View Full Version : CP3 to the Clippers

DJ Mbenga
12-12-2011, 02:29 AM
LA Times

says the package is kaman aminu bledsoe and the all important minny 1st rounder. nice haul.

12-12-2011, 03:09 AM
Paul/Gordon/Butler/Griffin/Jordan...not too shabby

Fergie The Florists
12-12-2011, 03:12 AM
Stern will veto it w/out Gordon

Venti Quattro
12-12-2011, 03:16 AM
He's still going to LA anyway.

:rollin Lakers

12-12-2011, 03:17 AM
paul is an idiot if he doesnt wanna play with blake griffin...if the clippers can put a winning product on the court and the prospect of being real contenders, sterling might not be a cheapass for once

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 03:18 AM
Paul/Gordon/Butler/Griffin/Jordan...not too shabby

They really need to build a bench now; Mo Williams is the only decent player they have there. Too bad they had to lose Bledsoe, as Randy Foye sucks donkey dick.

12-12-2011, 03:20 AM
Nah...that 2012 pick might be Harrison Barnes. Two youngins, a solid draft pick and cap relief goes with what $tern is looking for

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 03:30 AM
That pick is going to be gold considering how bad Minnesota is. There are so many great prospects this year: Anthony Davis, Harrison Barnes, Andre Drummond, Jared Sullinger, Michael Gilchrist, Perry Jones, Quincy Miller, Terrence Jones, etc. Even midway through the first there will probably be some really nice talent like Austin Rivers or John Henson.

12-12-2011, 04:16 AM
so whats better?...that clipper trade or getting Scola, Odom, Kevin MArtin, Dragic and first round pick?


12-12-2011, 04:17 AM
FYI Jordan isnt with the Clippers anymore

12-12-2011, 07:53 AM
so whats better?...that clipper trade or getting Scola, Odom, Kevin MArtin, Dragic and first round pick?


Are you serious? The Minny pick alone makes it better. You don't rebuild by trading for expensive pieces and late draft picks, you rebuild with high draft picks and young players, and it looks like NO may have 2 top 5 picks in a stacked draft. The fact that they picked up former lottery picks Aminu and Bledsoe is frosting, an infusion of cheap, talented young players.

12-12-2011, 07:54 AM
FYI Jordan isnt with the Clippers anymore

He signed an offer sheet with GS. Since they traded Kaman, you can bet your ass the LAC are matching.

12-12-2011, 08:29 AM
Its a very good deal for both parties.
But I dunno much about next year draftees, so...

12-12-2011, 10:17 AM
good trade for the nba hornets, tbh

12-12-2011, 10:35 AM
Now I have to admit if they get all of this, it IS a better deal for the future of the Hornets. So DPG was right they got a better offer, here.
My issue over the weekend was that the previous deal was a good deal as well and had much more PROVEN talent, and stern should not of vetoed, since Demps was given autonomy to deal.

The fact the Hornets got a better deal is irrelevant to my previous argument. However those that said the Hornets would not do better were wrong, DPG was right.

12-12-2011, 10:36 AM
And I much would rather see Paul in my former hometown, rather than Boston or Dallas.
I dont mind him going to NY, since I was born in Brooklyn.

12-12-2011, 11:10 AM
Now it sounds like Gordon IS part of the trade... Even better for the Hornets.


By Chris Broussard and Marc Stein


Clippers Submit Paul Deal

The New Orleans Hornets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/no/new-orleans-hornets) and Los Angeles Clippers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lac/los-angeles-clippers) submitted a multiplayer blockbuster deal to the NBA on Sunday that would send All-Star point guard Chris Paul (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/2779/chris-paul) to Los Angeles, a source with knowledge of the discussions said Monday.
But the trade as presented has one hitch: The league, which owns the Hornets, wanted Eric Bledsoe (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/4238/eric-bledsoe), while the Clippers want to keep their point guard, the source said.

The deal would be done if the league hadn't asked for Bledsoe, according to the source.

The trade as submitted would cost the Clippers guard Eric Gordon (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3431/eric-gordon), center Chris Kaman (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/1982/chris-kaman) and forward Al-Farouq Aminu (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/4248/al-farouq-aminu). It would also include Minnesota's first-round draft pick in 2012.

The Los Angeles Times, citing two sources familiar with the discussions, reported late Sunday the deal included Bledsoe, but the source told ESPN that is not so.
The Times' report said both parties were in the final stages of negotiations and that the NBA will likely review the deal Monday.
A source close to Paul said he has decided to pick up the option on his contract as part of the potential deal, meaning he would be in Los Angeles through at least the 2012-2013 season.
Paul's decision was what prompted the Clippers to put the pick they got from Minnesota in the deal, the source said.
The Clippers knew Paul was unlikely to sign an extension with any team that trades for him because the rules in place in the NBA's new labor agreement make it more advantageous for top stars to play the season out and then sign a longer deal in free agency, even if they're staying with the same team.

Sources told ESPN.com Sunday that the Clippers, in one scenario, merely wanted Paul to pick up the option at the time of the trade -- thus delaying his free agency by one year -- if they would cede one of their two most prized trade assets for Paul: Eric Gordon (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3431/eric-gordon) or a future No. 1 draft pick.
In a similar situation in February, Mo Williams (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/2178/mo-williams) agreed to pick up his option for the 2011-12 season to clinch the Clippers' deal with Cleveland that swapped Williams for Baron Davis (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/194/baron-davis).

Sources said earlier Sunday that the Clippers -- if Paul agreed to do the same -- would be willing to reverse their previous stance and send either Gordon or the Minnesota pick to the Hornets because they'd know that Paul would be in place next to Blake Griffin (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3989/blake-griffin) for at least two seasons, removing the threat of trading for Paul and then watching him leave in free agency in July.

ESPN.com reported late Saturday that the Clippers had emerged as the "early front-runner" in the race to land Paul after the frustrated Lakers finally withdrew from three-team talks with the Hornets and Houston Rockets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/hou/houston-rockets). One source close to the situation said early Sunday that New Orleans had asked the Clippers for Gordon, Kaman, Bledsoe, Aminu and at least two future first-round picks in exchange for Paul.

Sources say that the Clippers, meanwhile, are quietly confident that having Paul for the next two seasons will ultimately lead to a long-term arrangement, especially if L.A. manages to sign Griffin to an extension next summer. ESPN.com reported earlier this week that Gordon and the Warriors' Stephen Curry (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3975/stephen-curry) are the players most coveted by New Orleans in a potential Paul deal, but the Warriors have been pessimistic about getting the assurances about the future they need from Paul to surrender Curry.

The Hornets remained under pressure to find a palatable deal for Paul, who can become a free agent in July 2012 and has already told the franchise that he does not intend to sign an extension. In addition to New Orleans' natural desire to find a new home for Paul as quickly as possible to avoid the sort of soap opera that engulfed the Denver Nuggets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/den/denver-nuggets) last season until they traded Carmelo Anthony (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/1975/carmelo-anthony) in February, league officials now technically in charge of the Hornets also know that the union has hinted at soon pursuing legal action on Paul's behalf if a new trade is not hashed out.

