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  1. #176
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Really, ya'll gonna start crying about stock buybacks again?
    Really, you gonna start crying about everything we post again?

  2. #177
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    if you're a health care insurer and you prioritize stock buybacks and executive compensation over the people paying you for coverage to the tune of billions of dollars a year, perhaps you ought not be allowed to do that.

    until 1982, stock buybacks were largely illegal because the law frowned on price manipulation.

    I dunno, maybe let shareholders vote on it?

    The Ugly Truth Behind Stock Buybacks

  3. #178
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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  4. #179
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Really, you gonna start crying about everything we post again?
    Did Snakes ever stop?

  5. #180
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    if you're a health care insurer and you prioritize stock buybacks and executive compensation over the people paying you for coverage to the tune of billions of dollars a year, perhaps you ought not be allowed to do that.

    until 1982, stock buybacks were largely illegal because the law frowned on price manipulation.

    I dunno, maybe let shareholders vote on it?

    The Ugly Truth Behind Stock Buybacks
    , if I remember right, before the 1970s, hospitals were not allowed to function as for profit businesses.

    you balance the ing ledger, plus what you need to grow sustainably.

  6. #181
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    According to an independent study released last month by the Mayo Clinic, health insurance is the nation’s No. 2 cause of death, claiming the lives of some 400,000 Americans each year. A silent killer, health insurance often strikes without warning, its harmful and profit-based policies avoiding detection until it is far too late. Although the cruel bureaucratic disorder does not discriminate, statistics have shown that senior citizens, young dependents, and those woefully underemployed are most at risk.

    “I can’t tell you the number of patients I’ve had to deliver the bad news to over the years,” said Haige’s longtime family physician, Dr. Howard Silverman. “It’s never easy to look someone in the eye and tell them it’s going to have to be out-of-pocket. For most of these poor people, prayer is the only hope.”

    Toward the end of Haige’s seven-year ordeal, family members said, the once loving husband and father had become an empty husk of his former self.

    “I remember the last thing he ever said to me,” said eldest son Mark Haige, holding a small picture of his father during happier times, before the endless battery of co-pays began. “He took my hand in his, and he said, ’Son, promise me you’ll never sign up for a high-deductible, network-model HMO.’” bs-to...ce-1819570129/

  7. #182
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    These people may be better off in padded rooms than corner offices. That was the finding, incidentally, in a 2006 study of CEOs: fully 12% exhibited psychopathic traits, meaning psychopathy is somewhere around 12 times more common among senior management than among the general population, and about the same rate found in prisons.

    That number was revised in 2016, by the way.


    The number of CEOs who are psychos is actually closer to 20%.

    “A psychopath,”Forbes explains, “is different from a psychotic in that the latter is a person who has lost touch with reality, often suffering from delusions, while the former is not detached from reality but lacks empathy and doesn’t care about the consequences of his or her actions. Psychopaths are generally considered intelligent, manipulative and charming—and lack the ability to learn from mistakes or punishment.”

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