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  1. #10026
    SeaGOAT midnightpulp's Avatar
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    The knockdown argument against the Conservative fear that universal healthcare would be some centralized government cluster is the fact the American military exists, which is "universal national defense." The American military has the most advanced tech in the world, has probably spurred more broad technological innovation over the past 50 years (i.e. Internet) than any other "industry," and when swift action is called for, we're "shocking and aweing" in like 20 minutes from the time a president signs a war declaration.

    Now imagine if we were as passionate about building up and funding a healthcare infrastructure like we are with funding the military? We'd have a healthcare system that would put Europe's to shame. But no, goat farmers with 70s Soviet hand-me-downs are the "real" threat.

  2. #10027
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Trump setting up a task force to focus on reopening the economy "soon".
    Great. So we get to go back on track for 2 million.

  3. #10028
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    President Trump's swift action on stopping travel combined with the effects of national shutdown will result in more lives created or saved than any other POTUS in history.

  4. #10029
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    President Trump's swift action on stopping travel combined with the effects of national shutdown will result in more lives created or saved than any other POTUS in history.
    Are you lying to yourself about that too? The most dangerous point is when you start believing your own bull .

  5. #10030
    SeaGOAT midnightpulp's Avatar
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    President Trump's swift action on stopping travel combined with the effects of national shutdown will result in more lives created or saved than any other POTUS in history.
    Trump hasn't issued any national shutdown order. As far as the travel ban, it was a good precaution, but interestingly, the virus strain that has slammed New York was found to be of European lineage.

    Anyhow, I'll credit him where it's due, but it's still 100 percent in' inexcusable for him that he continued to downplay it ("Stock market looking good! Don't worry about the virus!") into early March. That's why I feel the China ban was more a political dog whistle to "the base" rather than actual concern. There's no defending that 6 week period where he downplayed and downplayed, while his Fox News propaganda machine were calling it a Democratic hoax to hurt his re-election chances.

  6. #10031
    Kang Trill Clinton's Avatar
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    its real out here

  7. #10032
    SeaGOAT midnightpulp's Avatar
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    Ja- ing-PAN.

    And USA-USA-USA-USA-USA (we're a joke):

    And ^ the proverbial Cletus will continue to shop there as he yells at the Fox News about them sneaky s

  8. #10033
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    will get shut down one business at a time anyways as people start seeing their neighbors dying just like it did in 1918.

  9. #10034
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    travel ban, it was a good precaution
    it was false bull , a smoke screen, 100Ks of Chinese came to USA after the bull ban, some from Woohand

  10. #10035
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    If you add the covidennials being created during the lockdown and subtract the covid deaths it will probably be a positive number.

  11. #10036
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    If you add the covidennials being created during the lockdown and subtract the covid deaths it will probably be a positive number.
    Where did you get this one? SnakeBoy was making some similar noise earlier.

  12. #10037
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    If you add the covidennials being created during the lockdown and subtract the covid deaths it will probably be a positive number.
    This might be about the worst time for someone to become pregnant with a heightened immune system considering most of the COVID deaths are coming from immune system overreaction.

  13. #10038
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Where did you get this one? SnakeBoy was making some similar noise earlier.
    Cool your jets, cowboy. Just speculating of course, but with the "stay at home" order I suspect there is a lot more sex happening than normal. If you are the exception I can understand how it confused you.

  14. #10039
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    dad joke sensibilities.
    Excellent band name.

  15. #10040
    Veteran hater's Avatar
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    Ja- ing-PAN.

    And USA-USA-USA-USA-USA (we're a joke):

    And ^ the proverbial Cletus will continue to shop there as he yells at the Fox News about them sneaky s
    too late for that

    China has the money and infrastructure to create their own companies and sell the same product for cheaper

    the genie is out of the bag ma nig. impossible to put it back in

  16. #10041
    SeaGOAT midnightpulp's Avatar
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    too late for that

    China has the money and infrastructure to create their own companies and sell the same product for cheaper

    the genie is out of the bag ma nig. impossible to put it back in
    China doesn't innovate, though. All the tech comes from Japanese, Korean, American, and European companies. They just IP steal and manufacture crap knockoffs. Non-Chinese companies refusing to sell the knockoffs and HEAVY, HEAVY tariffs on importing their knockoffs puts that cat back into the bag.

  17. #10042
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Are you lying to yourself about that too? The most dangerous point is when you start believing your own bull .
    Don't tell SnakeBoy, but Trump didn't stop travel from China.


  18. #10043
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    President Trump's swift action on stopping travel combined with the effects of national shutdown will result in more lives created or saved than any other POTUS in history.
    "swift action"

  19. #10044
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    Excellent band name.
    I can imagine them playing a bunch of 70s/80s covers

  20. #10045
    OH YOU LIKE IT!!! slick'81's Avatar
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    Great. So we get to go back on track for 2 million.
    trump is a mad man. Not only is our testing ,but were still no where near flattening this curve,and trump is ready to open the flood gates

  21. #10046
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    China doesn't innovate, though. All the tech comes from Japanese, Korean, American, and European companies. They just IP steal and manufacture crap knockoffs. Non-Chinese companies refusing to sell the knockoffs and HEAVY, HEAVY tariffs on importing their knockoffs puts that cat back into the bag.
    they do lately. lead 5G, co leaders in AI, Huawei was about to take over the world thats why US tried to bury it

    I e had a Huawei phone and it was pretty sweet. I broke the screen thats why I reused my iphone

    also been to hong kong. they are advanced as their internet speeds at the hotel were and they have train systems that make US train systems look like ancient toy models

    Sure US is best innovator and we need to keep it that way but the days when china was only making cheap knockoffs is long gone

  22. #10047
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    possible catastrophic news:

    if this is true no amount of quarantining will help us. at the same time we would never be able to live normal lives again

  23. #10048
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    RIP Bangladesh

  24. #10049
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    possible catastrophic news:

    if this is true no amount of quarantining will help us. at the same time we would never be able to live normal lives again

    Probably not fully recovered

  25. #10050
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    possible catastrophic news:

    if this is true no amount of quarantining will help us. at the same time we would never be able to live normal lives again

    All this means is that these people's immune system is .

    Not that it matters since they can spread the virus but holy some people and their poor healthy way of life really is setting our progress back.

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