Yeah, I rag on the Big D all the time because I spent so many years there and got tired of the blandness. But I also lived in Houston for two years and it's much worse overall. Had some good times since it was my first relocation after college in my early 20s, but no way would I ever consider going back. No zoning pretty much means violent crime all across the city outside of the few Upper Class areas like River Oaks. Houstonians almost have a weird pride of how "ghetto" their city is but then cry like b!tches when their truck is broken into for the third time in five months, even in their "safe" Katy suburb.

And a strong thunderstorm will end up flooding half the city every year due to sh!tty planning. Only real edge Houston has is that the white collar professional crowd is actually pretty easygoing and fun down there. While on the flip side, the Big D has LA/Miami levels of smugness and the rampant $40k millionaire