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  1. #1
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    The single biggest proof that American society has turned into Animal Farm is that in 2016 it is blatantly obvious that 9/11 was nothing more than a Neoconservative/Zionist inside job to justify imperialist aggression in the form of "War ON Terrorism" and Americans are still too ignorant and too pussified to do anything about it. If something like this happened in any other country there would be a revolution... but Americans are subdued by pizza, chips, Iphone, Twitter, etc... it's a damn shame.

    The Neocons and Zionists in the Mid 90s outlined a plan in "Project for a New American Century" in which they wanted to wipe out Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and Afghanistan in order for there to be a Middle East entirely subservient to the United States. Enter 9/11 which creates a wave of Islamophobia and fear and panic which Bush and his cronies use to justify invading Afghanistan and Iraq. The war in Afghanistan was also about oil pipelines, not about wiping out the fake enemy which STILL hasn't been wiped out. This had momentum in the early 2000s after Baghdad was conquered but now is a failed abortion. They will never conquer Iran and the Zionist state is expected to collapse by 2025.

    Yet Americans are still mostly under the notion that 19 random towelheads in a cave were expert enough to set up such an operation that could only be orchestrated by the CIA... it baffles me.

  2. #2
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Advice for Guys who Hire Backpage Escorts

    I thought I would start a blog to advise Guys on dealing with Backpage Escorts, especially if you feel you have been scammed, cheated, or didn't get what you paid for and how you can get even.

    First, you should ask her what she services she does or won't do when you call her. Don't be disrespectfull, don't be crude or rude but be direct and make sure she is going to do the things you expect her to do.

    The Second thing to do is to get her to agree to the full time your paying for. If its a half hour, hour, 2 hours whatever, get her to agree to it over the phone. Then before you pay her, have her agree again to the full amount of time your paying for. Then set your timer on your cell phone or her phone or a clock in the room so there is no disagreement when the time is up. The room depends on the situation. If she coming to your hotel room fine. If it's your place or hers thats fine too. But if you meet at a hotel, then she pays for the room. Why...because she can use it for future clients. If you pay for the room, then make sure she agrees to take it out of her fee if she gets the room key and future use of the room.

    The third thing you should do is save the webpage with the ad. In Internet Explorer just click page-then save as-then choose Webpage HTML Only. If your not comfortable doing that, you can always use a screen grabber program such as ScreenHunter, which will save your computer screens content to a .jpg picture. Ads can be pulled at any time. By saving the page or doing a screengrab, you have all the information from the ad for future reference. If she calls you and its a different phone number then the one you called, save that one might need it

    Always bring your own condoms...Most girls don't bring that many with. The reason they don't, is if you break the 3 condoms she's over if you didn't bring any more regardless of your agreement. Girls will not continue without condoms. You should bring the right size that fits you. Cause if it comes off she gonna wanna stop. I always bring at least 4..more if its for a couple hours or multiple girls at a time. Those thing break real easy when you having fun.

    Have you ever met with an escort, exchanged money and then she says I don't do blowjobs...which most of us usually start out with. I can tell you from experience that when a girl starts out by saying "I don't do blowjobs".it's only going to go downhill there. The next thing she is going to tell you is she doesn't do this position or that postion or she only does doggie. The only things an escort should be refusing to do when she charges $150, $200, $250 or more per hour is to refuse to allow you to perform oral sex ON HER or ANAL, which is extra if she does it at all.. Always find out before you exchange the money. Although it's probably not gonna work, you could try to ask for your money back before things get started. Or try to renegotiate. Don't make a gigantic scene but do be firm. If she refuses and you proceed, Which most of us are going to do anyways, carefull. At least your forewarned.

    Another warning sign is your there and things start going and she talks all the time and doesn't seem very attentive. Or she is all matter of fact and dosen't seem into it. If you don't hear any enthusiasm, fake or not... your probably gonna be dissatisfied. Typically girls that do that are trying to bring something up. Some way to get you to cut it short. She will come up with some excuse like...I need a bus ticket so my cousin can come to town or some other lame excuse to get you to stop. She is playing on your sympathies to scam you, to get a ride, to get you to do something for her. At any rate your probably gonna hear some sob story and she wants you to do something for free. She might even say that after you do what she wants you can finish and she gonna give you more or "extra". Don't fall for it. She scamming you. Once you stop and put your clothes back on, its over. One other thing, if she says my "cousin" what she almost always means is girlfriend...romantic girlfriend.

