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  1. #76
    coffee's for closers FrostKing's Avatar
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    You're being intellectually dishonest.

    Liberals try to "cancel" people by harassment.

    Everyone else just simply chooses not to partake in something.

    Those aren't the same things.
    Corporations are kneeling (no pun intended) to pressure from social media. I believe they still don't understand how this outlet is over-represented by certain demographics. Also media has a progressive scope. They will focus on stories/events that are important to certain group. In the big picture this back fires in Elections as people, especially in America do not respond positively to pressure. Many of us escaped mistreatment and persecution.

  2. #77
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    You're being intellectually dishonest.

    Liberals try to "cancel" people by harassment.

    Everyone else just simply chooses not to partake in something.

    Those aren't the same things.
    Nah. You're just stuck in your echo chamber. "Liberals" don't try to do anything, just like "conservatives" don't. SOME people have more extreme ways of responding to things they don't like. That can be doxxing. That can be harrassing. That can be screeching on Twitter. That can be death threats. That folks overreact to things is not even slightly political.

    The reason why you show such limited perspective on that is that you're get filtered information that highlights when liberals screech online but then presents conservative response as if it's reasonable. Folks burning Nikes, shooting their Keurigs and flushing Gillettes down toilets isn't simply choosing not to partake. It, like all the online harrassment, is an attempt to force change through collective market action. Conservatives really can't do that with most things anymore because rather than being "everyone else" they are a minority who are so insular on most things that their comparative market share is too low to overcome more general support. Nike didn't change their tune due to the "choosing not to partake" because they didn't have to; the folks who bought their stuff BECAUSE they did things like have Kaep on their ads far outweighed the few conservatives who were buying Nikes. That wasn't the case with SNL viewers and Shane Gillis. Liberals owned the market share, so they could more easily affect change through their displeasure.

    See, back in the day, conservatives values (at least projecting the current conservative standards back to the day) were held by the vast majority of people with power in the country. That's why folks like John Wayne could be huge stars despite being reprehensible human beings while Ray Charles could literally be banned from a state for not agreeing to sing at a segregated club. Folks were "cancelled" as much then as they are now. George Carlin had a huge fight with folks trying to stop him in the 70s. Ali had fights cancelled just for saying he wouldn't go to Vietnam if drafted (he was banned before they actually tried to draft him). The Beatles had to apologize for suggesting they were bigger than Jesus. I could go on.

    Nowadays, it's way more acceptable to have liberal values than conservative. That's because the denial of liberal values is seen as a bigger deal globally -- like being bigoted is just seen as being worse than being unpatriotic in the West. It's also because conservatives have a much smaller population than their political power would suggest. The Overton window for the politicians is center-right just like Romney said. But the window for the people is slightly left of center, much more in line with the rest of the West.

  3. #78
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    Corporations are kneeling (no pun intended) to pressure from social media. I believe they still don't understand how this outlet is over-represented by certain demographics. Also media has a progressive scope. They will focus on stories/events that are important to certain group. In the big picture this back fires in Elections as people, especially in America do not respond positively to pressure. Many of us escaped mistreatment and persecution.
    Yeah, no. The reason why the media seems biased to the left is exactly what I said my previous post. The majority of the population is liberal. That's why the democrats keep winning the popular vote despite having ty turnout. And the media isn't left when compared to the rest of the West. It just seems that way because American politics is artificially forced to the right because of the senate and EC over-representing conservative interests. If you seriously think like ABC and CBS are on the left, you'd choke if you actually heard leftist media.

  4. #79
    coffee's for closers FrostKing's Avatar
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    Yeah, no. The reason why the media seems biased to the left is exactly what I said my previous post. The majority of the population is liberal. That's why the democrats keep winning the popular vote despite having ty turnout. And the media isn't left when compared to the rest of the West. It just seems that way because American politics is artificially forced to the right because of the senate and EC over-representing conservative interests. If you seriously think like ABC and CBS are on the left, you'd choke if you actually heard leftist media.
    Population majority Liberal? Not sure.

    For example Hispanics. They are conservative just tend to support social benefits when first immigrating. Especially health care. 1st and 2nd generation steadily moves right.

    But that is a fair argument. This is afterall the West and one of the farthest left leaning nations on the Planet. Just as liberals leave nations categorized conservative, people leaning conservative are free to do so from the USA.
    Last edited by FrostKing; 10-12-2020 at 08:54 PM.

  5. #80
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    Population majority Liberal? Not sure.

