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  1. #1
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Tin hat fun or something else? You decide...

    Michel Nostradamus (1503-1566) a French physician and astrologer who wrote over 900 predictions concerning the fate of the world. Written in four-lined rhyming quatrains, they were to be become famous for their astonishing accuracy. Note: A quatrain circulating around and attributed to Nostradamus: "The village idiot" etc. is a hoax, and it was not written by Nostradamus.

    That being said, the devil does hide the truth behind a lie, and the Antichrist's most important identifying trait is his ability to deceive. What better deception than to play the idiot? Hitler was ridiculed and compared to Charlie Chaplain, but the world soon discovered he was anything but a joke. bush openly remarks that his greatest advantage lies in the fact that people tend to underestimate him, and indeed the devil's most powerful weapon lies in the fact that we often underestimate his great cunning. Understand, I'm not denying that Bush is basically a complete idiot - however the principalities and powers commanding and guiding his actions are not stupid. .

    Nostradamus outlined three distinctly different and progressively worse Antichrist figures, the last one being the bloodiest of all. The first two Antichrists have already come and gone: Napoleon and Hitler. So we are really only waiting for the final Antichrist.

    Using this information as background, we can now focus on details concerning the final Antichrist, according to the prophesies of Nostradamus:

    century 6 quatrain 13

    A doubtful man shall not come far from the reign
    The greatest part will uphold him
    A capital will not consent that he should reign.

    His great chair he shall not be able to maintain.

    This one is pretty straightforward, and it concerns the man who tried to stop the AntiChrist's rise to power: "A doubtful man shall not come far from the reign" = Everyone doubted Gore had a chance, but he ended up nearly capturing the presidency. "The greatest part will uphold him." = He won the popular vote. "A capitol will not consent he should reign" = The right-wing US Supreme Court in Washington stopped the counting of votes in Florida to ensure Gore's defeat. "His great chair he shall not be able to maintain." = He's now also lost the office of Vice President.

    century 2 quatrain 62

    Ma-bus then will soon die, there will come
    A horrible slaughter of people and animals:
    At once vengeance is revealed coming from a hundred hands,
    Blood, thirst and hunger when the comet will run.

    This gives us a clue to the last Antichrist's name, the sign of his coming, and the slaughter he will initiate before he is finally removed. His rise to power is associated with a comet, and in fact it was during the spectacular show of the recent Hale-Bop comet that bush's own political star rose like a comet - he assumed his first elected office in '95 when Hale-Bop was first sighted, and by the time the comet reached its brightest stage in '97, he was already being talked about as the next president. "will soon die" means after the comet dies and the antichrist assumes power (the presidency), "will come a horrible slaughter " referring to the coming apocalypse in the middle east. "vengeance is revealed coming from a hundred hands" refers to the western alliance formed to take revenge for the bombings of the WTC and the Pentagon.

    "MA-BUS" is short for ‘the AMerican, BUSh’, just by inverting the first two letters and leaving out the last H, which is already silent in Latin languages like French, the language of Nostradamus. Mabus is also a combination of MAgog and BUSh, a reference to Bush’s given name in a Satanic cult. (Bush was named ‘Magog’ in the scull and bones society.) Homework assignment: Write down the first two letters of Mabus – Ma, turn them around 180 degrees, and hold it up to a mirror, Mabus becomes gW bush. Note: Nostradamus also misspelled that Hitler's name, calling him "Hister" (Hysterical Hitler?)

    century 2 quatrain 30

    One who the infernal gods of Hannibal
    Will cause to be reborn, terror of all mankind
    Never more horror nor the newspapers tell of worse in the past,
    Than will come to the Romans through Babel (Iraq).