    If she calls you the next day, next week and says that she really needs to pay her rent..or something...Don't do it. She has already sized you up and has figured she can maniulate you and con you, and run game on you. If a girl calls and asks how your doing and if you need anything...welll she is just being a good saleswoman. But if she calls and its a sob story...Forget her, hang up, don't answer her calls, stay away..there are plenty of other girls who are drama free.

    Tips...Don't give a tip unless you feel it was exceptional service. When you tip someone who gives you mediocore service your only telling her that she doing a great job when she isn't. Absolutely never give a tip if she asks for one...she conning you..don't fall for it.

    Bring only the money your willing to spend, your ID, condoms, and cell phone. Leave your wallet locked in the car. Leave anything of value that could be stolen locked in your car. If she is coming to your hotel room...take your wallet and valuables and lock them in your car. Most escorts aren't thieves, but you shouldn't temp anyone either. Remember your dealing with a stranger..someone you know nothing about.

    Friendships...BEWARE TREAD LIGHTLY...Most friendships with an escort fail. They fail because an escort is only going to use the friendship to either sell you more services, or get you to do things for free that she would normally have to pay for. Unless you have negotiated a deal, your not going to get anything except a thank you. I would strongly advise that you if you do negeotiate a deal that you get her services before you do anything for her. Remember if you agree to do something and there is no negotiation, you are dong it out of the kindness of your heart because she isn't going to give you any service after she has gotten what she wanted., regardless of what has been said or promised.

    What to do if your have been scammed. The best thing you can do is go to your computer, go to and take out an ad. Don't be fooled, these escorts are only interested in the Money. It's the Money...the Money.. the Money. Don't delude yourself into thinking that it is anything more then the money no matter what she says or how she makes you feel. Girls who scam you think they are untouchable and that you are powerless to do anything to them. If you get ripped off or scammed then you need to tax her. You need to cut off her money. An ad on Backpage is only a couple dollars which is nothing if your scamed for $100 or more. Used the word Scam, or Fraud and the le of the girls ad to let other users of Backpage Escorts know not to patronize this girl. Use all of the phone numbers that you know she has or is associated with. If she uses an incall place...use the address. Hotel...the name and location of the hotel. Although backpage is really limited in the amount of words you can use, you can fit more information by not using spaces. Use - instead or _ or * Thats why the girls word their ads the way they do, to get everything to fit in the limited space Backpage gives them. I have placed fraud/scam ads. They work. First she or her girlfriends are going to call and complain. Believe me she knows who placed the ad because she knows who she just scammed. Don't bother answering, it means your ad is working and you can enjoy the fact that you were able to get a little justice. Guys have emailed me from my ads asking question and thanking me for alerting them. You don't have to respond, and when you write the ad you have the option not to receive emails. Although she is only going to lose money in the short term, she is going to miss out on some moeny. She will have to change her phone number or move. Fraud ads let the escorts know that this kind of conduct is not going to be tollerated by the people who respond to their ads. It also lets girls who are comtemplating placing an ad with the idea of conning people, that clients do have options when a girl cons them. Most girls do what they say and keep their agreements and provide a needed service that clients enjoy. But some girls look at guys, especially white guys, as tricks who can be maniulated and fooled cause they believe they are naive and easily conned.

    One girl pissed me off so much, I got out my latex gloves, loaded paper from the middle of the pack into my printer, fired up my word processor and wrote an anonymous letter to the local police department in the area she operates in. I printed her ad and put it in the envelope with my complaint and mailed it to the police.