Paul spoke extensively with the union on Thursday, after Stern squashed the original three-team trade, about what legal options were available. The union planned to speak with Paul Sunday to gauge how he wants to go forward and how vigorously he may want to fight the league's ruling, sources said.

While Paul is despondent, sources say he also understands that a drawn-out battle with the league, whether in the courts or elsewhere, could lead to a heavy public backlash in New Orleans. But there is also a push within the union to sue the NBA if no trade is consummated by Monday, with possible claims of circumvention or collusion.
New Orleans officials are likewise crestfallen by the NBA's steady refusal to sign off on any trade construction presented by the Hornets, Rockets and Lakers that would have landed Paul in L.A. next to Kobe Bryant after NBA commissioner David Stern vetoed the teams' original trade Thursday.

12-12-2011, 11:40 AM
Ok, with last update, seems now Clippers are giving too much. Sure, Hornets will suck for a while, but they were going to suck with CP3 anyway and they may get luckly and that pick be awesome.

12-12-2011, 11:42 AM
Ok, with last update, seems now Clippers are giving too much. Sure, Hornets will suck for a while, but they were going to suck with CP3 anyway and they may get luckly and that pick be awesome.

Maybe Stern will reverse reject it.

tee, hee.

12-12-2011, 11:55 AM
ANd i agree the other deal was fair, thi one I think if the published reports are true, is a raping. But I dont really like aminu or Kaman that much.

IF they can get Gordon or Bledsoe, Minny pick and Kaman that is a pretty good deal.
If they get both Beldsoe and Gordon that is highway robbery...

12-12-2011, 11:57 AM
Chris_Broussard Chris Broussard
Sources say in addition to Bledsoe, league asking for another pick from Minny. Stern is trying to make this impossible.

Stern is being fuckin ridiculous. I don't understand why.

12-12-2011, 12:14 PM

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 12:18 PM
Gordon, Minnesota's first, Aminu, and Kaman? Wow, that is an absolutely incredible deal for New Orleans. That's ridiculous that Stern is holding out for Bledsoe and now a second first rounder. There is no way the Hornets get a better deal than
(1) One of the top young guards in the game on a cheap deal
(2) Very high lotto pick in a stacked draft
(3) B-level prospect on a cheap deal
(4) expiring contract

That addresses every need they could have. Three great prospects and no bad long-term salaries. This is as good as it gets and I would be mad as fuck as a Hornets fan if this one gets shot down. If the Clippers weren't negotiating with Stern, no way they'd give up Gordon. It's way too much for them to give up, but I kind of hope this trade does get shot down so the Spurs can try to pry that pick away with Parker once the team sees it isn't winning shit at the trade deadline.

12-12-2011, 12:21 PM
:lol knowing how NO fan was celebrating the crap deal before they would prob celebrate this not happening.

12-12-2011, 12:29 PM
Gordon, Minnesota's first, Aminu, and Kaman? Wow, that is an absolutely incredible deal for New Orleans. That's ridiculous that Stern is holding out for Bledsoe and now a second first rounder. There is no way the Hornets get a better deal than
(1) One of the top young guards in the game on a cheap deal
(2) Very high lotto pick in a stacked draft
(3) B-level prospect on a cheap deal
(4) expiring contract

That addresses every need they could have. Three great prospects and no bad long-term salaries. This is as good as it gets and I would be mad as fuck as a Hornets fan if this one gets shot down. If the Clippers weren't negotiating with Stern, no way they'd give up Gordon. It's way too much for them to give up, but I kind of hope this trade does get shot down so the Spurs can try to pry that pick away with Parker once the team sees it isn't winning shit at the trade deadline.

No garuntee that is a high draft pick, but I agree this haul is ridiculous ...in fact Clips are dumb to trade this much for Paul ...with his iffy knee. the Paul that was 2nd in the MVP voting ...then this would be a fair deal.
But for the Clips it helps make them relevant in the playoffs ...

12-12-2011, 12:34 PM
In Yahoo Sports Eric Gordon isn't include in the trade


baseline bum
12-12-2011, 12:35 PM
No garuntee that is a high draft pick, but I agree this haul is ridiculous ...in fact Clips are dumb to trade this much for Paul ...with his iffy knee. the Paul that was 2nd in the MVP voting ...then this would be a fair deal.
But for the Clips it helps make them relevant in the playoffs ...

Yeah you're right; that Barea signing is going to take the TWolves out of the shitter.

12-12-2011, 12:45 PM
Conflicting reports on yahoo and ESPN whether Gordon is included. ESPN's bottom line says he is as of right now.

12-12-2011, 12:52 PM
Either way NO wins.

12-12-2011, 01:03 PM
Cheap ass Sterling strikes again lol. He knows he would have to pay Gordon near max money next year so he rather lets him walk for peanuts. He doesn't give a shit about the success of the franchize...it's all strictly about the money for him. Offering Gordon+Minny pick+huge expiring+Bledsoe+Aminu to a team with absolutely no leverage is just retarded. If the Lakers or the Knicks had the pieces Clippers have they would end up with CP+Griffin+Dwight in no time...and the Clippers will end up with 2 year CP rental, Griffin and overpayed Jordan. When CP leaves after 2012/2013 expect Griffin to demand a trade...

12-12-2011, 01:09 PM
Deal could be dying according to Woj. Hahaha...

12-12-2011, 01:14 PM
Gordon wasn't in the deal

12-12-2011, 01:14 PM
Broussard is posting the same ...

Smart move, by Clippers they were giving up way too much. Paul will be PISSED!!!

12-12-2011, 01:15 PM
Let stern keep screwing over GM's ... Poor Demps ...I would resign ...

12-12-2011, 01:18 PM
So basically Stern is just fucking the Hornets because the owners don't want to see star players traded.

That guy really needs to resign and quit disgracing the league.

12-12-2011, 01:19 PM
Gordon wasn't in the deal

He is in the deal according to live SportsCenter 2 mins ago via Broussard.

12-12-2011, 01:21 PM
giving up eric gordon AND bledsoe might be overdoing things but to get chris paul back for the long haul would be worth it. if paul has not expressed interest in re signing with the clippers, then lol.

honestly, gordon, bledsoe, and aminu all have good potential but i doubt any of them have what it takes to be consistent all stars. they might just end up as solid players. i think this trade is fair for both teams. clippers HAVE TO keep jordan now though, which means overpaying him since he has a 4 year 40 million offer on the table.

this trade would be better for the hornets than the laker one. bledsoe, gordon, and aminu are all under 25 i believe and the hornets also get an above average center in kaman. they also get minny's unprotected first round pick.

12-12-2011, 01:28 PM
He is in the deal according to live SportsCenter 2 mins ago via Broussard.

He's not according to GM Demps via Yahoo

If he's in there's no reason to kill the deal.... Youth,picks,talent....

12-12-2011, 01:34 PM
Broussard is posting the same ...

Smart move, by Clippers they were giving up way too much. Paul will be PISSED!!!

Not really. Paul is the best PG in the game, possible top 5 player. Gordon isn't even an All-Star caliber player yet. They should give up Gordon and Minny's 1st round pick.

12-12-2011, 01:38 PM
Yes,Gordon and Minny 1st round...but Gordon,Aminu,Bledsoe,Kaman and 1st round.... he's not LeBron

12-12-2011, 01:43 PM
Lol, CP3 is one of the best players in the league and he can't go anywhere because of Stern.

