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  1. #51
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Conspiracies are as American as apple pie, where the
    "official account" is the most outrageous of them all.

    "Thinking about 'Conspiracy Theories': 9/11 and JFK"

    Attempts were made to blame the Palestinians and to
    make it look as though it had been an inadvertent event.

    “Peeling the 9/11 Onion: Layers of Plots within Plots”

    It was driven principally by US/Israel citizens in the DoD,
    who were motivated with oil, Israel and the neo-con agenda.

    “9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda”

    Faulting the actions of the Israeli government is not anti-
    Semitic; there are many indications of Mossad involvement.

    “Is 9/11 Research ‘anti-Semitic’?”

    There were explosions in the sub-basements of the towers
    that occurred 14 and 17 seconds before the "plane hits".

    “Seismic Proof: 9/11 was an inside job” (Gordon Ross and Craig Furlong)

    The "official account" is based upon false claims, many of
    which actually involve violations of laws of physics, etc.

    “20 Reasons the “Official Account” of 9/11 is Wrong”

    9/11 research would be light-years ahead on how the towers
    were destroyed but for the myth of "explosive nano-thermite".

    “Has nanothermite been oversold to the 9/11 Truth community?”

    Indeed, the government has never been able to prove that any
    of the alleged 19 Islamic terrorists were aboard any of the planes.

    Elias Davidsson, "There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime
    of 9/11"

    David Ray Griffin, building on the prior research of A.K. Dewdney, has
    shown that all of the phone calls alleged to have been made were faked.

    David Ray Griffin, "Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners"

    An expert has observed, that of the millions of uniquely
    identifiable aircraft parts, the US has yet to produce one.

    Col. George Nelson, USAF (ret.), “Impossible to Prove a Falsehood True”

    All four of those crash sites appear to have been fabricated,
    which is proven on the basis of records and on-site evidence.

    “9/11: Planes/No Planes and ‘Video Fakery’”

    Flight 93 was over Urbana, IL when it was supposed to be
    crashing in Shanksville, PA; and 175 was over Pittsburgh
    when it was supposed to have been hitting the South Tower.

    “Reason and Rationality in Public Debate: The Case of Rob Balsamo”

    There is more, but this should give you the general idea: 9/11
    was a fabricated attack meant to manipulate the American public.
    Again, you were asked explicitly to not regurgitate a bunch of links.

    If you are wholly unable to write new material in a narrative form, just say so. We can wrap things up here pretty quickly.

  2. #52
    Linger Ficking Good! CuckingFunt's Avatar
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    Well, if you are reading the posts, both #9 and #33 should have given you a good idea of my position. And in "Ouch! Ed Shultz is a phony and a fake!" I provided an overview, which I why I recommended it. Here is what I wrote there as a summary.

    In late 2005, I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth, an organization for experts and professionals across a broad range of disciplines, including but not limited to physicists, engineers (aeronautical, mechanical, structural) and pilots, too, although today many of these have their own societies, such as Pilots for 9/11 Truth and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. During the course of our research, we have discovered that virtually everything the government has told us about 9/11 is provably false and, in many cases, is not even physically possible. The fires in the Twin Towers, for example, burned neither long enough nor hot enough to cause the steel to weaken, much less melt; there were explosions in the subbasements that took place before either “plane” hit them, which drained their sprinkler systems of water, which would otherwise have extinguished the rather modest fires that remained after those spectacular fireballs; the government has never been able to place those 19 “hijackers” aboard any of those four planes; the purported phone calls from passengers aboard them were faked; Flights 11 and 77 were not even scheduled that day, while Flight 93 was over Urbana, IL, at the time it was supposed to be crashing in Shanksville, and Flight 175 was over Pittsburgh, PA, at the time it was supposed to be hitting the South Tower. Philip Zelikow, the Executive Director of The 9/11 Commission, had as his area of academic specialization the creation and maintenance of public myths–yes, public myths! And that is precisely what The 9/11 Commission Report (2004) provided. Proof of the claims I have made may be found in the articles I have listed previously on this thread.
    There is nothing here that even hints at a theory of what you think actually happened on 9/11.

  3. #53
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    Fetzer being a Lakers fan denies all credibility, TBH.

    Fetzer's using ST to advertise his works. Shame on you, Fetzer .

    True academics do so though. "Here are all my references to others' works in my research study. Here is my credibility. Here is my hypothesis. To see my research methods and conclusion, please buy my book!"