    You can always threaten to or call the cops. I can tell you for a fact that 100% of these girls do not want it known publicly that they are an escort, and they certainly don't want the police involved. If she pisses you off enough it might be worth it to you to call the police. Your only going to get a misdemeanor. Most guys wouldn't do this...Although I would in a really bad situation...especially if she steals from you. In fact if she does steal from you, call the cops and don't let her leave. Have you heard about the story of Charlie Sheen being violent and "out of control" when he had an escort at a New York Hotel room. He was violent and out of control because she stole his very expensive watch. She locked herself in the bathroom and called the police. The cops searched her when she came out and didn't find his watch. Where do you think she put it? They didn't strip search her.

    If the services you received were terrible and not worth what you spent, then take out a backpage ad and let the rest of us know. Tell us why it was terrible and why you feel cheated. The rest of us would really appreciate it and would avoid a girl like that. A girl who gives bad service should know she does. Alot of girls get into this thinking about the money...and not the service they give. Some girls don't care and want to rush you and try to get rid of you as fast as she can. I hate it when a girl stokes me really hard and fast thinking she can make me and get it over quick. All she ends up doing is ruffing up my little buddy and making me mad. Don't let a girl try to upsell you penetration or another girl after you have already paid for a BJ or some other service. Take out an ad and let her know that upselling ain't cool

    Well I think that is enough to start, feel free to add something or some of your horror stories. Remember if you don't call a girl out on backpage for the she does, she is only going to do it again and again. Let her know that ain't cool. Take out a Backpage ad and make sure you put it in the escort section.

    Remember what Charlie Sheen said, " Your not paying her for sex, Your paying her to leave when its over"

    Be safe


  3. #3
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    The proof that 9/11 was an inside job is crushing. Here's some of it. If the links to the videos are dead, do YouTube searches on the les.

    (As of now some of the links to the videos are not hotlinks to you'll have to copy and paste them. I don't know why they didn't come out as hotlinks. They may turn into hotlinks later. Sorry for the inconvenience)

    September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)

    Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed on 9/11 Speaks Out!

    Explosives Technician - Loader -

    ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH (full unreleased version)

    9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Free 1-hour version)

    Was the 9-11 Attack the 2001 Version of "Operation Northwoods"?

    Operation Northwoods do ent

    Painful Deceptions. 911 analysis by Eric Hufschmid

    This photo released by the government shows that the craft that hit the Pentagon was too small to be a 757 if there was indeed a craft there.

    There are plausible motives.

    9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)


    NEW 2015! Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015

    People who still believe the official story should check this info out.

    Why Can't They See The Truth? Psychologists Help 9 11 Truth Deniers

    People who promote the no-plane theory or the mini-nuke theory are government plants trying to discredit the truth movement. Real truthers don't believe in those theories.

    provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents
    (7:20 time mark)

    Remember that a lot of pro-official version posters know that 9/11 was an inside job as well as the truthers do.

    They get paid to try to obfuscate the inside job proof. Lately they've been making a lot of trash posts such as the one before this one.

  4. #4
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Hey baseline bum...

    Why don't you debate your position instead of engaging in name-calling. Tell us why you don't believe the government did it. You just look like a horse's a-s when you just spew empty insults and don't debate the actual evidence.

  5. #5
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    What did Al Quada gain from 9/11? What did Bush and his cronies have to gain from 9/11? Even with 0 proof common sense dictates that it was a masterful PLOT... and yet there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the story we're being spoonfed is not based on realities.

  6. #6
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    Did 9/11 serve as a recruiting tool for Al Quada? No
    Did 9/11 serve as a recruiting tool for the US military? Yes
    Did Al Quada expand on its "momentum" from 9/11? No
    Did the Neocons use 9/11 as a justification for invading Afghanistan and Iraq? Yes

    There surely will come a day when George Bush's reputation will be disgraced (as if it isn't already) when this cover up gets exposed entirely.

  7. #7
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    Hey basline bum...

    You seem to be a very simple-minded person.

  8. #8
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    The single biggest proof that American society has turned into Animal Farm is that in 2016 it is blatantly obvious that 9/11 was nothing more than a Neoconservative/Zionist inside job to justify imperialist aggression in the form of "War ON Terrorism" and Americans are still too ignorant and too pussified to do anything about it. If something like this happened in any other country there would be a revolution... but Americans are subdued by pizza, chips, Iphone, Twitter, etc... it's a damn shame.

