Lol "I'm cool with".
Lol "I'm cool with".
You got jokes and . You need that reworded, Darrin?
How many deaths would you find acceptable after reopening?
It does. People aren't replaceable.
Yeah, I ain't risking my health or my family's health to "save the country" for the chilrens.The Texas Republican went on to say, “There are more important things than living, and that’s saving this country for my children and my grandchildren — and saving this country for all of us. And I don’t want to die. Nobody wants to die. But maybe we’ve got to take some risks and get back in the game — and get this country back up and running.”
And ^ here's why this is the morally superior position to Patrick's utilitarianism nonsense. Because each of us acting in this kind of selfish rational-self interest also has a utilitarian side effect that guarantees more safety for "all of us." And it's voluntary for everyone.
"Going back to work" to try and save the country for the chilrens risks putting others in danger who haven't voluntary agreed to that risk. Healthcare workers, for instance, would rather you stay home, because more infected patients shuffling into their ERs increases their risk of infection. When you go out shopping for essentials, you'd like to think that everyone there and the workers themselves have only been basically doing that (and other socially distanced essential activity) rather than filling bars, churches, beaches and nightclubs the night before.
A. Death. Cult.
scrah none of these politicians care about the future of the USA![]()
Just expendable
Yours obviously, idiot.
still afraid
Shaking in my boots, slick.
That's the beetus
Oh like the kitchen and cleaning crews at Mar Del Lago
esp the old ones,
"on their last legs" anyway,
sucking in Medicaid/Medicare/SS $Bs (which could rather be "tax expenditures" for the oligarchy)
and above all not producing for Capitalists
yep, Capitalism is The Best Inhumane Brutality
Trump’s Hoax: Obama Didn’t Predict This Coronavirus And Design A Test For It
Trump has all kinds of excuses for his failures,
including attacking his predecessor for not making a test for a disease that wouldn’t come to pass for three years
presidents have long blamed predecessors to explain away their own troubles.
“But Trump’s taking it to where anything he does wrong is Barack Obama’s fault is beyond childish,”
“It’s just kind of Trump’s insanity unspooling right in front of us.”
Trump has lied repeatedly about the pandemic and his handling of it,
and has already stated that he does not “take responsibility at all” for the federal response and the more than 43,000 Americans the disease has killed so far.
his blaming of Obama for not devising a suitable test
defies both common sense and the laws of temporal physics. mgnews
bag Repugs ting it up hole TX
Analysis: Texas has scant data about the pandemic, leaving a lot of questions
State officials have a lot more data about the new coronavirus than they did just days ago.
But Texas remains behind the curve when it comes to critical information about the spread of the disease.
Where to start?
Not enough tests have been completed, or taken, to really know who has or doesn’t have the disease, where the Texas hotspots are, or whether people who have died of respiratory problems had COVID-19.
The relatively small number of test results also means
we don’t know which people had the disease and recovered (and how many people have recovered) and
whether the projections being made with that skimpy data are accurate enough to guide our public health decisions.
It’s not enough to say that the testing is getting better, that we know more than we knew just a few days ago.
What we still don’t know overshadows what we do know.
We’re like pilots flying in clouds without instruments.
We know a little bit, but not enough to make really solid decisions or to figure out what’s next. We’re learning as we go. As of Thursday,
Texas was reporting
10,230 cases and 199 deaths,
1,439 hospitalized COVID-19 patients and
106,134 tests conducted.
Given the level of testing right now, it’s hard to know how many cases Texas really has.
Trump is doing the ‘I barely know the guy routine’ with hydroxychloroquine now it’s getting bad results
he is running away from the drug now that it no longer looks like the miracle cure he spent weeks telling his supporters it was.
a new study of patients at a VA medical center finds the drug not only has no benefit, it even has a higher death rate. And so the president says this tonight.”
“I don’t know of the report,”said Trump at the day’s press briefing, when asked about the study.
“Says he doesn’t know anything about that report showing that patients who took the drug had higher death rates than those who didn’t,” said Lemon.
“The drug he promoted over and over and over.
Now the president just says that he’s going to take a look.
That’s not good enough.
He’s got a responsibility to take this seriously.
He promoted a totally unproven drug again and again,
telling Americans desperate to do something, anything to save their lives, what have you got to lose, he said.
Now he’s doing the ‘I barely know the guy’ routine with the drug
that he said would be the game-changer and a gift from heaven.”
William Barr: Feds Could Challenge States If Stay-At-Home Orders Go ‘Too Far’
The attorney general said the Justice Department could hypothetically side with plaintiffs who file civil liberties lawsuits against states over quarantine orders.