  4. #54
    Believe. Vici's Avatar
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    Fetzer being a Lakers fan denies all credibility, TBH.

    Fetzer's using ST to advertise his works. Shame on you, Fetzer .

    True academics do so though. "Here are all my references to others' works in my research study. Here is my credibility. Here is my hypothesis. To see my research methods and conclusion, please buy my book!"
    Yup. It would be far less effort to actually just post a theory. I'm also still waiting for the "ownage".

  5. #55
    Get Refuel! FromWayDowntown's Avatar
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    My favorite part of this is Fetzer demanding that any one of us do some research on him before talking to him about this.

    I'm going to start demanding that of anyone who asks me questions; it's a pretty convenient trick to avoid ever giving an answer to anything.

  6. #56
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    Just take the sentences explaining what you find in those articles and you will have what you are asking for. This is about as cheap a maneuver to defer addressing proof that this was an "inside job" as I can imagine. You really ARE a piece of work. The crash sites were fabricated; the phone calls were faked; the NTSB never investigated any of the alleged crashed; the alleged 19 terrorist hijackers were never proven to be on any of those planes; the account of the "collapse" of the building was impossible; the media was used to cover it up. If you can't read, I can't help you. But you have proven that you are not a serious person, no matter what the subject.

    Again, you were asked explicitly to not regurgitate a bunch of links.

    If you are wholly unable to write new material in a narrative form, just say so. We can wrap things up here pretty quickly.

  8. #58
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    My favorite part of this is Fetzer demanding that any one of us do some research on him before talking to him about this.

    I'm going to start demanding that of anyone who asks me questions; it's a pretty convenient trick to avoid ever giving an answer to anything.
    Petty. If this is the real Jim Fetzer, and I'm having serious doubts....his stuff is readily out there...Chumpy just wants a regurgitation of a theory which is available on our fine internets.....typical Chumpy deflection move.....

  9. #59
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    Well, what surprises me is that there appears to be no interest in proof that the "official account" is false. We know that there was a stand-down of the USAF, that multiple anti-terrorist drills were taking place that morning, that even after there were reports of hijackings, the fake blips were left on the ATC screens, which would not have happened had this not been a op; the flights and the crash sites were fabricated and faked in different ways; . . .

    I have explained this in many places. There is a simple account that is provably false according to which 19 Isalmic terrorists hijacked four commercial carriers and outfoxed the most sophisticated air defense system in the world, but the government has never shown that they were aboard any of those planes; two of them were no even scheduled to fly that day; the planes associated with the other two were not deregistered by the FAA for for more years; . . .

    It appears to have been planned by neo-cons who wanted to create "a new American century" by launching wars of aggression against countries that had never attacked us, especially by basing American military power in the Middle East and projecting it outward, but they worried that the American public would not support them and seize the unique opportunity provided
    by the demise of the Soviet Union unless there were a catalyzing, traumatizing event, such as a "new Pearl Harbor"; . . .

    But I have explained all of this in articles that no one here appears to have read. Chumpy seems to like to play games and to care less about the truth of these historic events, which are leading to the loss of life and of liberty and the corruption of what is left of a once-great Cons utional system of government, which has now deteriorated into a new version of the kinds of fascist states that we have seen before, where governments control our lives and what we can and cannot do or say; . . .

    Petty. If this is the real Jim Fetzer, and I'm having serious doubts....his stuff is readily out there...Chumpy just wants a regurgitation of a theory which is available on our fine internets.....typical Chumpy deflection move.....

  10. #60
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Hey Jim, have you ever addressed the Iron Microspheres which were found at the WTC site?

  11. #61
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Petty. If this is the real Jim Fetzer, and I'm having serious doubts....his stuff is readily out there...Chumpy just wants a regurgitation of a theory which is available on our fine internets.....typical Chumpy deflection move.....
    On the contrary -- there is no theory.

    You don't have one.

    Rolf doesn't have one.

    "Jim Fetzer" doesn't have one.

    No truther I have seen has one.

    After a full decade, none of you has even one working theory.

    If you actually have one, post it in the thread I made for you. I'll bump it.

  12. #62
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Well, what surprises me is that there appears to be no interest in proof that the "official account" is false.

    We want to know what you actually believe happened on 9/11.

