View Full Version : He gone! ARod suspension predictions

07-31-2013, 08:57 AM
I figure since MLB keeps teasing with numbers, durations, and time tables, that I'd take advantage of the anticipation.

What do ya think he gets?
What do ya think he deserves?

He so polarizing I anticipate a lot of "life" bans, but I would be shocked if that happens.

Get: this and next, forfeits salary those years.
Deserves: two full seasons, buyout, but not a true blacklisting.

07-31-2013, 08:59 AM
Cowardly hides behind liarwyers ala Roger Lemons.

Nothing happens.
Drags it out for years. Says he want's to *retire to spend more time with his family.*

07-31-2013, 10:57 AM
I'm thinking nothing will happen to anyone else this season, though if someone was going to be next I'd put my money on Nellie Cruz unfortunately.

07-31-2013, 11:42 AM
Lifetime, tbh.

07-31-2013, 12:07 PM
I'm thinking nothing will happen to anyone else this season, though if someone was going to be next I'd put my money on Nellie Cruz unfortunately.

How long do think Cruz's suspension will be?

07-31-2013, 12:11 PM
How long do think Cruz's suspension will be?

Report from Jim Bowden is that Cruz is "highly likely" to accept a suspension and will no appeal; that makes me think he'll get the exact same suspension as Braun. A-Rod's bitch ass will probably appeal for a season or two then like Fabbs said, he'll just retire.

07-31-2013, 01:31 PM
I think life

07-31-2013, 05:31 PM
I think A-Rod and his people are right to appeal. At his age and his steady decline the last few years, after this season and next season, he may just as well be finished anyway. If he has a chance to still play, he can't wait another 2 years. He's done either way. If he fights it, weren't the rumors were that the MLB would go after a lifetime ban? I think on appeal, he won't get a full lifetime. I'll say on appeal, he'd get something like 125 games.

07-31-2013, 05:45 PM
I think he gets a full season at minimum, even if he "wins" an appeal. Hard to know for certain, but seems like MLB has a hand. They can't bluff. ARod's side gets to see it. But it seems like it's a strong hand if they are talking "integrity of the game" clause and life-time ban.

07-31-2013, 06:33 PM
SI is reporting MLB will suspend ARod for life and 8 other players in coming days.

07-31-2013, 06:55 PM
I hope Rodriguez fights it with every last breath he has. And I hope he wins and then goes after MLB for damages & Selig personally for same. Let's vet this and see the rats run, Selig the biggest rodent. He cashed in and now wants to sweep it under the rug. Uh, uh.

Clipper Nation
07-31-2013, 08:09 PM
I hope Rodriguez fights it with every last breath he has. And I hope he wins and then goes after MLB for damages & Selig personally for same. Let's vet this and see the rats run, Selig the biggest rodent. He cashed in and now wants to sweep it under the rug. Uh, uh.

08-01-2013, 12:01 AM
Don't disagree, and I've argued such for Bonds, whose use was before use was illegal.

Rodriguez', for the most part, has occurred when use was banned.

As I said in another thread, I just assume every uses. Thank Selig for that.

01-11-2014, 06:17 PM
I think he gets a full season at minimum, even if he "wins" an appeal. Hard to know for certain, but seems like MLB has a hand. They can't bluff. ARod's side gets to see it. But it seems like it's a strong hand if they are talking "integrity of the game" clause and life-time ban.


They finally dropped the hammer on this douche.

He has been officially suspended for the entire 2014 season. Its too bad they reduced the original 211 games to 162 but that still does the trick.

Guy is done.

01-12-2014, 08:06 PM
:lol baseball

:lol MLB...what a shit league

01-12-2014, 08:18 PM
too bad the media won't focus their attention on the NBA

01-12-2014, 08:23 PM
Watching this 60 minutes interview I'm sorry but all they have on A-Rod is hearsay. If I had to bet I'd definitely bet he's taken PEDs, but it's just Bosch's words against his in terms of what these text messages/emails are referring to. No way this deserves a 162 game suspension.

Bosch is also dropping truthbombs every time he gets some sanctimonious question about :crythe integrity of the game:cry

Clipper Nation
01-12-2014, 09:26 PM
Watching this 60 minutes interview I'm sorry but all they have on A-Rod is hearsay. If I had to bet I'd definitely bet he's taken PEDs, but it's just Bosch's words against his in terms of what these text messages/emails are referring to. No way this deserves a 162 game suspension.

Bosch is also dropping truthbombs every time he gets some sanctimonious question about :crythe integrity of the game:cry
This, tbh.... this is just a bullshit witch hunt from Selig so he can pretend he's "done something" about the "steroid issue," tbh....

I say just let the players juice at this point and they can deal with the consequences of their own actions later, tbh... it's clear that the MLB's rules are a joke and aren't stopping anybody, and the steroid/HGH makers are always a step ahead....

