LaMarcus Bryant's Avatar
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    Cases haven't mattered in so many months, that so much time is wasted even trolling and retrolling about cases is dumb lol

  19. #35219
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Conflating uber contagious Omicron with the OG Rona and pretending that things that are true now have been true all along is an emerging trope...

  20. #35220
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    Cases haven't mattered in so many months, that so much time is wasted even trolling and retrolling about cases is dumb lol
    cases don’t matter anymore

  21. #35221
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    He probably missed CNN when South Korea relaxed most all their controls (we discussed that here a few weeks ago), which is strange because cuckservatives seem to be the #1 viewers of CNN, tbh
    ...oh, absolutely, El, they're incensed no end that their Biden has eclipsed President Trump's COVID death count. I wouldn't a missed that for the world. The entire 2nd/3rd string (with the exception of Tapper) has been in this week. Monday should be a cascade of angst as the first stringers come out, guns a blazin', a concentratin' on the 1-6 stuff, keepin' COVID on the back burner as much as humanly possible, cept the kids part. That's a money maker and THEY believe a last ditch goose to get the old VACCINATION's a movin' on up.

    July 2 weekend:::49.1% fully vaxxed.
    6-SIX-6 months later...
    January 1 weekend:::62% fully vaxxed.

    Let us proceed...

  22. #35222
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    cases don’t matter anymore
    they never mattered to you til now

  23. #35223
    Believe. Cuck Ross's Avatar
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    they never mattered to you til now
    That’s not the gotcha you think it is.

  24. #35224
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    That’s not the gotcha you think it is.
    Nor are your case graphs. They don't prove that masks don't protect people.

  25. #35225
    Believe. Cuck Ross's Avatar
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    Fauci finally hopped on the with Covid/from Covid hospitalization over reporting train

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