Ammon Bundy Doesn't Find Any 'Rona In HIS US Cons ution

Ammon Bundy, leader of the Y'all Qaeda militia that took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016 to preserve liberty and get lots of attention for fringe radical groups that want to overthrow the government, just wants you all to know that there is no "public health" in the US Cons ution, just as there is no "public land," either. That's why last week Bundy held a "town hall" in a commercial building he owns in Emmett, Idaho, to announce that Idaho Gov. Brad Little's stay-at-home order was uncons utional and very bad. And because it's Ammon Bundy, you know damn well he promised to get the ol' Vanilla ISIS dildo militia together again and lead an armed resistance to defend anyone who wanted to defy the order, too. But that would only be if the government forced him to, by doing something he didn't like.

Boise State Public Radio reports that the meeting in Emmett, about 30 miles northwest of Boise, was

like something from a pandemic safety nightmare. Dozens of people sit elbow to elbow, greeting each other with hugs, even posing for pictures with an arm around Bundy's waist.

The small rally is also illegal, according to the emergency order issued by Idaho's governor.

Bundy told the Idaho Press that Little's order had gone too far, because LIBETY:

We discussed with each other whether our rights can be taken by an order from a governor or an agency, and if they can be, what good are our rights?
In a video publicizing the meeting, Bundy had a whole lot to say about how public meetings have never ever been banned in his US America, ever, not since we drove the British Oppressors from our shores:

The last time it was illegal to meet together as a people on this land was before the Revolutionary War [...] Since we won our independence, it has never been illegal to assemble as a people.

Which sure sounds brave and Mel Gibsony, but also ignores the fact that states — including Idaho — have an assload of laws allowing quarantine orders, and that the Supreme Court upheld a 1905 smallpox quarantine, saying that in matters of public health, your sacred right to spread infections can indeed be limited:

he Court acknowledged that "the liberty secured by the Fourteenth Amendment . . . consists, in part, in the right of a person 'to live and work where he will.'" But it added: "in every well-ordered society . . . the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand."

Then again, in Bundy's Cons ution, court decisions that Ammon Bundy thinks are bad don't count, so don't you go waving your gold-fringed Admiralty Court flag at him. He said maybe the virus might be real (although he downplayed its seriousness), but added that even "if nine out of 10 people were dying, it still does not justify the taking of rights."

Bundy asked those at the meeting to pledge to support anyone who was oppressed by the out of control Idaho state government — a known hotbed of radicalism — through legal action, political action, and of course physical defense, which could include rallying around a business to keep it open, or maybe surrounding the homes of "bad actors" like Little or the director of Idaho's Department of Health and Welfare.

-------------------------------------------- ution

If a disease is 90% fatal, and you do something that increases its spread, I wonder if that crosses the legal threshold to shoot someone in self-defense for potentially spreading it to you.