    You have completely failed to provide a narrative of the events of 9/11. All your "work" and "research" means nothing. You are a fraud and a phony and as dumb as a post for not understanding the simple task that was put to you in the OP. You were given multiple chances to make your case. You simply chickened out like every other truther I have ever asked this question. Just like all the others, you simply don't believe your own bull . It's funny that all of you have at least that minimum amount of shame that keeps you from going full re and committing yourself to an actual theory. I can understand in your case since you put a name to your insanity in the first place and try to make money and some kind of warped reputation off of this.

  13. #63
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    No, what your specious posture in asking for a "narrative" reveals is that you have honed a novel "straw man" by imposing an exaggerated demand on those of us who care about the truth and who have taken the time and the effort to expose the lies that the government has peddled about 9/11, which have been proven to be false, where even the stories it has told us about the planes, the hijackers, and the crash sites are pure fabrications.

    I really had not expected to encounter someone of your calibre here. Even the first of the articles that Rolf linked, "9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda", already provided an explanation of who was responsible and why. I have seen no indications that you have read even one of my studies, but have acquired the indelible impression that you are here to deceive and mislead those who might--even on this forum, which is about politics, after all--who could stumble over the truth about 9/11 and how we have been deceived.

    I don't know how many you influence here, but I certainly hope that their number is small. The official account is simple, but it is also provably false, while the truth is complex. Those committed to the Project for the New American Century were involved in this, many of whom had positions in the DoD, where they were able to influence the course of events. Cheney appears to have been the "chief executioner" on 9/11, as I explained in my interview on "Hannity & Colmes", which by themselves revealed more truth about 9/11 than anyone is ever going to hear from you! What a disgrace!


    We want to know what you actually believe happened on 9/11.

    You have completely failed to provide a narrative of the events of 9/11. All your "work" and "research" means nothing. You are a fraud and a phony and as dumb as a post for not understanding the simple task that was put to you in the OP. You were given multiple chances to make your case. You simply chickened out like every other truther I have ever asked this question. Just like all the others, you simply don't believe your own bull . It's funny that all of you have at least that minimum amount of shame that keeps you from going full re and committing yourself to an actual theory. I can understand in your case since you put a name to your insanity in the first place and try to make money and some kind of warped reputation off of this.

  14. #64
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    April 22, 2008 at 10:56:31

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    9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
    Page 1 of 7 page(s)

    Abstract. During a “Freedom Rally” in recognition of Ron Paul, (R-TX) and in opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth explained why the anti-war movement and the 9/11 truth movement should be more closely linked, since exposing the truth about 9/11 destroys the justification for those wars. While a clip of a part of his presentation has been posted on YouTube, here is a summation (with corrections) of his remarks in Washington, D.C., 15 April 2008. When it comes to 9/11, however, Ron Paul himself, alas!, doesn’t have a clue.

    We cannot support the troops by “staying the course” when the Commander-in-Chief is marching them over a cliff.
    —Jim Fetzer (15 April 2008)

    I speak in praise of Ron Paul, who believes in the Cons ution and in ending these illegal and immoral wars, which the Bush administration obviously does not.

    There is a crucial link between the anti-war movement and the 9/11 truth movement, because exposing the truth about 9/11 destroys the justification for those wars.

    We are told not to discuss conspiracy theories, but if 19 Islamic fundamentalists hijacked four planes, outfoxed the most sophisticated air defense system in the world, and perpetrated these atrocities under the control of a guy off in a cave in Afghanistan, then 9/11 involved a conspiracy.

    If we can’t talk about conspiracies, we can’t talk about 9/11. Why would this administration want to suppress public discussion of 9/11? To conceal the truth about the war or to conceal the truth about 9/11?

    Lies about the War

    We were told big lies about the war, including, first, that Saddam was responsible for 9/11. But during a press conference, Bush himself had to admit that Saddam had “nothing” to do with 9/11.

    We were told, second, that Saddam was in cahoots with al Qaeda. But several investigations have revealed that not only was Saddam not in cahoots with al Qaeda, but he was actively tracking down its leaders to incarcerate or even kill them.

    Moreover, honest generals have told us al Qaeda is not responsible for more than 10% of the opposition to US presence in Iraq and that our presence there is the greatest recruiting tool al Qaeda possesses.

    In fact, an admiral—who may face imminent demotion—was quoted in The New York Times (11 April 2008) observing that no more than 40-50 foreign fighters were entering the country each month. How great a threat can that represent?

    Political hacks tell us differently. Compare what General William Odom, who is retired, has said, with the words of General David Petraeus, who is not.