    For example Hispanics. They are conservative just tend to support social benefits when first immigrating. Especially health care. 1st and 2nd generation steadily moves right.

    But that is a fair argument. This is afterall the West and one of the farthest left leaning nations on the Planet. Just as liberals leave nations categorized conservative, people leaning conservative are free to do so from the USA.
    You're not wrong that folks can be basically conservative but have that one key (self-interested) issue that makes them democrats. That's long been true of southern black people. I think it's a bigger change than that, though, because the RNC has barely had to move to the left over the years. Like yeah, it's no longer okay to be openly phobic. But you can still "defend the sanc y of marriage" and get away with it. You can't be stupid and say things about "legitimate rape", but you damned sure can force women to have kids they don't want while also withholding the social help that those parents needs.

    Don't paint me as a guy who think the GOP is all evil/wrong and the Dems are all right. Both sides are responsible for the Overton window shifting. Both sides constantly ignore real-world problems. But if the goal is to have the majority ideology, the Republicans have to come off some of their social conservatism. Things like anti-Islamic emphasis and anti-evolution curricula are just not popular anymore. In a US without the Senate and EC, the GOP would have to adapt their platform to get more moderates. But because they are so good at playing the political game, they don't really have to care that their policies are increasingly unpopular.

  6. #81
    Rum and Coke SupremeGuy's Avatar
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    You're not wrong that folks can be basically conservative but have that one key (self-interested) issue that makes them democrats. That's long been true of southern black people. I think it's a bigger change than that, though, because the RNC has barely had to move to the left over the years. Like yeah, it's no longer okay to be openly phobic. But you can still "defend the sanc y of marriage" and get away with it. You can't be stupid and say things about "legitimate rape", but you damned sure can force women to have kids they don't want while also withholding the social help that those parents needs.

    Don't paint me as a guy who think the GOP is all evil/wrong and the Dems are all right. Both sides are responsible for the Overton window shifting. Both sides constantly ignore real-world problems. But if the goal is to have the majority ideology, the Republicans have to come off some of their social conservatism. Things like anti-Islamic emphasis and anti-evolution curricula are just not popular anymore. In a US without the Senate and EC, the GOP would have to adapt their platform to get more moderates. But because they are so good at playing the political game, they don't really have to care that their policies are increasingly unpopular.
    I agree with most of your stances in that comment.

    You started implying dumb like anti-islam and anti-evolution. Heels Up Harris literally said she won't take a potential chinese flu vaccine. You can't claim to be pro-science and anti-vaxx at the same time. Anti-islam? No one gives a about islam. Terrorists and countries that harbor them? Yeah, that's never going to be ok. That goes for any country, regardless of their religious affiliation.

    I think this meme explains a lot.

  7. #82
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    I agree with most of your stances in that comment.

    You started implying dumb like anti-islam and anti-evolution. Heels Up Harris literally said she won't take a potential chinese flu vaccine. You can't claim to be pro-science and anti-vaxx at the same time. Anti-islam? No one gives a about islam. Terrorists and countries that harbor them? Yeah, that's never going to be ok. That goes for any country, regardless of their religious affiliation.

    I think this meme explains a lot.

    I don't want to get too far down the political rabbit hole (really in general, but specifically) in a thread on the main Spurs forum. I will say I have no idea what Kamala (if that's who Heels Up Harris is -- I genuinely don't know) thinks about vaccines or why. I don't care. I don't know if your news is painting this type of picture, but many folks on the Left hate Harris and Biden and are only voting for them because of the alternative. I'm not voting for them because they embody my values or whatever. Regardless, yes you can totally be pro-science and anti-certain-things-that-come-from-science. Being an anti-vaxer in general would certainly imply someone is ignoring science. Not wanting to be among the first people to take a new vaccine aligns just fine with a scientific skepticism. I don't know if "chinese flu" is your way to saying corona or if it's literally a flu vaccine that was made in China for some reason. As said, if it's the former, I understand what Harris is saying. If it's the latter, it seems weird to have to consider since we make plenty of flu vaccines here in the US, but it would seem needlessly xenophobic to declare.