12-12-2011, 01:45 PM
Yes,Gordon and Minny 1st round...but Gordon,Aminu,Bledsoe,Kaman and 1st round.... he's not LeBron

None of those guys you mentioned are All-Star players. Kaman needs to come because of his salary. I really don't care for Bledsoe. The deal should be Aminu, Gordon, Kaman, and the 1st round pick.

12-12-2011, 01:47 PM
now that i think about it, giving up gordon and bledsoe makes somewhat sense. bledsoe has the potential to be a starting PG and gordon is just a 6'3 shooting guard with little point guard skills. the clippers will only need a veteran PG for the back up spot, not a developing young pg.

clippers should be gunning to keep aminu though, not gordon. gordon is a good scorer but CP3 will be running the show now. having two tiny guards running the backcourt won't be pretty.

12-12-2011, 01:50 PM
Well,Kaman was all-star .Gordon when is healthy can score 20ppg.

CP3 wasn't so good last year and he could go in June.

Clippers were giving too much for 6 months

12-12-2011, 01:53 PM
Well,Kaman was all-star .Gordon when is healthy can score 20ppg.

CP3 wasn't so good last year and he could go in June.

Clippers were giving too much for 6 months

CP3 still had a great season last year. Look at the numbers. PER of 23.7, Win share of 14. He's willing to accept next year's option as well. They would have him for two seasons.

Kaman is gonna get traded as soon as he gets to NOLA. Gordon is a good scorer. Aminu is still a project.

Its not a steep price at all.

12-12-2011, 01:57 PM
Rumors said the deal was killed again because NBA wants more so i guess Gordon wasn't in finally

There is no way they can get more for CP3 if Gordon was in

Pistons < Spurs
12-12-2011, 01:59 PM
WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
The Hornets-Clippers deal for Chris Paul has died, league source tells Y! Sports.
WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
Deal is dead, "for now, anyway," source tells Y!.Could still be restructured again, but Clippers resisting steep asking price for Paul.

12-12-2011, 02:01 PM
okay, now Stern is being ridiculous. Especially if the hold up is Eric freaking Bledsoe.

Gordon/Aminu/Kaman/Minny pick is an absolute steal for CP3.

12-12-2011, 02:02 PM
Who they want? Griffin?

Paul is not so good

12-12-2011, 02:03 PM
It will get done IMO. To good of a deal not to.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:06 PM
CP3 still had a great season last year. Look at the numbers. PER of 23.7, Win share of 14. He's willing to accept next year's option as well. They would have him for two seasons.

Kaman is gonna get traded as soon as he gets to NOLA. Gordon is a good scorer. Aminu is still a project.

Its not a steep price at all.

It's an extremely steep price considering the quality of the pick. The Clippers would be stupid to make that trade when there will be no offer out there better than Minnesota 1st + Aminu + Bledsoe + Kaman.

12-12-2011, 02:07 PM
Seriously they aren't gonna find a better deal for Paul so he is going to stay in NOLA.

No way Stern trade him now

12-12-2011, 02:09 PM
It's an extremely steep price considering the quality of the pick. The Clippers would be stupid to make that trade when there will be no offer out there better than Minnesota 1st + Aminu + Bledsoe + Kaman.

That quality of pick is undetermined. It could be anywhere in the lottery. Its just a 1st round pick. The Clippers will have cap room to add more pieces. I don't care about Bledsoe. But Gordon, Aminu, and the 1st round pick is fair. Kaman is just a throw in due to his salary. The Hornets would probably trade him anyway since he's an expiring contract.

12-12-2011, 02:11 PM
Run Clips Ruuuuuuuuuuuun!!! You dodged a bullet. Fuck Stern. You could probably get Howard for that offer...Stern has totally lost it lol.

12-12-2011, 02:13 PM
called it that stern wouldn't trade cp3...this isn't about getting what's best for the hornets, its about not letting stars demand where they get traded to.

12-12-2011, 02:15 PM
called it that stern wouldn't trade cp3...this isn't about getting what's best for the hornets, its about not letting stars demand where they get traded to.

that's it.

12-12-2011, 02:17 PM
Aminu,Bledsoe,1st round and Kaman is fair.

Paul could be opt out in June so the Clippers would lose all them and the 1st pick

In the other side surely he will opt out in NOLA so they are going to lose him anyway.

12-12-2011, 02:20 PM
Aminu,Bledsoe,1st round and Kaman is fair.

Paul could be opt out in June so the Clippers would lose all them and the 1st pick

In the other side surely he will opt out in NOLA so they are going to lose him anyway.

Paul said he wouldn't opt out. If that's the case, Gordon should have been in the deal. I don't care about Bledsoe. He's a backup PG at best.

12-12-2011, 02:21 PM
this was a very generous offer for paul. given the clipper's management and draft history, they could afford to give up its young players and high pick for the best pg in the game. NO on the other hand would be getting all the tools necessary to rebuild instead of solid players who are already halfway through their careers in the lakers deal.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:22 PM
That quality of pick is undetermined. It could be anywhere in the lottery. Its just a 1st round pick. The Clippers will have cap room to add more pieces. I don't care about Bledsoe. But Gordon, Aminu, and the 1st round pick is fair. Kaman is just a throw in due to his salary. The Hornets would probably trade him anyway since he's an expiring contract.

Undetermined? That pick is guaranteed to be in the lottery, as Minnesota's roster is shit. You're nuts if you think you'll ever get equal value on trading a star player.

12-12-2011, 02:23 PM
Undetermined? That pick is guaranteed to be in the lottery, as Minnesota's roster is shit. You're nuts if you think you'll ever get equal value on trading a star player.

They weren't even asking for equal value. You guys are overrating Gordon and Aminu.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:23 PM
If the Clippers were actually competing with anybody for Paul's services, then I could understand Gordon having to be a part of it.

12-12-2011, 02:24 PM
Undetermined? That pick is guaranteed to be in the lottery, as Minnesota's roster is shit. You're nuts if you think you'll ever get equal value on trading a star player.

Equal value would have been Blake Griffin.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:25 PM
Really, if I'm the Clippers and they ask for Gordon, I tell them to fuck off and that I'll just sign Paul outright next season and keep my pick, Aminu, and Bledsoe.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:25 PM
Equal value would have been Blake Griffin.

:rollin :rollin :rollin

12-12-2011, 02:26 PM
:rollin :rollin :rollin

Its a star player for a star player. The clippers wouldn't do it, just like the Hornets wouldn't have done it a few years ago.

That's why Gordon, Aminu, and the 1st round pick was enough, especially when Paul said he wouldn't opt out.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:28 PM
Its a star player for a star player. The clippers wouldn't do it, just like the Hornets wouldn't have done it a few years ago.

That's why Gordon, Aminu, and the 1st round pick was enough, especially when Paul said he wouldn't opt out.

No, it's star player with bad knees for franchise player. About the only player who could pry Griffin out of LA is LeBron.

12-12-2011, 02:29 PM
Paul said he wouldn't opt out. If that's the case, Gordon should have been in the deal. I don't care about Bledsoe. He's a backup PG at best.

