View Full Version : Do You Chat with Your Coworkers?

Huey Freeman
11-13-2013, 05:11 AM
When you have nothing in common with them? I work in an office with 4 women (2 old, 1 deaf and one fat) and 3 dudes (1 douche, 1 extreme nerd and an African guy). I really try to be as friendly as I can. When one of the them interacts with me with small talk I engage in the discussion in a friendly manner, but there has yet to be an instant where I initiated small talk (which I feel may be an issue). Majority of the time I keep to myself and do my job. I mean, I literally have nothing in common with these people. 2 of them seem to like sports (the douche and the deaf woman), but I hate talking to casual fans about football or basketball tbh. They all go out for beers every other Friday and has invited me along numerous times, but I have declined every time. Making the excuse that I don't drink:lol. Their bar scene is not my scene. I go to clubs/bars to find pussy with friends not to chat about my life. I'm starting to sense resentment from some of them especially the fat chick. I mean, I have friends and go out every other weekend. I feel I don't need to be "good friends" with these people to do my job.

Am I wrong tbh?

11-13-2013, 06:17 AM
I chat to bang my female coworkers. Wgaf if we have anything in common.

Huey Freeman
11-13-2013, 06:45 AM
^ no coworkers bangable tbh. There are some gorgeous woman in the building I work. I make sure to talk to them when I get a chance, but they aren't my issue. It's the people I work with that is concerning me.

11-13-2013, 07:14 AM
I don't think you are obligated to purposely engage your co-workers. As long as you are being generally pleasant in order to get along well enough to get your jobs done that is all that is needed.

Many of my co-workers hang out outside of work but I have maybe one or two that I have enough in common with to do that. I get along well with all of them, but I stay outside of their circles because we have core group of shit stirrers that live only to create drama. I'll joke and cut up with them and maybe show a few kid pictures and shit like that, but that's about as far as it goes.

11-13-2013, 09:36 AM
When you have nothing in common with them? I work in an office with 4 women (2 old, 1 deaf and one fat) and 3 dudes (1 douche, 1 extreme nerd and an African guy). I really try to be as friendly as I can. When one of the them interacts with me with small talk I engage in the discussion in a friendly manner, but there has yet to be an instant where I initiated small talk (which I feel may be an issue). Majority of the time I keep to myself and do my job. I mean, I literally have nothing in common with these people. 2 of them seem to like sports (the douche and the deaf woman), but I hate talking to casual fans about football or basketball tbh. They all go out for beers every other Friday and has invited me along numerous times, but I have declined every time. Making the excuse that I don't drink:lol. Their bar scene is not my scene. I go to clubs/bars to find pussy with friends not to chat about my life. I'm starting to sense resentment from some of them especially the fat chick. I mean, I have friends and go out every other weekend. I feel I don't need to be "good friends" with these people to do my job.

Am I wrong tbh?

Well aren't you just a bundle of laughs to work with? :lol I have one coworker who constantly likes to piss and moan about shit he can't control. That's when I put my ear buds in. I'm not a big fan of congregating in or around my office. I try to keep our talks business related, but every once in a while it's ok to chat about stupid shit.

11-13-2013, 09:52 AM
Work is work.. You don't have to go out with them at all. I hate my coworkers. They're stupid and want to eat all the damn time. Seems like they're asking me to bring something for the "annual" potluck every week. Then again, if you go out with them, they might surprise you and be some cool people.

11-13-2013, 10:02 AM
I don't talk to the Haitian ones. Don't even look at them, tbh.

11-13-2013, 10:06 AM
Work is work.. You don't have to go out with them at all. I hate my coworkers. They're stupid and want to eat all the damn time. Seems like they're asking me to bring something for the "annual" potluck every week. Then again, if you go out with them, they might surprise you and be some cool people.

:lol The dreaded Pot Luck. That happens in my office a lot as well, and I usually offer to bring the plates/plastic ware just so I contribute in some way.

I get along good with everyone in my office, but I'd rather eat alone than sit and have mundane conversations with random people each week in the break/lunch room. I take a late lunches just so most have cleared the eating area, or I eat out downtown. :lol

11-13-2013, 10:29 AM
i go drink beer at lunch with my coworker females...but i'm getting a new job soon and i know they do the potluck shit and i'm gonna have to be on the straight and narrow for a while...it's a whole new group of people i have to train to put up with me coming in late, taking long lunches and generally goofing off all day. it will take some time.

