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  1. #26
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    I knew as soon as Trump killed Soleimani this was going to happen. I called it. WWIII. Infinity Ward is on it.

  2. #27
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    they just quarantined a city of 11 million
    ... you sure you ain't talking about Hong Kong?

  3. #28
    Veteran hater's Avatar
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    25 dead with 85 critical

    2 cities now locked down thats 20 million ppl that cant wipe their ass

    yeah its just a walk in the park

  4. #29
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    lol overstatement

    they just quarantined a city of 11 million

    the virus is mutating

    its the mainstream media who are downplaying this

    thinking a paper mask and thermometer can stop this

    some clown “doctor” on CNBC just said this is a nothingburger and laughed off the measly 500 infections and 17 dead. its only been 3 days ya dumb and do you really think only 500 infections?

    wtf do you read besides twitter and RT news?

    If anything they are overplaying it because it has infected and killed health care workers who have supposedly taken precautions. Also the infection rate looks very high but mortality, not so much. We will see. It’s not like these sorts of viruses are just going to disappear. As crowded as some cities are along with the close association with animals, it is almost waiting to happen.

    Down playing it.... Jesus...

  5. #30
    Veteran hater's Avatar
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    nothing to see here

  6. #31
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    highly contagious

    "This map will be updated when more information is available. As of Jan. 23, coronavirus cases were confirmed in

    South Korea, and the
    United States.

    Doesn't look at fatal as Ebola, probably the victims are the usual virus victims, very young and very old, compromised immune systems.

  7. #32
    Veteran weebo's Avatar
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    nothing to see here

    Sorry but that could be anything (not much info)...CVA, MI ..whatever...besides what is he doing walking around if he's that critically ill?

  8. #33
    Veteran hater's Avatar
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    those dead guys look neither old nor young

  9. #34
    Veteran SpursforSix's Avatar
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    Possible case at LAX via Mexico City. But could be sick from something else I guess.

  10. #35
    Veteran SpursforSix's Avatar
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    Possible case in Brazos County from someone who traveled to Wuhan.

  11. #36
    NostraSpurMus phxspurfan's Avatar
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    Wuhan is out tonight again, due to Load Management

  12. #37
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    china! nothing good comes from china and it seems to breed nothing but diseases. that place!

  13. #38
    Pronouns: Your/Dad TheGreatYacht's Avatar
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    china! nothing good comes from china and it seems to breed nothing but diseases. that place!
    Did you know that the Zionist Jewish traitors steal our technology and pass it onto China? Alex Jones will tell you that China steals our technology but he won't tell you that the Zionists are the ones making that possible.

  14. #39
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    Did you know that the Zionist Jewish traitors steal our technology and pass it onto China? Alex Jones will tell you that China steals our technology but he won't tell you that the Zionists are the ones making that possible.
    lol we sold our tech to them decades ago... zionists or not

  15. #40
    Veteran SpursforSix's Avatar
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    Latest injury report:

    Wuhan is out tonight again, due to Load Management
    Bend over, I'll ing show you load management.

  16. #41
    Pronouns: Your/Dad TheGreatYacht's Avatar
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    lol we sold our tech to them decades ago... zionists or not

    How Israel steals U.S. high technology. The drones are not just over Israel. Drone presidents. Drone alt-media. Drone groups. Drone freedom fighters. Drone mainstream media, Drone everything.

    1. The Talpiot Program remains Israel's primary foundation of it's power. Few talk about it.
    2. Israel steals U.S high technology and hands it over to Russia, China and even Iran.
    3. Intel and AMD CPU's both have hardware backdoors. Intel via the Intel Management System. AMD via a similar "on die" separate CPU with it's own Linux based O.S - The Arc Processor.
    4. The Arc processor is tiny and fills The Internet Of Things and the Smart Cities Program. It will soon be back dooring your personal Rabbinic Gollem Robot.
    5. Israel is leading the technology end of the One Belt One Road project - central to the BRICS.
    6. Anti-Zionist hard cores are over joyed by the BRICS...which is controlled by Israel :-D
    7. Saudi and the Gulf States have been terrified into Netanyahu's arms by the Persian Empire building of Rouhani and The Reformist Crew. All with giant Swiss bank accounts. Ahmedinejad called for unity of Sunni and Shia, Arab and Persian. Rouhani's crew have done everything they can to destroy it and done the bidding of Israel and The Oded Yinon Plan - broken up the Middle East and destroyed Arab nationalism.
    8. China and Russia are now both the official Great Power enemies of the United States. Funny that Israel, on the public record as the number one supplier of their high tech is not on the official enemy list of the United States. In fact they have their own Shelden Adelson puppet president in there.