Ok,that's a little different.He would stay at least 2 years in LA.

So if Gordon wasn't in like Yahoo said (credits GM Demps) then I can understand better why NBA wants more

But if Gordon was in nobody is going to give them a better deal.

12-12-2011, 02:30 PM
No, it's star player with bad knees for franchise player. About the only player who could pry Griffin out of LA is LeBron.

His knee isn't that bad. He still had an excellent season last season and that was coming off of surgery. His health is exaggerated. But the Hornets weren't asking for Blake Griffin. Non of the players mentioned were All-Stars or anywhere elite as Paul and they never will be.

12-12-2011, 02:30 PM
Really, if I'm the Clippers and they ask for Gordon, I tell them to fuck off and that I'll just sign Paul outright next season and keep my pick, Aminu, and Bledsoe.

I agree

12-12-2011, 02:32 PM
They're not going to be able to afford resigning Gordon to an extension and Paul. Their owner is cheap.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:34 PM
Star player with bad knees for $16 million <<< Younger franchise bigman on rookie contract by a mile. LOL equal value.

12-12-2011, 02:34 PM
Wow, Hornets tried to rob poor Clipps. With Minny pick and their own, they could add 2 possible franchise players in deep 2012 draft. And still would have Bledsoe, Aminu. Just wow. But they were doing everything to make this deal dead. Nice David Stern, nice.

12-12-2011, 02:35 PM
Updated: December 12, 2011, 2:31 PM ET
Sources: Clippers' deal for Chris Paul off

By Chris Broussard and Marc Stein

A seemingly imminent Chris Paul (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/2779/chris-paul) trade has collapsed for the second time in five days.

Sources close to the situation told ESPN.com that the league-owned New Orleans Hornets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/no/new-orleans-hornets) and the Los Angeles Clippers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lac/los-angeles-clippers) could not complete their proposed Paul trade because the Clippers ultimately decided the NBA's asking price for the All-Star guard was too high.

On Thursday, NBA commissioner David Stern vetoed a three-team trade agreement struck by the Hornets, Los Angeles Lakers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lal/los-angeles-lakers) and Houston Rockets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/hou/houston-rockets) to send Paul to the Lakers.

At the NBA's direction, sources said, New Orleans was insisting upon the inclusion of both shooting guard Eric Gordon (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3431/eric-gordon) and Minnesota's unprotected 2012 first-round draft choice in addition to former All-Star center Chris Kaman (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/1982/chris-kaman) and prospects Al-Farouq Aminu (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/4248/al-farouq-aminu) and Eric Bledsoe (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/4238/eric-bledsoe).

The Clippers found the demands "too steep," according to one source close to the process, even after Paul told the Clippers he would invoke the 2012-13 option in his contract as part of the trade, ensuring that L.A. would have him next to Blake Griffin (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3989/blake-griffin) for at least two seasons.
It was not immediately known if the Hornets and Clippers plan to keep discussing a deal for Paul or if the Clippers, like the Lakers before them, are so frustrated they're prepared to walk away.

12-12-2011, 02:36 PM
Star player with bad knees for $16 million <<< Younger franchise bigman on rookie contract by a mile. LOL equal value.

Griffin lost whole season with knee injury. Nevertheless they arent equal value. Basketball wise, true maybe, but not including every other aspects of NBA.

12-12-2011, 02:37 PM
More or less what I said

Gordon wasn't in

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:37 PM
LOL when the Clippers go and sign him for nothing next summer. It's an incredible situation in the #2 market; I don't see how Paul doesn't go there when the Knicks and Lakers are out of the picture. I guess Brooklyn could be a possibility, but it's looking a lot less likely since Dallas doesn't have the capspace to lure Deron Williams anymore.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 02:37 PM
Griffin lost whole season with knee injury. Nevertheless they arent equal value. Basketball wise, true maybe, but not including every other aspects of NBA.

How did Blake's knee look last year?

12-12-2011, 02:40 PM
How did Blake's knee look last year?

Didnt hear any problems, but still once damaged knee never is 100%.

Venti Quattro
12-12-2011, 02:44 PM
Griffin lost whole season with knee injury. Nevertheless they arent equal value. Basketball wise, true maybe, but not including every other aspects of NBA.

Paul looks like he's going to be injured with some of his epic flops, so fair game tbh.

DJ Mbenga
12-12-2011, 02:47 PM

12-12-2011, 02:50 PM
LOL when the Clippers go and sign him for nothing next summer. It's an incredible situation in the #2 market; I don't see how Paul doesn't go there when the Knicks and Lakers are out of the picture. I guess Brooklyn could be a possibility, but it's looking a lot less likely since Dallas doesn't have the capspace to lure Deron Williams anymore.

Dallas will have ample cap space to sign Deron, as both Jet and Kidd's contract expire and they will buy out Odom after this season. If anything, they are trying to get in place to sign both Williams and Howard, though it will be difficult.

Anyway, on CP3, the Hornets will not get a better deal than this. Period. If I am the Clips though, I play it cool. Not only do they have cap space in the summer, most importantly if that pick turns out to be a really good player they would be stashing talent like there's no tomorrow on that team. With Jordan, Griffin and Gordon they already have a hell of nucleus. Anything else would just be over the top.

12-12-2011, 02:54 PM
Sources: Clippers were asked to part w/top five trade assets for CP3: Gordon, Minnesota pick, Kaman's expiring contract, Aminu and Bledsoe

So Yahoo was right and Gordon was not in the previous deal

12-12-2011, 03:00 PM
Stern has a point. Sans the draft pick the remainder is just human debris.

12-12-2011, 03:04 PM
CP3 is walking away from the Hornets, nobody is signing him unless an owner magically appears to take them.

12-12-2011, 03:07 PM
Broussard swears up & down that Gordon was in it, but, that the Clippers will refute it till their dieing day so they don't end up getting Odom'ed.

12-12-2011, 03:13 PM
Yeah you're right; that Barea signing is going to take the TWolves out of the shitter.


Of course there is a chance the pick is high. Im just saying with Love, Williams, Runio, Barea and Wes Johnson there is a chance that it is a high lottery pick with a small chance at the top 3. I am not penciling in the Wolves for the playoffs.

Obviously there are benefits to having a star PG, but Clips probably arent winning a title either way.

IF i am the clips:
1. Match Jordan's offer sheet (he and Blake are close) in the hopes it proves to Blake that he and Denadre are the future front-court.
2. Hold on to to those 2 lottery picks in a potentially deep draft even if the clips and minny arent not one of the worst 5 there is still a chance they could get Barnes or rivers.
3. Package Aminu and Kaman for quality depth or picks. I dont really care for either player

12-12-2011, 03:17 PM
Lol just read that the clippers are refusing to improve their offer for Paul and that the league is taking over in trade talks for the hornets lmao..

12-12-2011, 03:18 PM
Wonder if NBA will gift CP3 to somebody for the fuck of it

12-12-2011, 03:19 PM
If Minny isn't one of the worst 5 teams of the league it would be a big surprise for me....

Rubio? Lol....he's not an nba caliber player and I'm not talking watching videos.Obviously I saw him a lot in Spain.

12-12-2011, 03:20 PM
Seems like Stern's motive is to keep CP3 in NOLA this year and then contract the Hornets after the season.