    Third, we were told that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. But our FBI—our own FBI!—has acknowledged that it has “no hard evidence” connecting Osama bin Laden to the events of 9/11.

    You thought there was “a confession tape”? But in his first video, which is the only one that appears to be authentic, Osama said that he had nothing to do with 9/11 and that the killing of innocent women and children is contrary to the tenets of Islam.

    He said that he opposed the presence of US forces in Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca and Medina—the two most holy sites in Islam—and our one-sided stance regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

    The so-called “confession tape” involves a different “Osama” who does not look the same and has a different voice. It is the product of an intelligence agency.

    (1 of 7)

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
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    Lies about 9/11

    And we have been told lesser lies about 9/11. You don’t have to have read the books of David Ray Griffin to know these things, but it helps.

    At the Twin Towers, the fires burned neither long enough nor hot enough to cause the steel to weaken, much less melt. Jet fuel is primarily kerosene, most of which burned up in those spectacular fireballs. If it could have such effects, our Coleman lanterns and camping stoves would melt when we use them.

    The towers were pulverized from the top down. Each floor stands motionless awaiting its destruction. They were turned into very fine dust and the buildings were destroyed to below ground level. There were no “pancakes”.

    WTC-7 was destroyed by a classic controlled demolition at 5:20 PM. All of its floors fell together in a complete, abrupt, and symmetrical collapse in about 6.5 seconds. When it was over, there was a stack of about 7 floors of “pancakes”. Their modes of demolition were quite different.

    Earlier, at 4:57 PM, the BBC reported that WTC-7 had collapsed, 23 minutes before the event occurred. If anyone wonders whether there is any collusion between the intelligence agencies, the government, and the mass media, I cannot imagine a better example.

    The Pentagon presents many oddities. Pilots for 9/11 Truth has taken the black box data that the National Transportation Safety Board says came from the plane that hit the building and discovered that the data corresponds to a flight with a different approach and al ude than the official account describes.

    It was too high at 300 feet to have taken out any lampposts and, one second from the building, it was 100 feet too high to have impacted with it. Such a plane may have swooped over the Pentagon, but it could not have hit it.

    Moreover, two lime-green civilian fire trucks were on the scene almost immediately and extinguished the fires in the first 15-20 minutes. The billowing black clouds that were later observed from the Capitol came from a series of enormous dumpsters in front of the building rather than from the building itself. They were a special effect. We are being played for saps.

    Apologists for the government insist that there is so little debris at the crash site in Shanksville because the plane crashed into an abandoned mine shaft!

    Well, we know what to do with miners trapped in mine shafts: We bring out the heavy equipment and work non-stop in the hope that someone may have miraculously survived. But that was not done in Shanksville.

    An Air Force officer who is an expert on plane crashes, Colonel George Nelson (retired), has told me that it looked to him as though someone had taken a bulldozer, dug a trench, filled it with trash, and blown it up!

    We are not alone in our concerns with what we have been told by our government about 9/11. Jesse Ventura and Ralph Nader are two of the latest to join us. If you want to know why hundreds of military officers, intelligence experts, pilots, scientists, and members of the families of survivors support 9/11 truth, visit Patriots Question 9/11.

    Why All These Lies?

    According to the Center for Public Integrity, prominent members of the administration made nearly 1,000 lies to induce Americans to support a war in Iraq. These were made by George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and others. Why were they lying to us?

    One reason may be because real national security depends upon (a) a sound economy, (b) military strength, and (c) our moral standing in the world. Bush has vitiated all three. (a) The war alone is estimated to run $1-3 trillion and the nation is bankrupt.

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
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    These ongoing rotations are (b) weakening our military and are not sustainable, as general after general has observed. And if you doubt the morality of this practice, view the film “Stop-Loss”.

    By launching wars of aggression in violation of international law, the UN Charter, and the US Cons ution, combined with the practice of torture, (c) the US has lost its moral standing in the eyes of the world. Instead of being the most admired and respected of nations, we are now—together with our ally, Israel—the most despised and reviled.

    Since our greatest source of security from attack has been our moral standing, for Bush to describe himself as “the security president” is no more than a sick joke.

    The Real Reasons for War

    Do they want to conceal the real reasons for going to war? There appear to be three: oil, Israel, and ideology.

