He made President.
That's why we're here of a Tuesday morning.
I guess we have finally really found the right word.
Last edited by RandomGuy; 07-30-2024 at 12:34 PM.
He made President.
That's why we're here of a Tuesday morning.
Last edited by RandomGuy; 07-30-2024 at 12:38 PM.
Last edited by RandomGuy; 07-30-2024 at 12:38 PM.
No kidding they are weird
Is it weird to endorse both candidates for the same Republican primary?
Transvestigating Ilona Maher instead of celebrating her is a weird choice.
Condemning low gas prices is weird.
of course they're weird, their dear leader is a literal dementia ridden dumbass with the IQ of a grapefruit. only a group of dimwitted cousin ers could look at a NY real estate trust fund baby and think "this guy gets the middle class!"
Definitely a different weird than Austin tries to be
So Austin goes for Trump?
lmao they should just swap out vance right when kamala announces her vp for the lolz. just make this election season as weird as possible
Made President.
He made President.
Just don't close that less than a quarter inch on President Trump.
He made Biden quit.
President Trump did that.
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