12-12-2011, 03:46 PM
lol, the NBA is so fucking retarded

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 03:46 PM
Dallas will have ample cap space to sign Deron, as both Jet and Kidd's contract expire and they will buy out Odom after this season. If anything, they are trying to get in place to sign both Williams and Howard, though it will be difficult.

Anyway, on CP3, the Hornets will not get a better deal than this. Period. If I am the Clips though, I play it cool. Not only do they have cap space in the summer, most importantly if that pick turns out to be a really good player they would be stashing talent like there's no tomorrow on that team. With Jordan, Griffin and Gordon they already have a hell of nucleus. Anything else would just be over the top.

Oh yeah... I forgot Dallas has a team option on Odom next summer.

baseline bum
12-12-2011, 03:51 PM

Of course there is a chance the pick is high. Im just saying with Love, Williams, Runio, Barea and Wes Johnson there is a chance that it is a high lottery pick with a small chance at the top 3. I am not penciling in the Wolves for the playoffs.

With two rookies as main cogs I don't see how that's not a top 3-7 pick. They won't be Cleveland bad, but they're still going to be horrible.

Obviously there are benefits to having a star PG, but Clips probably arent winning a title either way.

IF i am the clips:
1. Match Jordan's offer sheet (he and Blake are close) in the hopes it proves to Blake that he and Denadre are the future front-court.
2. Hold on to to those 2 lottery picks in a potentially deep draft even if the clips and minny arent not one of the worst 5 there is still a chance they could get Barnes or rivers.
3. Package Aminu and Kaman for quality depth or picks. I dont really care for either player

Not this year without a bench, but a core of
G Paul
G Gordon
F Butler
F Griffin
C Jordan
6 Mo Williams

is something you could build a title team around in a pretty short time. I don't think their pick is going to be lotto this year though. NO is going to fall out of the playoff race and I don't think Houston is talented enough to stop the Clippers (current roster) from sliding into a lower seed.

12-12-2011, 03:53 PM
i don't know why stern is cockblocking the clippers. the clipper nation needs this. and as a result, laker fans will bandwagon to the clippers as well, making them a very profitable franchise.

12-12-2011, 03:57 PM
Stern is just trying to prove something...it's dumb imho.
Hornets could end up with 3 first rounders (Minny, their own and one they get for Kaman) and 2 solid talents on rookie contracts. Nobody could really offer more to a rebuilding franchize.

As for the Clippers, they've got everything in hand. They just shouldn't fuck themselves like they usually do. Could just match Jordan's offer and trade Kaman for a first round pick and play the season. Play hard and snatch that 8th seed. Next year draft 2 more talents and offer max to Paul or Deron. There will soon be a better tv deal coming (since they're in LA and have Griffin) and they'll be able to afford 80 mil payroll. If Sterling doesn't fuck everything up and FO does it's job there's nothing but bright future ahead for the Clippers...I'm sure Suns,Spurs,Hornets,Rockets fans would be thrilled to be in that position...

12-12-2011, 04:05 PM
i don't know why stern is cockblocking the clippers. the clipper nation needs this. and as a result, laker fans will bandwagon to the clippers as well, making them a very profitable franchise.

You got nary room...The San Antonio Heat.

12-12-2011, 04:19 PM
Lol just read that the clippers are refusing to improve their offer for Paul and that the league is taking over in trade talks for the hornets lmao..

I just read that too. CP3 to Clips? Not without trading E Gordon - apparently.

12-12-2011, 04:32 PM
Now I think that killing this deal might be smoke screening Lakers deal. They still got some time. Whole deal may go through with some picks swap, 3rd team to eat some little contract or something.

Hornets must make that deal. Minnesota pick is possible franchise player with their own pick as backup franchise player + Bledsoe, Aminu and expiring Kaman`s worth something before deadline.

12-12-2011, 04:46 PM
Stern is just trying to prove something...it's dumb imho.
Hornets could end up with 3 first rounders (Minny, their own and one they get for Kaman) and 2 solid talents on rookie contracts. Nobody could really offer more to a rebuilding franchize.

As for the Clippers, they've got everything in hand. They just shouldn't fuck themselves like they usually do. Could just match Jordan's offer and trade Kaman for a first round pick and play the season. Play hard and snatch that 8th seed. Next year draft 2 more talents and offer max to Paul or Deron. There will soon be a better tv deal coming (since they're in LA and have Griffin) and they'll be able to afford 80 mil payroll. If Sterling doesn't fuck everything up and FO does it's job there's nothing but bright future ahead for the Clippers...I'm sure Suns,Spurs,Hornets,Rockets fans would be thrilled to be in that position...

This. Plus you never know Aminu and Bledsoe may develop further and become even more valuable assets. Only person that they have to trade now, is Kaman.

12-12-2011, 04:56 PM
Now I think that killing this deal might be smoke screening Lakers deal. They still got some time. Whole deal may go through with some picks swap, 3rd team to eat some little contract or something.

Hornets must make that deal. Minnesota pick is possible franchise player with their own pick as backup franchise player + Bledsoe, Aminu and expiring Kaman`s worth something before deadline.

Was listening to ESPN radio and apparently someone spoke with Kupchak...he thought that CP3 would for sure be a Clipper..but apparently from what I heard it seems the Lakers might..still try to pursue paul..but I doubt anything will happen...Stern seems to have laid down the hammer lol.

12-12-2011, 05:14 PM

Clippers general manager Neil Olshey said Monday that the door remains open to revive a deal, and a source close to the process told ESPN that league officials also do not see talks with the Clippers as "over." The NBA remains "hopeful," according to the source, that Paul's fate can resolved soon. At the NBA's direction, sources said, New Orleans was insisting upon the inclusion of both Eric Gordon (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3431/eric-gordon) and Minnesota's unprotected 2012 first-round draft choice in addition to former All-Star center Chris Kaman (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/1982/chris-kaman) and prospects Al-Farouq Aminu (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/4248/al-farouq-aminu) and Eric Bledsoe (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/4238/eric-bledsoe).

The Clippers found the demands "too steep," according to one source close to the process, even after Paul told the Clippers he would invoke the 2012-13 option in his contract as part of the trade, ensuring that L.A. would have him next to Blake Griffin (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/3989/blake-griffin) for at least two seasons.
If the deal isn't revisited, the Clippers could try to sign Gordon to an extension and pursue other moves to build around Griffin.

On Thursday, NBA commissioner David Stern vetoed a three-team trade agreement struck by the Hornets, Los Angeles Lakers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lal/los-angeles-lakers) and Houston Rockets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/hou/houston-rockets) to send Paul to the Lakers.
The Lakers ultimately became so frustrated with those talks that they walked away, but one of the principals in the deal, Lamar Odom (http://espn.go.com/nba/player/_/id/617/lamar-odom), was so unhappy that he was traded to the Mavericks anyway.