    OIL: It’s easier to steal their oil than it is to find it ourselves. For a war that was supposed to pay for itself, we are s ing out $1 billion a week for gasoline to move our equipment around in Iraq.

    I haven’t heard that ExxonMobile is offering to provide that gas for free to support our troops! Where do you suppose those profits are going?

    After Cheney’s latest visit to the Middle East, al Maliki rushed to Basra to oversee an attack on the militia forces of al Sadr. Basra is not just the second largest city in Iraq but sits astride the large oil fields in south and eastern Iraq.

    Without pacifying the conflict there, ExxonMobile, S , BP and other companies will not be comfortable taking oil from that region. I have no doubt that the Bush-Cheney “benchmark” for success in Iraq is that the country has been pacified sufficiently for that purpose. That’s their bottom line.

    ISRAEL. Israel has had a long-standing interest in weakening the influence of its political rivals in the region. Before 9/11, Iraq was the most modern and sophisticated among the Arab states, with a fine national health-care system, a strong program of public education, and an excellent infrastructure.

    Anyone who wants to appreciate one of the real reasons for 9/11 should think about a clip of cheering Palestinians that played as the towers were being destroyed.

    I asked myself, “Is there an enormous large-screen, outdoor television in the West Bank that would enable Palestinians to view these events as they are happening?”

    It turns out to be archival footage from 1993 of rejoicing after some students had given an olive branch to the Israeli soldiers and thought that peace was "just around the corner", which just happened to be introduced at the point of maximum revulsion about what we were seeing on the screen.

    IDEOLOGY. An influential group known as “Project for the New American Century” has formulated a plan for creating an empire greater than any the world has ever seen.

    Now that the US is the only superpower, they advocate moving aggressively into the Middle East to seize control of its oil, support Israel, and exert influence outward from that geopolitically strategic area.

    Those who have signed on to its principles include Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Eliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, “Scotter” Libby, Eliot Cohen, and even Jeb Bush, many of whom assumed powerful positions in the Bush administration.

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
    Page 4 of 7 page(s)

    To get a handle on the “mind set” that drives this conception, which is now being justified as part of the “war on terror”, try reading The S Game. It is undemocratic, anti-American, and perverted.

    Yet it exerts a powerful grip upon this administration. It is a mind set that must not just be changed but completely destroyed!

    When Basra is pacified and that oil is transported, it will be through a series of pipelines that reach the Mediterranean Sea by way of Israel.

    “Follow the Money”

    The motives for mass murder must have been powerful. What happens when we “follow the money”?

    Larry Silverstein took control of the World Trade Center on 24 July 2001 and promptly insured it for $3.5 billion against terrorist attacks. When there were two planes, he claimed “double indemnity” and asked for $7 billion, settling for $4.6. Not bad for a six week’s investment of $114 million.

    Security and Exchange Commission records stored in WTC-7 were destroyed when that building was brought down. They not only included do ents from the Enron case but many other major investigations of financial and banking interests.

    The fines and penalties could have totaled hundreds of millions, even billions. But information necessary to conduct those investigations has now been destroyed.

    Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged the day before 9/11 that the Pentagon had lost track of $2.3 trillion. He did that on a Monday, which was very odd for an experienced politician, who would know that reporters would dog him all week and the story would “grow legs”.

    Ordinarily, you would wait until Friday with a story like this, hoping that it might be lost among weekend sports and other news. It is as if he knew that something would occur to wipe this from consciousness so he could waltz back into the halls of Congress and ask for hundreds of billions more in defense spending—which is exactly what he did!

    Halliburton of course is profiting mightily from $100 billion, no bid, cost-plus contracts, which mean that, no matter how much you spend on a project, you can add your profit on top of it.

    Cheney still has some 400,000 shares of stock in Halliburton in a not so blind “trust”.

    And the gas and oil industry is benefiting immeasurably. Consider the case of Afghanistan as an illustration.

    Before 9/11, we negotiated on behalf of Unocal with the Taliban over a pipeline to be built in northern Afghanistan, telling them that if they allowed it, we would bathe them in gold, and if not, we would bathe them in bombs. They didn’t and, after 9/11, we did.

    Today that pipeline is under construction, there are two permanent bases ideally positioned to support it, the President of Afghanistan is a former Unocal oil official, and our Ambassador to Afghanistan is another Unocal oil official. This is not rocket science.

    Condoleezza Rice asked the Taliban to turn Osama over to the United States for prosecution. They replied that they would do that on the condition that she produce proof that he had been involved. She said she would but never got around to it. She must have had more pressing engagements.

