that's bonkers
I guess, in this hyperlegal MAGA world, none of this matters anymore, is already outmoded
that's bonkers
mass formation psychosis
you think they're trying to do it to you, but in reality, you're doing it to yourself.
(but not without social/political pressure)
Consider Latino voting patterns in this election. the big shift to Trump in the RGV included chingos de Biden voters.
Is that the Great Replacement too?
I think y'all have got the immigrants wrong.
Hater and ElNono both explained it pretty well. The ones that are already here are conservatives, the ones that are incoming, from Venezuela and everywhere else are left voting liberal marxists.
the "chinga Biden" vote is because they don't want drug dealers and squatters on their property, it doesn't in' matter what color they are. Also, they can't afford $5/gallon gas like in 2022 and double grocery prices caused by Bidenflation anymore.
this is gibberish, tbh
You know what was gibberish? Que-Mala running a campaign on "let's roll back [Bidenflation] by making sure the grocery prices don't charge customers a necessary higher amount of money to cover the costs of unnecessary, big government-caused inflation".
Kamala did not do so great. Did not connect with voters.
I'm still amazed that the corrupt, sundowning degenerate on your side hasn't lost the confidence of his followers.
Trump objectively looks and sounds terrible.
We learned from you democrats,,,we are now putting party over country. Trump showed that republicans need to start fighting in the mud like democrats and quit being the nice guys. Now you democrats dont like it,,,,,hyperlegal maga, you say,,,,,you didnt say when Biden was tsompin' all over the law trying to buy votes with his bull student loan payoff,,,,,quit throwin' your stones in a glass house, wine ho. Your side lost and America wised up. You can keep your baby killin', trans changin', open border, godless ways,,,,and you wonder why you lost to a convicted criminal with those type of democrat positions,,,,maybe you should start bashin' your own party so they come around,,,,,
more gibberish, but you seem to thrill to it
Trump being a moral degenerate and mentally degenerating before our eyes does not necessarily conflict with white power, nor does Trump being extremely conceited and self-dealing!
Take the L
You lost
Trump is now your daddy
no he isn't, I already have a daddy
Laughing out loud at our sh1tty Napoleon.
I will continue to laugh out loud as long as I live.
Trump is the worst in us appealing to the worst -- highly embarrassing and dishonorable.
How did it turn out for you?
I'm in favor of Trump's being the son of an anchor baby.
Are you?
two FedSoc opinions on birthright citizenship
While the original Cons ution required citizenship for federal office, it never defined it. The 14th Amendment, however, provides that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”36 Congress did not draft this language to alter the concept of citizenship, but to affirm American practice dating from the origins of our Republic. With the exception of a few years before the Civil War, the United States followed the British rule of jus solis (citizenship defined by birthplace), rather than the rule of jus sanguinis (citizenship defined by that of parents) that prevails in much of continental Europe.37 As the 18th century English jurist William Blackstone explained: “The children of aliens, born here in England, are generally speaking, natural-born subjects, and en led to all the privileges of such.”38
After the Civil War, congressional Republicans drafted the 14th Amendment to correct one of slavery’s grave distortions of our law. In Dred Scott v. Sanford, Chief Justice Roger Taney found that slaves, even though born in the United States, could never become citizens.39 The 14th Amendment directly overruled Dred Scott by declaring that everyone born in the U.S., irrespective of race, were citizens. It also removed from the majoritarian political process the ability to abridge the citizenship of children born to members of disfavored ethnic, religious, or political minorities.The Federalist SocietyWe start with the relevant words of the 14th Amendment ratified on July 9, 1868. It requires that two conditions—not just birth in this country—be present for citizenship to be granted: (i) the baby must be “born … in the United States;” and (ii) when born, the baby must be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States. A cursory glance at the words themselves makes it clear that those who argue that mere birth within the United States results in citizenship fail reasonably to address this second requirement.9
Two Supreme Court opinions, both issued within the decade after ratification of the 14th Amendment are particularly relevant to construing the meaning of the Birthright Citizenship provision. Note that, because the meaning of the Birthright Citizenship provision did not determine the outcome in either case, the Court’s statements in both decisions are dicta, not binding holdings. But the Justices’ words should be considered authoritative insofar as they were expressed by Justices who lived through the enactment of the provision they were construing, and thus were well positioned to comprehend the meaning and intention of the words. These Court-expressed views on the meaning of the Birthright Citizenship provision should also be considered authoritative because the Justices were unanimous in making the statement in one case, and, in the other, the dissenters did not disagree with that particular point.
Not in the least. Many of the Chinese do it already and other demos. Who are you kidding?
This false narrative about 1st or 2nd generation Americans being emotionally committed to the homelands of their ancestors, or hyper-worried about new arrivals into the US facing stringent immigration rules has never grown any real legs during elections. It didn't this time either. Why do some keep repeating it?
TDS LvL 1000000000000
Look around, everyones a racist huh? You're such a goon.
Always gibberish when you're unable to dispute any of the claims mentioned.
LOL White supremacy
Are you white? Well, as DiAngelo says, "white people had been socialized into a deeply internalized sense of superiority that we either are unaware of or can never admit to ourselves."
Both of you fools are faux intellectual re s if we're all being honest here.
Ew, you call your father, daddy?
He's quite literally the American Dream. Maybe not from slums to riches American Dream but most def the American Dream and was thought as so by everyone up until 2015. You can dispute this all you'd like or you can review many decades of videos, articles, and the like about the man. Also, you could just come back to reality.
Wow, we agree TL.
Because culture war bull isn't threatening to the donors.
I don't think that's necessarily the case that these people will vote for democrats after getting citizenship. I have seen plenty of stories of Hispanics who were once illegals but became citizens that voted for Trump. I don't think you have to worry about the Great Replacement Theory long-term because even these immigrants mainly don't view white people as the enemy but more so desire and wish to be accepted by the whites. There are a ton of self-hating Hispanics and Asians I have encountered that are obsessed with seeking white approval and acceptance. I have always viewed it as pathetic but to me it's the biggest reason why I think the great replacement theory fear by white conservatives is idiotic.
Last edited by daslicer; 11-10-2024 at 10:36 PM.
...Mark it as another finest hour.
He really is. Got a bunch of money from daddy, blew it all, got bailed out by NBC to do a game show about what a success he was in business. And now he's literally above the law.
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