    “ The AntiChrist, aka MA-BUS aka 'MAgog BUSh', is strongly associated with a reincarnated Hannibal. Hannibal was a general from Africa who invaded Italy with his elephants in order to conquer Rome. But he failed to deliver the final crushing blow. Sound familiar? Colin Powel is another general, originally from Africa, who also marches with the elephants (Republicans). Just like Hannibal, Powel launched an attack in the first Gulf War, but he failed to go all the way Baghdad, to remove Saddam, just like Hannibal failed to capture Rome itself.. “Never more horror… than will come to the Romans through Babel (Iraq).” This Quatrain equates the United States with Rome, and tells us that this time because of the most recent war in Iraq, the United States (the new Roman Empire) will ultimately suffer a bloodbath like the world has never seen before.

    century 8 quatrain 70

    He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing over Mesopotamia (Iraq). All friends made by the adulterous lady: the land dreaded and evil in aspect.

    This indicates the antichrist (Bush), not desiring peace, will bully and 'tyrannize' Iraq. The 'adulterous lady' is the statue of liberty, lady liberty, symbol of America, a country that has forsaken God to follow after the Antichrist, in order to satisfy their insatiable greed and thirst for power (and oil). America's 'friends' are any allies bullied into aiding American aggression in Iraq.

    century 10 quatrain 66

    The chief of London by the American reign, The isle will divide thee from Scotland by frost; They will have again as King one who is so false an Antichrist, That he will put them altogether in a conflict;

    The 'chief of London' is Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Britain, and it indicates that America is telling him what to do. 'Divide thee from Scotland by frost' dates this prophecy by indicating how Scotland recently voted for home rule and convened their first Parliament since 1707. 'Have again as king...' indicates how bush, the American Antichrist, is making British foreign policy like a king - and the fact that his family is descended from British royalty. 'Put them altogether in a conflict.' says he will drag both Britain and America into war in the Middle East.

    Century 1 Quatrain 50

    From the three water signs
    Will be born a man
    Who will Celebrate Thursday as his feast day.
    His renown, praise, rule and power will grow on land and sea,
    Bringing trouble to the East.

    Bush was born on July 6 = Cancer, one of the three water signs. He was born in America, which celebrates its birthday on July 4 = Cancer. He was born in New Haven Connecticut, which was founded by Puritans on March 17, 1638 = Pisces, another water sign, though he claims to be from Texas, which on March 2, 1836 became a Republic = again Pisces. The Thursday "feast day" is an obvious reference to Thanksgiving, which identifies the Antichrist as an American president. It indicates he will have considerable military success at first, but in the process he will stir up ancient fears and hatreds that will ultimately lead to the battle of Armageddon in the Middle East.

    century 10 quatrain 72

    The year 1999, seventh month,
    From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
    To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
    Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

    In June of 1999, bush formally declared his candidacy for president, and by a July he was already calling himself the president. It is important to understand it was not just a mistake. The AntiChrist receives his authority from Satan - not from God, and not from men. By "mistakenly" calling himself president before any election had been held, bush was announcing to the world for the first time in July of '99 that he was Satan's chosen ruler - the AntiChrist. Likewise the first AntiChrist, Napoleon, crowned himself emperor. And again the second AntiChrist aka Hitler never waited to receive a popular mandate before seizing power. Like Hister, Ma-bus aka 'AMerican- BUSh', aka MAgog BUSh, used thugs to enforce his authority in Dade county. If bush had won the popular vote, and had not stolen the election in Florida, it would have been conclusive evidence that he was not the third AntiChrist.

    Secondly, the quatrain refers to the fact that Antichrist will come into the world from the sky - the French can also be translated as 'heaven'. George Bush was born in 'New Haven' Connecticut. (Scripture says Jesus will return from heaven, and the antichrist is the counterfeit of Christ.)

    Thirdly, it indicates that after the US gets bogged down and weakened by its war in the Middle East, it will be Communist China's good luck to be able to overrun what's left of the world in the style of Genghis Khan!

    Much, much more discussion about this here

  2. #2
    Who's Your Caddy?! NeoConIV's Avatar
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    We should probably have a seperate forum for these sorts of threads...

    However, I agree about China. Though even a naive geopolitical novice should be able to clearly see the threat of China at this point. My personal guess is not that they'll take advantage of a 'bogged down' US in the middle east (though plausible), but a distressed and unorganized US from either natural disasters or WMD strikes. I don't see China as invading, but arriving with the UN to 'help restore order', or something in those regards. Huge gap filled in the one world order scheme of things. Oh who the knows, crazy thread gets a crazy reply, leave me alone.