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
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    What about Israel?

    But could Israel have been involved? There are disturbing indications. The five “dancing Israels” were observed on a roof across the Hudson in New Jersey drinking and celebrating as they filmed the destruction of the Twin Towers.

    Complaints by neighbors led to their apprehension in a van. The driver told the arresting officer, “We are not your problem. The Palestinians are your problem!” They would be incarcerated for 71 days until an assistant to then-Attorney General John Ashcroft directed their release.

    They returned to Israel where three of them appeared on Israeli TV and explained they were there to do ent the destruction of the Twin Towers. Obviously, they could not have done that without knowing the Twin Towers were going to be destroyed.

    The man who directed their release was Michael Chertoff, now our Director of Homeland Security, who is a joint US/Israeli citizen.

    The Controller of the Pentagon at the time $2.3 trillion went missing was Dov Zokheim, another joint US/Israeli citizen.

    Others in the administration with dual citizenship include Paul Wolfowitz, Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Lu ck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_Luck_The_Fakers_ Abrams, Richard Pearle, Douglas Feith, “Scooter” Libby, Eliot Cohen, and John Bolton. Do any of these names sound familiar?

    An especially interesting case is Michael Mukasey, our new Attorney General, who was also the judge on litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies over the events of 9/11.

    Who runs this country? About two weeks after 9/11, Ariel Sharon said, “We own America, and the Americans know it”.

    If Israel was involved in 9/11, the American people are en led to know.

    Conflicting Loyalties

    I will be accused of anti-Semitism for telling you facts in the public domain. But it is not “anti-Semitic” to criticize the state of Israel, the government of the state of Israel, or the policies and actions of the state of Israel.

    Anti-Semitism involves discounting or belittling persons on the basis of their religious orientation or their ethnic origins.

    It is not anti-Semitic to object to the expansion of illegal settlements, the starvation and killing of the Palestinian people, or the butchering of a peace activist with a bulldozer! For these gross violations of human rights, we have the government of Israel to thank.

    We need laws to keep dual citizens from decision-making and policy-shaping position in the US government. Who knows whose loyalty they respect?

    I call upon those with joint citizenship to resign their positions in the interests of the nation—the United States of America!
    Last edited by Jim Fetzer; 05-08-2012 at 09:59 AM.

  19. #69
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    No, what your specious posture in asking for a "narrative" reveals is that you have honed a novel "straw man" by imposing an exaggerated demand on those of us who care about the truth and who have taken the time and the effort to expose the lies that the government has peddled about 9/11, which have been proven to be false, where even the stories it has told us about the planes, the hijackers, and the crash sites are pure fabrications.

    I really had not expected to encounter someone of your calibre here. Even the first of the articles that Rolf linked, "9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda", already provided an explanation of who was responsible and why. I have seen no indications that you have read even one of my studies, but have acquired the indelible impression that you are here to deceive and mislead those who might--even on this forum, which is about politics, after all--who could stumble over the truth about 9/11 and how we have been deceived.

    I don't know how many you influence here, but I certainly hope that their number is small. The official account is simple, but it is also provably false, while the truth is complex. Those committed to the Project for the New American Century were involved in this, many of whom had positions in the DoD, where they were able to influence the course of events. Cheney appears to have been the "chief executioner" on 9/11, as I explained in my interview on "Hannity & Colmes", which by themselves revealed more truth about 9/11 than anyone is ever going to hear from you! What a disgrace!

    Why is Cheney your prime suspect? How did Cheney execute the plan?

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
    Page 6 of 7 page(s)

    If you think that’s “in your face”, consider this. Michael Hayden, our Director of the CIA, like General Petraeus, still wears his uniform. That means he is still in the chain of command and under the control of the President as Commander-in-Chief. We are being played for suckers!

    I call upon him to resign his commission or to resign his position!

    An Attack on Iran?

    We who support Ron Paul want to end this war. They want to expand it.

    The last time Cheney visited the Middle East, we attacked Iraq. This time may presage an attack on Iran. A Saudi newspaper has reported that the kingdom has been warned to prepare to cope with “sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards”, the source no doubt Cheney himself.

    Estimates of casualties run as high as 1 million dead Iranians and as many as 35 million collateral casualties in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, who will incur cancer as a result of exposure to radioactivity.