    The Neocons and Zionists in the Mid 90s outlined a plan in "Project for a New American Century" in which they wanted to wipe out Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and Afghanistan in order for there to be a Middle East entirely subservient to the United States. Enter 9/11 which creates a wave of Islamophobia and fear and panic which Bush and his cronies use to justify invading Afghanistan and Iraq. The war in Afghanistan was also about oil pipelines, not about wiping out the fake enemy which STILL hasn't been wiped out. This had momentum in the early 2000s after Baghdad was conquered but now is a failed abortion. They will never conquer Iran and the Zionist state is expected to collapse by 2025.

    Yet Americans are still mostly under the notion that 19 random towelheads in a cave were expert enough to set up such an operation that could only be orchestrated by the CIA... it baffles me.
    WOW... a new 9-11 conspiracy thread.

    Been a while since we went down that well-worn path.

    So were there really four hijacked planes or what?

    Outline your version of events that day?

    Real planes? holograms? super space satellites? missiles? chemtrails? what.

    Do tell.
    Last edited by RandomGuy; 06-02-2016 at 10:39 AM. Reason: grammar

  9. #9
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    What did Al Quada gain from 9/11? What did Bush and his cronies have to gain from 9/11? Even with 0 proof common sense dictates that it was a masterful PLOT... and yet there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the story we're being spoonfed is not based on realities.
    Al Qaeda stood to gain a huge propaganda victory for their brand of religious/ideological nutbaggery.

    Have you ever bothered reading what they said about it?

    Or that they bombed the WTC before in a lame ass attempt to bring down the exact same towers? Or did you forget about that?

  10. #10
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Oooh maybe we could have another discussion about controlled demolition.

    I like physics.

  11. #11
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    WHUT WHUT? Ghazi .... yoo hoo...

  12. #12
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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  13. #13
    The Legend Grows da_suns_fan's Avatar
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    Hey baseline bum...

    Why don't you debate your position instead of engaging in name-calling. Tell us why you don't believe the government did it. You just look like a horse's a-s when you just spew empty insults and don't debate the actual evidence.
    The government didnt do it because the government isnt remotely competent enough to pull something like that off.

    Ive seen in with my own eyes when I was in the military and when I worked for a national defense contractor. I worked on a project called "Future Combat Systems". The government spent 16 BILLION dollars on the project and ended up with nothing. Trust me, the government isnt very good at execution.

    I know its sensational and fun for conspiracy theorists, but the truth is the government got caught with its pants down on 9/11. They werent "all-knowing", they were clueless.

  14. #14
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    I know its sensational and fun for conspiracy theorists, but the truth is the government got caught with its pants down on 9/11. They werent "all-knowing", they were clueless
    Well, they weren't exactly clueless....there were a lot of immanent attack warnings that were ignored...and that is where the govt. involvement needs to be investigated further....who knew what and when did they know it.....

  15. #15
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Oooh maybe we could have another discussion about controlled demolition.

    I like physics.
    Why don't we talk about the incredible mathematical odds of three near free falling buildings when none have ever occurred before...4 successful skyjackings and 3 successful strikes..19 terrorists, or more entering the country despite being on more CIA/German Intelligence/FBI..etc...terror watch lists than Usama bin Laden....the role that Saudi intelligence played in the attacks...etc...etc...etc...

  16. #16
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    Al Quada was founded in the early 80s by USA to combat the Soviets in Afghanistan.


  17. #17
    The Legend Grows da_suns_fan's Avatar
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    How much of the info in post #3 have you looked at?
    What would it take for you to possibly believe that it wasnt a conspiracy? That Al Queda hijacked four planes and crashed them into US landmarks?

    Is there ANYTHING that could possibly change your mind?

    As I said, I know the government didnt do it because the government isnt nearly that capable. My experience with the government is the BUREAUCRACY prevents much of anything from getting done.

    My brother just recently joined the Navy Jag as a lawyer and was blown away by all of the bizarre processes that needed to be completed that no one seemed to know how to complete. Just getting a military ID was a huge pain in the ass.