  3. #3
    Free Throw Coach Aggie Hoopsfan's Avatar
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    I've seen it all now.

  4. #4
    Who's Your Caddy?! NeoConIV's Avatar
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    But to make a few corrections from the original thread, the first anti-christ was the formation of Islam, not Napolean, and the second anti-christ was the countless and endless fracturing of the church, the body of Christ on earth caused by the protestant reformation (not protestants themselves obviously). The third anti-christ is one world order, enforcing a non-Christian world 'religion'.

  5. #5
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    We should probably have a seperate forum for these sorts of threads...
    I agree and have thought about starting a new forum on these kinds of topics here at FSP, however I am currently working on a personal blog, to be released soon, and probably won't get to something like this till after Christmas if at all.

  6. #6
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    I remember seeing a movie on this guy and it made all sorts of came out around 1980...

    Among other things...Teddy Kennedy was supposed to get elected president.(3 brothers would attempt to be king, the first two would be murdered and the youngest would succeed).

    California will slide into the Ocean.(This is supposed to happen before the anti-christ comes to power, personally I think California slid into the Ocean metaphorically long ago).

    The anti-christ will be born in the mid-east and will wear a purple turban.(he will be a terrorist who holds the world hostage with his nuclear arsenal for many years)...

    But, according to Nostradamus the world doesn't end because of the anti-christ, it's just a big war with a bunch of people dying...IIRC he gives the year that man is no longer on planet earth and it's like the year...5150 or something(the again maybe he was working off the hebrew calendar).

  7. #7
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    And one other thing...that I remember...Nostradamus mentions Islam by name serveral times as being the cause of great evil. He pretty much says the army of Satan will be muslims.

    So I guess that makes you part of the army of Satan since you are a muslim and all.

    And I agree with Neo that Islam is the antichrist if anything is after all a pagan religion based on falseities.

    Islam was not created by was given a face lift by him...What is now called Islam was originally the pagan worship of the moongod...the crecent sign of Islam predates the modern version of the religion and Mohammed by several thousand years.

    Of course all the abrahamic religions were the children of Zarathrustra so I guess it could be argued that they are all fakes and only the Zorastaners practice an original religion.

    But remember, the Islamic militants, they love death like we love life...and they brag about it.
    Last edited by whottt; 11-18-2004 at 05:57 AM.

  8. #8
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    Well after doing some research...

    Wouldn't you say that Mahmoud Abus, the new Chairman of the PLO, sounds a lot more like Mabus than George Bush?

    And we know which side you are on Dan.

  9. #9
    Gone Crazy, be back later CrazyOne's Avatar
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    Why not cut out all the metaphors and just read the Enquirer?

  10. #10
    Gangsta Photog 2pac's Avatar
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    The first quatrain is what you said it says. The second one is what it actually says. Idiot liar.

    century 6 quatrain 13
    A doubtful man shall not come far from the reign
    The greatest part will uphold him
    A capital will not consent that he should reign.
    His great chair he shall not be able to maintain.

    A doubtful one will not come far from the realm,
    The greater part will want to uphold him:
    A Capitol will not want him to reign at all,
    He will be unable to bear his great burden.

    Read Q 12 - it is clearly about Italy.

    century 2 quatrain 62

    Ma-bus then will soon die, there will come
    A horrible slaughter of people and animals:
    At once vengeance is revealed coming from a hundred hands,
    Blood, thirst and hunger when the comet will run.

    Century 2 quatrain 62
    Mabus then will soon die, there will come
    Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
    Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
    Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.
    Again - any comet. Halley's comes every 75 years. MaBus is a stretch at best. Especially if you look at surrounding Qs.

    century 2 quatrain 30

    One who the infernal gods of Hannibal
    Will cause to be reborn, terror of all mankind
    Never more horror nor the newspapers tell of worse in the past,
    Than will come to the Romans through Babel (Iraq).