    If we—or “our ally”, Israel—undertake such an action, it will be the greatest act of mass murder in history, which will inevitably lead to attacks in kind on the US and on Israel, leading to its annihilation.

    Those who would attack Iran are betraying this country. As a former Marine Corps officer, I remind commissioned officers of the American military that they not only have an obligation to refuse illegal orders but have the duty to take into custody those who issue them.

    Iran is not in Iraq. Our own National Intelligence Estimate concluded that Iran abandoned its development of nuclear weapons in 2003. It has the right to develop nuclear energy.

    Even if it had a bomb, Iran could not use it for offensive purposes without committing national suicide. Israel alone has more than 200 nulcear weapons. Did we learn nothing from the Cold War?

    I call upon the officers of our armed forces to take into custody those who would direct the commission of further war crimes.

    Parting Reflections

    Here in Washington, we have a crime syndicate masquerading as an administration.

    And Bush is talking about another 9/11, even suggesting its source!
    Someone should sit down and ask him how he could possibly know.

    I say, Support the Cons ution! Stand with Ron Paul! End these wars!

    Study 9/11! And remove these liars, cutthroats, and thieves from office!

    The Commander-in-Chief is marching our troops off a cliff!

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
    Page 4 of 7 page(s)

    To get a handle on the “mind set” that drives this conception, which is now being justified as part of the “war on terror”, try reading The S Game. It is undemocratic, anti-American, and perverted.

    Yet it exerts a powerful grip upon this administration. It is a mind set that must not just be changed but completely destroyed!

    When Basra is pacified and that oil is transported, it will be through a series of pipelines that reach the Mediterranean Sea by way of Israel.

    “Follow the Money”

    The motives for mass murder must have been powerful. What happens when we “follow the money”?

    Larry Silverstein took control of the World Trade Center on 24 July 2001 and promptly insured it for $3.5 billion against terrorist attacks. When there were two planes, he claimed “double indemnity” and asked for $7 billion, settling for $4.6. Not bad for a six week’s investment of $114 million.

    Security and Exchange Commission records stored in WTC-7 were destroyed when that building was brought down. They not only included do ents from the Enron case but many other major investigations of financial and banking interests.

    The fines and penalties could have totaled hundreds of millions, even billions. But information necessary to conduct those investigations has now been destroyed.

    Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged the day before 9/11 that the Pentagon had lost track of $2.3 trillion. He did that on a Monday, which was very odd for an experienced politician, who would know that reporters would dog him all week and the story would “grow legs”.

    Ordinarily, you would wait until Friday with a story like this, hoping that it might be lost among weekend sports and other news. It is as if he knew that something would occur to wipe this from consciousness so he could waltz back into the halls of Congress and ask for hundreds of billions more in defense spending—which is exactly what he did!

    Halliburton of course is profiting mightily from $100 billion, no bid, cost-plus contracts, which mean that, no matter how much you spend on a project, you can add your profit on top of it.

    Cheney still has some 400,000 shares of stock in Halliburton in a not so blind “trust”.

    And the gas and oil industry is benefiting immeasurably. Consider the case of Afghanistan as an illustration.

    Before 9/11, we negotiated on behalf of Unocal with the Taliban over a pipeline to be built in northern Afghanistan, telling them that if they allowed it, we would bathe them in gold, and if not, we would bathe them in bombs. They didn’t and, after 9/11, we did.

    Today that pipeline is under construction, there are two permanent bases ideally positioned to support it, the President of Afghanistan is a former Unocal oil official, and our Ambassador to Afghanistan is another Unocal oil official. This is not rocket science.

    Condoleezza Rice asked the Taliban to turn Osama over to the United States for prosecution. They replied that they would do that on the condition that she produce proof that he had been involved. She said she would but never got around to it. She must have had more pressing engagements.
    How much money did Silverstein make off of 9/11?

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    By Jim Fetzer (about the author)
    Page 7 of 7 page(s)

    Enough is enough! Enough is enough!

    And that is just as true here on Spurstalk as it was then with Bush and Cheney, where some of you may have noticed that these wars have still not ended! And for Chumpy to continue to move the goalposts is such an obvious attempt to deceive and mislead you into believing that, unless we know every detail about how it was done, we have no idea how it was done, is a sure sign that he is a phony and a fraud. He's only out for to promote his image.

