How are you being entertained?
Good entertainment here Cully.
Roll around in it-get it all over you.
How are you being entertained?
I love ya, boy.
By Biden being found guilty on all counts and still facing the I.R.S..
- Pappy
I haven't had anything good for almost 8 years. I forgot what it was like to win 1. Could be a harbinger of things to come.
This thread (no pun intended) is funny
this is really a true deal breaker, I'm for sure never voting for Hunter Biden. Never. Criminals should not hold office. That's a big no
Especially Convicted Felons. I could never vote for Hunter Biden, never
I am sure ol Hunter has a good chance at appeal
Oh wait
You don't have to, Splits. But his father raised it.
Yes, yes, Splits we heard the first 3 times.
Nice of ya to show up at loss. You never come around unless you've won.
In what way?
Actually you're working to get the whole law repealed.![]()
Because you're bent over. For almost 4 years I've been bent over.
Ain't nary fun is it, Dumper.
They'll double down now, huh?
One's a convicted gun runner and junkie, the other is the junkie's father.
25 years in the hoosegow.
Putin is laughing his ass off today. Me too.
Thread's joke here is that his reaction is mimicking the cringe libs did with Trump's conviction, and y'all are responding seriously
No one gives a about Trump's convictions, and if any libs had any real balls to do anything against repubs, they'd be on the streets demanding for Joe and Pelosi's heads
That wasn't exactly like I told you to say when I sent that transcript over an hour ago...GD it!!!
1. Thread does not have the mental capacity for satire or mimicry.
2. No one's taking him seriously. No one ever does.
my bad I lost the script and got triggered by the 'holier than thou "oh I wouldn't vote for Hunter either!!" bs'
don't even have any scotch in me, Tuesdays are rough on their own
if that were true yall wouldn't respond
Can ya take it, Spurm? Act like somebody. Show your cousins the way.
Tears in the Delaware White House this afternoon. Lick them wombs...I mean wounds.
That prick Biden (the dad) was a skinnin' & a grinnin' when Trump went down, secure in the know that his crack head son would walk.
He ain't a skinnin' nor a grinnin' now, by God.
False dichotomy. You're inventing behavioral tendencies to validate your supposed above-it-allness. Talk about holier than thou.
It's a web forum. We respond to posts all the time here. Welcome to Spurstalk.
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