That's how you do it. The right can't meme.
That doesn't even make sense when you're the one who's ing.
That's how you do it. The right can't meme.
We did, COVID vaccines and paxlovid work. Just like the polio and smallpox vaccines work.
No comment about XI doing a great job on COVID? I noticed you skipped commenting on that entirely... rofl
SARS2 infects retinal cells, many of the retinal symptoms associated with Covid-19 are related to retinal ganglion cells, but these have previously been associated predominantly with secondary effects of other Sars-CoV-2-induced disease symptoms, such as damage to blood vessels or an increase in eye pressure. "However, our current retina-organoid study shows that infection with Sars-CoV-2 can have direct pathological consequences for retinal ganglion cells, even though visual impairment is not common in patients with Covid-19," said Thomas Rauen. "But our data give us reason to believe that so-called long-Covid symptoms may include degenerative retinal disease."
China has absolutely been withholding information.
This lab leak stuff is implying that China released a strain of virus of their MAKING?
There is a huge difference between knowing the virus was cultivated in a lab like goes on with any lab studying the Corona viruses, and actually MAKING (synthesizing the viral RNA) the virus.
Having an animal origin and then being cultivated in large amounts within a lab is very different.
Saying the outbreak has not been traced back to an animal origin has to be understood correctly. Please find a paper that says the corona virus RNA had to be CREATED in a lab. Please post it. I need to be informed on this. Because it should be damn easy to tell by the sequence if it had a lab make it.
even though, if not connected to origin, they most easily could clear their name though cooperation with investigation.
So, it's still CoNnEcTiNg Da DoTs...![]()
Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-03-2023 at 07:02 PM.
"Abaluck, Jimenez, and other like-minded researchers have an extensive list of
grievances with the Cochrane paper.
One criticism is that some of the
most convincing evidence for masks
from laboratory and real-world studies was
left out of the review.
The best reasons to believe that masks “make a difference” as a product, Jimenez said, are that
(1) COVID is an airborne disease that spreads through aerosolized droplets, and
(2) lab experiments find that high-quality face masks block more than 90 percent of aerosolized spray.
Meanwhile, observational studies during the pandemic did find that masking had a positive effect.
For example, a 2020 study comparing the timing of new mask mandates across
Germany found that face masks reduced the spread of infection by about half."
lol are you trying to flip the script or something China stan? I said since March 2020 everybody gets infected, repeatedly. All I said about China was if you wanted to stop transmission the only thing that would work was a complete China style lockdown. Never was I for it, I wanted Ole Joe to let er rip and he did.
You wanted ineffective restrictions, mandates, vaccine passports and bragged you wouldn't get infected. Yet here you are quintuple vaxxed, infected, addicted to paxlovid cuz muh high cholesterol, and looking forward to another booster as if that's going to do anything.
Why are you so angry?
Probably hates to be confused with someone who cares. Lazy nihilism is a iron law with these jokers.
Ill take this over your sources.
Does not rule out basically means they have never seen a lab that would think of doing anything like nature actually did.
So it does not rule out a lab manipulation. This is BS. They will find a natural origin just like they do with any other bug that could spread this fast naturally.
Nature almost always does a weirdly sequenced genetic footprint that humans would never think of.
Would you like a bet when we know for sure? That involves you or me leaving the board? And I will leave if wrong on this. China DID NOT produce this genetic sequence that may or may not have leaked out of the lab. NO WAY.
This basically says that while culturing mutations might have taken place, NOT Chinese putting in RNA of their choice to make this virus.
In theory, it is possible that SARS-CoV-2 acquired RBD mutations (Fig. 1a) during adaptation to passage in cell culture, as has been observed in studies of SARS-CoV11. The finding of SARS-CoV-like coronaviruses from pangolins with nearly identical RBDs, however, provides a much stronger and more parsimonious explanation of how SARS-CoV-2 acquired these via recombination or mutation
Also links to bats and other animals that are much hundreds of times more probable. There are many comprehensive articles that have looked at all the studies so far that say no way to what you are suggesting. , you might not know what you are actually suggesting.
It behooves the Chinese to be unhelpful in helping us figure out spread and origins. People like TSA will think the Chinese have bioweapon capabilites they do not have. The Russians also realized throwing out planet pizza stuff to American conspiracy s goes a long way.
Also there is compe ion red v blue team who can be the most anti Chinese right now, it’s popular.
So these stupid claims about the Chinese actually producing via gene manipulation is stated very clearly as, in very small letters, very low confidence.
ie it’s bull , but in vogue for dupes like TSA.
Last edited by pgardn; 03-05-2023 at 01:08 PM.
Your source is saying the same thing as my source dumb .
Your source: The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak
The Covid-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus.
My source: The genome of SARS-COV-2 contains a peculiar pattern of unique restriction endonuclease recognition sites allowing efficient dis- and re-assembly of the viral genome characteristic of synthetic viruses. Here, we report the likelihood of observing such a pattern in coronaviruses with no history of bioengineering. We find that SARS-CoV-2 is an anomaly, more likely a product of synthetic genome assembly than natural evolution. The restriction map of SARS-CoV-2 is consistent with many previously reported synthetic coronavirus genomes, meets all the criteria required for an efficient reverse genetic system, differs from closest relatives by a significantly higher rate of synonymous mutations in these synthetic-looking recognitions sites, and has a synthetic fingerprint unlikely to have evolved from its close relatives. We report a high likelihood that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated as an infectious clone assembled in vitro.
I’ll accept whatever bet you’d like. Lab leak, you’re gone. Natural origin, I’m gone.
What are you tough guys gonna do to China?
You are such a dork.
The virus could have been leaked OUT of a lab and STILL have a natural origin!
How do you think the virus was accurately sequenced and studied in the first place you idiot? You have to grow the virus in a lab.
The virus was not, I repeat NOT, purposely genetically altered in a lab and set upon the world by China
So you are gone already because you dont know what the fk you are talking
Read what I wrote again you dumb fk.
Last edited by pgardn; 03-04-2023 at 10:20 PM.
you're marginally more entertaining when you use your own words, FWIW.
Last edited by Winehole23; 03-05-2023 at 01:35 PM.
Another dork that does not get it.
I did not realize it was this sophisticated.
apologies for not knowing my audience.
Do you realize you have to replicate the actual “natural” virus in a lab to study it effectively. You have to CULTURE it. In a lab using cells.
And that a viral sequence altered purposely thereby changing the natural viral genome making a bio weapon done by the Chinese in a lab is a COMPLETELY different accusation?
Once altered, its no longer "natural". Why do you keep bringing up "bio weapon"? Gain of function research isn't necessarily for military purposes.
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