    And yeah, there's actually a lot of straight bigotry against Islam and Muslims on the Right. I'm not saying that applies to you. I can believe just fine that you honestly don't care what other people choose to believe in so long as they leave you alone. I think a lot of conservative people probably agree with you. That's actually a center-left position that aligns much more with the will of the West. The issue is that because of the reasons I mentioned before, the political Overton window is significantly further to the right than the position you hold, and a lot of conservative politicians and talking heads make no distinction between the Islamic nations we happen to have political conflicts with, the people who follow Islam and the religion itself. You have made the decision to ignore what those folks say about Islam or shunt it into just being about certain countries. But a lot of people who would probably lean conservative in other cir stances see guys like Prager, Carlson, Crowder, Shapiro or Benjamin ting on the religion and go "Yeah, I'm going to stay out of this one."

    Your constant desire to defend conservatism with broad strokes isn't serving you well here, and it runs counter to the meme you posted (which obviously has like a billion issues on its own). You're trying to walk the line between "everyone is an individual with their own beliefs who should respect the rights of others to have those beliefs" and "there's totally this conflict between folks who believe this and believe that and the side I'm not on is totally being the extreme one", and it doesn't work.

  8. #83
    R.C. Drunkford TimDunkem's Avatar
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    I don't want to get too far down the political rabbit hole (really in general, but specifically) in a thread on the main Spurs forum. I will say I have no idea what Kamala (if that's who Heels Up Harris is -- I genuinely don't know) thinks about vaccines or why.
    It's pretty simple. She said she wouldn't take a politically motivated, rushed Trump vaccine. As always, the right has nothing else at this point but to take clear, unambiguous comments completely out of context and weaponize them.

  9. #84
    A neverending cycle Trainwreck2100's Avatar
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    I agree with most of your stances in that comment.

    You started implying dumb like anti-islam and anti-evolution. Heels Up Harris literally said she won't take a potential chinese flu vaccine. You can't claim to be pro-science and anti-vaxx at the same time. Anti-islam? No one gives a about islam. Terrorists and countries that harbor them? Yeah, that's never going to be ok. That goes for any country, regardless of their religious affiliation.

    I think this meme explains a lot.

    She said she won't take a vaccine whose endorsement is Trump and Trump only, she said if the scientists said it was fine she would take the vaccine.

  10. #85
    Veteran KobesAchilles's Avatar
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    I like to troll Lebron and all but Adam Silver needs to take a good long look in the mirror at the show HE created. He’s like the boss that is great at everything but actually being a boss. He avoids confrontation. Defense tires you out? Let’s make more rules for offense. Too many back to backs? Let’s get rid of 70% of them. Too short an All-Star break? Let’s add on 4 more days. Not enough politics in sports? Let’s make nba even more political. Not enough public access of your message? Let’s paint it on the court and put it on the back of jerseys. Don’t feel like playing a playoff game? Let’s postpone it a few days and take a vote on how you’re feeling.

    The dude gets stepped on by every player and that’s seen as a great leader and commissioner. How about you bring back defense, tell the players to stop ing saying the regular season doesn’t matter, fine the teams/players for obvious load management, take out politics and have the players do it in their own free time, and give the Bucks the L for refusing to play. I call it, the David Stern approach. Btw somewhere in the devil is tormenting Stern by showing him this show. Look what’s happened to your life work. Bwahahaha

  11. #86
    Veteran Arcadian's Avatar
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    Well obviously. Did anyone think this was a permanent change?

    Corporations will only do things to appear virtuous for as long as people care about the issue enough to make them appear virtuous.

  12. #87
    Go Spurs Go!! dbreiden83080's Avatar
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    So where are all the trolls around this place that were yammering about how If you don’t support all of these social justice issues to the point that it’s OK that they walk off the court, you need to find a brand new league to watch? Apparently a lot of people weren’t down and tuned out. Duh. 6 million people watched the NBA finals. Jesus ing Christ.

  13. #88
    Go Spurs Go!! dbreiden83080's Avatar
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    The nba is pathetic. This should’ve been permanent but no of course the commissioner would sellout like they all do!!
    If the television ratings get much worse the NBA finals will be broadcast live on lifetime television.

  14. #89
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    So where are all the trolls around this place that were yammering about how If you don’t support all of these social justice issues to the point that it’s OK that they walk off the court, you need to find a brand new league to watch? Apparently a lot of people weren’t down and tuned out. Duh. 6 million people watched the NBA finals. Jesus ing Christ.

    This is the real America, not the conservative fantasy where their views still reflect the will of the people. The NBA ratings tanked because EVERYTHING tanked, not because of politics. The WNBA is far more aggressively progressive than the NBA, and their ratings actually went up.