    This guy could care less about the truth of 9/11. He only cares about preserving his images as "the smartest guy at Spurstalk!" Well, I can see through him. You should be able to, too. I have answered every reasonable question he has posed. But he has made his demands increasingly unreasonable, again and again! Next he will want notes from the secret meetings where these events were planned! Give us a break. Give truth a break. Enough is enough!
    Last edited by Jim Fetzer; 05-08-2012 at 10:00 AM.

  23. #73
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    Give truth a break. Enough is enough!
    You aren't the real Jim Fetzer

    lol truth

  24. #74
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    How did Silverstein know that Cheney was going to blow up the WTC Towers?

    Were the firemen in on WTC7?

  25. #75
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    No, what your specious posture in asking for a "narrative" reveals is that you have honed a novel "straw man" by imposing an exaggerated demand on those of us who care about the truth and who have taken the time and the effort to expose the lies that the government has peddled about 9/11, which have been proven to be false, where even the stories it has told us about the planes, the hijackers, and the crash sites are pure fabrications.
    No, you don't know what a straw man is. And this is not an exaggerated demand. It's a very simple request. You seem to at least hint at whom you think is responsible -- though you throw in possibility after possibility, piling on conspirators until it isn't clear which conspirators you actually think are responsible.

    Who do you think is actually responsible? Bush? Cheney? Cabinet members? Members of the military? Larry Silverstein? Unocal? Enron? Dancing Israelis? Nondancing half-Israelis? Pick what you think is most likely after all your exhaustive research.

    Now, the closest you came to an actual claim in the execution of the plan was to say that huge dumpsters were used to make the smoke at the Pentagon after the non-plane strike. That in itself is the kind of hilarious ridiculousness I was hoping for. So go further -- what do you think actually hit the Pentagon? Why would they use something other than a plane when they actually had a plane? How did they scatter American Airlines parts all over the lawn and inside the building and how did they put a bunch of charred bodies in airliner seats the actual impact zone. Who were those bodies? Why use burning dumpsters outside in plain view (though no pictures of actual dumpsters exist -- more special effects!)?

    And as for Shanksville, you made a fundamental error characterizing the crash site as "an abandoned mine shaft" when anyone with even a cursory knowledge of this area knows it is a reclaimed strip mine. Surely a serious scholar obsessed with the truth would want to retract a grossly erroneous and misleading characterization such as the one you have propagated here. Your credibility takes an enormous hit here if you really want to be taken seriously. As of now, it is a lie that makes you a liar -- you need to correct this and stop repeating it.

    As for the rest, you haven't really said anything. Nothing about how you think the WTC buildings were brought down beyond saying you think they were controlled demolitions of some kind. Big deal. I expect more from a scholar who has dedicated himself to the truth for over a decade.

    This is all weak sauce.

    I really had not expected to encounter someone of your calibre here. Even the first of the articles that Rolf linked, "9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda", already provided an explanation of who was responsible and why. I have seen no indications that you have read even one of my studies, but have acquired the indelible impression that you are here to deceive and mislead those who might--even on this forum, which is about politics, after all--who could stumble over the truth about 9/11 and how we have been deceived.
    Ah, yes -- I disagree with you, so I must be a paid government shill or something similar. This is the kind of ad hominem attack that truthers resort to when they are put on the defensive and can't explain their own real position, most of the time because they really don't have one. If you are Jim Fetzer, you're just another failed truther who can't withstand any criticism.

    I don't know how many you influence here, but I certainly hope that their number is small.
    I'm not here to influence people.

    You are -- and you are doing a piss poor job of it. You and all other truthers fail miserably in giving those you are trying to convert something to positively believe in. I can only conclude you refuse to connect your disparate and conflicting dots because deep down you know any finished product is going to be a completely unbelievable pile of .

    The official account is simple, but it is also provably false, while the truth is complex.
    So give us an account that is not provably false. you could have been working on one all this time rather than vomiting link after link and whining about my being a disinformation agent.

    Those committed to the Project for the New American Century were involved in this, many of whom had positions in the DoD, where they were able to influence the course of events. Cheney appears to have been the "chief executioner" on 9/11, as I explained in my interview on "Hannity & Colmes", which by themselves revealed more truth about 9/11 than anyone is ever going to hear from you! What a disgrace!
    Are you required to pimp your own articles and interviews in every post?

    Reveal your account of all the events of 9/11 that isn't provably false.

    We're still waiting for it.
    Last edited by ChumpDumper; 05-08-2012 at 12:00 PM.

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