11-13-2013, 10:31 AM
Sure why not? Don't need to hang out with them or anything, but I appreciate having some humor and interaction on the job.

11-13-2013, 10:40 AM
I can't stand most of my co workers, but I'm polite because I have to be. As far as they're concerned, I'm really good friends with them.

I did nail the only good looking girl at our office a few years back though. So that was good.

11-13-2013, 10:43 AM
:lol The dreaded Pot Luck. That happens in my office a lot as well, and I usually offer to bring the plates/plastic ware just so I contribute in some way.

I get along good with everyone in my office, but I'd rather eat alone than sit and have mundane conversations with random people each week in the break/lunch room. I take a late lunches just so most have cleared the eating area, or I eat out downtown. :lol

Same here.. I'll normally bring a couple of sodas or a cheap desert. It just gets out of hand when I receive suggestion lists in my inbox. Large cheesecake, homemade jalapeño poppers, BBQ, fried Oreos, anything that is expensive and/or time consuming. And the people who request that shit will bring a bag of chips or popcorn. And yeah when it's lunch or break time, leave me alone and don't ask me what I'm eating.

11-13-2013, 10:54 AM
I hang with my coworkers outside the office/studio every now and then. It's mostly a generational thing here, though. I'm one of the more "experienced" people.:lol We tend to all be like minded in a way. Just don't think you're better than they are. Go have a brew with them once in a while and then respectfully leave and go hunt your snatch. Sounds like the heavy chick has the hots for you, tbh........

11-13-2013, 10:57 AM
:lol The dreaded Pot Luck. That happens in my office a lot as well, and I usually offer to bring the plates/plastic ware just so I contribute in some way.

Or you guys bring chips and dips. Lame! :bang As usual, you make the women cook. :lol

I. Hustle
11-13-2013, 11:02 AM
:lol The dreaded Pot Luck. That happens in my office a lot as well, and I usually offer to bring the plates/plastic ware just so I contribute in some way.

I get along good with everyone in my office, but I'd rather eat alone than sit and have mundane conversations with random people each week in the break/lunch room. I take a late lunches just so most have cleared the eating area, or I eat out downtown. :lol

I do all the ordering so I order plates, utensils, etc on the company dime.

11-13-2013, 11:10 AM
You are not obligated to socialize with your coworkers outside of work.

11-13-2013, 11:18 AM
I have one coworker who constantly likes to piss and moan about sht he can't control.

I have never seen so many Negative Yak Yaks & Chronic Complainers like we have in the workforce right now…All of them Gen X & Y’s who are “In Recovery” “Trying to Get Strong” “Moving on from Hurtful Relationships”…They complain at work M thru F & then sit at Star Bucs on Saturday with their laptops pretending to have it together…Lets not forget the tattoos of fire breathing dragons and fierce MMA Fighters…I have nothing in common with these miserable losers…I fear that the Social Security System will collapse when the hard working, intelligent, greatest generation ever Baby Boomers all retire…

The Loner
11-13-2013, 11:24 AM
:lol The dreaded Pot Luck. That happens in my office a lot as well, and I usually offer to bring the plates/plastic ware just so I contribute in some way.

I get along good with everyone in my office, but I'd rather eat alone than sit and have mundane conversations with random people each week in the break/lunch room. I take a late lunches just so most have cleared the eating area, or I eat out downtown. :lol


11-13-2013, 01:16 PM
I've been lucky enough to get a great group of immediate coworkers - we go out for lunch every Monday and are very friendly(don'y hang out out of work much though).

11-13-2013, 01:23 PM
When you have nothing in common with them? I work in an office with 4 women (2 old, 1 deaf and one fat) and 3 dudes (1 douche, 1 extreme nerd and an African guy). I really try to be as friendly as I can. When one of the them interacts with me with small talk I engage in the discussion in a friendly manner, but there has yet to be an instant where I initiated small talk (which I feel may be an issue). Majority of the time I keep to myself and do my job. I mean, I literally have nothing in common with these people. 2 of them seem to like sports (the douche and the deaf woman), but I hate talking to casual fans about football or basketball tbh. They all go out for beers every other Friday and has invited me along numerous times, but I have declined every time. Making the excuse that I don't drink:lol. Their bar scene is not my scene. I go to clubs/bars to find pussy with friends not to chat about my life. I'm starting to sense resentment from some of them especially the fat chick. I mean, I have friends and go out every other weekend. I feel I don't need to be "good friends" with these people to do my job.

