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  1. #40901
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    yeah, y'all demagogue immigration and trans...the GOP loves scapegoats.
    Remain in Mexico was working,,,,you democrats are willing to watch Rome burn to get him,,,,,we voted your asses out of there,,,,

  2. #40902
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Remain in Mexico was working,,,,you democrats are willing to watch Rome burn to get him,,,,,we voted your asses out of there,,,,
    Dude, Obama and Biden deported more illegals than Trump and it isn't even close.

    Trump even rescinded the Obama focus on criminals to go after asylum seekers.

    Trump will try to make up for it this time for sure, but objectively, he hasn't been as tough as Biden and Obama.

  3. #40903
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    Dude, Obama and Biden deported more illegals than Trump and it isn't even close.

    Trump even rescinded the Obama focus on criminals to go after asylum seekers.

    Trump will try to make up for it this time for sure, but objectively, he hasn't been as tough as Biden and Obama.

    Dude, Biden had 4 times as many illegals come in than Trump,,,,,so the ratio is not on your side,,,,,

  4. #40904
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Dude, Biden had 4 times as many illegals come in than Trump,,,,,so the ratio is not on your side,,,,,
    Sorry man, Trump is incompetent. Open your eyes...

  5. #40905
    wrong about pizzagate TSA's Avatar
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    The article reports that there was genetic data from a market linking the virus to raccoon dogs for sale.
    Of all the stupid said in this thread Ef-man and his raccoon dog theory takes the cake Too bad he got sent to the tree of woe.

    COVID 'most likely' leaked from Wuhan lab, social distancing 'not based on science,' select committee finds

    A congressional subcommittee concluded its two-year investigation on the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, finding that COVID-19 likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, and that social distancing and masking were not backed with scientific data.

    The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released its final 520-page report that stated "COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China."

    In support of the "lab leak" theory, the report said the subcommittee learned that the virus had a biological characteristic that is not found in nature and that data showed all COVID-19 cases stemming from a single introduction to humans.

    "By nearly all measures of science, if there was evidence of a natural origin it would have already surfaced," the report says.

    The report also noted that China’s foremost SARS research lab is in Wuhan, "which has a history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels," and that researchers at the lab "were sick with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before COVID-19 was discovered at the wet market."

  6. #40906
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    Sorry man, Trump is incompetent. Open your eyes...
    lol the wake up sheeple argument

  7. #40907
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    lol the wake up sheeple argument
    y'all definitely been demagogued on immigration

  8. #40908
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Of all the stupid said in this thread Ef-man and his raccoon dog theory takes the cake Too bad he got sent to the tree of woe.

    COVID 'most likely' leaked from Wuhan lab, social distancing 'not based on science,' select committee finds

    A congressional subcommittee concluded its two-year investigation on the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, finding that COVID-19 likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, and that social distancing and masking were not backed with scientific data.

    The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released its final 520-page report that stated "COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China."

    In support of the "lab leak" theory, the report said the subcommittee learned that the virus had a biological characteristic that is not found in nature and that data showed all COVID-19 cases stemming from a single introduction to humans.

    "By nearly all measures of science, if there was evidence of a natural origin it would have already surfaced," the report says.

    The report also noted that China’s foremost SARS research lab is in Wuhan, "which has a history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels," and that researchers at the lab "were sick with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before COVID-19 was discovered at the wet market."
    Marjrie Taylr Greene is a member of that "select" subcommittee.

  9. #40909
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Of all the stupid said in this thread Ef-man and his raccoon dog theory takes the cake Too bad he got sent to the tree of woe.

    COVID 'most likely' leaked from Wuhan lab, social distancing 'not based on science,' select committee finds

    A congressional subcommittee concluded its two-year investigation on the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, finding that COVID-19 likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China, and that social distancing and masking were not backed with scientific data.

    The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released its final 520-page report that stated "COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China."

    In support of the "lab leak" theory, the report said the subcommittee learned that the virus had a biological characteristic that is not found in nature and that data showed all COVID-19 cases stemming from a single introduction to humans.

    "By nearly all measures of science, if there was evidence of a natural origin it would have already surfaced," the report says.

    The report also noted that China’s foremost SARS research lab is in Wuhan, "which has a history of conducting gain-of-function research at inadequate biosafety levels," and that researchers at the lab "were sick with a COVID-like virus in the fall of 2019, months before COVID-19 was discovered at the wet market."
    How about the other House report?

    Democrats push back on Republican COVID-19 report

  10. #40910
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    How about the other House report?

    Democrats push back on Republican COVID-19 report
    they conclude with it's all Trump's fault brrrrrrrrr

  11. #40911
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    they conclude with it's all Trump's fault brrrrrrrrr
    Nah, they said the Republicans on the committee are full of .

  12. #40912
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    they conclude with it's all Trump's fault brrrrrrrrr
    I don't

  13. #40913
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    correlation is not causation, but the correlation looks pretty strong

    Along with a baffling rise in post-pandemic mortality rates that has insurers stymied, the number of Americans claiming disabilities has skyrocketed since 2020, adding another puzzling factor that could impact corporate bottom lines.

    After rising slowly and steadily since the turn of the century and hovering between 25 million and 27 million, the number of disabled among the U.S. population rose nearly 35 percent in the last four years, to an all-time high of 38,844,000 at the end of November, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
    Source: FRED (St. Louis Federal Reserve)
    Disability claims skyrocket, raising new puzzle alongside 'excess mortality' - Insurance News | InsuranceNewsNet

  14. #40914
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    Correlated with vaccine rollout

  15. #40915
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Correlated with vaccine rollout
    The trend will tell.

    Rate of infection> rate of vaccination.

  16. #40916
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Correlated with vaccine rollout
    Are you saying vaccines are disabling millions of Americans?

    Yes or no.

    Remind us which disabling vaccine you took as soon as you possibly could.

  17. #40917
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Doubt there would have been the swift return to normal without the COVID jab, tbh.

  18. #40918
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I'm pro vax, full disclosure. Had two doses of Pfizer.
    Clearly disabled.

  19. #40919
    wrong about pizzagate TSA's Avatar
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    C.I.A. Now Favors Lab Leak Theory to Explain Covid's Origins
    A new analysis that began under the Biden administration is released by the C.I.A.'s new director, John Ratcliffe, who wants the agency to get "off the sidelines" in the debate.

    D.O.E., F.B.I., and now C.I.A.

  20. #40920
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Doubt there would have been the swift return to normal without the COVID jab, tbh.
    I bet you still wear a mask and especially while driving alone.

  21. #40921
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    Were any changes made to disability rules before claims skyrocketed?

  22. #40922
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Were any changes made to disability rules before claims skyrocketed?
    please share anything you know about this

    make your case

  23. #40923
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    C.I.A. Now Favors Lab Leak Theory to Explain Covid's Origins
    A new analysis that began under the Biden administration is released by the C.I.A.'s new director, John Ratcliffe, who wants the agency to get "off the sidelines" in the debate.

    D.O.E., F.B.I., and now C.I.A.
    Great. Now what?

  24. #40924
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    "Low level of confidence"

  25. #40925
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    fwiw, there's evidence that SARS2 was circulating in Italy in multiple regions a few months before the Wuhan outbreak

    maybe neither "wet market" nor "lab leak" is the right hypothesis

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