They were supposed disembark in Chile.
Right now, the flu is a bigger threat in the U.S. than the new coronavirus.
We don’t yet know the trajectory of the new coronavirus, which understandably invokes fear. But don’t let all the buzz make you forget about a different virus circulating in the United States right now with a much larger impact than the new coronavirus. It’s killed between 10,000 and 25,000 people in this country between just October 1 and January 25, according to the CDC, and has caused up to 26 million illnesses and 310,000 hospitalizations in that time as well. Schools in several states have closed due to high levels of this illness in their student bodies. We even have a vaccine available to help prevent it. Yes, I’m talking about the flu.
The Virus Killing U.S. Kids Isn’t the One Dominating the Headlines
Coronavirus, with zero American fatalities, is dominating headlines, while the flu has killed dozens of U.S. kids this season—including 11-year-old Luca, a true “Giver of Light.”
Don’t worry about the new coronavirus, worry about the flu
Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now.
They were supposed disembark in Chile.
That’s a of a disclaimer
I see a lot of "for now" and "right now"
And it was a bad flu season.
And I didn't see anyone saying coronavirus wasn't as bad as the flu.
I'm glad you posted all that to on yourself, rube.
Now do Trump and his media.
You never, ever will.
RIP ecuador
videos coming out that make Wuhan look like a wekend in Bondie Beach
people collapsing on the streets
dead bodies lining ip the streets
people burning bodies on the streets
and idiots here still say we shoulda not locked down and this is just another flu![]()
stupid ing imbecile re animals
Ecuador government and its US Puppet president Lenin Moreno bull ting about the numbers
93 dead only
yeah ing right
Well, are the videos secret or something?
Post your unverified tweets.
The esteemed science fiction author, best known for movie "Arrival" that is based on his novel, on how we may never go "back to normal" -- and why that might be a good thing.
From an interview on Electric Literature:
EL: Do you see aspects of science fiction (your own work or others) in the coronavirus pandemic? In how it is being handled, or how it has spread?
TC: While there has been plenty of fiction written about pandemics, I think the biggest difference between those scenarios and our reality is how poorly our government has handled it. If your goal is to dramatize the threat posed by an unknown virus, there's no advantage in depicting the officials responding as incompetent, because that minimizes the threat; it leads the reader to conclude that the virus wouldn't be dangerous if competent people were on the job. A pandemic story like that would be similar to what's known as an "idiot plot," a plot that would be resolved very quickly if your protagonist weren't an idiot. What we're living through is only partly a disaster novel; it's also -- and perhaps mostly -- a grotesque political satire.
EL: This pandemic isn't science fiction, but it does feel like a dystopia. How can we understand the coronavirus as a cautionary tale? How can we combat our own personal inclinations toward the good/evil narrative, and the subsequent expectation that everything will return to normal?
TC: We need to be specific about what we mean when we talk about things returning to normal. We all want not to be quarantined, to be able to go to work and socialize and travel. But we don't want everything to go back to business as usual, because business as usual is what led us to this crisis. COVID-19 has demonstrated how much we need federally mandated paid sick leave and universal health care, so we don't want to return to a status quo that lacks those things. The current administration's response ought to serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of electing demagogues instead of real leaders, although there's no guarantee that voters will heed it. We're at a point where things could go in some very different ways, depending on what we learn from this experience.
but but
this is just another flu
stupid ing animals
We have much more control over the flu.
Vaccinations (you want that mandatory?)
The flu is not nearly insidious as this virus.
You got the numbers on the number of health care workers that caught the flu while working with flu patients? Let’s do the comparison after this crap. How about health care workers that die from each.
We have much more control over the flu.
Vaccinations (you want that mandatory?)
The flu is not nearly insidious as this virus.
You got the numbers on the number of health care workers that caught the flu while working with flu patients? Let’s do the comparison after this crap. How about health care workers that die from each.
Can somebody explain to me why in the you're even thinking about a jobs or infrastructure program when people can't even get to work, at the very least for the next couple of weeks, probably at least month or more?
Is this just to try to keep Wall Street from sinking? Campaign promises?
its like telling your dying grandpa that lying in bed with terminal stomach cancer that hes gonna get better and you will take him for ice cream soon enough tbqh
It’s a ty and tone deaf “mission accomplished” sign
Won’t change nothing. You’ll see new biotech startups perceive a new economic space for disaster care. They’ll develop something, whether it’s a testing platform, access to doctors/medical care, or something that I can’t even think of. They’ll move into that space.
All you’ll see is the disparity in care between reach and poor grow.
Dont worry fellas
can put his middle east peace miracle on hold - and take over this pesky corona thing so those magats can have more nuremburg rallies!
What kind of pathological liar lies about his lies to people who have video recordings of the lies he is lying about and who actually read his previous lies to him word for word as he tries to lie about those lies?
Last edited by RandomGuy; 04-01-2020 at 03:33 PM. Reason: sarcasm detector malfunction.
none of that matters to supporters
thats why we need to waco that cult.
i say its Waco time.
A lot of them pushed that agenda.
Dr Drew and Dr Oz.![]()
dont forget Dr. Trump
Right now seems like the perfect time to repair roads while there is less traffic.
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