BigPharma should be a big winner in all this. Think of all the meds they'll have to push to deal with all the lasting issues.
He’s easily the most unhinged edgelord on this site.
BigPharma should be a big winner in all this. Think of all the meds they'll have to push to deal with all the lasting issues.
He's been spiraling out of control since his colossal failure in March. Keeps trying to spin that he was right 130,000 deaths later.
Chumpdump doesn't understand this #eugenics
thldren lies
Why do you lie about everything?
Childhood abuse?
Bwahahaahahahaha ChumpDumper lololoololokl avoidance
Meltdown acquired. Guess he was right, eh?
Bwahahahaaahhaaha alt chimes in bwahahahahahhahahahah
Yep. thdren just trying anything to distract from his saying 130k dead US citizens are nothing to him.
chumpdump doesn't even know how many deaths are actually from covid and no comorbidities. Still waiting.... he won't answer because he knows its less than flu
You said the deaths are nothing. You made no distinction at all.
130,000 dead Americans are nothing to you. All you do is laugh at the thought of 130,000 dead Americans.
Covid the main cause for? 10 29 60?
You made no distinction at all. Don't try to walk it back now.
The deaths of 130,000 Americans are nothing to you.
Bwahahahahahha you dont even know. Just like your typical gossip. Beahahahaahahha
So.much science you use. Lol
I know you said 130,000 dead Americans are nothing to you. What more do I need to know?
The US is going to get quarantined by the international community. A million international students per year will stop coming here. 80 million tourists per year will find less diseased places to visit. America will be the national version of a leper.
Show your math.
Dr Tholdren Ph.D doesn't publish. Would have loved to have seen his thesis defense tbh.
Will be? What do you you mean will be? ing Mexico already wouldn't let us in. What's next? Haiti saying, nah we good to Americans wanting to travel?
Chumpdump and Karen's the like have ruined the usa with their anti science and social media
Case in point lamelo ball top pick loloolololok
Show your math.
well he's snapped, he ain't even trying anymore
Bwahahahahahha you cant figure out ifr or cfr yet your gossiping. Lolololol
You had more skill in HS than the average NBA player today right, tholdren?
Lolololololol here you are triggered and scared.
You lied about covid
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