Hope he makes it or we're going to have the usual opportunists living off idiots making non-stop JooTubes and Patreon accounts about the deep state deep sixing him.
Just say when you want restrictions in NYC lifted.
Step up.
Tactics From the Right-Wing Playbook on COVID-19
Dismissing and Downplaying the Threat
In the early days of the spread of the virus, Trump and members of his administration downplayed the seriousness of the threat the virus posed to Americans. Trump’s allies and right-wing media have decried what they described as a hoax, hype, and fearmongering designed to harm Trump’s reelection prospects. Even now, as new cases and deaths continue to e, Trump and his supporters send mixed messages about the threat and the importance of social distancing.
Distracting Americans with Conspiracy Theories and Finger-Pointing
A wide range of conspiracy theories about the virus and its spread have been promoted not only by fringe activists in online spaces but also by members of Congress and religious leaders with large audiences. Many of the conspiracy theories are meant to deflect accountability from U.S. officials’ decision-making by diverting attention and blame elsewhere. COVID-19 has been portrayed as a weapon of war launched by the Chinese or North Korean governments and as a plot by Satan, the Democratic Party, globalists,big pharma, and other habitual enemies of the right-wing imagination. Others who promote the QAnonconspiracy theory popular in some corners of Trump’s base say the virus and social distancing measures are cover for Trump to make mass arrests of a deep-state pedophile ring. A new wave of hoax conspiracy-mongering is spreading on social media using hashtags like #coronavirustruth and #FilmYourHospital.
Pushing the Team Trump Line, Whatever It Is
The extent to which right-wing activists, leaders, and media have become public relations vehicles of the White House is evident in the ways that they have followed the Trump administration’s own dramatic shifts from dismissing fears of the virus as hype generated by the media to belatedly recognizing the seriousness of the situation and the need for strong public health measures. Trump’s supporters have learned from him not to bother acknowledging or explaining their abrupt shifts in position. One religious-right activist even defended Trump’s misinformation as a strategy for sowing confusion in the “enemy camp.”
Making the Most of It / Shameless Opportunism
Some right-wing leaders are taking advantage of the crisis to push preexisting agendas. Among them: promoting hostility to immigrants and immigration; shuttingdownaccess to abortion; promoting school vouchers; undermining environmental protections; fomenting nationalism and disparaging international ins utions; disparaging federal aid to struggling individuals and promoting libertarian social darwinism; and weakening the separation of church and state. Others have used it to enrich themselves by selling bogus “cures.”
Playing God and Portraying Trump’s Actions as Part of a Divine Plan
Conservative evangelicals are Trump’s most loyal supporters. Many have followed his shifts, urging their followers to adopt the administration’s social distancing guidelines. But some have resisted restrictions on large gatherings, portraying them as attacks on religious liberty and telling supporters that believers have divine protection. Some have portrayed attending church as a test of their faith in God’s power to heal. Some have called the virus a sign of God’s punishment for abortion or sexuality, and others have said it’s God’s way to focus attention on the church.
Some “prophetic” leaders have declared that God will bring swift and miraculous resolution to the crisis: one asserted that the tide was turning in mid-February; others decreed that the virus would leave Earth on March 23; and others have predicted divine intervention around Passover or Easter, when Trump himself has said he would like to see churches full. Some are depicting current events as evidence that we are living in the End Times and that believers should therefore expect “pestilence” and other events prophesied for the last days.
TSA, I expect you go vandalize some 5G equipment because it causes covid-19
I'm seeing a lot of criticism of model accuracy on Wingnut twitter, which they then offer as "proof" that this pandemic isn't as bad as the evil, Soros controlled MSM is making it out to be, but they need to understand that models are imperfect, are only as good as the data they get, and that even the world's leading epidemiologists still have little clue about true case counts and CFR. The "experts" aren't pulling wool over your eyes, they just "don't know," because the data is sparse. Criticizing models is fair (I will go to the grave never believing the 2.5 million dead scenario as plausible from the Imperial study), but drawing conspiracy theory conclusions from those criticisms is re ed. This virus is BAD. Even if we downgrade it to "flu levels," that is still very BAD. With the flu, we have a degree of herd immunity, we have a vaccine, we have antivirals, we plan for flu season. We have none of that here. , even if this bug is half as deadly as the flu, that's still a big problem.
Pretty much, and it should be mentioned that's far from the only model that's been off in certain areas. (left unsaid is that model had a relatively spot on death # for NY)
Then again, you would need to understand how models work...
If Bojo dies UK would really be taking it on the chin tbqh
I don't think there's any conspiracy. It's just odd to me that some people seem mad when reality turns out better than model projections.
And, it goes without saying, that we're still in the middle of this and don't know exactly how it will play out.
Maybe we should head to New York where it's safe
Barring the introduction of a kickass vaccine worldwide this bug is here to stay and the pandemics will just keep coming in waves. 1 million deaths is totally possible.
We dont know that yet d
If thats the case ,its going to be waay more
Lol, when people "stopped" traveling more than 2 miles. What is this based on?
I don't live within 2 miles of food, parmacy, etc. Are people in Wyoming and Montana just stocked up for the duration?
Lol, Krugman
It's kind of starting to, tbh.
Hospital discharges up 74%. New cases nearly halfed from yesterday and deaths also slightly down from yesterday. I hope this holds...but there could be another dump before the night is over.
GD rights.
At the very least he'll have accomplished Brexit.
Entering a hospital at this particular juncture of the disease holds a bad harbinger, eh?
Yeah this distance traveled is re ed. It's 4 miles round trip for me to get a loaf of bread at Valero. HEB is a 22 mile trip for me.
You know they lying when they said this was a "precautionary" step.
BoJo on ventilator, chances 50% now
Link? If that's true this guy is RIP city.
I feel for the pregnant wife. Stupid head put her in an impossible situation.
Less than that.
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