    Few if any tell you about Israel being the tip of the spear in the GIANT One Belt One Road project that the "alt" media largely ignore except for a tiny few. This is Israel, Russia, India and China.

    Israel is leading the "break away" trillion dollar project that people like Robert Steel and Cynthia McKinney laud - o - Israel is running it. Donald Trump is STILL being lauded by so many drones in the alt media it is bizarro world. He is an out and out Israeli intelligence, Sheldon Adelson creation through and through from start to finish. Israel is leading all the AI, crypto currencies, hardware backdoors into everything.

    The Internet of Things. Smart Cities - which Saudi has fully signed onto. Which Israel runs. Israel will lead the way of penning up the Woken Goy into robot managed Smart Cities where you will be Wet Worked - chipped.

    Jews will NOT be spared. Labeling Jews as responsible for this is ridiculous.
    They will fill the FEMA Camps along with the Goy if they do not do as Netanyahu and AI Rabbinic Robot commands. But Netanyahu has a plan to fill his new Greater Israel project - watch out for a massive rise in attacks on Jews walking their dog, especially ones with PHD's in electrical engineering.

    Conflict is coming for Greater Israel - Rouhani has ably assisted and will get a Babylonian Persian Empire on the east side of the Euphrates. Controlling The Stans as well. Brendon's editing laptop was trashed, "I am no I.T slouch - not a I.T professional by any means - but no slouch."

    My Windows 10 Pro machine was as secure as you could get it. They hammered me non stop - came right in under the software firewall (the best corporate level) utilizing the Intel Management Unit which makes the Meltdown "bug" in Intel CPU's look grossly under rated.

    This video misses out on much. It was originally over 2 hours long. I had to stop due to the hacking. It is two weeks over due. After the war, Netanyahu will begin a campaign of Jew hatred in the United States and Europe to force Jews into Greater Israel and into Russia where both Putin and Netanyahu brag they have "safe spaces" for Jews. Just be white and have an electrical engineering degree.

  17. #42
    Corpus Christi Spurs Fan Phenomanul's Avatar
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    those dead guys look neither old nor young
    The third video in the second link is fairly concerning. The dude just keels over and falls face first from a standing position. SARS or Anthrax did nothing of the sort. One moment you're standing, the next moment you're like an iguana falling off from tree-limbs in the Florida sun - out cold.

  18. #43
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    Here’s Exactly How the New Coronavirus Affects Your Body

    The mysterious and deadly new strain of coronavirus that originated in China has infected close to 500 people.

    It initially has flu-like symptoms but, in severe cases, can permanently damage the lungs.

    damage lungs permanently? hmm, sounds like vaping synthetic nicotine

  19. #44
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Did you know that the Zionist Jewish traitors steal our technology and pass it onto China? Alex Jones will tell you that China steals our technology but he won't tell you that the Zionists are the ones making that possible.
    So you one upped Alex Jones...
    put that on your resume.

    So that The zionists, or anyone who has any sense, will never hire you.

  20. #45
    LMAO koriwhat's Avatar
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    How Israel steals U.S. high technology. The drones are not just over Israel. Drone presidents. Drone alt-media. Drone groups. Drone freedom fighters. Drone mainstream media, Drone everything.

