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  1. #1
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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  2. #2
    #FreeDerp Monostradamus's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Believe. Tyronn Lue's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Gotta respect Sengun not being afraid of going right into Victor even after multiple blocks. I loved it, Sengun was like you, you can't block all my shots, I'm still going right at you and pretty much everything Victor didn't swat was either going down for two points or getting him a trip to the line.

  5. #5
    i am inevitable Thanos's Avatar
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    lol, DAF avoiding this thread like it’s a girl over 18.

  6. #6
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    lol, DAF avoiding this thread like it’s a girl over 18.

  7. #7
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    Gotta respect Sengun not being afraid of going right into Victor even after multiple blocks. I loved it, Sengun was like you, you can't block all my shots, I'm still going right at you and pretty much everything Victor didn't swat was either going down for two points or getting him a trip to the line.
    Ime has been able to get much improvement from Sengun from last year. Excited to see where this Brooklyn pick falls.

  8. #8
    Believe. Tyronn Lue's Avatar
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    lol, DAF avoiding this thread like it’s a girl over 18.
    In that case the thread is avoiding him.

  9. #9
    Chunky Brazil's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Winner in a losers circle 140's Avatar
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    my man FAP still with the bads as per par I see

  11. #11
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    lol, DAF avoiding this thread like it’s a girl over 18.
    lol bro, just saw this .

    Thinking I would avoid this thread when everybody and their mothers know I have the ultimate winning hand and will end up with the last laugh.

    Imma make sure to keep bumping this thread for years to come, tbh.

  12. #12
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    lol bro, just saw this .

    Thinking I would avoid this thread when everybody and their mothers know I have the ultimate winning hand and will end up with the last laugh.

    Imma make sure to keep bumping this thread for years to come, tbh.
    this thread was posted 4 days ago with your name specifically in it and you were posting in all sorts of other threads

  13. #13
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    this thread was posted 4 days ago with your name specifically in it and you were posting in all sorts of other threads
    I only get into the NBA forum to troll from time to time. This place is dead and boring most of the time. I came to post about that horrible Knicks-Sixers game and saw it.

    Also lol the non-shooting, non-defense playing center getting injured.

  14. #14
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    JFC that looked horrible for Sengun, that's just sociopathic to lol that . Hope he can come back strong next year or year after next since he's one of the most exciting young players in the league.

  15. #15
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    I only get into the NBA forum to troll from time to time. This place is dead and boring most of the time. I came to post about that horrible Knicks-Sixers game and saw it.

    Also lol the non-shooting, non-defense playing center getting injured.
    You showed up because Sengun got injured. Now the forum can see.

  16. #16
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    You showed up because Sengun got injured. Now the forum can see.
    Didn't even know Sengun got injured untill I got to the season thread and saw Robz4000 "rip Sengun" comment, that's why I didn't bring it up on my original post in this thread.

    But, sure, if it makes you mad, I came here to troll you about that Sengun injury. That's what he gets for trying to do something he can't do: play defense.

    Also lol you trying to go at me bro. You know nothing good will came out of this. When has trying to go at me ever worked out for you? You're dumb with a low basketbal IQ. You're not even lucky, you make this thread and short after Sengun gets possibly a season ending injury.
    Last edited by DAF86; 03-10-2024 at 09:39 PM.

  17. #17
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    JFC that looked horrible for Sengun, that's just sociopathic to lol that . Hope he can come back strong next year or year after next since he's one of the most exciting young players in the league.
    I'm sure Sengun and his loved ones are even more bummed out about his injury now that a poster on Spurstalk "loled" at it, tbh.

  18. #18
    i am inevitable Thanos's Avatar
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    this thread was posted 4 days ago with your name specifically in it and you were posting in all sorts of other threads
    I only get into the NBA forum to troll from time to time. This place is dead and boring most of the time. I came to post about that horrible Knicks-Sixers game and saw it.

    Also lol the non-shooting, non-defense playing center getting injured.
    You showed up because Sengun got injured. Now the forum can see.

    Imagine the level of cowardice it takes to avoid this thread like the plague, and then only show up to gloat about the guy who clapped Wemby’s cheeks suffering a terrible injury. This is the kind of human being we’re dealing with tbh.

  19. #19
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Imagine the level of cowardice it takes to avoid this thread like the plague, and then only show up to gloat about the guy who clapped Wemby’s cheeks suffering a terrible injury. This is the kind of human being we’re dealing with tbh.

  20. #20
    i am inevitable Thanos's Avatar
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    This message is hidden because DAF86 is on your ignore list.

  21. #21
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    I didn't know you were that big of a snowflake, tbh.

    Also, you wouldn't be making the greatest of jobs at ignoring me son.

  22. #22
    Believe. chubbs's Avatar
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    tbqh this is a guy who thinks its ok to force himself on underage girls and that manu > dirk

    not sure why anyone would be surprised that he enjoys an injury to a player that embarrassed wemby beyond belief

  23. #23
    My Team
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    Don't worry about dJohn. He's a got who went hiding from Chris and that conspira guy.

    He's the Houston Rockets of SpursTalk.

  24. #24
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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  25. #25
    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    Don't worry about dJohn. He's a got who went hiding from Chris and that conspira guy.

    He's the Houston Rockets of SpursTalk.
    I’m not arguing with you, Lieutenant -a-tranny

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