they are not. warmonger Esper already said to the admiral “Stick to the chain of command”
to be fair, sweeen Russia and china doing same thing
we are obviously a helpless 3rd world country
we had to beg China for ventilators and PPE, they agreed only if Orangegutan stops saying Chinese Virus. he complied
Putin offered a plane full of PPE. we took it
they are not. warmonger Esper already said to the admiral “Stick to the chain of command”
to be fair, sweeen Russia and china doing same thing
Just released study from Washington showed average time from first symptoms to hospitalization was 7 days. Small sample size but is inline with the other small studies from China.
I don't get this. What would "the elites" get out of fear mongering?
"They'll use this 'crisis' as an excuse to instill fascism and totalitarianism!"
Our cons ution guards against such overreach (4th amendment).
I've heard this, too: "It's all part of a globalist plan."
This pandemic is pretty much guaran- in-teed to sour a lot of people on globalism.
"Libs are using this to hurt Trump."
A fact of political nature is that approval ratings have ALWAYS gone up during a national crisis. We're seeing that here. This crisis also gives Trump a load more fodder to use on his campaign trail regarding open borders, trade with China, globalization, nationalism, etc. I lean Left, and I fear this pandemic will mostly benefit fascist nationalist movements. They pretty much have their rhetorical and political "smoking gun" now.
what could be better for putin than to be gifted the upper hand while the us is weakened?
im sure that absolutely nothing can go wrong here
What we are supposed to be is irrelevant to the position we are currently in.
4000 semen bout to die on a petri dish
how many days for those 200 infected to infect the entire ship you think?
we have an idiot who thinks just like you do
what could possibly go wrong when we collectively bend over before our mortal enemy ?
usa went to fast
thanks republicans
doubt many will die. this is no aids niga
im sure a few will die maybe just a handful
but it is a shame
Think China will buy us up after this, bro?
I think the big reason is that nobody knows how long the lockdown is going to be.
tbh I don't really care as I'm more introverted by nature. Whether this lasts one more month or 18 months, I'll be content. But then you have the more extroverted types who get conflicting information. If everyone knew for sure this was only going to last 2-3 weeks, then I think they'd be fine quarantining for that time. But once people here that this is going to go on forever, they just don't have the discipline to spend their lives on "glorified house arrest" which I sort of understand. But even then, I don't know too many people that are seriously violating this rule. They may go out to public parks or hangouts with small groups of friends, which may be pushing it, but considering the cir stances I'm not ready to march them in front of the firing squad. And of course there's always "It's the JOOOOOOOOOOS" group who are going to think it's a hoax and press on anyway. But I think that's a very small minority
The real problem, atleast in my group, are the people who unintentionally are being reckless because they're not paying attention. Some chick I know legitimately has no clue what's going on, as she just flew to Florida for a Spring Break trip rofl. Ignorance is bliss sometimes
you kidding?
guam is their only near port
guam has 6
icu units?
6 ventilators divided by 3-4000 sick sailors = ?
when they find out about all those bats in austin!
some joint base in SA was ordered by DoD to stop posting the infection/death rates on the base.
where was russia?
Yep. The worst feeling in the world is uncertainty, and until we get better data, we're spitting in the wind with all these projections. It's good you know a lot of people doing the right thing. It sucks, but it's something we have to do.
Russia is not a concerning country to me tbh. China is our "mortal enemy".
Corona just killed General Ematt
Coronavirus is to Hollywood what HIV/AIDS was to the porn industry.
RIP guy I didn't know or cared about.
Not reasonably, no. If you're paranoid, sure.
This would be as stupid as declining the WHO tests... you get the help you can take, lives are at stake.
Globalists ready to lose gazillion of dollars, because 4D chess.
Neither really. China gotta keep buying dem treasuries.
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