12-12-2011, 09:12 PM
Not so fast. The Clipps apparently have claimed Billups (http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/story/_/id/7346801/los-angeles-clippers-claim-chauncey-billups-waivers)off waivers. Now there is no huge need for them to get CP3. At least he didn't go to the Hype. :downspin:

12-12-2011, 10:24 PM
Not so fast. The Clipps apparently have claimed Billups (http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/story/_/id/7346801/los-angeles-clippers-claim-chauncey-billups-waivers)off waivers. Now there is no huge need for them to get CP3. At least he didn't go to the Hype. :downspin:

Most likely billups comes off the bench

12-12-2011, 11:42 PM
Updated: December 12, 2011, 11:31 PM ET
Sources: Officials push to renew talks

There is renewed momentum to push through a trade that would send Chris Paul (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2779/chris-paul) from the league-owned New Orleans Hornets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/no/new-orleans-hornets) to the Los Angeles Clippers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lac/los-angeles-clippers), according to sources close to the process.

After a seemingly imminent trade routing Paul to the Clippers collapsed earlier Monday, sources told ESPN.com that the league officials negotiating on the Hornets' behalf had aggressively re-engaged the Clippers in talks in hopes of completing a deal as soon as Tuesday.

One source close to the process also told ESPN that league officials also definitely did not see talks with the Clippers as "over," since they rank as the Hornets' most natural trade partner given L.A.'s trade assets and how it ranks as Paul's preferred destination if he can't land with the Los Angeles Lakers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lal/los-angeles-lakers) or New York Knicks (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/ny/new-york-knicks). The NBA remains "hopeful," according to the source, that Paul's fate can resolved "soon."

Two other sources went so far as to say that a deal could be in place by Tuesday, with the league officials who have essentially taken over the entire negotiating process from the Hornets eager to finally bring an end to this saga after NBA commissioner David Stern vetoed a three-team trade Thursday that would have landed Paul with the Lakers.

The talks hit an impasse earlier Monday when the Clippers decided that the league's asking price for the All-Star guard was too high. Sources told ESPN.com that the Clippers balked when the Hornets, at the league's insistence, asked for the Clippers' top five trade pieces in exchange for Paul: Eric Gordon (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3431/eric-gordon), Chris Kaman (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/1982/chris-kaman), Al-Farouq Aminu (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/4248/al-farouq-aminu), Eric Bledsoe (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/4238/eric-bledsoe) and Minnesota's unprotected 2012 first-round draft pick.

Sources close to the talks insisted Monday night that both Gordon and the Minnesota pick were in the package that would going to New Orleans, despite reports to the contrary.

The Clippers found the demands "too steep," according to one source close to the process, even after Paul told the Clippers he would invoke the 2012-13 option in his contract as part of the trade, ensuring that L.A. would have him next to Blake Griffin (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3989/blake-griffin) for at least two seasons.

The Hornets wanted "everybody," one source said. That meant both prized shooting guard Gordon and the highly coveted Minnesota pick, with requests at various points in the day from NBA negotiators Stu Jackson and Joel Litvin for Bledsoe and an additional first-round pick as well. The latter two requests, sources said, were met with particular dismay by the Clippers, since they are already so skittish about surrendering both Gordon and the pick conveyed from the Timberwolves.
It was not immediately known how many of those assets that the Clippers will be able to keep out of the latest round of talks, but Clippers general manager Neil Olshey acknowledged at a Monday afternoon news conference that the trade could be revived if some of the parameters change. The Clippers are likewise open, sources said, to the recruitment of an additional teams to add to the deal, since they ultimately still want Paul, knowing that acquiring him now is their best chance of securing a long-term commitment from Griffin.

"Everything's over," Olshey said, "until it's reborn again."

Sources with knowledge of the Clippers' thinking said that they feel as though Billups' arrival can only make the Clippers more attractive to Paul and help ensure they have a sufficiently strong cast around him even after surrendering the assets needed to finally complete a trade. Billups played in the same backcourt alongside Derrick Rose (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3456/derrick-rose) at the 2010 World Championships, so L.A. is confident he'll mesh in the same backcourt with Paul.

Meeting with reporters later Monday after the acquisition of Billups, when asked if the Clippers still need Paul, Olshey said: "I don't know if there's anybody on the planet that doesn't need Chris Paul if they had an opportunity to acquire him. But I don't think anything's changed. I think they made a fair proposal. I'm sure in their mind it was (fair), given what they were giving up, (but) we passed on it and moved on with our business. We're going forward with this group of players. It just got better by keeping DeAndre (Jordan) and adding Chauncey."

After claiming Billups off waivers, L.A. announced that, as expected, it had also formally matched the four-year, $43 million offer sheet tendered to Jordan by the Golden State Warriors (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/gs/golden-state-warriors).

ESPN.com reported Sunday that the Clippers quickly emerged as the "early frontrunner" to land Paul after the three-team deal involving the Lakers and Houston Rockets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/hou/houston-rockets) crumbled Saturday night.

In unprecedented circumstances, since New Orleans is the first league-owned team in league history, Olshey has largely been conducting negotiations with Jackson and Litvin from the league office as opposed to Hornets general manager Dell Demps (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3682/dell-demps).

If the deal collapses for good, L.A. is expected to focus on signing Gordon to an extension as part of its desire to build around Griffin, who is eligible for a contract extension in the summer. Jordan, 23, averaged 7.1 points, 7.2 rebounds and 1.8 blocks last season and was also seen as a must-keep free agent by management largely because of his close relationship with Griffin.

The Hornets' original three-team deal with the Lakers and Hornets would have brought a trio of quality starters to New Orleans: Kevin Martin (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2394/kevin-martin), Luis Scola (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/1781/luis-scola) and Lamar Odom (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/617/lamar-odom). But with the league still trying to find a buyer for the Hornets and determined to take more of a long-term view, Hornets officials were instructed to focus on more young players with shorter contracts and draft picks before the league office ultimately commandeered the bulk of the negotiations.

The Lakers ultimately became so frustrated with the complicated nature of those talks that they walked away from the table Saturday night and quickly dealt Odom to the Dallas Mavericks (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/dal/dallas-mavericks) instead.

Former Hornets forward David West (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2177/david-west), who reached agreement on a two-year, $20 million deal Sunday with the Indiana Pacers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/ind/indiana-pacers), expressed great sympathy for the plight of Demps and Hornets coach Monty Williams, who clearly favored the original three-team deal as a means to stay competitive without Paul and West.

"There just really is no direction with no legitimate owner, so that just makes it tough," West told the Associated Press on Monday. "It really made it tough for me to see myself going back there."

West suspects Paul wants out not only for that reason, but also because of "a series of events that transpired after (winning the Southwest Division in 2007-08 and coming within one game of the Western Conference finals) that sent Chris and myself into a different mindset in terms of what we really could get in New Orleans."

The Hornets "gave a cold shoulder," in West's words, to backup point guard Jannero Pargo (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/1821/jannero-pargo), who had been Paul's best friend on the team.

"And (they) didn't consult Chris about anything," West said, referring to former Hornets general manager Jeff Bower.

West insisted that, before the hiring of Demps and Williams, Hornets upper management did not consult him or Paul about any major moves, such as the 2009 trade of center Tyson Chandler (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/984/tyson-chandler). The Hornets actually traded Chandler twice that year, first to Oklahoma City in a deal that was quickly rescinded and later to Charlotte for Emeka Okafor (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2399/emeka-okafor).