  15. #90
    "The ball don't lie." dbestpro's Avatar
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    This is the real America, not the conservative fantasy where their views still reflect the will of the people. The NBA ratings tanked because EVERYTHING tanked, not because of politics. The WNBA is far more aggressively progressive than the NBA, and their ratings actually went up.
    To be fair, it does not take a whole lot of people to increase stats on the WNBA as there were not too many people watching it to begin with. Also, logic would dictate that people who were stuck at home are watching more TV so all of sports should have had increased viewership, but that did not happen for whatever reason. It's not like people just chose to go out to the movies or the mall instead.

  16. #91
    Machacarredes Chinook's Avatar
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    To be fair, it does not take a whole lot of people to increase stats on the WNBA as there were not too many people watching it to begin with. Also, logic would dictate that people who were stuck at home are watching more TV so all of sports should have had increased viewership, but that did not happen for whatever reason. It's not like people just chose to go out to the movies or the mall instead.
    The biggest reason is likely that the sports were competing with each other. I could imagine the early bubble had strong numbers but as other sports started up it tanked. People forget that the bubble went on a long time, almost three months from scrimmages to Finals. I've also heard that cord-cutting was absurdly high because of there being no sports before, and indeed streaming numbers being up suggests that a lot of people found alternative avenues for their entertainment. I think too that folks underestimate the psychological toll this whole thing has taken on people's spirits. I only watch football right now because my team is doing well. I would probably be completely done with sports for the next few months if I were like a Giants fan.

  17. #92
    BLACK LIVES MATTER Play Boban's Avatar
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    The NBA is a white supremacist organization in which the white team owners make millions off the backs of their predominantly black players who work on the plantations for pennies on the dollar. It’s unbelievable. People talk about the NBA not being anti racist enough, but it’s not just that. The organization is built on the ashes of white supremacy and exists in a white supremacist country. The NBA is inherently racist. We need a new basketball league. If you are anti racist you will not watch the NBA anymore. This was my last straw.

  18. #93
    "The ball don't lie." dbestpro's Avatar
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    The NBA is a white supremacist organization in which the white team owners make millions off the backs of their predominantly black players who work on the plantations for pennies on the dollar. It’s unbelievable. People talk about the NBA not being anti racist enough, but it’s not just that. The organization is built on the ashes of white supremacy and exists in a white supremacist country. The NBA is inherently racist. We need a new basketball league. If you are anti racist you will not watch the NBA anymore. This was my last straw.
    How do you plan to finance this league with the salary requirements of the top players?
    Also, if it is the racist history that is driving your rage then wouldn't you have the same rage for the democrat party?

  19. #94
    Believe. MultiTroll's Avatar
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    We need a new basketball league.
    Didn't Jordan have everyone convinced to leave the Union and in a sense make a new league?
    But Patrick Ewing wouldn't sign off?

  20. #95
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    How do you plan to finance this league with the salary requirements of the top players?
    Also, if it is the racist history that is driving your rage then wouldn't you have the same rage for the democrat party?
    It's a troll, my guy, this is his most recent shtick. If you leave him alone, it'll eventually run its course, don't even bother.

  21. #96
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    How do you plan to finance this league with the salary requirements of the top players?
    Also, if it is the racist history that is driving your rage then wouldn't you have the same rage for the democrat party?
    The guy you are responding to is a Trumper. He's trying to be clever by being sarcastic.

  22. #97
    "The ball don't lie." dbestpro's Avatar
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    The guy you are responding to is a Trumper. He's trying to be clever by being sarcastic.
    Not being sarcastic but was trying to provide cover for the NBA. Not a Trumper, but it is obvious you get triggered easily. Am a registered democrat and was once a member of the NAACP. I also have ran for school board and city council and lost twice and won twice, losing one time by 27 votes. Having said that I could care less what pundits say and will vote for the person who will put the most coin in the pocket of minorities.

  23. #98
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    Not being sarcastic but was trying to provide cover for the NBA. Not a Trumper, but it is obvious you get triggered easily. Am a registered democrat and was once a member of the NAACP. I also have ran for school board and city council and lost twice and won twice, losing one time by 27 votes. Having said that I could care less what pundits say and will vote for the person who will put the most coin in the pocket of minorities.
    I was was saying Play Boban is a Trumper. I wasn't calling you a Trumper. You misread what I said.

  24. #99
    5 Bill_Brasky's Avatar
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    muh cancel culture

  25. #100
    The Good Doctor Rummpd's Avatar
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    Deep s•*+ however this plays out.

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