    1. The Talpiot Program remains Israel's primary foundation of it's power. Few talk about it.
    2. Israel steals U.S high technology and hands it over to Russia, China and even Iran.
    3. Intel and AMD CPU's both have hardware backdoors. Intel via the Intel Management System. AMD via a similar "on die" separate CPU with it's own Linux based O.S - The Arc Processor.
    4. The Arc processor is tiny and fills The Internet Of Things and the Smart Cities Program. It will soon be back dooring your personal Rabbinic Gollem Robot.
    5. Israel is leading the technology end of the One Belt One Road project - central to the BRICS.
    6. Anti-Zionist hard cores are over joyed by the BRICS...which is controlled by Israel :-D
    7. Saudi and the Gulf States have been terrified into Netanyahu's arms by the Persian Empire building of Rouhani and The Reformist Crew. All with giant Swiss bank accounts. Ahmedinejad called for unity of Sunni and Shia, Arab and Persian. Rouhani's crew have done everything they can to destroy it and done the bidding of Israel and The Oded Yinon Plan - broken up the Middle East and destroyed Arab nationalism.
    8. China and Russia are now both the official Great Power enemies of the United States. Funny that Israel, on the public record as the number one supplier of their high tech is not on the official enemy list of the United States. In fact they have their own Shelden Adelson puppet president in there.

    Few if any tell you about Israel being the tip of the spear in the GIANT One Belt One Road project that the "alt" media largely ignore except for a tiny few. This is Israel, Russia, India and China.

    Israel is leading the "break away" trillion dollar project that people like Robert Steel and Cynthia McKinney laud - o - Israel is running it. Donald Trump is STILL being lauded by so many drones in the alt media it is bizarro world. He is an out and out Israeli intelligence, Sheldon Adelson creation through and through from start to finish. Israel is leading all the AI, crypto currencies, hardware backdoors into everything.

    The Internet of Things. Smart Cities - which Saudi has fully signed onto. Which Israel runs. Israel will lead the way of penning up the Woken Goy into robot managed Smart Cities where you will be Wet Worked - chipped.

    Jews will NOT be spared. Labeling Jews as responsible for this is ridiculous.
    They will fill the FEMA Camps along with the Goy if they do not do as Netanyahu and AI Rabbinic Robot commands. But Netanyahu has a plan to fill his new Greater Israel project - watch out for a massive rise in attacks on Jews walking their dog, especially ones with PHD's in electrical engineering.

    Conflict is coming for Greater Israel - Rouhani has ably assisted and will get a Babylonian Persian Empire on the east side of the Euphrates. Controlling The Stans as well. Brendon's editing laptop was trashed, "I am no I.T slouch - not a I.T professional by any means - but no slouch."

    My Windows 10 Pro machine was as secure as you could get it. They hammered me non stop - came right in under the software firewall (the best corporate level) utilizing the Intel Management Unit which makes the Meltdown "bug" in Intel CPU's look grossly under rated.

    This video misses out on much. It was originally over 2 hours long. I had to stop due to the hacking. It is two weeks over due. After the war, Netanyahu will begin a campaign of Jew hatred in the United States and Europe to force Jews into Greater Israel and into Russia where both Putin and Netanyahu brag they have "safe spaces" for Jews. Just be white and have an electrical engineering degree.
    ZzZzZz... TL;DR and IDC

  21. #46
    Veteran SpursforSix's Avatar
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    Coincidence? Or did they up?

    (2017) A laboratory in Wuhan is on the cusp of being cleared to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens. The move is part of a plan to build between five and seven biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025, and has generated much excitement, as well as some concerns.
    But worries surround the Chinese lab, too. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. Tim Trevan, founder of CHROME Biosafety and Biosecurity Consulting in Damascus, Maryland, says that an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in China, where society emphasizes hierarchy. “Diversity of viewpoint, flat structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important,” he says.

  22. #47

  23. #48
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    Should Chinese strippers be avoided until this clears up?

  24. #49
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    SFS with some kick ass reporting.

  25. #50
    Veteran SpursforSix's Avatar
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    Should Chinese strippers be avoided until this clears up?
    Chinese strippers? That’s weird af.

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