Am I wrong tbh?

It is generally and loosely called "office politics" and IMHO you are proceeding in the proper way.
But outside of the office, is your business.
I was taught to leave work, at work, when pursuing my private and personal life.
But be aware that their perception of you will probably be as an "outsider" and set you up for derision.
If you can deal with that, you're fine.

I. Hustle
11-13-2013, 01:45 PM
No one.

It's not like ST is anything like real life. It's just an outlet and people work that outlet in various way. Some people create completely fake lives(, but whatever), some people work the shock value angle, some people are attention whores and some just talk a lot of shit because that's what this place was made for and why it is essentially unmoderated. You can easily go a little(or a lot) overboard with what you say and there are no repercussions due to the anonymity. It's easy to get someone to take it seriously and that's what makes it fun. If you are getting mad enough to fight someone on the internet you probably need to spend a little more time interacting with people on a face to face level.

11-13-2013, 01:54 PM
I have never seen so many Negative Yak Yaks & Chronic Complainers like we have in the workforce right now…All of them Gen X & Y’s who are “In Recovery” “Trying to Get Strong” “Moving on from Hurtful Relationships”…They complain at work M thru F & then sit at Star Bucs on Saturday with their laptops pretending to have it together…Lets not forget the tattoos of fire breathing dragons and fierce MMA Fighters…I have nothing in common with these miserable losers…I fear that the Social Security System will collapse when the hard working, intelligent, greatest generation ever Baby Boomers all retire…

There won't be any Social Security for us. :(

11-13-2013, 03:01 PM
It is generally and loosely called "office politics" and IMHO you are proceeding in the proper way.
But outside of the office, is your business.
I was taught to leave work, at work, when pursuing my private and personal life.
But be aware that their perception of you will probably be as an "outsider" and set you up for derision.
If you can deal with that, you're fine.

I don't think he is proceeding in the correct way if he is starting to get resentment from them. As long as he does his job well and his boss likes him he's probably safe,

But when review time comes around and HR starts interviewing his office mates, if it comes out that he's not a "team player", then that might negatively affect him.

11-13-2013, 03:02 PM
I've been lucky enough to get a great group of immediate coworkers - we go out for lunch every Monday and are very friendly(don'y hang out out of work much though).

That's how I usually kept it when I was in the office. Been working from home the last 3 years now though.

11-13-2013, 03:10 PM
That's how I usually kept it when I was in the office. Been working from home the last 3 years now though.

Where do I sign up?:lol

11-13-2013, 07:11 PM
I used to work at a shitty job as you might know. There were several funny dudes but the workload was often too heavy to allow us any legit time for chats. Thank god (not my goddess cuz I wasn't yet a Scarlett fan at that time) I quit that shit and even though I'm not sure how much a graduate degree will deliver, at least I'm now doing something I really enjoy (writing) tbh.

11-13-2013, 07:25 PM
me and my co-workers are family, bruh

11-13-2013, 07:26 PM
The first couple of years at my current job, I went to work and worked all day, sometimes without saying a word to anyone. My work is meticulous and done alone for the most part. That is why I like it. If I was talking to someone, it was about work. Then, I started to notice that some people possibly viewed me as unfriendly so I tried to force myself to chit chat and stuff, but it actually made me less happy at my job. I was much happier in my solo state than having to listen to all the gossip and griping. I did not like it. The vast majority of these people are just looking to do something instead of their actual job. I recently have decided to embrace my introversion and be who I am. I am not unfriendly; I just like to work quietly and without drama. I also take a really late lunch so I can sit somewhere and read a book. I have never done anything with a co-worker after work, and I never intend to do so. I do help with group events that are held at work, such as when someone retires or the holiday luncheon we have. Fortunately my immediate boss is the only one who does my evaluations and all she cares about is my work. I repeatedly get told how no one can believe how much work I get done! Wonder why?

silverblk mystix
11-14-2013, 06:18 PM
Can't say I am surprised at the responses but wow - glad I don't have that situation in my life.

I freakin' love every minute of my work, love my co-workers and generally spend the day laughing and fuckin around - while I am getting shit done. I don't even take a break. Ever.
My co-workers literally have to be depended on to save my life, or I, theirs - so we become very close. Best men and women in the world. Professional, courteous, educated, real, and loads of fun. Seems unimaginable to spend your life in any other way - IMO.