"It's nothing against Emeka, but from our perspective, being teammates with Tyson and knowing the type of impact he had on both of our careers at that particular time, I just felt like at that moment, things, in terms of the trust, the direction we were going, started to wane a bit," West said. "When you have a franchise guy like Chris, build a team around him, I'm under the impression that you've got to keep your franchise guy happy."

West said Demps and Williams constantly consulted him and Paul but added that he and Paul both struggled to envision a fruitful long-term future in New Orleans while the Hornets had no permanent owner nor an owner with a proven commitment to winning.
"Ultimately, I think (Demps and Williams) got the bad luck of the draw because things were already sort of soured," West said of his and Paul's feelings before last season. "And it was just that idea of trying to build a relationship of trust in such a short period of time."

12-12-2011, 11:46 PM
Updated: December 12, 2011, 11:31 PM ET
Sources: Officials push to renew talks

There is renewed momentum to push through a trade that would send Chris Paul (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2779/chris-paul) from the league-owned New Orleans Hornets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/no/new-orleans-hornets) to the Los Angeles Clippers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lac/los-angeles-clippers), according to sources close to the process.

After a seemingly imminent trade routing Paul to the Clippers collapsed earlier Monday, sources told ESPN.com that the league officials negotiating on the Hornets' behalf had aggressively re-engaged the Clippers in talks in hopes of completing a deal as soon as Tuesday.

One source close to the process also told ESPN that league officials also definitely did not see talks with the Clippers as "over," since they rank as the Hornets' most natural trade partner given L.A.'s trade assets and how it ranks as Paul's preferred destination if he can't land with the Los Angeles Lakers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/lal/los-angeles-lakers) or New York Knicks (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/ny/new-york-knicks). The NBA remains "hopeful," according to the source, that Paul's fate can resolved "soon."

Two other sources went so far as to say that a deal could be in place by Tuesday, with the league officials who have essentially taken over the entire negotiating process from the Hornets eager to finally bring an end to this saga after NBA commissioner David Stern vetoed a three-team trade Thursday that would have landed Paul with the Lakers.

The talks hit an impasse earlier Monday when the Clippers decided that the league's asking price for the All-Star guard was too high. Sources told ESPN.com that the Clippers balked when the Hornets, at the league's insistence, asked for the Clippers' top five trade pieces in exchange for Paul: Eric Gordon (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3431/eric-gordon), Chris Kaman (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/1982/chris-kaman), Al-Farouq Aminu (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/4248/al-farouq-aminu), Eric Bledsoe (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/4238/eric-bledsoe) and Minnesota's unprotected 2012 first-round draft pick.

Sources close to the talks insisted Monday night that both Gordon and the Minnesota pick were in the package that would going to New Orleans, despite reports to the contrary.

The Clippers found the demands "too steep," according to one source close to the process, even after Paul told the Clippers he would invoke the 2012-13 option in his contract as part of the trade, ensuring that L.A. would have him next to Blake Griffin (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3989/blake-griffin) for at least two seasons.

The Hornets wanted "everybody," one source said. That meant both prized shooting guard Gordon and the highly coveted Minnesota pick, with requests at various points in the day from NBA negotiators Stu Jackson and Joel Litvin for Bledsoe and an additional first-round pick as well. The latter two requests, sources said, were met with particular dismay by the Clippers, since they are already so skittish about surrendering both Gordon and the pick conveyed from the Timberwolves.
It was not immediately known how many of those assets that the Clippers will be able to keep out of the latest round of talks, but Clippers general manager Neil Olshey acknowledged at a Monday afternoon news conference that the trade could be revived if some of the parameters change. The Clippers are likewise open, sources said, to the recruitment of an additional teams to add to the deal, since they ultimately still want Paul, knowing that acquiring him now is their best chance of securing a long-term commitment from Griffin.

"Everything's over," Olshey said, "until it's reborn again."

Sources with knowledge of the Clippers' thinking said that they feel as though Billups' arrival can only make the Clippers more attractive to Paul and help ensure they have a sufficiently strong cast around him even after surrendering the assets needed to finally complete a trade. Billups played in the same backcourt alongside Derrick Rose (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3456/derrick-rose) at the 2010 World Championships, so L.A. is confident he'll mesh in the same backcourt with Paul.

Meeting with reporters later Monday after the acquisition of Billups, when asked if the Clippers still need Paul, Olshey said: "I don't know if there's anybody on the planet that doesn't need Chris Paul if they had an opportunity to acquire him. But I don't think anything's changed. I think they made a fair proposal. I'm sure in their mind it was (fair), given what they were giving up, (but) we passed on it and moved on with our business. We're going forward with this group of players. It just got better by keeping DeAndre (Jordan) and adding Chauncey."

After claiming Billups off waivers, L.A. announced that, as expected, it had also formally matched the four-year, $43 million offer sheet tendered to Jordan by the Golden State Warriors (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/gs/golden-state-warriors).

ESPN.com reported Sunday that the Clippers quickly emerged as the "early frontrunner" to land Paul after the three-team deal involving the Lakers and Houston Rockets (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/hou/houston-rockets) crumbled Saturday night.

In unprecedented circumstances, since New Orleans is the first league-owned team in league history, Olshey has largely been conducting negotiations with Jackson and Litvin from the league office as opposed to Hornets general manager Dell Demps (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/3682/dell-demps).

If the deal collapses for good, L.A. is expected to focus on signing Gordon to an extension as part of its desire to build around Griffin, who is eligible for a contract extension in the summer. Jordan, 23, averaged 7.1 points, 7.2 rebounds and 1.8 blocks last season and was also seen as a must-keep free agent by management largely because of his close relationship with Griffin.

The Hornets' original three-team deal with the Lakers and Hornets would have brought a trio of quality starters to New Orleans: Kevin Martin (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2394/kevin-martin), Luis Scola (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/1781/luis-scola) and Lamar Odom (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/617/lamar-odom). But with the league still trying to find a buyer for the Hornets and determined to take more of a long-term view, Hornets officials were instructed to focus on more young players with shorter contracts and draft picks before the league office ultimately commandeered the bulk of the negotiations.

The Lakers ultimately became so frustrated with the complicated nature of those talks that they walked away from the table Saturday night and quickly dealt Odom to the Dallas Mavericks (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/dal/dallas-mavericks) instead.

Former Hornets forward David West (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2177/david-west), who reached agreement on a two-year, $20 million deal Sunday with the Indiana Pacers (http://espn.go.com/nba/team/_/name/ind/indiana-pacers), expressed great sympathy for the plight of Demps and Hornets coach Monty Williams, who clearly favored the original three-team deal as a means to stay competitive without Paul and West.

"There just really is no direction with no legitimate owner, so that just makes it tough," West told the Associated Press on Monday. "It really made it tough for me to see myself going back there."

West suspects Paul wants out not only for that reason, but also because of "a series of events that transpired after (winning the Southwest Division in 2007-08 and coming within one game of the Western Conference finals) that sent Chris and myself into a different mindset in terms of what we really could get in New Orleans."

The Hornets "gave a cold shoulder," in West's words, to backup point guard Jannero Pargo (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/1821/jannero-pargo), who had been Paul's best friend on the team.

"And (they) didn't consult Chris about anything," West said, referring to former Hornets general manager Jeff Bower.