    "Get used to it" is what I told him.

    I think you would have to experience yourself to appreciate it. I remember when I was refinancing my house with a VA loan I needed a copy of my discharge papers. What a freaking nightmare that was. You would think I was the first person on the planet who ever needed a copy of his/her discharge papers.

  18. #18
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Yet Americans are still mostly under the notion that 19 random towelheads in a cave were expert enough to set up such an operation that could only be orchestrated by the CIA... it baffles me.
    WOW... a new 9-11 conspiracy thread.

    Been a while since we went down that well-worn path.

    So was there really four hijacked planes or what?

    Outline your version of events that day?

    Real planes? holograms? super space satellites? missiles? chemtrails? what.

    Do tell.
    Al Quada was founded in the early 80s by USA to combat the Soviets in Afghanistan.

    okaaay. So?

    You haven't told me what you think really happened on 9-11. Flesh it out.

  19. #19
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Why don't we talk about the incredible mathematical odds of three near free falling buildings when none have ever occurred before...4 successful skyjackings and 3 successful strikes..19 terrorists
    Meh. You had your chance. You failed. Let Ghazi have a go.

  20. #20
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    What would it take for you to possibly believe that it wasnt a conspiracy? That Al Queda hijacked four planes and crashed them into US landmarks?

    Is there ANYTHING that could possibly change your mind?

    As I said, I know the government didnt do it because the government isnt nearly that capable. My experience with the government is the BUREAUCRACY prevents much of anything from getting done.

    My brother just recently joined the Navy Jag as a lawyer and was blown away by all of the bizarre processes that needed to be completed that no one seemed to know how to complete. Just getting a military ID was a huge pain in the ass.

    "Get used to it" is what I told him.

    I think you would have to experience yourself to appreciate it. I remember when I was refinancing my house with a VA loan I needed a copy of my discharge papers. What a freaking nightmare that was. You would think I was the first person on the planet who ever needed a copy of his/her discharge papers.
    Heh, I went right out after getting discharged and had two different courthouses put the DD-214 on microfiche in case I ever needed copies. I head some horror stories about what it takes to get copies from the army if you lose them.

    BTW, Cosmored is quite insane. Not sure if you ever read his "moon landing was a hoax" thread, still going after 5+ years. His brain is broken in a fundamental way somehow. I would guess some form of autism, but that is just my guess.

  21. #21
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    I know its sensational and fun for conspiracy theorists, but the truth is the government got caught with its pants down on 9/11. They werent "all-knowing", they were clueless.
    Occams razor for the win.

  22. #22
    The Legend Grows da_suns_fan's Avatar
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    None of what you said makes the proof of a conspiracy go away. Evidently there are some sectors of the government that are incompetent and others that are competent. You only saw the incompetent part.

    How much of the info in post #3 have you looked at?
    So you want it both ways. Every branch is government is inept except the super secret group of THOUSANDS OF LUNATICS who wanted to kill Americans and make it look like terrorists.

  23. #23
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    How much of the info in post #3 have you looked at?
    No one reads your re ed link spam. Also we landed on the moon in 1969.

  24. #24
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    So you want it both ways. Every branch is government is inept except the super secret group of THOUSANDS OF LUNATICS who wanted to kill Americans and make it look like terrorists.
    The Bush and Bin Laden families have intimate connections. It wasn't everyone in the US government that was in on it.

    It was conveniently used as a propaganda tactic to justify invading AFghanistan and Iraq, two wars that had nothing to do with eliminating terrorism whatsoever.

    15 years into the War on terrorism and terrorism still exists. Nazi Germany folded after 6 years, ing Al Quada is still around in 2016.

    There was no such a thing as a war on terrorism, it was just an imperialist ploy that needed a false-flag operation to get it going... that was 9/11

    9/11 wouldn't even be the first false-flag operation in American history.... Gulf of Tonkin comes to mind.

  25. #25
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Meh. You had your chance. You failed. Let Ghazi have a go.
    Failed....most Americans still believe that there was a larger conspiracy which occurred on 911 than was revealed in the 911 commission report and I failed...

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