Hell, even the people on the other side of the law - are fun to be around - when they aren't batshit crazy or trying to knock my head off. I joke around with them also - except that there is always that LINE -that you keep - the professional line - that allows me to joke with them - but not to cross a line and get into any legal liability.

Some people in my business ended up this way because when the shit hits the fan - humor is sometimes the only thing that would literally keep you from losing your mind or "snapping" - so maybe this humor is always part of our jobs and making it fun develops into a great place where people care for each other and watch each others backs.

On the other hand - whatever job I have ever done - or whatever hat I have worn in my life - there was always one constant = I was always fuckin' around and having a blast.

Could not imagine any other way. ymmv.

11-14-2013, 07:20 PM
Am I wrong tbh?

Yes you are wrong. Getting ahead in life has as much to do with who you know as what you know. Even if these aren't people who will ever be able to help your career you should start practicing your networking skills now. I keep in touch with a lot of former coworkers. These aren't friends that I want to hang out with every weekend. I just keep in touch by calling them once in a while or going to lunch with them occasionally and as a result I've been offered to good jobs in the past 2 years even though I'm not interested in a new job.

silverblk mystix
11-14-2013, 08:29 PM
Yes you are wrong. Getting ahead in life has as much to do with who you know as what you know. Even if these aren't people who will ever be able to help your career you should start practicing your networking skills now. I keep in touch with a lot of former coworkers. These aren't friends that I want to hang out with every weekend. I just keep in touch by calling them once in a while or going to lunch with them occasionally and as a result I've been offered to good jobs in the past 2 years even though I'm not interested in a new job.


You invested your time in networking with these people so they could help you get a job that you aren't interested in?

11-14-2013, 09:24 PM

You invested your time in networking with these people so they could help you get a job that you aren't interested in?

You have serious reading comprehension issues.

Huey Freeman
11-15-2013, 01:12 AM
Yes you are wrong. Getting ahead in life has as much to do with who you know as what you know. Even if these aren't people who will ever be able to help your career you should start practicing your networking skills now. I keep in touch with a lot of former coworkers. These aren't friends that I want to hang out with every weekend. I just keep in touch by calling them once in a while or going to lunch with them occasionally and as a result I've been offered to good jobs in the past 2 years even though I'm not interested in a new job.

Excellent point tbh

11-15-2013, 02:13 AM
90 percent of the time I'm a grumpy prick at work. What annoys me is people that pretend that they want to be chatty and buddy buddy and then when I bite and participate in chit chat, they give me an attitude. They give me an attitude of "fuck you, I was just being nice and I don't really want to talk to chit chat with you".

11-15-2013, 02:31 AM
90 percent of the time I'm a grumpy prick at work. What annoys me is people that pretend that they want to be chatty and buddy buddy and then when I bite and participate in chit chat, they give me an attitude. They give me an attitude of "fuck you, I was just being nice and I don't really want to talk to chit chat with you".

Jacob on a scale of 1 to 10 how close are you to going on a shooting spree?

The Reckoning
11-15-2013, 04:25 AM
"Eighty percent of success is showing up." - Woody Allen

probably the most important quote to ever know. it's so damn true.

11-15-2013, 12:46 PM
90 percent of the time I'm a grumpy prick at work. What annoys me is people that pretend that they want to be chatty and buddy buddy and then when I bite and participate in chit chat, they give me an attitude. They give me an attitude of "fuck you, I was just being nice and I don't really want to talk to chit chat with you".

Jacob, when your coworkers ask you "how are you", they don't want you to launch into a 5 minute update of how shitty your life currently is. Just say "doing good!" and move along.

11-15-2013, 12:49 PM
Jacob, when your coworkers ask you "how are you", they don't want you to launch into a 5 minute update of how shitty your life currently is. Just say "doing good!" and move along.

:tu :lol

bus driver
11-15-2013, 03:48 PM
i wish i the women in my office were better looking

11-16-2013, 01:23 AM
I just don't like it. I don't like the insincere fake approach when people try to be nice. If you are going to be fake nice, either be convincing enough to fool me or just be yourself.

11-16-2013, 01:45 AM
Yeah I do.

Use to chat a lot with a a few females co-worker during lunch or break. The guys were supreme losers always talking about weed so I stayed out of their way...I don't think it's a good idea though since it becomes a little bit awkward when one of you starts liking the other.