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  • TD 21's Avatar
    1 Minute Ago
    TD 21 replied to a thread 2024 NBA Draft Thread in Spurs Forum
    Givony claimed yesterday that the scuttlebutt around the league is that maybe the Spurs would be open to putting some level of protection on the Hawks '25 1st. One of the so-called Hawks insiders claimed the '25 1st would be the most likely piece coming back as well. Again though, whatever...
    10660 replies | 692430 view(s)
  • objective's Avatar
    2 Minutes Ago
    Podziemski is an example of why the concerns about shepperd's defense are overstated Podz college film on defense was just as atrocious. Loved what I saw on offense, but that defense was trash, no where near good enough for an NBA court But what happens? He gets to the NBA and because he's...
    301 replies | 22446 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    3 Minutes Ago
    I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes. I've never been a fan of the dude but I saw some video months ago of him that made me laugh so I thought I'd give this standup a shot. Oh well...
    2 replies | 168 view(s)
  • John B's Avatar
    4 Minutes Ago
    Castle and Dillingham, Ginobili and Parker. It’s a stretch but hey…
    367 replies | 17432 view(s)
  • spurraider21's Avatar
    5 Minutes Ago
    took me a while to nut up and finally decide which one i liked more than the other, and ultimately sided with reed just because his skill set i think is a bit more suited to what we need with vic. dilly is the more talented offensive player. they're pretty comparable in passing ability, though...
    301 replies | 22446 view(s)
  • CGD's Avatar
    6 Minutes Ago
    If both Shepard and Castle are there at 4, I’m not sure why DET would be opposed to trading back to 8 because for are there. The Spurs basically have to make clear to DET that they are absolutely taking Shepard 4 (which I image they’d be happy to do). I don’t see DET as a Castle landing spot,...
    301 replies | 22446 view(s)
  • BatManu20's Avatar
    7 Minutes Ago
    It's too bad the CHI pick we own wasn't this years at 11th Overall tbh. Spurfan may have had real shot at getting Dilly. Simply don't see it happening anymore though. If they're going the Guard route at 8, think Carter is definitely their guy (assuming he's there).
    367 replies | 17432 view(s)
  • Pauleta14's Avatar
    8 Minutes Ago
    I like Dadiet and if still available Nunez is worth the bet, already Spain's starting PG means something
    5 replies | 339 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    9 Minutes Ago
    You pushed that propaganda and won't even acknowledge it you stupid mentally ill retard SH. :lmao I know why you don't acknowledge it but go ahead and call me a cultist for the 11th million time you dumb motherfucker. :lol
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • lefty's Avatar
    9 Minutes Ago
    lefty replied to a thread Copa America 2024 in Soccer Forum
    no no I mean the Brazilian GK took a good nap Sorry about the confusion
    33 replies | 439 view(s)
  • Mr. Body's Avatar
    9 Minutes Ago
    The one thing Pop would freaking love about Dillingham, in the mold of Parker, is that Dillingham will be able to disrupt and stir up defenses the way Parker did. TP's job was to probe, attack, move through the lane, constantly make individual defenders decide what they wanted to do. Dillingham...
    367 replies | 17432 view(s)
  • lefty's Avatar
    10 Minutes Ago
    lefty replied to a thread Copa America 2024 in Soccer Forum
    ah ok I watched the highlights on a small screen tbh :lol Brazil
    33 replies | 439 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    10 Minutes Ago
    koriwhat replied to a thread Ukraine in Political Forum
    Fuck Ukraine!
    40803 replies | 935952 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    10 Minutes Ago
    This is why yall, PedoMT and Co., are the ST gays! Constantly hounding me when your efforts and energy would be better spent losing yalls fupas and shaving them neckbeards you fucking losers.
    125 replies | 5751 view(s)
  • spurraider21's Avatar
    11 Minutes Ago
    its somewhat close. in a vacuum sarr is the more tantalizing prospect. but sheppard checks the big boxes for what the spurs need shooting defense (kind of. he has his weaknesses but seems to be able to compensate for it) point guard play transition play (his outlet passes and ability to...
    10660 replies | 692430 view(s)
  • Spurs Homer's Avatar
    11 Minutes Ago
    hey cultist are you ready to obey dear leader and drink the poison when he orders you?
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • Mr. Body's Avatar
    12 Minutes Ago
    That's funny, because I see Nash and Irving in his game. The one he's least like is Parker. But it does seem like someone talked to him.
    367 replies | 17432 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    13 Minutes Ago
    I mean, you could ask me face to face. How long are you going to continue acting like you're something online when you ain't shit in real life PedoMultiTroll? Buck up or stfu already you bitch male. You're not funny and your proclivities for minors are stated in black & white for all to read...
    125 replies | 5751 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    16 Minutes Ago
    Fake propaganda photo of "classifed docs" at Mar-a-lago... Didn't a multitude of you weak pathetic fucks post that photo here and claim a W? Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult you gullible faux intellectual low iq retards. :lmao:lol
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • Spurs Brazil's Avatar
    17 Minutes Ago
    367 replies | 17432 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    18 Minutes Ago
    koriwhat replied to a thread ST Regs Tattoos? in The Club
    Does anyone truly care what actual cuckolds have to say? Not even their wives/ex-wife give a fuck. :lol
    106 replies | 9986 view(s)
  • Thread's Avatar
    18 Minutes Ago
    Trump did that.
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • Thread's Avatar
    20 Minutes Ago
    Well, they tried murdering him to get Trump to go away. That ain't worked,,,yet. They tried impeaching him into oblivion. That didn't work. And they're trying to imprison him to get rid of him. That ain't worked either...yet...He ain't no easy clean. Would he rather not go thru this? Sure,...
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • koriwhat's Avatar
    20 Minutes Ago
    koriwhat replied to a thread ST Regs Tattoos? in The Club
    Calling yall out doesn't mean I'm against those who aren't heterosexuals you dumb motherfucker. Don't you got multiple alts to tend to and waste more countless time/days on ST you big pussy? You know damn well you and yours are nothing but bottom of the barrel "men". Keep pretending that's not...
    106 replies | 9986 view(s)
  • PhantomDashCam's Avatar
    24 Minutes Ago
    301 replies | 22446 view(s)
  • Ice009's Avatar
    24 Minutes Ago
    Yeah, the kids are definitely his. I read through some comments and one person said the video likely took that from a parody site that wrote it (not sure what site or article it was). So it's definitely BS from the looks of it.
    11 replies | 411 view(s)
  • scott's Avatar
    25 Minutes Ago
    Joe Biden threatens the sanctity of the MLB single season home run record. He must be tested for PEDs immediately.
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • spurraider21's Avatar
    26 Minutes Ago
    3&D implies 3 point shooting being his main value on offense. i dont think he's going to get to that level. rather i think he just needs to get it to be good enough to force closeouts. his stroke isn't as smooth as wemby's was coming in, but its definitely more workable than sochan's. i kind of...
    134 replies | 7622 view(s)
  • Spurminator's Avatar
    28 Minutes Ago
    Sounds like watching a 9 year old beat a 3 year old in a game of HORSE for an automatic roster spot in the NBA.
    56 replies | 347 view(s)
  • MultiTroll's Avatar
    29 Minutes Ago
    I wasn't there when she conceived, however bear in mind much media gossip originates in LA Laker Land. They have been super jealous of Duncan since 1999 and would stoop to slander. Others have noticed how much Dravens mannerisms and movements are like the Great Duncan.
    11 replies | 411 view(s)
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