01-12-2014, 09:59 PM
but it's just Bosch's words against his in terms of what these text messages/emails are referring to.

Come on now... it did everything but say "i'm taking PEDs and I'm going to take something to cover it up before the game" in the text messages.

01-12-2014, 10:45 PM
Come on now... it did everything but say "i'm taking PEDs and I'm going to take something to cover it up before the game" in the text messages.

Again, the text messages don't prove anything. If you're gonna suspend someone for a full season and put an asterisk next to his name, you should have indisputable proof. They don't even have a positive test.

01-12-2014, 11:24 PM
I wouldn't get my hopes up that he wont play this year . He will appeal and he will play till the trial
if MLB does not cave. He will sue MLB for probably $100 million and that will scare them into making
a deal for 50 or 60 games. A-Rod stands to loose $24 million this year if he can't play. I say MLB will cave!

01-12-2014, 11:36 PM
:lol MLB is such a joke. Can't believe this was the main sport I followed growing up. They had no problem profiting off the home run chases and rampant PED use (while turning a blind eye), now they're countering the blindlash by swinging wildly in the dark.

I still remember vividly in the summer of 1998 (because I went to a summer camp) a report about a sportswriter seeing PEDs in McGwire's locker. After a few days of 'controversy' that shit got buried quicker than a Muslim. Now the MLB (and the hypocritical sportswriters) want to act like they blind-sided, GMAFB.


01-12-2014, 11:53 PM
:lol baseball

:lol MLB...what a shit league

01-12-2014, 11:58 PM
Selig should be crucified as well. Maybe most guilty in it all.

But ARod is a lying doucher who doesn't deserve sympathy.

Rally around Conseco. Even if it's selfish, the clown has the most integrity of them all.

01-13-2014, 12:12 AM
Selig should be crucified as well. Maybe most guilty in it all.

But ARod is a lying doucher who doesn't deserve sympathy.

Rally around Conseco. Even if it's selfish, the clown has the most integrity of them all.

They all think Conseco was a rat for outing everyone. The TV ratings for MLB were going down and
they were happy with all the excitement of the home runs. When bench riding infielders started jacking
tape measures MLB new they had a problem.

01-13-2014, 12:54 AM
Conseco is a rat, and he's a mercenary for first juicing and making bank, then revealing the facts on juicing and making bank.

But he's the purest soul involved.

Selig is dirtier than any of them. But I'll not extend innocence to his condemned.

01-13-2014, 07:22 AM
I wouldn't get my hopes up that he wont play this year . He will appeal and he will play till the trial
if MLB does not cave. He will sue MLB for probably $100 million and that will scare them into making
a deal for 50 or 60 games. A-Rod stands to loose $24 million this year if he can't play. I say MLB will cave!

I hope he does. I'll become an A-Rod fan if he manages to crucify Selig.

baseline bum
01-13-2014, 09:12 AM
:lol MLB is such a joke. Can't believe this was the main sport I followed growing up. They had no problem profiting off the home run chases and rampant PED use (while turning a blind eye), now they're countering the blindlash by swinging wildly in the dark.

I still remember vividly in the summer of 1998 (because I went to a summer camp) a report about a sportswriter seeing PEDs in McGwire's locker. After a few days of 'controversy' that shit got buried quicker than a Muslim. Now the MLB (and the hypocritical sportswriters) want to act like they blind-sided, GMAFB.


This. Same assholes sucking McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Clemens off for years when their steroid use was obvious now acting cunty and not voting them into the Hall. smh

Sheriff Hoyt
01-13-2014, 09:24 AM
This. Same assholes sucking McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Clemens off for years when their steroid use was obvious now acting cunty and not voting them into the Hall. smh
Yup. Cheating has been around well before that era, even when Babe Ruth injected himself with sheep testicles to get more power at the plate.

01-13-2014, 02:03 PM
Again, the text messages don't prove anything. If you're gonna suspend someone for a full season and put an asterisk next to his name, you should have indisputable proof. They don't even have a positive test.

He admitted he took steroids with the Rangers and there was never a positive test then. The text messages talk about the gummies he was taking to beat the tests.

01-13-2014, 02:10 PM
This. Same assholes sucking McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Clemens off for years when their steroid use was obvious now acting cunty and not voting them into the Hall. smh

Your avatar and sig scare me.

01-14-2014, 12:12 AM
Would you as a juror at A- Rod trial believe anything that Tony Bosch says. What evidence
does he have on A-Rod? The guy comes across an a real reliable business man right? A real stand up guy!
Remember MLB thought they had Roger, needles and all but he walked. Do you think they have
A-Rod down to rights on this. Don't get me wrong , I think that A-Rod is dirty but to prove it in court
is a lot different that just talking about it. MLB is good at talking...........