West insisted that, before the hiring of Demps and Williams, Hornets upper management did not consult him or Paul about any major moves, such as the 2009 trade of center Tyson Chandler (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/984/tyson-chandler). The Hornets actually traded Chandler twice that year, first to Oklahoma City in a deal that was quickly rescinded and later to Charlotte for Emeka Okafor (http://espn.go.com/nba%3Cp%3Elayer/_/id/2399/emeka-okafor).

"It's nothing against Emeka, but from our perspective, being teammates with Tyson and knowing the type of impact he had on both of our careers at that particular time, I just felt like at that moment, things, in terms of the trust, the direction we were going, started to wane a bit," West said. "When you have a franchise guy like Chris, build a team around him, I'm under the impression that you've got to keep your franchise guy happy."

West said Demps and Williams constantly consulted him and Paul but added that he and Paul both struggled to envision a fruitful long-term future in New Orleans while the Hornets had no permanent owner nor an owner with a proven commitment to winning.
"Ultimately, I think (Demps and Williams) got the bad luck of the draw because things were already sort of soured," West said of his and Paul's feelings before last season. "And it was just that idea of trying to build a relationship of trust in such a short period of time."

damn pussies and crybabies

12-13-2011, 01:13 AM
Stern will end up taking a far worse offer from the Clippers just to satisfy the Dan Gilbert/Mark Cuban/Greg Popovich clueless fuck demographic.

baseline bum
12-13-2011, 02:46 AM
Stern will end up taking a far worse offer from the Clippers just to satisfy the Dan Gilbert/Mark Cuban/Greg Popovich clueless fuck demographic.

If he gets Gordon and the Minnesota pick it'll be far better than taking on Kevin Martin's piece of shit deal.

12-13-2011, 07:09 AM
Stern will end up taking a far worse offer from the Clippers just to satisfy the Dan Gilbert/Mark Cuban/Greg Popovich clueless fuck demographic.

Lol. Bledsoe, Aminu, Minny`s pick and expiring Kaman is far better offer for rebuilding team, then granpas Odom, Scola and Martin.

12-13-2011, 08:48 AM
Wtf...just read the deal might be dead again for the clippers...wow

12-13-2011, 09:28 AM
Dude, quit freaking out. It says dead for now. No one is walking away truly. This is a deal for a superstar and they aren't easy. It's a complex situation.

Red Hawk #21
12-13-2011, 11:38 AM
I just wish this saga would just end tbh.

12-13-2011, 11:51 AM
^>Fair< is a difficiult concept to get right, Red.

Hussein Obama has been tryin' for 3 years and he still ain't got the hang of it.

tee, hee.

12-13-2011, 12:43 PM
Dude, quit freaking out. It says dead for now. No one is walking away truly. This is a deal for a superstar and they aren't easy. It's a complex situation.

Yeah, a deal for a superstar where the GM has no control over what happens.

12-14-2011, 07:01 PM
[quote]ESPN sources: Clippers and NBA-owned Hornets have agreed to Chris Paul deal in principle. Gordon, Kaman, Aminu and Minnesota pick to Hornets[quote]

12-14-2011, 07:40 PM
Damn..this season is going to be depressing...

12-14-2011, 07:43 PM
Hi Banzai, what did you think about me saying the Laker deal was bad for NO and that NO would easily get a better deal else where in the face of being mocked?

12-14-2011, 09:36 PM
Hi Banzai, what did you think about me saying the Laker deal was bad for NO and that NO would easily get a better deal else where in the face of being mocked?

Well I know NO or rather the league wanted youth to build..sure they would get starters that could give you pts/rebounds and skill overall..but in the end youth was more important (probably didn't even answer your question):lol still :depressed

12-14-2011, 09:45 PM
called it that stern wouldn't trade cp3...this isn't about getting what's best for the hornets, its about not letting stars demand where they get traded to.


Has nothing to do with basketball reasons or what's best for the Horents. It was all about, as you say, power. The owners locked out to get more power and not let the players dictate and they lost that battle. This was nothing but sour grapes.

I actually believe he did us Laker fans a huge favor but regardless, it was underhanded and nothing but a power play by the owners.

12-14-2011, 09:46 PM
yeah with adelman and co. im not so sure the t-wolves are a lock for a top5 this season still top 10-15 seems about right

12-14-2011, 09:49 PM
yeah with adelman and co. im not so sure the t-wolves are a lock for a top5 this season still top 10-15 seems about right

You think Adelman still wakes up in the middle of the night thinkin' about CWEBB turning his back on Horry?

12-14-2011, 10:06 PM

Has nothing to do with basketball reasons or what's best for the Horents. It was all about, as you say, power. The owners locked out to get more power and not let the players dictate and they lost that battle. This was nothing but sour grapes.

I actually believe he did us Laker fans a huge favor but regardless, it was underhanded and nothing but a power play by the owners.

:lol writing bingo on a wrong prediction

Kool Bob Love
05-29-2014, 07:19 PM

05-29-2014, 07:29 PM
2 billion mother fucking basketball reasons

baseline bum
05-29-2014, 07:35 PM

Has nothing to do with basketball reasons or what's best for the Horents. It was all about, as you say, power. The owners locked out to get more power and not let the players dictate and they lost that battle. This was nothing but sour grapes.

I actually believe he did us Laker fans a huge favor but regardless, it was underhanded and nothing but a power play by the owners.

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

05-29-2014, 07:36 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao
i think the swastika formation would have been in order

baseline bum
05-29-2014, 07:37 PM
i think the swastika formation would have been in order

Koon Bob doesn't like when I fly my colors tbh

baseline bum
05-29-2014, 07:38 PM
LOL cobbler's brain deader than his legs

05-30-2014, 12:26 AM

You playing checkers again. CP0 has won only 41.5% of his career playoff games. In other words, he won 22 and loss 31. Pathetic at best. He's also never been out of the 2nd round. Ever.

Good regular season player, but he's a career loser when it counts: in the playoffs. Somehow, some way, BNSFags give him a pass, despite his playoff futility. Then you farmers have the audacity to try and clown a 5-time world champion, who just so happens to be a 1st ballot HOFer, and has a winning h2h playoff record vs. the best player in Spur history. Wreaks of LDS (little dick syndrome) tbh. :downspin:

baseline bum
05-30-2014, 12:33 AM
You playing checkers again. CP0 has won only 41.5% of his career playoff games. In other words, he won 22 and loss 31. Pathetic at best. He's also never been out of the 2nd round. Ever.

Good regular season player, but he's a career loser when it counts: in the playoffs. Somehow, some way, BNSFags give him a pass, despite his playoff futility. Then you farmers have the audacity to try and clown a 5-time world champion, who just so happens to be a 1st ballot HOFer, and has a winning h2h playoff record vs. the best player in Spur history. Wreaks of LDS (little dick syndrome) tbh. :downspin:

Who gives Paul a pass? He threw a fucking playoff series away son. Still, you guys are better off tanking the season and drafting #7? :lol

05-30-2014, 12:45 AM
Who gives Paul a pass? He threw a fucking playoff series away son. Still, you guys are better off tanking the season and drafting #7? :lol
:lol - just messing witcha son. That's how I roll. :lol