    One who the infernal gods of Hannibal
    Will cause to be reborn, terror of mankind
    Never more horror nor worse of days
    In the past than will come to the Romans through Babel.
    Q 29 - he clearly gives his region as an Easterner - East in the world.

    century 8 quatrain 70

    He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing over Mesopotamia (Iraq). All friends made by the adulterous lady: the land dreaded and evil in aspect

    He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous,
    tyrannizing over Mesopotamia.
    All friends made by the adulterous lady,
    the land dreadful and black of aspect.
    century 10 quatrain 66

    The chief of London by the American reign, The isle will divide thee from Scotland by frost; They will have again as King one who is so false an Antichrist, That he will put them altogether in a conflict;

    The chief of London through the realm of America,
    The Isle of Scotland will be tried by frost:
    King and Reb will face an Antichrist so false,
    That he will place them in the conflict all together.
    This was clearly changed to make the American leader look like the anti-Christ, when it would clearly be Saddam. King (England) and Reb (Southerner Bush - Johnny Reb) will face an AntiChrist - facing Saddam.

    Nice try by changing the quatrains again, lying idiot.

    Century 1 Quatrain 50

    From the three water signs
    Will be born a man
    Who will Celebrate Thursday as his feast day.
    His renown, praise, rule and power will grow on land and sea,
    Bringing trouble to the East.

    From the three water signs will be born a man
    who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
    His renown, praise, rule and power will grow
    on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East.
    This will happen in the year 1700 (Q49)

    century 10 quatrain 72

    The year 1999, seventh month,
    From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
    To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
    Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

    The year 1999, seventh month,
    From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
    To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
    Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
    Wow - congrats - you actually quoted one correctly.

    People have tried to make this so many things for so many years it isnt funny.

  11. #11
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    Food for thought people...I think David Kersch didn't actually die in Waco. He has resurfaced on this forum under the name of NbaDan.

  12. #12
    needs a margarita
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    You can spin Nostradamus any way you want it to make it seem like he predicted current and past events.

    Don't buy it at all.

  13. #13
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    What I get the biggest kick out of is when he cites Napoleon and Hitler as the first two anti-christs...

    Napoleon...France. Hitler...Germany(by way of Austria)...Aren't those two of Dan's(and Kerry liberals) favorite countries?

    Yeah, let's follow their lead.

  14. #14
    needs a margarita
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    And wasn't there some prediction about 9/11?

  15. #15
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    And wasn't there some prediction about 9/11?
    NO! "Something will happen...blah blah blah" Oooooo! I just predicted the future! Oooooooo! Userstomus has spoken!!!!

  16. #16
    Eat More Chips AlamoSpursFan's Avatar
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    And one other thing...that I remember...Nostradamus mentions Islam by name serveral times as being the cause of great evil. He pretty much says the army of Satan will be muslims.

  17. #17
    Free Throw Coach Aggie Hoopsfan's Avatar
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    I am currently working on a personal blog is already taken.

  18. #18
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    32,408 is already taken.
    Yeah, so is So what?

  19. #19
    Free Throw Coach Aggie Hoopsfan's Avatar
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    Raghead? WTF? Between that, your racial bias against Condi, and throwing around the " " word after the election, I think we know who the real bigot on this site is.

    If you really played football it's obvious you got one too many hits to the head.

  20. #20
    Pimp Marcus Bryant's Avatar
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    Hmmm, judging by the reaction of some folks in this thread danny's making a good case for him to be the 1st banned poster in FSP history.

  21. #21
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    Dan = The Biggest.......

  22. #22
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Raghead? WTF? Between that, your racial bias against Condi, and throwing around the " " word after the election, I think we know who the real bigot on this site is.
    I may say it in pun, but you live it. How many times have you posted a thread that was sensative towards African American, blacks, Asians or Persians? None.

  23. #23
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Hmmm, judging by the reaction of some folks in this thread danny's making a good case for him to be the 1st banned poster in FSP history.

    Give it up Marcus. Nobody is listening to you.

  24. #24
    Raise My McFlagg CommanderMcBragg's Avatar
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    Does anybody really believe in what this Nostradumbass wrote?

  25. #25
    Veteran exstatic's Avatar
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    Does anybody really understand what Nostrdamus wrote? I think he was on shrooms.

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