The Justice Department could join legal action against states
if it deems that their coronavirus-related orders, including social distancing and stay-at-home rules, go “too far,” Attorney General William Barr said
the Justice Department would have to intervene if governors “impinge” on civil rights or the economy.
“These are unprecedented burdens on civil liberties right now. ...
The idea that you have to stay in your house is disturbingly close to house arrest,”
“The first line of defense for people is the political process in their states,” ushpmgnews
Nothing he says is wrong.
Becomes First U.S. State To Sue China For Lying,
Not Doing Enough About COVID-19
But no suit against Trash for lying, for "Not Doing Enough About COVID-19", for negligent manslaughter,
copied from FB so y'all Trash fellators will say it's a LIE
Still think COVID is no worse than the flu?
Michael Gross
"Here is some factual information from a doctor - I have read many explanations in the last 2 weeks, but THIS one slammed me in the face!
For anyone who knows that one person who just can’t seem to get on board with this- feel free to share.
Let me introduce myself:
I am a practicing ER doctor with a Bachelors degree in cell and molecular biology/genetics and a Masters degree in public health in addition to my doctorate.
COVID is not a flu. Not even a little. Here are reasons why:
1. It is a separate species. It is no more like influenza than you are like a hippo. DIFFERENT SPECIES.
2. It is an airborne virus. This means the tiny droplets can stay in the air for a full 2 hours. So if a person coughed in aisle 4 of Target 1.5 hours ago, they may be home now but their covid cloud is still hanging there just waiting for you to walk by and take a breath. Influenza is not an airborne virus. It is droplet spread- meaning someone has to directly crop dust you with their sneeze to get you sick. Covid is much more contagious.
3. Covid is more virulent. Virulence factor is a measure of how catchy something is. For example, the flu is like beer. It takes a bunch to get you drunk. Covid is more like tequila - A little goes a long way. You need to suck up a lot of flu particles to actually catch the flu; with covid, even a few particles is enough to infect you.
4. Covid has a longer incubation than the flu. When you catch the flu, you typically get sick in the next 1-2 days. This is awesome because it means you stay at home while contagious because you feel like a heap of fried garbage. Covid has a blissful 5-9 days of symptom free time during which you are well enough to head to the movies, gym or mar-a-lago while also being contagious enough to infect everyone you encounter.
5. Covid has a longer duration of illness than flu. With covid, you have a 5-9 days of blissful asymptomatic contagiousness. This then turns into about 1 week of cough and overall feeling like but still surviving.
Week 2 is when things hit the fan and people end up unable to breathe and on a ventilator. Many stay on the vent for up to 15 days.
5 days incubating+7 kinda sick days + 15 days on a ventilator makes for 27 days of virus spreading illness,
(assuming your don’t just die of massive asphyxiation and body-wide collapse from overwhelming infection somewhere in that last week).
The flu has an average incubation of 1-2 days and sick time of 7 days for a total of 9 infectious days. In the world of deadly viruses, that 18 extra days might as well be a millennia.
6. Covid is more deadly. A LOT more deadly. The flu has about a 0.2% mortality rate, meaning 2 of every thousand people who get sick with flu will die. On the contrary, the death rate from covid is reportedly 2%, so 10 times more deadly than flu. Ten times more death seems like a lot more death to me. Whats more worrisome is that 2% is actually incorrect because it doesn’t kill kids so that skews the average. With covid, age is a major factor in survival. If we don’t include people under 30, the death rate for adults is on average 4.5%. 9 out of every 200 adults that get this will die from it. Do you know 200 adults? Do you think losing 9 of them is no big deal? Since mortality increases with age in covid, the risk gets worse as you get older so if we put 100 grannies in a room with covid, only 85 would make it out alive to make pies and tell great stories of the old days... and that just sucks.
I hope that helps to clarify why covid is in no way a flu, why you are in no way a hippo, and
why staying home is the only way for non-essential people to do their part
while I spend my days at work covered in a plastic poncho,
sucking air through a stuffy respirator mask,
leaving my scrubs in my driveway,
showering the covid off at 4am when I get in, and
thinking to myself “now do u still think it was just a flu?” as I risk my own life with my face 2 inches from their highly contagious, gasping mouth while I slide the plastic tube down their throat and start up the ventilator."
Let that sink in..
thats bull
believing a white house janitors ramblings
They are limiting the amount of people let in the park and recommending distancing, but my best friend was there Monday and he said people were hugging and shaking hands everywhere like a bunch of mooks. He didn't get within 20 yards of anyone.
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